Can ArcGIS online host ESRI Map Services or OGC's WMS? - hosting

Can ArcGIS Online host Web Image Layers (Web Map Services) or WMS services like ArcGIS Enterprise (on-premise)?
The source data (e.g. FGDB or shp files) has been uploaded to AGOL under my account.

Yes. Follow these steps
You can zip your shapefile or file geodatabase.
Sign in to your ArcGIS Online account, Go to My Content, Click Add Item and select From my computer.
Click Browse and choose the zip file. In your case, you'll select Map template and continue with the sharing options to select who you want your content to be shared with.
Once set up, you can go to your item's details page and open it in map viewer to set up your map.


Browse images on a server from a form button like when uploading an image

I am very new to Laravel so this may be a trivial one but basically, in a form, I want a choose image button that then allows the user to browse a selection of images from my image storage (s3).
I want them to be able to browse it in the same way as if they were doing a file upload.... but restrict their visibility to being a directory containing all the images on my server, so I guess basically allowing them to browse a directory on the server via windows explorer or finder so they can select an already existing image.
Is that doable? easily?
On my website I have an image section where users can upload images, then in another section I have a form and part of the form allows a user to select one of the uploaded images.
It doesn't matter who uploaded the image, all users should have access to this image bank to choose one for the form.
Any help, advice or a nudge in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!
Many thanks,

Disable download as PPT or PDF to allow only a 'preview' of a presentation on Google Drive

To run a PPT file on the web via Google Drive. Also don't allow any visitor to download or print the PDF file. It must allow the user to view that file only.
First of all Upload PPT file on Google Drive.
Click on share button:
Click on below checkbox to restrict user to download PPT:
Go to File menu and click on "publish to web"
Select Options and Time interval for slider show and click on "publish" button
Share below link with any one to whom you want to show PPT:
Uploading PPT by this method will restrict visitor to download or print the PPT file.

How to change hyperlinks of images in Work Item in TFS

Image can be inserted into Details section of Work Item in TFS using Insert Image button. Is it possible to change final hyperlink to image ?
Issue is that we are using VPN in order to access TFS and hyperlinks to images do not have the full path with the domain that we need to see it directly in the WI itself.
If is possible to do some configuration changes for this ?
For the local image, now within TFS under the "History" tab where you're inserting your image. It will automatically displays as an image directly. PS: I'm using VS2015
For the online image, it's impossible now. You can only view the hyperlinks or save it as local then update it. Please refer this user voice:

Images not visible when the same dashboard is viewed in different systems in Tableau

Images not visible when the same Tableau dashboard is viewed in different systems. Instead of the image, Cross marks are coming. The images are created as different sheets and have actions applied on them. Can anyone please inform how can we fix it?
I want to create a link on the dashboard clicking which I will be directed to Another Sheet/Dashboard. So, I put an image and added Action to it, clicking this image you will be directed from the present dashboard to the other Dashboard. But the problem is the Image is visible in my workbook but when I'm sending this file to some other people, some of them are observing a "Cross" mark instead of the Image, but the action is working fine. I tried both tableau 8.0 & 8.1.It's persisting in both
If you are using tableau public keep this in mind:
Tableau Public won't let you add an image file from the web. URLs can
be used to create links within a dashboard, but they cannot be used as
a file source. For an image, you would need to link to a physical file
location, not a URL. (See post)
If you are using tableau desktop and custom shapes, the problem might be that the other people viewing the dashboard do not have access to the file that contains the shape. I am guessing that you might need to share those files with them or go back to using a built in shape.
See more here:
To create custom shapes:
Create your shape image files. Each shape should be saved as its own
file and can be in many image formats including bitmap (.bmp),
portable network graphic (.png), JPEG, graphics interchange format
(.gif), and so on.
Place the shapes into the My Tableau Repository folder located in your
Documents folder. The shapes should be put into a new folder inside
the Shapes folder. The name of the folder will be used as the name of
the palette in Tableau.

Visualizing the SiteMap of a large (page number) website

I'm looking for a tool or service that can spider a web domain with a large number of pages, create a sitemap, and then visualize that map in a way that will help me see, understand and group content (I'm new to the site) Something like a tree-view or other standard Site Map visualizations would be great. I am yet unable to find a tool that does this (I've found plenty of things to spider the site and create an xml file, nothing to visualize it)
The software Gephi and one of its plugins provides exactly the function that you need.
For visualization you can check D3.js
For example Force-Directed Graph
Visualize website structure you can with Site Visualizer software.
Download and install it, then create new project and click Start toolbutton. After the site will be crawled, open Visual Sitemap tab and click Draw button. Visual map of the site will be created as a set of pages (rectangles) and links (arrows). Click on a rectangle in order to highlight all outbound links of the page. You can also save this visualization to an image file: png, jpg, bmp, etc.:
