Test endpoints compliance against openapi contract in Spring Boot Rest - spring-boot

I am looking for a nice way to write tests to make sure that enpoints in Spring Boot Rest (ver. 2.1.9) application follows the contract in openapi contract.
In the project I moved recently there is following workflow: architects write contract openapi.yml and developers have to implement endpoint to compliance the contract. Unfortunately a lot of differences happen and this test have to catch such situation and it is not possible to change this :(
I was thinking about the solution to generate openapi.yml from current ednpoints and compares it somehow but wonder if there is some out of the box solution.

I was thinking about the solution to generate openapi.yml from current ednpoints and compares it somehow but wonder if there is some out of the box solution.
In a general case, even the generated spec may not match the actual app behavior because some things can't be expressed with Open API. However, it still could be helpful as a starting point.
Open API provides a way to specify examples, that could be used to verify the contract. But the actual schemas might be a better source of expectations.
I want to note two tools that can generate and execute test cases based only on the input Open API spec:
Schemathesis uses both examples and schemas and doesn't require configuration by default. It utilizes property-based testing and verifies properties defined in the tested schema - response codes, schemas, and headers. It supports Open API 2 & 3.
Dredd focuses more on examples and provides several automatic expectations. It supports only Open API 2, and the third version is experimental.
Both provide a CLI and could be extended with various hooks to fit the desired workflow.
I'd suggest passing the contracts (as a spec you mentioned) to Schemathesis and it will verify if all schemas and examples are handled correctly by your app.


Convert Resuable ErrorHandling flow in to connector/component in Mule4

I'm Using Mule 4.2.2 Runtime. We use the errorHandling generated by APIKIT and we customized it according to customer requirement's, which is quite standard across all the upcoming api's.
Thinking to convert this as a connector so that it will appear as component/connector in palette to reuse across all the api's instead copy paste everytime.
Like RestConnect for API specification which will automatically convert in to connector as soon as published in Exchange ( https://help.mulesoft.com/s/article/How-to-generate-a-connector-for-a-REST-API-for-Mule-3-x-and-4-x).
Do we have any option like above publishing mule common flow which will convert to component/connector?
If not, which one is the best way suits in my scenario
1) using SDK
https://dzone.com/articles/mulesoft-custom-connector-using-mule-sdk-for-mule (or)
2) creating jar as mentioned in this page
Please suggest which one is best and easy way in this case? Thanks in advance.
Using the Mule SDK (1) is useful to create a connector or module in Java. Your questions wasn't fully clear about what do want to encapsulate in a connector. I understand that you want is to share parts of a flow as a connector in the palette, which is different. The XML SDK seems to be more inline with that. You will need to make some changes to encapsulate the flow elements, as described in the documentation. That's actually very similar to how REST connect works.
The method described in (2) is for importing XML flows from a JAR file, but the method described by that link is actually incorrect for Mule 4. The right way to implement sharing flows through a library is the one described at https://help.mulesoft.com/s/article/How-to-add-a-call-to-an-external-flow-in-Mule-4. Note that this method doesn't create a connector that can be used from Anypoint Studio palette.
From personal experience - use common flow, put it to repository and include it as dependency to pom file. Even better solution - include is as flow to the Domain app and use it alone with your shared https connector.
I wrote a lot of Java based custom components. I liked them a lot and was proud of them. But transition from Mule3 to Mule4 killed most of them. Even in Mule4 Mulesoft makes changes periodically which make components incompatible with runtime.

pentest-verify checklist after cheked

After pentesting and checking the check-list, how can I reassure my client that these checks are done and vulnerabilities patched? (of course for something like sqli, showing is obvious)
But I mean somewhere to verify or something like this?
For test checks that are done you can provide different reports generated by tools or manual testing (depending on vulnerability type) for those specific checks.
While for patched vulnerabilities, you will need to re-test the platform again and provide the changed reports either generated from tools or manual testing that will show different output by indicating the vulnerability is no longer present.
For further re-assurance you can also add the vulnerability exploitation reproducing steps on the report. So if the client wants to test it themselves they can do it (and get assured that it was fixed).
You need to describe all methodologies used like OSSTMM, OWASP, NIST. Is very important too talk about the perimeter tested (web like forms, api, frameworks, network protocols,etc).
However, you can create a topic every step tested using Top10Owasp:
Broken Authentication
Sensitive data exposure
XML External Entities (XXE)
Broken Access control
Security misconfigurations
Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
Insecure Deserialization
Using Components with known vulnerabilities
Insufficient logging and monitoring
This way you ensure that your test was compliance.

How do you protect your API key in your tests when you publish a gem with tests?

I am using rspec in my test and i would like to protect my API key it when i publish my gem on github.
What are the best practices to do that? should i use VCR and then remove my key from the git log?
Broadly speaking, here are three approaches I have used in the past in similar situations. Which you choose will depend on the details your particular situation.
Test user supplies API key
If your test suite requires, or at least prefers, actual API calls with an actual API key, you can have the caller of the tests supply the credentials when running the tests.
Two most common ways of doing this are:
File in project with well-known name which is not checked into version control. Include an example with fake credentials, which is checked into version control, along with instructions for users to supply their real credentials into the real file before calling test suite.
Read from environment variables. Include instructions for users to set appropriate environment variables before calling test suite.
Mock out the API
This can be the VCR approach you described. This could also be patching the API call to return some fake results.
Test your domain-specific code separate from the API interaction
Assume the API and the API client behave how you expect. Then, factor out the parts of your code which construct the API input and process the API output. Test properties of your input generated. Test behavior of output processor with known or fake output.
Finally, a warning:
If you have ever committed your API key to version control, it will visible in the history. If you have ever pushed to a public hosting service, it will have been exposed to the Internet, most notably, it will have been exposed to specialized bots which scrape newly-pushed commits for sensitive credentials. If this is you, change your credentials now!
I can't find the original blog post at the moment, but there was at least one report of someone accidentally pushing their AWS credentials to GitHub. They subsequently woke up to a several thousand dollar bill.

How to consume WSDL that defines overloaded functions, using Groovy or Ruby?

It is common for WSDL generated by Java to contain multiple function definitions with the same function name, differing only by argument type or number.
This poses problems when attempting to consume the WSDL from other languages (particularly languages which don't handle overloading well or at all). For example:
Groovy's WSClient fails outright during initialisation:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: An operation with name
already exists in this service
Ruby's wsdlDriver doesn't fail immediately, but only one version of the overloaded function definitions is invokable (the others seem to be unusable).
Assuming I'm unable to modify the service, Is there a good way to handle this? Perhaps an option on these SOAP client libraries, different libraries, or a well-established transform of the WSDL?
Genesis/Restatement of the problem:
The issue is the generation of consumer side proxies for communicating with a Web Service over SOAP, where the WSDL is not using WS-I Basic profile - specifically by exposing operations of the same name under the same PortType.
Addressing the specifically mentioned client generators:
Groovy's WSClient explicitly states for the module overview:
"If you need to quickly consume and/or publish WS-I compliant web services, GroovyWS can help you."
The Ruby language allows for classes to have methods of the same name, but the last one defined is the only one that the runtime will ever execute.
Create an Intermediary:
Using a language that (easily) supports the creation of client proxies for overloaded PortType Operations, create a new web service which exposes the services in a WS-I Basic Profile compataible manner, and proxies the requests back up to the original service. This is a manifestation of the Adapter pattern.
Pros: This adapter will serve any consumer capable of generating proxies for WS-I Basic Profile compliant WSDLs. Also, if the Provider service changes you may be able to change the intermediary service without changing the service interfaces it provides to your consuming programs.
Cons: You will need to set up your own server for the web services.
Change the Generated Code:
This is a great solution for the Ruby wsdlDriver issue, since the proxy generator successfully generates a proxy method per operation. All you need to do is change the method names in the Ruby class to be unique.
Pros: Very easy.
Cons: Only applies to a subset of client generators, such as Ruby's wsdlDriver. Also, the proxies will have to be edited every time they are regenerated.
Give the client generators an altered WSDL:
Download the WSDL and manually change it to expose only the definition of the operation that you want, or rename the operations so they have unique names (change MyOp, MyOp, MyOp -> MyOp1, MyOp2, MyOp3). You will almost certainly need to alter the generated code.
Pros: Simplicity.
Cons: If you have a large or ever changing number of WSDL documents to process, this can be time consuming. Also, the proxies will have to be edited every time they are regenerated.

Should I build a REST backend for GWT application

I am planning a new application and have been experimenting with GWT as a possible frontend. The design question I am facing is this.
Should I use
Option A: GWT-RPC and build the app quickly
Option B: Build a REST backend using Spring MVC 3.0 with all the great #Controller, #Service, #Repository annotations and build a client side library to talk to the backend using the GWT overlay features and the GWT Request builder?
I am interested in all the pros and cons and people experiences with this type of design?
Ask yourself the question: "Will I need to reuse the server-side interface with a non-GWT front-end?"
If the answer is "no, I'll just have a GWT client": You can use GWT-RPC, and take advantage of the fact that you can use your Java objects both on the server and the client-side. This can also make the communication a bit more efficient, at least when used with <inherits name="com.google.gwt.user.RemoteServiceObfuscateTypeNames" />, which shortens the type names to small numeric values. You'll also get the advantage of better error handling (using Exceptions), type safety, etc.
If the answer is "yes, I'll make my service accessible for multiple kinds of front-ends": You can use REST with JSON (or XML), which can also be understood by non-GWT clients. In addition to switching clients, this would also allow you to switch to a different server implementation (maybe non-Java) in the future more easily. The disadvantage is, that you'll probably have to write wrappers (JavaScript Overlay Types) or transformation code on the GWT client side to build nice Java objects from the JSON objects. You'll have to be especially careful when you deploy a new version of the service, which brings us back to the lack of type safety.
The third option of course would be to build both. I'd choose this option, if the public REST interface should be different from the GWT-RPC interface anyway - maybe providing just a subset of easy to use services.
You can do both if use also use the RestyGWT project. It will make calling REST based JSON resources as easy as using GWT-RPC. Plus you can typically reuse the same request response DTOs from the server side on the client side.
We ran into the same issue when we created the Spiffy UI Framework. We chose REST and I would never go back. I'd even say GWT-RPC is a GWT Anti-pattern.
REST is a good idea even if you never intend to expose your REST endpoints. Creating a REST API will make your UI faster, your API better, and your entire application more maintainable.
I would say build a REST backend. In my last project we started by developing using GWT-RPC for the first few months, we wanted fast bootstrapping. Later on, when we needed the REST API, it was so expensive to do the refactoring we ended up with two backend APIs (REST and RPC)
If you build a proper REST backend, and a deserialization infra on the client side (to transform the json\xml to GWT Java objects) then the benefit of the RPC is almost nothing.
Another sometimes forgotten advantage of the REST approach is that it's more natural to the browser running the client, RPC is a propitiatory protocol, where all the requests are using POST. You can benefit from client side caching when reading resources in the standard way.
Answering ams comments:
Regarding the RPC protocol, last time I "sniffed" it using firebug it didn't look like json, so I don't know about that. Though, even if it is json based, it still uses only the HTTP POST method to communicate with the server, so my point here about caching is still valid, the browser won't cache POST requests.
Regarding the retrospective and what could have done better, writing the RPC service in a resource oriented architecture could lead later to easier porting to REST. remember that in REST one usually exposes resources with the basic CRUD operations, if you focus on that approach when writing the RPC service then you should be fine.
The REST architectural style promotes inspectable messages (which aids debugging and security), API evolution, multiple platforms, simple interfaces, failure recovery, high scalability, and (optionally) extensible systems via code on demand. It trades per-interaction performance for overall network efficiency. It reduces the server's control over consistent application behavior.
The "RPC style" (as we speak of it in opposition to REST) promotes platform uniformity, interface variability, code generation (and thereby the ability to pretend the network doesn't exist, but see the Fallacies), and customized interactions. It trades overall network efficiency for high per-interaction performance. It increases the server's control over consistent application behavior.
If your application desires the former qualities, use the REST style. If it desires the latter, use the RPC style.
If you're planning on using using Hibernate/JPA on the server-side and sending the resulting POJO's with relational data in them to the client (ie. an Employee object with a collection of Phones), definitely go with the REST implementation.
I started my GWT project a month ago using GWT RPC. All was well until I tried to serialize an object from the underlying db with a One-To-Many relationship in it. And got the dreaded:
com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.SerializationException: Type 'org.hibernate.collection.PersistentList' was not included in the set of types which can be serialized by this SerializationPolicy
If you encounter this and want to stay with GWT RPC you will have to use something like:
GWT Request Factory (www.gwtproject.org/doc/latest/DevGuideRequestFactory.html) - which forces you to write 3+ classes/interfaces per POJO you want to share with the client. OUCH!
Gilead (sourceforge.net/projects/gilead/) - which appears to a dead project.
I'm now using RestyGWT. The switch was fairly painless and my POJO's serialize without issue.
I would say that this depends on the scope of your total application. If your backend should be used by other clients, needs to be extendable etc. then create a separate module using REST. If the backend is to be used by only this client, then go for the GWT-RPC solution.
