Why is my code clobbering the current line? - bash

I'm trying to build a csv of countries a list of ipv4 addresses come from.
I keep clobbering the IP in the output file;
cat ipv4list.txt | while read ip ;do
echo -n "$ip", >> outputfile
whois -r "$ip">temp.txt
cat temp.txt | grep -i country >> outputfile
cat ipv4list.txt
What I'd like is outputfile to read;,country: AU,country: US
but I'm getting outputfile as follows;
,country: AU
,country: US

The echo statement need the refer to he ip variable:
echo -n "$ip", >> outputfile
Also, the clobbering indicate they input file may use window new lines (\r\n). Check the output file with editor, or hexdump

Going a bit outside the box, here. Please be kind, guys.
#!/bin/sh -x
init() {
cp ipv4list ipv4stack
next() {
[[ -s ipv4stack ]] && main
main() {
ip=$(echo "1p" | ed -s ipv4stack.txt)
wic=$(whois -r "${ip}")
echo "${ip},${wic}" >> outputfile
ed -s ipv4stack.txt < pop.ed
Ed apparently isn't installed by default in most distributions these days either, sadly; so you may need to install it if you want to use this.


Displaying file contents issue using while loop

{ cat sample.txt; echo; } | while read -r -a A_Name; do
if [ ! -z "${A_Name[0]}" ]; then
echo " ${A_Name[0]%.isx} "
I am trying to display contents of a text file (which includes .isx files) using while loop but when i try to eliminate extension with %, it doesnt work.
.isx is appearing for first two values:
sample.txt file:
Please, assist. Thank you.
why so complicated?
cat sample.txt | while read line; do
echo "${line%.isx}"
or with sed
sed "s/\.isx//" sample.txt >output.txt
or with sed and inplace replacement
sed -i "s/\.isx//" sample.txt

Bash Script to Change PDF Titles

I need to change the title on many pdf files. Pdftk works great and I tried to create a bash script (pdftitle) to make it a single pass:
pdftk "$1" data_dump output "$1".data.txt;
sed 's/^InfoKey:\sTitle\nInfoValue:\s.*/InfoKey:\sTitle\nInfoValue:'"$newtitle/" "$1".data.txt > "$1".data.fixed.txt;
pdftk "$1" update_info *.data.fixed.txt output "$1".fixed;
mv "$1".fixed "$1";
rm -f ./*.txt
So on the cli I would enter
$> pdftitle mypdf.pdf "New Title"
The data.txt that pdftk creates has multiple lines, but only two relevant lines are the targets:
InfoKey: Author
InfoValue: Not Me
InfoKey: Title
InfoValue: Microsoft Word - Old Title.doc
InfoKey: Creator
InfoValue: PScript5.dll Version 5.2
Of which the subsequent line needs to be replaced:
InfoKey: Title
InfoValue: Relevant New Title
No error messages are produced but the title remains intact. So it seems that sed is having problems here, but I cannot figure out where or how.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Here's a refactoring using Awk which assumes pdftk can write to and read from stdin/stdout using - as the pseudo-filename argument.
pdftk "$filename" data_dump output - |
awk -v title="$*" '/^InfoKey: Title/ { t=1 }
t && /^InfoValue:/ { $0 = "InfoValue: " title; t=0 }1' |
pdftk "$filename" update_info - output "$filename".fixed &&
mv "$filaname".fixed "$filename"
The pattern to set a flag variable when you see a pattern and then acting on a subsequent line if that variable is set is a simple and very common Awk idiom.
There is no need for trailing semicolons or an explicit exit at the end.
#tripleee provided the solution to make the bash script work perfectly:
pdftk "$filename" data_dump output |
awk -v title="$#" '/^InfoKey: Title/ { t=1 }
t && /^InfoValue:/ { $0 = "InfoValue: " title; t=0 }1' > data.txt
pdftk "$filename" update_info data.txt output "$filename".fixed &&
mv "$filename".fixed "$filename"
rm ./data.txt

How do I add to a column instead of a row using Bash Script and csv?

# This file will gather who is information
while IFS=, read url
whois $url > output.txt
echo "$url," >> Registrants.csv
grep "Registrant Email:" output.txt >> Registrants.csv
done < $1
How do I get the grep output to go into a new column instead of a new row? I Want column 1 to have the echo, column 2 to have the grep, then go down to a new row.
You can disable the trailing newline on echo with the -n flag.
# This file will gather who is information
while IFS=, read url
whois $url > output.txt
echo -n "$url," >> Registrants.csv
grep "Registrant Email:" output.txt >> Registrants.csv
done < $1
Use printf, then you don't have to worry if the "echo" you are using accepts options.
printf "%s" "$url,"
printf is much more portable than "echo -n".

passing variable containing special chars to sed in bash

I need to remove subdomains from file:
.sub.domain.com -- this must be removed
.sub2.domain.com.uk -- this must be removed
so i have used sed :
sed '/\.domain.com$/d' file
sed '/\.domain.com.uk$/d' file
and this part was simple, but when i try to do it in the loop problems appears:
while read line
sed '/\$line$/d' filename > filename
done < filename
I suppose it is "." and $ problem , have tried escaping it in many ways but i am out of ideas now.
A solution inspired by NeronLeVelu's idea:
#set -x
domains=($(rev domains | sort))
for i in `seq 0 ${#domains[#]}` ;do
[ -z "$domain" ] && continue
for j in `seq $i ${#domains[#]}` ;do
[[ ${domains[$j]} =~ $domain.+ ]] && domains[$j]=
for i in `seq 0 ${#domains[#]}` ;do
[ -n "${domains[$i]}" ] && echo ${domains[$i]} | rev >> result.txt
For cat domains:
You get cat result.txt:
sed -n 's/.*/²&³/;H
$ {x;s/$/\
: again
t again
}' YourFile
Load the file in working buffer then remove (iterative) any line that end with an earlier one, finally priont the result. Use of temporary edge delimiter easier to manage than \n in pattern
--posix -e for GNU sed (tested from AIX)
Your loop is a bit confusing because you're trying to use sed to delete patterns from a file but you take the patterns from the same file.
If you really want to remove subdomains from filename then I suppose you need more something like the following:
set -x
cp domains domains.tmp
while read domain
sed -r -e "/[[:alnum:]]+${domain//./\\.}$/d" domains.tmp > domains.tmp2
cp domains.tmp2 domains.tmp
done < dom.txt
Where cat domains is:
and cat dom.txt is:
Running the script on these inputs results in:
$ cat domains.tmp
Each iteration will remove subdomains of domain currently read from dom.txt, store it in a temporary file the contents of which is used in the next iteration for additional filtering.
It's good to try your scripts with set -x, you'll see some of the substitutions, etc.

iptables 4.12 IP not found: BASH function $line issue

While creating a simple script that grabs a blacklist of ip addresses and blocks them, I came across this issue:
## Function giving greif
function _droplist (){
while read line; do
$IPT -A droplist -i eth1 -s $line -j LOG --log-prefix "IP BlockList "
$IPT -A droplist -i eth1 -s $line -j DROP
done < $badlist ##IPT is /sbin/iptables
Through several iterations of this function I get the error:
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
' not found.4.12: host/network `SO.ME.IPH.ERE
Running the same script with hard coded in IP's works fine, its either something to do with $line or m implementation of iptables.
cheers -- Baffled.
What does $badlist contain? A file name or a list of IPs?
if it's a filename it should work as you did it, but if it's a list of ip you have to change how you read them.
Assuming it's a new-line-delimited list of IPs like:
$ badlist="\n2.2.2.2\n3.3.3.3"
$ echo -e "$badlist"
then you have to modify the loop as follows:
$ echo -e "$badlist"|while read line; do
# do stuff with $line
This was an early dive into bash scripting for me the code was also placed remotely on a friends box, the last rough iteration I own of it is on my pastebin:
# ..
# ..
# ..
## Variables
stamp=$(date "+%d/%m/%Y %T")
seed="$RANDOM-$RANDOM-IPTABLES-$(date "+%d-%m-%Y")-TEMPORY" ## proverbial sandpit
log=/root/.IPTables.log; touch $log ## Always a logfile
dmp=/tmp/IPT_DUMP$seed.temp ## Intermediate
list=/tmp/IPT_LIST$seed.txt ## F**ing '\r\r\n' regex'rs
## Link(s)
## Log File
function _tolog (){
echo -e "$stamp - $#\r" >> $log
## Leadin'
_tolog " "
_tolog "-----Running rottweiler : A simple IP deny auto script "
sh -c "iptables --flush"; _tolog "--OK Tables have been flushed"; sleep 1
## Grab-blacklist(s) # Fortran array HO!
function _populate (){
wget $link -O $dmp | egrep '[[:digit:]]{1,3}\.[[:digit:]]{1,3}\.[[:digit:]]{1,3}\.[[:digit:]]{1,3}' | xargs; _tolog "--OK blacklist stored from honeypot"
tr -d '\r' < $dmp > $list # See above rage comment
while read line; do
done < $list
_tolog "--OK IP array created!"
_tolog $(echo -e "---- Array size: ${#arrayIp[*]}")
for item in ${arrayIp[*]}
sh -c "/sbin/iptables -I INPUT -s $item -j DROP" # This drops the current blacklist
done; _tolog "--OK Commands passed to iptables DB" # Use: /sbin/iptables -L -v -n to get list back quickly ( no resolving crap )
/sbin/iptables-save > /root/iptables.backup; _tolog "--OK Table database saved to flatfile"
_tolog "-----Terminating script: Tables logged in ~/iptables.backup"
Had similar issues resulting from Windows line endings (\r\n). Converting to unix endings (\n) solved my problem.
Cheers, /phfff
