Bash: Cannot send ctrl+c into started program - bash

I'm trying to write a bash script that starts a program, waits for x seconds and than sends the ctrl+c signal to the program to stop it.
The program is "trace-cmd" (which is a frontend for ftrace) that records/traces data until ctrl+c is pressed.
I already found a solution to get the PID of trace-cmd, and to send the SIGINT signal using kill to it. Yet, somehow it does not work.
This is my command that is executed (all in one line, just formatted for readability):
sudo trace-cmd record -p function -P $PID & echo $! > ./pid_trace.txt &
echo "[+] Stored PID:" $(cat ./pid_trace.txt) &
sleep $seconds; printf "Killing trace-cmd\n"; sudo kill -INT $(cat ./pid_trace.txt)
The 'echo' is just for testing, I used the txt file as I could not assign the $! value to a variable. As far as I understood: the "&" is used so that these commands are executed concurrently and the ";" so that they are executed after each other. So: i should start trace-cmd, store the PID than start the time, and only after the timer is done execute the kill.
When the ctrl+c signal is pressed while executing trace-cmd, a specific output can be seen (basically that the trace is getting stored). Yet, with my bash program I cannot see it. I assume that the kill signal is either not "delivered" or that the SIGINT is not the signal that trace-cmd expects (can a program intercept these signals? or the key-strokes rather)
Any help would be appreciated!

The 'sudo' process does not pass INT signal to it's children. The CTRL/C processing passed the INT signal to all processes running in the foreground for the connected terminal.
Try one of the options:
Consider using regular kill on sudo (NO -INT). This will use TERM signal, which will result in sudo terminating sub processes.
Send the INT signal directly to the frace (pkill -INT trace_cmd)


How can I send a signal without the shell waiting for the currently running program to finish?

If I send a signal using kill, it seems to wait until the current program (in this example sleep 1000) finishes running. When I instead send SIGINT via pressing Ctrl+C in the shell, it receives the interrupt immediately however.
What I want, however, is for the interrupt to be received immediately after sending the signal via kill. Also, why does it behave like I would want it to when I press Ctrl+C?
#!/usr/bin/env sh
int_after_a_while() {
local pid=$1
sleep 2
echo "Attempting to kill $pid with SIGINT"
# Here I want to kill the process immediately, but it waits until sleep finishes
kill -s INT $pid
trap "echo Interrupt received!" INT
int_after_a_while $$ &
sleep 1000
I would appreciate any help on this issue. Thanks in advance!
As noted in the referenced answer the shell will normally wait for a utility to complete before running a trap. Some alternatives are:
Start the long running process in the background, then wait for it using the wait builtin. When a trapped signal is received during such a wait, the wait is interrupted and the trap is taken. Unfortunately, the exit status of wait does not distinguish between the child process exiting on a signal and a trap occurring. For example
sleep 1000 &
wait "$p"
Send a signal to the whole process group via kill -s INT 0. The effect is much like if the user had pressed Ctrl+C, but may be more extreme than you want if your script is run from another script.
Use a shell such as zsh or FreeBSD sh that supports set -o trapsasync which allows running traps while waiting for a foreground job.

How to send custom signal to bash daemon process?

I have simple bash daemon running (with root privileges ) in background which suppose to do action1 or/and action2 when notified.
How do I notify it/send some kind of signal on which it will react?
I've tried scenarios with checking file change every 1 sec or more often, but that's kind of less-desirable solution.
You can send signals to a process using the kill command. There is a range of standard signals as well as two user defined signals, which you can let your script handle whichever way you prefer. Here is how this could look in a script
echo "Handler was called"
trap handler USR1
while sleep 1
To send a signal to the script you first need to find the pid of the script and then use the kill command. It could look like this kill -USR1 24962.
You can use the kill command to send a process a signal. In bash, you can use the trap command to create a signal handler.
trap "echo Booh!" SIGINT SIGTERM
echo "pid is $$"
while : # This is the same as "while true".
sleep 60 # This script is not really doing anything.

How to signal orphaned background process?

I am executing a shell script in background from my tcl script. The tcl script ends execution after some time. At this point I assume the background shell script becomes orphan and is adopted by init.
set res [catch { exec sudo $script &}]
Now the problem is I am not able to signal my (orphaned) background script. But why? Ok it now belongs to init but why can't I signal it. Only sigkill seems to work and that kills it - I need to trigger the signal handler I've written to handle SIGUSR2
trap 'process' SIGUSR2
Why can't I signal my orphan background process? Is there no way this can be done? Or is there some workaround?
EDIT: Seems to work fine when the sleep is not involved. See sample code below:
trap 'kill `cat /var/run/`; foo' SIGUSR2;
foo(){ echo test; }
while true; do
echo -n .
sleep 100 &
echo ${!} > /var/run/
wait ${!}
Works fine when not orphaned - but in the case of orphan process I think the problem is the true pid of sleep gets overwritten and I'm not able to kill it when the trap arrives.
lets run a small script like that:
bash -c '(trap foo SIGUSR2;foo(){ echo test; };while true; do echo -n .;sleep 1;done) & echo $!'; read
It will fork a background process which just runs and outputs some dots. It will also output the PID of the process, which you can use to check and signal it.
$ ps -f 19489
michas 19489 1 0 23:45 pts/8 S 0:00 bash -c (trap foo SIGUS...
Because the forking shell died directly after running the command in background, the process is now owned by init (PPID=1).
Now you can signal the process to call the handler:
kill -USR2 19489
If you do, you will notice the "test" output at the terminal printing the dots.
There should be no difference, whether you start a background process from shell or tcl. If it runs you can send it a signal and if there is a handler, it will be called.
If it really does not answer to signals it might be blocked, waiting for something. For example in a sleep or waiting for some IO.

shell script process termination issue

/bin/sh -version
GNU sh, version 1.14.7(1)
exitfn () {
# Resore signal handling for SIGINT
echo "exiting with trap" >> /tmp/logfile
rm -f /var/run/ # Growl at user,
exit # then exit script.
The above is my function in shell script.
I want to call it in some special
"kill -9" fires on pid of this script
"ctrl + z" press while it is running on -x mode
server reboots while script is executing ..
In short, with any kind of interrupt in script, should do some action
eg. rm -f /var/run/
but my above function is not working properly; it works only for terminal close or "ctrl + c"
Kindly don't suggest to upgrade "bash / sh" version.
SIGKILL cannot be trapped by the trap command, or by any process. It is a guarenteed kill signal, that by it's definition cannot be trapped. Thus upgrading you sh/bash will not work anyway.
You can't trap kill -9 that's the whole point of it, to destroy processes violently that don't respond to other signals (there's a workaround for this, see below).
The server reboot should first deliver a signal to your script which should be caught with what you have.
As to the CTRL-Z, that also gives you a signal, SIGSTOP from memory, so you may want to add that. Though that wouldn't normally be a reason to shut down your process since it may be then put into the background and restarted (with bg).
As to what do do for those situations where your process dies without a catchable signal (like the -9 case), the program should check for that on startup.
By that, I mean should store the actual PID of the process that created it (by using echo $$ >/var/run/ for example) and, if you try to start your program, it should check for the existence of that process.
If the process doesn't exist, or it exists but isn't the right one (based on name usually), your new process should delete the pidfile and carry on as if it was never there. If the old process both exists and is the right one, your new process should log a message and exit.

How does trap / kill work in bash on Linux?

My sample file
trap 'echo trapped' TERM
while :
sleep 1000
$ &
[1] 4280
$ kill %1 <-- kill by job number works
$ &
[1] 4280
$ kill 4280 <-- kill by process id doesn't work?
(sound of crickets, process isn't killed)
If I remove the trap statement completely, kill process-id works again?
Running some RHEL 2.6.18-194.11.4.el5 at work. I am really confused by this behaviour, is it right?
kill [pid]
send the TERM signal exclusively to the specified PID.
kill %1
send the TERM signal to the job #1's entire process group, in this case to the script pid + his children (sleep).
I've verified that with strace on sleep process and on script process
Anyway, someone got a similar problem here (but with SIGINT instead of SIGTERM):
Quoting the most important sentence:
kill -INT %1 sends the signal to the job’s process group, not the backgrounded pid!
This is expected behavior. Default signal sent by kill is SIGTERM, which you are catching by your trap. Consider this:
trap "echo Booh!" SIGINT SIGTERM
echo "pid is $$"
while : # This is the same as "while true".
(sleep really creates a new process and the behavior is clearer with my example I guess).
So if you run in one terminal and kill TRAPTEST_PROCESS_ID from another terminal, output in the terminal running traptest will be Booh! as expected (and the process will NOT be killed). If you try sending kill -s HUP TRAPTEST_PROCESS_ID, it will kill the traptest process.
This should clear up the %1 confusion.
Note: the code example is taken from tldp
Davide Berra explained the difference between kill %<jobspec> and kill <PID>, but not how that difference results in what you observed. After all, Unix signal handlers should be called pretty much instantaneously, so why does sending a SIGTERM to the script alone not trigger its trap handler?
The bash man page explains why, in the last paragraph of the SIGNALS section:
If bash is waiting for a command to complete and receives a signal for
which a trap has been set, the trap will not be executed until the
command completes.
So, the signal was delivered immediately, but the handler execution was deferred until sleep exited.
Hence, with kill %<jobspec>:
Both the script and sleep received SIGTERM
bash registered the signal, noticed that a trap was set for it, and queued the handler for future execution
sleep exited immediately
bash noted sleep's exit, and ran the trap handler
whereas with kill <script_PID>:
Only the script received SIGTERM
bash registered the signal, noticed that a trap was set for it, and queued the handler for future execution
sleep exited after 1000 seconds
bash noted sleep's exit, and ran the trap handler
Obviously, you didn't want long enough to see that last bit. :)
If you're interested in the gory details, download the bash source code and look in trap.c, specifically the trap_handler() and run_pending_traps() functions.
