What does Mocking a repository mean in mockito? - spring-boot

I am mocking a repository with the annotation #mock and then saving some data to the repository in the test class. Is the data really getting stored in the repository?
In another class when the same data is fetched it is showing not found. How will I test my class if the data is not stored in the repository?

Most likely, when you use the #Mock annotation correctly in your test code, your mocking framework will come and instantiate something for you under that name:
WhatEver someWhatEver;
In other words: when the above "executes", someWhatEver will reference some object that conforms to the "API" that the WhatEver class provides.
Meaning: you can call all methods that exist on that class. And nothing will happen. Because someWhatEver isn't a instance of your real production class. It is something that looks like it.
Thus, the real answer is: you step back, and you research the whole topic. There is no point in doing "unit testing" using some mocking framework without "understanding" what you are doing. The tutorial by vogella is a good starting point.

Mocking is a way to encapsulate your unit tests. If you want to test a service method you are not interested if the repository is working. For this you will write repository tests. Therefore you mock the repository call and tell which result should be returned to test your method in all possible situation. The mock itself is a proxy, therefore there the data which are you saved are not really safed in your database. This has the advantage that you havenĀ“t to start your whole context and the tests are much faster.

When we want to do a Service Unit Test in SpringBoot Application We have not gone use Real DataBase just we need to Mock DataBases.
Similarly When u want to do Unit Test any External Serivce in Your class Just U can Mock that External Service call.
A Mockito mock allows us to stub a method call. That means we can stub a method to return a specific object. For example, we can mock a Spring Data JPA repository in a service class to stub a getBooks() method of the repository to return a Book object.


DataSource per test with Cucumber and SpringBoot

I have a cucumber test setup with spring boot. There are a large number of integration tests which take a while to run. Because they share a database, the new threaded mode in cucumber 4+ does not work (as expected).
Ideally this would work in Junit also.
For each test, I would like to create a dynamic datasource with a new database/datasource instance that the test can use independently of others, allowing it to run multithreaded (and use the 12 cores I have available).
I have tried #Scope("cucumber-glue") and #Scope("prototype") on the DataSource bean, but this results in org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCurrentlyInCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'dataSource': Requested bean is currently in creation: Is there an unresolvable circular reference?.
If I use the prototype scope, the bean creation method gets called each time, but gives this error, as does the glue scope.
I have also added #DirtiesContext(classMode = DirtiesContext.ClassMode.BEFORE_EACH_TEST_METHOD) to classes and methods, without the scope, but this seems to do nothing.
Is there a way I can either:
1. create a new datasource for each test and have hibernate create the tables?
2. pool a set of datasources that could be used by tests?
3. Populate/reinitialize the context accordingly?
A side consequence of this is that I don't believe my context is getting recreated properly between tests for other instances of the scoping.
public class H2DynamicDataSource {
private Environment env;
public DataSource dataSource() {
return new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()
Hopefully you've solved this.
I just went through something similar and felt like cruising around SlackOverflow to see if anyone was doing something similar (or perhaps asking about how to do something like this) and saw this post. Figured this would be a good place to drop this information in case anyone else tries to go down this road.
I think your asking two questions:
How to get multithreading working with Cucumber and Junit Cucumber?
multithreading works great but you are constrained to a single lane
of test execution by junit if your using either the Cucumber or
SpringJUnit4ClassRunner runner junit runner classes. (I suspect this is why #CucumberOptions doesnt contain a thread arg. It's useless with the current Cucumber runner implementation.)
In order to get this working I had to write my own test runner that
would defer a the entire test execution to Cucumbers Runtime
object. I used a custom cucumber plugin to cache the results and
then relay those results back to junit when asked to 'run' the
individual tests. With Cucumber behind the wheel I was able to allow
any arbitrary number of threads for my tests.
How to ensure a new spring datasource for each test?
If you're unfamiliar with how Spring cache's contexts for tests you should have a look through the documentation here https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/testing.html#testcontext-ctx-management-caching but the tl;dr: Spring's TestContextManager(this is whats under the hood of Springs junit runner) will create and store a spring context in a map keyed by your test configuration. DirtiesContext will force the context to reload.. but otherwise two tests with the same parent class are effectively guaranteed to execute in the same test context. If your datasource is a spring datasource that is initialized during boot.. you definitely need to refresh this context between tests.
Putting those two concepts together.. Cucumber-Spring provides a way to create a new context (consistent with cucumbers new 'world' per test design) for every test but it does so by disregarding any existing spring contexts or data contained therein. This may actually be helpful to you if you can trust Cucumber-Spring to correctly stand up your datasource for you.. but in my situation we had a bunch of issues using this fake context and really needed to pull objects from the default spring context. In my case I had to incorporate Springs TestContextManager into my custom plugin AND write my own Cucumber BackendSupplierimplementation to hijack Cucumbers dependency injection mechanism (effectively replacing Cucumber-Spring)
All in all, what your trying to do is a major PITA and I hope the Cucumber folks make this easier at some point.. but what your trying to do is definitely possible. Hope you got it working!

Lazy loading works, but shouldn't

The context of this question is within spring-boot, using spring-data-jpa and hibernate.
A colleague wrote an #Service and annotated the service method with #Transactional. The service method loads an entity, and subsequently hits a one-to-many lazily loaded collection (fetch = FetchType.LAZY). The service method is invoked by some custom delegator, which i will come back to. This works fine when invoked from a #RestController endpoint.
When i invoked the service from a camel route (again via the custom delegator) it barfed with a lazy initialization exception.
On digging, found that the service implements an interface, the custom delegator looks up the service (it is injected so has proper proxy) and calls a method
on the interface which is actually a java-8 default method. This default-method then locally calls the #Transactional method.
So there's the problem :- this is a LOCAL method call so the aspecting/proxy-ing of the #Transactional annotation is not done (we use aspectJAutoProxy) so the method is NOT invoked within a transaction, so the lazy-loading SHOULD fail. And to double-check, also tried it via an #Scheduled annotation: same behaviour. Barfs like it should.
My Question: So why does it work when called from the #RestController? This is driving me nuts!
There is no transactional annotation on the rest controller endpoint.
I added some debug code to the service using TransactionSynchronizationManager.isActualTransactionActive() and it shows that in no case is there a transaction, even when being called via the controller endpoint.
So why does the lazy loading work when being called from the controller?
I dumped all SQL and at no points are the lazy-collection already loaded, so they are not in any hibernate cache.
I remember reading once that lazy loading was a hint, not a command, but still... why does it work in that one case?
after being perplexed by this on many occasions, have stumbled across the answer:
sprint-boot is doing an open-entity-manager-in-view behind our backs via the OpenEntityManagerInView interceptor. Had no idea this was going on.
See this excellent answer from Vlad Mihalcea https://stackoverflow.com/a/48222934/208687
When your method annotate to transactional hibernate session close after return method , if object that return from method have lazy , lazy property not load and you get exception that session close. You can use fetch in query or using OSIV

WebServices, what to unit test?

I am developing a web application using Spring + Hibernate, plus CXF to convert my Service layer into a WebServices endpoint. I want to unit test my code, and when it comes to the DAOs I have no trouble: I create an in-memory database filled with my test data, then test DAOs against that.
But when testing the Service layer, most of my methods are like these:
public void saveProgramacion(ProgramacionDTO programacion) {
programacionDAO.persist(this.map(programacion, Programacion.class));
That is, my method just maps the VO to a DTO (using an external mapper) then calls a method of my DAO. Just that.
I used mockito to mock my DAO but honestly there are no instructions to provide mockito with since the service method itself does very little and does not check the DAO result. Given the fact that the mapper is an external dependency and thus would require its own unit test, what should I be testing here? What would be a proper unit test in this case?

Testing Spring Webflow Action Classes

I am writing test case for my webflow using org.springframework.webflow.test.execution.AbstractXmlFlowExecutionTests
public class MyFlowExecutionTests extends AbstractXmlFlowExecutionTests {
In some cases my logic is simple, So I invoke my service layer directly from the Spring webflow.
In some cases I use an extenstion of org.springframework.webflow.action.MultiAction classes and I invoke my service layer from the action classes.
In the first scenario, wrting test case is straight forward. In the second scenario, I found it really complex to write the test cases using org.springframework.webflow.test.execution.AbstractXmlFlowExecutionTests for the Action class.
In the first scenario, I can mock all the service classes used from my flow. In the second scenario, using easy mock class extension, I can mock the action class. But then I need to mock the service layers used inside, which I think mock can't handle that well.
I am now thinking of somehow moving the Action class code to Spring EL. Or Anybody have a better idea for testing the action class code along with webflow code?

Can a Spring Bean programmatically replaced in an loaded SpringContext

I want write an integration test but with one minor restriction. I got a TimeSourceBean that I want to mock out. This TimeSourceBean is used several times deep in the application. (no way to do this with reflection)
Everything is done by autowire.
I think I could load in my test an additional XML with an implementation I like to have.
see: here!
But really nice would be when I can create my mock TimeSourceBean in the test itself and register it (replace the original bean) to the context
=> so before I start the test, I create the mock and register my bean like this:
Any ideas if this is possible?
You can add an other bean/class that implement the same interface (hopefully you use them), and mark this other bean class as #Primary.
But then you need to make sure that this primary bean is only loaded in the test cases you need them.
