I need to generate a CSV file in a specific format, but I have no idea what format this is. This is some kind of barcode string, but that's all I know.
(This row has 112 WNwns, removing the < and >)
Anyone know anything about this weird format? Google doesn't know anything either...
I am trying to printing TID FROM ZPL COMMANDS
getting JJL179464
can anyone please tell me
what is this character
To partially answer your question:
Are you reading an ASCII encoded data? Because your result: "JJL179464" does not look like a valid RFID tag data, unless it is in ASCII. Data encoded in RFID tags are encoded in binary. Depending on reader settings, the data can be outputed in binary, hexadecimal or ASCII format. Judging by the first three symbols "JJL", your reader is set to output ASCII data, or there is an error in your code.
Try to answer us the following questions:
What are you trying to achieve?
Provide us your code. (whole, structured)
What device are you using to read the RFID tag?
Provide us the settings of your reading device. (unless they are a part of the code)
Do you know the data content of the RFID tag you are trying to read? That means, can you validate that the reading was successful?
Thank you for your code:
It seems that there could be several issues in your code.
Firstly, your ^HV command is incomplete. It is missing 3 parameters. The first one (third parameter) sets the data prefix. Next one data termination. And the last one specifies when to return data. You should include all of them in the ^HV command.
There is already a good example how the ^HV command needs to be set:
^RFR,^FN1,^HV1 not sending output to computer
The second issue, at least I think that it is an issue but I don't have the means to verify it, is that you are using ^FH_ command. There are no hexadecimal values for encoding special characters in your code, so there is no point in using it. So I would try to omit it.
Also, I am not sure about the order of commands. The ^FN1 command should be after ^RFR and before ^FS commands.
Try this code:
That should give you output in format:
It is a little bit hard to read, but if it will work, then you might proceed to format it nicely.
The words HEADER and TERMINATION serve as prefix and postfix of data from ^RFR command. So if this will work you can replace them with brackets or whatever suits your needs.
I am also concerned about 2 things:
The number of bytes to read - 12. Usually it is 8, but it varies depending on the type of RFID tag and the data format. I don't say that it is a mistake, just unsual to me.
The last parameter in ^HV1 command may be "F" instead of "L". The "F" is default value and it seems that in your case it was working with it. At least you got some output, so maybe it should be "F". But try it with "L" to get a response for each label. "F" means getting a response after the entire job is done.
I hope this will work. Currently we are in lockdown and I don't have the means to verify this on real devices. But theoreticaly it should help.
Please let me know the results.
I am scanning from a barcode reader but it shows every thing like this the string like this when it scans
But when I use their software the output will be like this which is the actual value which I need it
Bottom is the barcode image which I scans, Can anyone tell me what kind of the barcode type is this or any other way to decrypt the above mentioned codes into the actual value it would be great help
Looks like its a Code 39 barcode, look if there's some library or something to decode it.
Source: https://barcode-labels.com/getting-started/barcodes/types/
For my project I'm experimenting with disguising the content of a file and thought a good way to do this would be to change the document signature (magic numbers). I think in order to do this I need to change the starting x bytes of the hex but am not sure if this is possible? I've tried looking at the file I want to change in various hex viewers such as autopsy but it strips back all the metadata and only shows the content of that file and the corresponding hex. My question is it possible to change the signature and if so what is the best way to go about it? Any program recommendations?
I know this might be rather a simple issue to ask for and we can also set the barcode format to be scanned by Zxing, like this:
(1)intent.putExtra("SCAN_MODE", "QR_CODE_MODE"); //or any other format
if we do this:
(2)intent.putExtra("SCAN_MODE", "SCAN_MODE"); //for all modes`
While doing the #2 mentioned right above this line, the scanner sometimes seems to scan part of the barcode and picks up wrong information. For example if I try to simply scan a UPC barcode, 98% of the times it works beautifully, but sometimes it just returns me a wrong barcode. I think I know whats happening here, I have an idea up in my head, but what is the exact technical explanation for this? (Anyone familiar with barcodes can help) Thanks in advance guys.
SCAN_MODE is not a valid value. It is ignored and you are scanning for all formats.
It is not reading the wrong information from a barcode; it is finding a 'phantom' barcode among all those white and black lines, of another format. The usual culprit is UPC-E, which is the easiest to accidentally see.
This is why it is far better to restrict the scan to the format you are interested in with a correct value of SCAN_MODE.
We have a requirement to FTP the batch report to a excel sheet in .csv format. The batch report contains both single byte and double byte characters, for example, English and Chinese. The data in mainframe is in Base64 format and when this is FTP’ed in either Binary or ASCII mode, the resulting .csv spreadsheet shows only junk characters. We need a method to FTP the batch report file, so that the FTP’ed report is in readable format.
Request your help in resolving this issue.
I'm not familiar with Chinese character sets but I would think if you're not restricted to CSV, you might try to format an XML document for excel whereby you can specify the fonts as part of the spreadsheet definition.
Assuming that isn't an option I would think the Base64 format might need to be translated to ASCII (from EBCDIC) before transmission and then delivered in BINARY. Otherwise you risk having the data translated to something you didn't expect.
Another way to see what is really happening is send the data as ASCII and retrieve the data as BINARY and then compare the before and after results to see what characters were changed enroute during transmission. I recall having to do something similar to this once to resolve different code sets in Europe vs. U.S.
I'm not sure any of these suggestions would represent a "solution" to your problem, but these would be ideas that I would explore. I would be interested in hearing how you resolve this.