jMeter: How to save a variable as cookie - jmeter

I'm testing a site in jMeter 5.1 that once returns a header "X-Csrf-Token" and expects the value to be found in a cookie named __csrf_token-1.
The HTTP Cookie manager alone is no help, as I need to write a response header (not a recieved cookie) into a cookie.
How can change cookie values on the fly?

Extract the cookie from the previous response using i.e. Regular Expression Extractor configured like:
double check that the extraction succeeds using Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination
Add HTTP Cookie Manager as a child of the next request and configure it to send __csrf_token-1 cookie with the value of ${token}
make sure to provide correct Domain and Path values, if you don't know them - change "Cookie Policy" to netscape


Capture Cookie from Response Header in Login and use it to all subsequent steps in Request Headers

I cannot modify anything on to add next line because I run my scripts from a remote machine in which I don't have access to.
I am able to capture the Cookie using a Regular Expression Extractor from RESPONSE HEADER in Login and save it in a variable 'Cookie_cp'. I tried adding 'Cookie_cp' on HTTP Cookie Manager and also tried adding it on HTTP Header Manager, but JMeter sends the cookie only on REQUEST BODY, but not the REQUEST HEADER.
Another issue is that 'Cookie_cp' is being captured from second step's RESPONSE HEADER and applied to third step, while I need this cookie to be applied only from Login to all other steps.
Any help please?
JMeter sends the cookie(s) in the Cookie header, not in the request body, if you're using View Results Tree listener to inspect the request and it shows the cookie in the "Request Body" tab it's kind of misleading.
In fact JMeter does send the cookie(s) in the Cookie header, you can double check it using a sniffer tool like Wireshark
If you want to send the cookie (or any other header) with all the requests starting from second one you can:
Put these requests under a Simple Controller
Add HTTP Cookie Manager (or HTTP Header Manager) at the same level as these requests
Both Cookie and Header manager obey JMeter Scoping Rules so the header(s) will be added to all Simple Controller's children

Jmeter __RequestVerificationToken extracting problem

I recording login with jmeter. I test with 1 user but jmeter cannot login because of __VerificationToken.
I parsed token with CSS Selector Extractor
I'm sure the token has been moved in the cookie.
But I saw two __VerificationToken. Error return request:
GET data:
Cookie Data:
__RequestVerificationToken=hYTIRJryyxCBfF7vYlAnkPSM-JB0o- Zp41pqFGk30cLyPAehA22k69VOU3NhY-abVbxuEZDgZHnF-bTFHf_4g1HwkuQ1;
It's impossible to say what's wrong without seeing what parameters and headers does real browser send, however it seems you're doing something weird.
You shouldn't manually create the __RequestVerificationToken cookie as it seems to be properly handled by the HTTP Cookie Manager
Given you have the token value already stored in the HTTP Cookie Manager there is no need to extract it, if you need to send it as the parameter in the HTTP Request sampler you can add the next line to file:
and once you restart JMeter to pick up the property you will be able to access the token value as ${COOKIE___RequestVerificationToken} where required
More information: HTTP Cookie Manager Advanced Usage - A Guide

JMeter - I need to pass a parameter called "Cookie" in the request header

I am using apache jmeter 5.2.1 with Java 8 to perform the performance test in a JSF application.
I need to send in the header of an HTTP request a parameter called "Cookie" according to the example below:
I've tried several things but none work.
I have already used the HttpHeaderManager resource but apparently the word "Cookie" is a JMeter reserved word so I can't create a parameter in the Header with the name "Cookie".
If I create a parameter in HttpHeaderManager with any name it is appended to the request header, but if I create with the name "Cookie" which is the name I need to use JMeter simply ignore it and do not add it to the request header .
I saw many posts indicating that I used the following code snippet:
CookieManager manager = sampler.getCookieManager();
Cookie cookie = new Cookie("JSESSIONID",vars.get("jSessionId"),"${serveraddress}",false,0);
I've tested it but it doesn't work either, it returns the following error whenever I try to use it:
I also have an Http Cookie Manager but its value is sent in the request body and not in the header.
I also tried to use the Http Autorization Manager as I saw in some posts but it only works when the login is done at a prompt in the browser.
Can someone help me?
Just add a HTTP Cookie Manager to your Test Plan and it will automatically "manage" cookies for you (the HTTP Request samplers must be in the HTTP Cookie Manager's scope)
You can double check that JMeter sends correct Cookie header using a 3rd-party sniffer tool like Wireshark or Fiddler
If you added the HTTP Cookie Manager but JMeter still doesn't send the JSESSIONID cookie it might be the case there is a problem with the cookie itself, i.e. it doesn't match domain/path or expired or your HTTP Request sampler configuration is not correct.
If you absolutely sure that your application behaves as expected you can configure JMeter to be less restrictive by:
Choosing a more "relaxed" cookie policy, i.e. netscape
Adding the next line to file:
You can also add the next line to log4j2.xml file:
<Logger name="org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control" level="debug" />
this way you will get comprehensive information of the Cookie Manager's behaviour in the jmeter.log file
More information: HTTP Cookie Manager Advanced Usage - A Guide

JMeter:How to post cookie data in Request Header

I can able to get the "set-cookie" data by regular expression extractor/ by setting it in the JMeter user properties file but I can't get the following cookie data to use it in the "Request Header" as like defining user-agent.
Cookie info displayed in the browser as follows:
connection keep-alive
User-Agent xxxxxx
Cookie _ga=GA1.2.1710658689.1468689932
Where do I find the "_ga" Value such that I will use it.
What is the regular expression for it.
Kindly help me it is blocking.
The easiest way of automatically handling cookies is using HTTP Cookie Manager. If for some reason you need to use cookie value somewhere else - you can extract it as follows:
Add the next line to file (lives in JMeter's "bin" folder)
Restart JMeter to pick the property change up
Add HTTP Cookie Manager to your Test Plan
Refer extracted cookies as ${COOKIE_YOUR_COOKIE_NAME_HERE} where required i.e. ${Cookie__ga} in your case
User-Agent and any other headers can be specified via HTTP Header Manager.
In my scenario it got worked without posting the above mentioned cookie. It worked by posting the set-cookie info and Location value in the header manager. Thanks!

Add Session ID to each JMeter HTTP request

For my JMeter test, I would like all threads in the test to use one shared session id. The session id is known before I start the test job. How do I specify a specific JSessionId for my JMeter test?
I've tried appending a JSessionId parameter in the HTTP Cookie Manager (under user-defined cookies), in the HTTP Request Defaults (under send parameters with the request), and I tried adding a 'HTTP URL Re-writing Modifier' from the Pre-Processor tab under the Recording Controller. None of these have worked. Which step is the best way to set a fixed session id for my JMeter test?
You were correct when you tried to use the HTTP Cookie Manager, this should do what you need.
Probably, it didn't work for one of two reasons:
You either have the Cookie Manager in the wrong place. To affect all requests it should be at the root of the Test Plan or Thread Group.
Or, more likely, you didn't specify all the required values properly when you added the User Defined Cookie. This can be tricky to get working; have you made sure you're not using 'http://' in the domain field?
You need to add jp#gc-JSON Path Extractor in HTTP request, the particular HTTP request which is generating session id in its response data .
If response is like:
In JSON path extractor add:
Variable name - session (variable in which session id will be stored)
JSON Expression - $.sessionId (this will vary according to the JSON response)
Default Value - NOT_FOUND
Now the next step is to use this variable named "session". You can use it in your HTTP request for which you need to pass session id under HTTP header manager as x-auth-token = ${session}
