How to get all dependency jars for deployment - maven

I am using one Apache open source project and its pre-built binary contains all the target jars and the corresponding dependency jars for deployment.
But when I build from source like mvn clean install, how could I also get the necessary dependency jars for deployment?

I suggest two options:
Build a fat jar: the maven output jar will contain ll necessary classes taken from its dependencies. To accomplish this task you can use the maven-assembly-plugin maven plugin. You can read a good tutorial here.
Configure maven to copy all needed jar in a specific folder. To accomplish this task you can use the maven-dependency-plugin maven plugin. You will find a good tutorial here.


How to run Maven Javadoc in a project with pom packaging?

I have a project that packages the delivery of a software using the assembly plugin. The packaging of the project is pom.
To make a nicer documentation i am using the dependency plugin to download the sources of the different projects and then using the javadoc plugin to generate a new documentation that merges the javadoc for the different projects into one.
The issue I am having is that maven javadoc will not run if the packaging is pom.
It complains with the message: Not executing Javadoc as the project is not a Java classpath-capable package
However, if I put packaging jar it works. Unfortunately then an empty unwanted jar file is generated.
Is there a way to get the maven javadoc to run with packaging pom?
The workaround I have found was to set the packaging in the pom to jar and prevent maven jar plugin to generate the jar.

Best way to attach additional jars to maven project [java]

I have a maven based project, which after execution I want to install all the generated jars to the maven repository.
I cannot add additional jar details in the pom.xml because the additional jars are not static.
The only option for me to add them through a custom mojo.
I have created my own mojo and installed the main project jars.
What would be the best way to attach the additional generated jars.
I tried the method, addAttachedArtifact(..) in MavenProject and it installed the additional jar files but not generating a default pom.xml for the additional jar files.
I m not sure what would be the best way to indicate to generate default pom.xml for additional jars while installing into the maven repository.
Thanks in advance!

How to download with Maven a project jar and its dependencies without checking out the sources

In one Java project, I have configured its POM so maven will generate in the target folder:
the binaries jar.
the sources jar.
the javadocs jar.
the tests jar.
In addition, I configured the POM so Maven downloads all the project dependencies in the target/lib folder.
The project is also uploaded to the Sonatype snapshots repository.
My question is: Is it possible for a user of my library to download all the artefacts mentioned above with one single instruction, without having to checkout the sources of my project first ?
I found in a question from some years ago that just distributing the POM is not enough to download a project and its dependencies.
But I have not lost hope that this could be possible to accomplish in one single step.
When you say "all of the artifacts mentioned above", do you mean:
the binaries jar.
the sources jar.
the javadocs jar.
the tests jar.
or do you mean:
all the project dependencies
Assuming the latter, then have your user do the following:
create a dummy pom.xml file
declare your library as a dependency
use maven-dependency-plugin:copy-dependencies to copy jars into desired location
Hope that helps.

Creating source and doc jars

I've noticed something really cool about the m2eclipse plugin. When I try to view source on one of the class files included by Maven, at first it's unable to show it to me, but then in the background, it downloads a src JAR and a docs JAR. For my own projects how do I make and deploy these JARs alongside my binary JAR in my Maven repository?
You can do this by attaching the source and javadocs as part of your project build. This cookbook has the maven configuration needed for it.
Maven Source Plugin:

Javadoc creation with maven

We have created a new artifact to generate javadoc. We have 40 artifacts defined as dependencies. Task is to create javadoc.jar and html pages for the 40 dependency artifacts.
Whats the best approach to achieve this in maven?
This is very unusual. Javadoc works on sources, not compiled classes, whereas maven dependencies reference classes, not sources.
So to make this work you'll have to do all of this:
since this is a dedicated javadoc artifact, it won't have a main JAR artifact, so you'll probably want to set the packaging to POM
make sure all your referenced artifacts have attached sources
add <classifier>sources</classifier> to all your dependencies
unpack all dependencies to a common root folder using dependency:unpack-dependencies
run javadoc on that folder
create a jar using the maven-assembly-plugin
attach that jar to the build using the buildhelper plugin
On re-reading the question: I'm assuming that you want to create combined docs of all dependencies. If not, you'll need 40 separate executions each of the javadoc, assembly and buildhelper plugins. Good luck with that.
A slightly more automated approach than the answer above:
So to make this work you'll have to do all of this:
since this is a dedicated javadoc artifact, it won't have a main JAR artifact, so you'll probably want to set the packaging to POM
make sure all your referenced artifacts have attached sources
add <classifier>sources</classifier> to all your dependencies
unpack all dependencies to a common root folder using dependency:unpack-dependencies
Change your sources directory to where you unpacked all the dependencies
Use the source plugin to manage all the Javadoc generation and deployment
