Creating a shortcut on Win10 fails accessdenied - windows

I have implemented the creation of a shortcut as defined in this article on Shell Links by MSDN
MSDN Shell Links
Here is what I implemented
CreateLink - Uses the Shell's IShellLink and IPersistFile interfaces
to create and store a shortcut to the specified object.
Returns the result of calling the member functions of the interfaces.
lpszPathObj - Address of a buffer that contains the path of the object,
including the file name.
lpszPathLink - Address of a buffer that contains the path where the
Shell link is to be stored, including the file name.
lpszDesc - Address of a buffer that contains a description of the
Shell link, stored in the Comment field of the link
HRESULT CreateLink(LPCWSTR lpszPathObj, LPCSTR lpszPathLink, LPCWSTR lpszDesc)
IShellLink* psl;
// Get a pointer to the IShellLink interface. It is assumed that CoInitialize
// has already been called.
hres = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IShellLink, (LPVOID*)&psl);
if (SUCCEEDED(hres))
IPersistFile* ppf;
// Set the path to the shortcut target and add the description.
// Query IShellLink for the IPersistFile interface, used for saving the
// shortcut in persistent storage.
hres = psl->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, (LPVOID*)&ppf);
if (SUCCEEDED(hres))
// Ensure that the string is Unicode.
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpszPathLink, -1, wsz, MAX_PATH);
// Add code here to check return value from MultiByteWideChar
// for success.
// Save the link by calling IPersistFile::Save.
hres = ppf->Save(wsz, TRUE);
return hres;
I call it as:
r = CreateLink("c:\\TT\\TT.exe", "C:\\Users\\Public\\Desktop\\TT.lnk", "TT Program");
This works great on a WIN7 machine but fails on a WIN10
This is the code line that is failing:
hres = ppf->Save(wsz, TRUE);
hres == AccessDenied;
I have found other system calls that work on a Win7 but fails on Win10 and it usually comes down to some undocumented change.
Has Win10 tightened privileges on the DeskTop?
Any suggestions on addressing this on a Win10 machine?


Delete open file in Windows (creating an anonymous file)?

Under Linux, my program would do something like this:
Process 1 opens a file (e.g. by mapping it into memory). Let's call this file#1
Process 2 unlinks the file, and creates a new file with the same name. Let's call this file#2.
Process 1 continues to work with file#1. When it is closed, it is deleted (since it has no links). Process 1 continues to work with the content in file#1, and does not see content from file#2.
When both processes have exited, file#2 remains on disk.
I want to achieve the same semantics in Windows. After reading this question, I think FILE_SHARE_DELETE does basically this. Is opening the file with FILE_SHARE_DELETE enough, or do I need to consider something more?
The above execution flow is just an example, I know there are other ways of solving that exact problem in Windows, but I want to understand how to make such code portable between Windows and Linux.
Edit: to clarify: The use cases would be to reuse a filename for different unrelated files, but let existing processes keep their data (think transactional update of a config file for example), and to make a file anonymous (unnamed), but continue to use it like an anonymous memory map. Again I know both are possible on Windows through other means, but I am trying to find a way that is portable across platforms.
You can achieve this by using a combination of CreateFile, CreateFileMapping and MapViewOfFile calls. MapViewOfFile will give you a memory-mapped buffer of the file backed by the file on disk.
Following code when executed from different processes, will write the process id of last closing process in the file at c:\temp\temp.txt
int main()
TCHAR szMsg[256];
HANDLE hMapFile;
HANDLE hFile = CreateFileW(
hMapFile = CreateFileMapping(
hFile, // Handle of file opened with rw access
NULL, // default security
PAGE_READWRITE, // read/write access
0, // maximum object size (high-order DWORD)
BUF_SIZE, // maximum object size (low-order DWORD)
szName); // name of mapping object
if (hMapFile == NULL)
printf( "Could not create file mapping object (%d).\n", GetLastError());
return 1;
pBuf = (LPTSTR) MapViewOfFile(hMapFile, // handle to map object
FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, // read/write permission
if (pBuf == NULL)
printf("Could not map view of file (%d).\n", GetLastError());
return 1;
wsprintfW(szMsg, L"This is process id %d", GetCurrentProcessId());
CopyMemory((PVOID)pBuf, szMsg, (wcslen(szMsg) * sizeof(TCHAR)));
MessageBoxW(NULL, szMsg, L"Check", MB_OK);
return 0;
Make sure you open the file with GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE access and allow FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE|FILE_SHARE_DELETE access to subsequent opens.
Also note the use of CREATE_ALWAYS in CreateFile which will delete the old file and open a new one every-time CreateFile is called. This is the 'unlink' effect you talk about.
Code inspired from Creating Named Shared Memory at msdn.

playing files after accepting them through open dialog box

I am a new member and joined this site after referring to it loads of times when i was stuck with some programming problems. I am trying to code a media player (Win32 SDK VC++ 6.0) for my college project and I am stuck. I have searched on various forums and msdn and finally landed on the function GetShortPathName which enables me to play through folders and files which have a whitespace in their names. I will paste the code here so it will be much more clearer as to what i am trying to do.
ZeroMemory(&ofn, sizeof(ofn));
ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn);
ofn.hwndOwner = hwnd;
ofn.lpstrFilter = "Media Files (All Supported Types)\0*.avi;*.mpg;*.mpeg;*.asf;*.wmv;*.mp2;*.mp3\0"
"Movie File (*.avi;*.mpg;*.mpeg)\0*.avi;*.mpg;*.mpeg\0"
"Windows Media File (*.asf;*.wmv)\0*.asf;*.wmv\0"
"Audio File (*.mp2;*.mp3)\0*.mp2;*.mp3\0"
"All Files(*.*)\0*.*\0";
ofn.lpstrFile = szFileName;
ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH;
ofn.lpstrDefExt = "mp3";
length = GetShortPathName(szFileName, NULL, 0);
buffer = (TCHAR *) malloc (sizeof(length));
length = GetShortPathName(szFileName, buffer, length);
for(i = 0 ; i < MAX_PATH ; i++)
if(buffer[i] == '\\')
buffer[i] = '/';
mciSendString("open buffer alias myFile", NULL, 0, NULL);
mciSendString("play buffer", NULL, 0, NULL);
return 0;
using the GetShortPathName function i get the path as : D:/Mp3z/DEEPBL~1/03SLEE~1.mp3
Putting this path directly in Play button case
mciSendString("open D:/Mp3jh/DEEPBL~1/03SLEE~1.mp3 alias myFile", NULL, 0, NULL);
mciSendString("play myFile", NULL, 0, NULL);
the file opens and plays fine. But as soon as i try to open and play it through the open file dialog box, nothing happens. Any input appreciated.
It looks like the problem is that you're passing the name of the buffer variable to the mciSendString function as a string, rather than passing the contents of the buffer.
You need to concatenate the arguments you want to pass (open and alias myFile) with the contents of buffer.
The code can also be much simplified by replacing malloc with an automatic array. You don't need to malloc it because you don't need it outside of the block scope. (And you shouldn't be using malloc in C++ code anyway; use new[] instead.)
Here's a modified snippet of the code shown in your question:
(Warning: changes made using only my eyes as a compiler! Handle with care.)
// Get the short path name, and place it in the buffer array.
// We know that a short path won't be any longer than MAX_PATH, so we can
// simply allocate a statically-sized array without futzing with new[].
// Note: In production code, you should probably check the return value
// of the GetShortPathName function to make sure it succeeded.
GetShortPathName(szFileName, buffer, MAX_PATH);
// Add the short path name to your ListBox control.
// Note: In C++ code, you should probably use C++-style casts like
// reinterpret_cast, rather than C-style casts!
SendMessage(hList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(buffer));
// Build the argument string to pass to the mciSendString function.
// Note: In production code, you probably want to use the more secure
// alternatives to the string concatenation functions.
// See the documentation for more details.
// And, as before, you should probably check return values for error codes.
TCHAR arguments[MAX_PATH * 2]; // this will definitely be large enough
lstrcat(arguments, TEXT("open"));
lstrcat(arguments, buffer);
lstrcat(arguments, TEXT("alias myFile"));
// Or, better yet, use a string formatting function, like StringCbPrintf:
// StringCbPrintf(arguments, MAX_PATH * 2, TEXT("open %s alias myFile"),
// buffer);
// Call the mciSendString function with the argument string we just built.
mciSendString(arguments, NULL, 0, NULL);
mciSendString("play myFile", NULL, 0, NULL);
Do note that, as the above code shows, working with C-style strings (character arrays) is a real pain in the ass. C++ provides a better alternative, in the form of the std::string class. You should strongly consider using that instead. To call Windows API functions, you'll still need a C-style string, but you can get one of those by using the c_str method of the std::string class.

Force GetKeyNameText to english

The Win32 function GetKeyNameText will provide the name of keyboard keys in the current input locale.
From MSDN:
The key name is translated according to the layout of the currently
installed keyboard, thus the function may give different results for
different input locales.
Is it possible to force the input locale for a short amount of time? Or is there another alternative to GetKeyNameText that will always return the name in English?
Update: This answer does not work. It actually modifies the keyboard settings of the user. This appear to be a behavior change between Windows versions.
CString csLangId;
HKL hLocale = LoadKeyboardLayout( (LPCTSTR)csLangId, KLF_ACTIVATE );
HKL hPrevious = ActivateKeyboardLayout( hLocale, KLF_SETFORPROCESS );
// Call GetKeyNameText
ActivateKeyboardLayout( hPrevious, KLF_SETFORPROCESS );
UnloadKeyboardLayout( hLocale );
WARNING: GetKeyNameText is broken (it returns wrong A-Z key names for non-english keyboard layouts since it uses MapVirtualKey with MAPVK_VK_TO_CHAR that is broken), keyboard layout dlls pKeyNames and pKeyNamesExt text is bugged and outdated. I cannot recommend dealing with this stuff at all. :)
If you're really-really want to get this info - then you can load and parse it manually from keyboard layout dll file (kbdus.dll, kbdger.dll etc).
There is a bunch of undocumented stuff involved:
In order to get proper keyboard layout dll file name first you need to convert HKL to KLID string. You can do this via such code:
// Returns KLID string of size KL_NAMELENGTH
// Same as GetKeyboardLayoutName but for any HKL
bool succeded = false;
if ((HIWORD(hkl) & 0xf000) == 0xf000) // deviceId contains layoutId
WORD layoutId = HIWORD(hkl) & 0x0fff;
HKEY key;
CHECK_EQ(::RegOpenKeyW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Keyboard Layouts", &key), ERROR_SUCCESS);
DWORD index = 0;
while (::RegEnumKeyW(key, index, pwszKLID, KL_NAMELENGTH) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
WCHAR layoutIdBuffer[MAX_PATH] = {};
DWORD layoutIdBufferSize = sizeof(layoutIdBuffer);
if (::RegGetValueW(key, pwszKLID, L"Layout Id", RRF_RT_REG_SZ, nullptr, layoutIdBuffer, &layoutIdBufferSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
if (layoutId == std::stoul(layoutIdBuffer, nullptr, 16))
succeded = true;
DBGPRINT("Found KLID 0x%ls by layoutId=0x%04x", pwszKLID, layoutId);
CHECK_EQ(::RegCloseKey(key), ERROR_SUCCESS);
WORD langId = LOWORD(hkl);
// deviceId overrides langId if set
if (HIWORD(hkl) != 0)
langId = HIWORD(hkl);
std::swprintf(pwszKLID, KL_NAMELENGTH, L"%08X", langId);
succeded = true;
DBGPRINT("Found KLID 0x%ls by langId=0x%04x", pwszKLID, langId);
return succeded;
Then with KLID string you need to go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layouts\%KLID% registry path and read Layout File string from it.
Load this dll file from SHGetKnownFolderPath(FOLDERID_System, ...) (usually C:\Windows\System32) with LoadLibrary() call.
Next you need to do GetProcAddress(KbdDllHandle, "KbdLayerDescriptor") - you're receive pointer that can be casted to PKBDTABLES.
There is kbd.h header in Windows SDK that have KBDTABLES struct definition (there is some stuff involved to use proper KBD_LONG_POINTER size for x32 code running on x64 Windows. See my link to Gtk source at the end).
You have to look at pKeyNames and pKeyNamesExt in it to get scan code -> key name mapping.
Long story short: The GTK toolkit have the code that doing all this(see here and here). Actually they are building scan code -> printed chars tables from Windows keyboard layout dlls.

Drive Letter to Device Instance ID

How do I get from a drive letter to a device instance ID?
My process starts with a device arrival message. I have been successful in getting the drive letter from the arrival message and in opening the dvd tray.
I have searched the various Setup API items; but I haven't found anything that gets me from a drive letter to a device instance ID.
A solution in C# or VB.NET would be ideal, but I'm willing to figure it out from any other language as long as I can see the API calls.
Thanks in advance...
You cannot do it directly.
The link is to use STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER. You can use DeviceIoControl with IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_DEVICE_NUMBER on your device name to populate this structure. Put this value to one side.
You then need to get device infomation on your system using SetupDiGetClassDevs setting the GUIDS as approriate, indicicating the drives your are insterested in. Then enumerate through the devices using SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo. Then enumerate the interfaces using SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces and finally get the information using SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail. In this structure returned you can get a DevicePath you can use to get the STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER as above. Match this with the STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER from your drive letter, and you have now linked a driver letter to your structure. Phew! Inside this structure is a DevInst.
i know it's late for you now but not for everybody ^^
I had the same need and this is main line of how I did it:
-You need a window to receive device arrival and removal (as you said)
-Then you create a DeviceNotificationFilter initiated to dbcc_devicetype = DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE
-Then in the message loop of your window you look for VM_DEVICECHANGE
-When u receive it if wParam == DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL, use the lParam to check if it is a DBT_DEVTYPE_VOLUME (i was getting the letter and the type of the drive here) or a DBT_DEVTYPE_DEVICEINTERFACE ( there you can use your wellcasted lParam to get the InstanceId from the input structure).
When you connect a drive your receive DEVINTERFACE first then the other.
I only give the main line beacause i did this long time ago and i don't have the code here, and also I had found a lot of code pieces on the net (long time ago so there should be more now ^^^) maybe msdn give a full code example to do that now.
If you read this and need more informations, i'll reply or make a full documented answer if many need it.
Hope it will help some of you.
I know it's years later but I had to do this and searching brought me here and #DanDan 's answer worked. In order to save future people a lot of work, I thought I'd give back a little and present the technique a bit more explicitly. You'll still have to write a bit of code, but the part I found difficult is below as code:
As DanDan mentioned, the idea is to use CreateFile and DeviceIoControl to get the Windows STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER for the disk associated with a file path, and then use the Setup API to enumerate disk devices until we find one whose device instance equals the SDN.
First, here's a summary of how you get the STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER from the path (e.g. c:\\users\\bob);
Strip the path to the root (e.g down to C:) and prepend it with \\\\.\\ so you have \\\\.\\C:
Open that path up using CreateFileW with to get metadata
Use DeviceIoControl with IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS to get the extents
Get the DiskNumber member from the first extent returned.
Close the file
Open up \\\\.\\PhysicalDrive<n> where <n> is the that DiskNumber from the first extent
Use DeviceIoControl with code IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_DEVICE_NUMBER to get make it fill out a STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER struct as output
Use SetupDiGetClassDevs with arguments &GUID_DEVCLASS_DISKDRIVE and DICGF_PRESENT to get all disks on the system
In a loop, use SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo to get a SP_DEVINFO_DATA repeatedly (on the device list returned by step #8 above) and a call the function below to determine which one, if any, matches the STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER for the give path.
(This is edited to remove custom utility classes of mine right on the SO web page so I might have introduced errors/typos)
bool DoesDeviceInstanceEqualStorageDeviceNumber(
const std::string& devInstance,
// Open up this device instance, specifying that we want the *interfaces*.
// The interfaces are key key because examining them will let us get a
// string we can use the Win32 CreateFile function.
const auto hDevInfo = SetupDiGetClassDevsA(
throws std::runtime_error("Unable to get disk devices");
DWORD dwSize = 0;
WCHAR buffer[4096];
did.cbSize = sizeof (did);
bool foundValidMatch = false;
int deviceNumber = 0;
// Iterate through all such devices, looking for one that has a storage device number that matches the given one.
while ( !foundValidMatch && SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(hDevInfo, deviceNumber, &did))
// We'll only bother comparing this one if it is fixed. Determine that.
const auto getPropResult = SetupDiGetDevicePropertyW (
&DEVPKEY_Device_RemovalPolicy, // Ask for the "removal policy"
if (!getPropResult)
std::cerr << "Unable to to get removal policy for disk device: " << ::GetLastError() << std::endl;
/* This bit *would* skip removable disks, you wanted...
else if (buffer[0] != 1)
std::cerr << "Skipping removable disk device " << devInstance << std::endl;
// OK this is a fixed disk so it might be the one we'll compare against
// 1. Get the very first disk interface from this particular disk device
// 2. Open a file on it
// 3. Query the resulting file for its device number.
// 4. Compare the device number to the one we determined above
// 5. If it matches ours, then we succeed. If not, continue
devIntData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA);
// Get the disk interfaces
const auto result = SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces(
&did, //&did,
&GUID_DEVINTERFACE_DISK, // Get Disk Device Interface (from winioctl.h)
0, // We only need the very FIRST one. I think...
if (!result)
DWORD dwRequiredSize = 0;
// Want to get the detail but don't yet know how much space we'll need
// Do a dummy call to find out
std::cerr << "Unable to get device interface Detail: " << ::GetLastError() << std::endl;;
// Get the detail data so we can get the device path and open a file.
std::vector<TCHAR> buf(dwRequiredSize);
auto pDidd = reinterpret_cast<PSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA>(;
// ------------------------
// Don't ask. Just do what they tell you.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef BUILD_64
pDidd->cbSize = 8;
pDidd->cbSize = 6;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
if (!SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(
std::cerr << "Cannot get interface detail: " << ::GetLastError());
// FINALLY: We now have a DevicePath that we can use to open up
// in a Win32 CreateFile() call. That will let us get the
// STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER and compare it to the one we were given.
const auto hFile = ::CreateFileW(pDidd->DevicePath, 0, FILE_SHARE_READ, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
std::cerr << "Unable to open logical volume: " + devicePath << std::endl;
ZeroMemory(&sdnTest, sizeof(STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER));
if (0 == DeviceIoControl(
nullptr, // output only so not needed
0, // output only so not needed
std::cerr << "Unable to determine storage device number: " << ::GetLastError() << std::endl;);
// All this for a one-line test...
foundValidMatch = sdnTest.DeviceNumber == sdn.DeviceNumber;
return foundValidMatch;
I hope this saves someone a headache

SHGetFileInfo on the public desktop

I'm having an issue with using SHGetFileInfo on the public desktop and files in the public desktop. I'll focus on the actual desktop folder (CSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY or usually "C:\Users\Public\Desktop"). Also - I've started seeing this behavior only recently, but I can't pinpoint the exact change which made it faulty. The actual call to ShGetFileInfo has not changed (as far as I can tell).
So I have this (I've omitted intermediate error checks to shorten - the function calls return with success):
uint32_t return_value = 0;
uint32_t attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL;
wchar_t *path = L"C:\\Users\\Public\\Desktop";
return_value = SHGetFileInfoW(path, attributes, &info, sizeof(SHFILEINFOW), flags);
printf("[%ls] %u ", path, return_value);
This returns 0 as the return value. If I populate path using:
I get the same result. But if I use the pidl, as in:
return_value = SHGetFileInfoW((LPCWSTR) pidl, attributes, &info, sizeof(SHFILEINFOW), flags | SHGFI_PIDL);
Then I get something which I expect, a handle to the system small icon list.
I can't tell what I'm doing wrong - and it only happens on this specific folder. I actually need icons for the items inside the directory, so using the pidl doesn't seem to be an option right now. Any ideas on what is the expected way to retrieve icons from the common desktop?
I should mention this behavior happens on Windows Vista - using the path populated by SHGetFolderPathW on XP works fine
I had the same problem. It can be fixed by calling the function CoInitialize from OLE32.DLL when the program starts.
return_value = SHGetFileInfoW(path, attributes, &info, sizeof(SHFILEINFOW), flags);
