can we pass parameters in view of a table in SQL? - spring-boot

Is there any way to pass parameters to a view in postgresql? or any alternative of passing parameter from spring jpa native query

You have 2 ways to pass params to a query in JPA
Using index, here spring data will pass method parameters to the query in the same order they appear in the method declaration:
#Query(value = "SELECT * FROM FOO WHERE id = ?1", nativeQuery = true)
findById(Integer id);
By Names using #Param annotation in the method declaration to match parameters defined
#Query(value = "SELECT * FROM FOO WHERE id = :id", nativeQuery = true)
findById(#Param("id")Integer id);


How can I rewrite the a query containing a filter on a JSONB column using spring specifications

How can I rewrite the following query using Spring Specifications.
#Query(value = "SELECT * FROM product WHERE attributes #> CAST(:jsonObject AS JSONB)", nativeQuery = true)

Problem with MongoDB #Query annotation/Query

I got problems with #Query annotation or Query query = new Query() - I can't include/exclude some fields.
I find code samples like:
#Query(value = "{'id': ?0}",fields = "{'id':1}")
User findUserById(String id);
Result should be user with only one field -> id but its showing other fields to..
So I found other samples like:
Query query = new Query();
User one = mongoTemplate.findOne(query, User.class);
Same result there..
Any ideas?
Integer findUserById(String id);
Use the DataType of Id [like Integer] to get only id.
Change datatype of according the requirement/usecase

How to replace SQL Query CONDITION in Spring JPA native query

I have a spring jpa native query(actual query has multiple tables connected) something like below.
#Query(nativeQuery = true, value="
select id, name from TABLE where id NOT IN ('2', '3')")
List<Object> getValueForNOTIN()
#Query(nativeQuery = true, value="
select id, name from TABLE where id IN ('4', '5')")
List<Object> getValueForIN()
Instead of 2 methods, I want to use one method which replaces NOT IN and IN with this 'replaceClause' value.
List<Object> getValueForBoth(#Param("replaceClause)" String replaceClause)
I get error on start of server. Can't I do like this?
You can use a static string like
private String SELECT_NOT_IN_QUERY = "select id, name from TABLE
where id NOT IN ('id1', 'id2')"
private String SELECT_IN_QUERY = "select id, name from TABLE
where id IN ('id1', 'id2')"
then look for id1 and id2 and replace with its values. use the right static string accordingly.

How to use Customize your Queries in JPA with Query Methods (spring boot)

I want to retrieve a specific value from the database based on a criteria without using the query method in Spring JPA.
they query desired is
SELECT TOP 1 * FROM Co2 WHERE = ?1 order by desc
which can be used in a normal native query annotation like so:
public interface Co2Respository extends CrudRepository<Co2, Integer> {
#Query("SELECT TOP 1 * FROM Co2 WHERE = ?1 order by desc",
nativeQuery = true)
Co2 findLastInsertedValueForRoom(int id);
the question is how to achieve the same using the custom query method in Spring JPA
I will answer my own question,
the equivalent custom method for the query mentioned above is:
Co2 findTopByRoomOrderByIdDesc(Room room);

Spring-Data JPA: How to make a jpa criteria query

Given this two entities:
post post_category
- id - post_id
- title - name
- text
I'd like to make this query using jpa criteria query:
select * from post
where in (
select post_id from post_category
where name = '<category1>' and name = '<category2>' ... and name = '<categoryN>')
Looking at your query sketch I think it will not return any results. I have changed it to mean name in ('<category1>','<category2>', ...) instead. Which may not match your case.
This assumes that you have your mapping set up properly on your classes for JPA to work. For example
class PostCategory {
private String name;
private Post post;
public Post getPost() {
return post;
In which case your DAO code would resemble this (given a List nameValues object)
// Set up the subquery
DetachedCriteria dc = DetachedCriteria.forClass(PostCategory.class)
.add("name", nameValues));
Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(Post.class)
.add(Subqueries.eqProperty("id", dc));
But if you want a list of Post objects which have ALL of the categories then you will need to make a separate DetachedCriteria instance for each category and add each as an AND'ed Subquery.
