How to disable ruby bundler text output? - ruby

Whenever I run a ruby script through bundler it always gives me output similar to:
Fetching gem metadata from
Using ...
Fetching ...
Installing ...
Bundle complete! 19 Gemfile dependencies, 145 gems now installed.
Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
How can I disable this in bundler so that it just shows the output of the actual script being run?

Easy way is to tell it to keep quiet about what it's doing:
bundle install --quiet
You may want to redirect it to a file in case something happens and it couldn't install gems:
bundle install > /tmp/bundle-install.out
Where you can inspect that if things go awry.


tootlcrl error: Could not find concurrent-ruby-1.1.10 in any of the sources

I'm trying to run a tootctl command, but am running into a problem with it not being able to detect the required dependency is not present.
Could not find concurrent-ruby-1.1.10 in any of the sources
I have run bundle install and the gems get installed (or are confirmed already installed), but the command still has trouble not finding the
Using concurrent-ruby-1.1.10
...dozens of other packages
Using rails-settings-cached 0.6.6
Bundle complete! 122 Gemfile dependencies, 225 gems now installed.
Gems in the groups 'development' and 'test' were not installed.
Bundled gems are installed into `../vendor/bundle`
then I attempt the command again..
me#mastodon-vm:/var/www/mastodon/bin$ ./tootctl media remove --days=7
Could not find concurrent-ruby-1.1.10 in any of the sources
Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.
but I'm back to the same problem. What is the typical approach to fix this?
Note: I did try to follow the guidance in this SO post, but it broke the entire installation. I was able to save it by replacing Gemfile and Gemfile.lock from Mastodon's source (phew)
Your log shows
Gems in the groups 'development' and 'test' were not installed.
Try to install your Gems with
bundle install --with development test
or run
RAILS_ENV=production tootctl
According to the gem is named "concurrent-ruby". When I run gem install concurrent-ruby, it is installed successfully on my computer.

Ruby - Cannot use locally installed gem

I've written a simple PasswordGenerator gem that I have at ~/workspace/gems/password_generator and have an app at ~/workspace/rubysamples/app where I want to use it. I have a Gemfile, the content of it is this:
gem 'password_generator', path: '~/workspace/gems/password_generator'
I installed it locally, like this:
bundle install --local
Resolving dependencies...
Using bundler 1.16.5
Using password_generator 0.1.0 from source at `~/workspace/gems/password_generator`
Bundle complete! 1 Gemfile dependency, 2 gems now installed.
Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
It looks like it's installed locally:
bundle info password_generator
* password_generator (0.1.0)
Summary: Simple password generator
Path: /home/jedrek/workspace/gems/password_generator
When I try to use it
I get an error
uninitialized constant PasswordGenerator (NameError)
What am I doing wrong? Am I missing anything?
Here's my gem repo:
I also tried pointing to my repo and branch in the Gemfile
gem 'password_generator', git: '', branch: 'master'
but I get the same error message uninitialized constant PasswordGenerator (NameError)
There are potentially two issues. The first is how you are starting Ruby and the second is how you are requiring your module.
First, if you are starting Ruby by running ruby password_reset.rb then you are ignoring the Gemfile. The Gemfile is only used when you're using bundler, so you want to make sure you are starting Ruby by running bundle exec ruby password_reset.rb. This causes bundler to read your Gemfile and execute Ruby in that context.
Second, you're not properly including your module in your Ruby file. Just because you've added the gem to your Gemfile and started Ruby using bundler doesn't mean that the Ruby process knows you intend to use that gem's module; it just makes the module available for use. You might wonder, "Why don't I have to do that in Rails?" Because Rails does that for you automatically via config/application.rb.
Given these two issues, the correct way to accomplish your goal is to configure your app as follows:
First, create your Gemfile:
# Gemfile
gem 'password_generator', path: '~/workspace/gems/password_generator'
Second, create your password_reset.rb file:
# password_reset.rb
# Manually require any libraries that this app will use, even if defined in Gemfile
require 'password_generator'
# Call `puts` so something is printed to the console when this app runs
puts PasswordGenerator.generate
Third, run bundle install to ensure your Gemfile is properly formatted and to generate your Gemfile.lock:
⇒ bundle install
Using bundler 1.16.5
Using password_generator 0.1.0 from source at `../../gems/password_generator`
Bundle complete! 1 Gemfile dependency, 2 gems now installed.
Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
Fourth, run bundle exec ruby password_reset.rb and observe the output:
⇒ bundle exec ruby password_reset.rb
Everything works because:
Ruby is started with Bundler
Bundler reads your Gemfile and makes the gems available to Ruby
Your app requires the module from the gem before attempting to use the module

`bundle exec` doesn't work, says "`mri_22` is not a valid platform"

I'm trying to run a command using bundle exec in my Ruby project. Whenever I run it, though, I get an error message that looks like:
$ bundle exec rake test
`mri_22` is not a valid platform. The available options are: [:ruby, :ruby_18,
:ruby_19, :ruby_20, :ruby_21, :mri, :mri_18, :mri_19, :mri_20, :mri_21, :rbx,
:jruby, :jruby_18, :jruby_19, :mswin, :mingw, :mingw_18, :mingw_19, :mingw_20,
:mingw_21, :x64_mingw, :x64_mingw_20, :x64_mingw_21]
How do I get bundle to work?
The version of bundler that you're running is out of date. Install the newest bundle gem by running
gem update bundler

Bundler does not install from stash private repo, but reports that it does

My bundle file doesn't appear to be pulling down a gem from a private repository properly.
Inside of my Gemfile, I have:
group :internal do
gem 'private', git: 'ssh://<port>/gems/private.git'
This runs, and verbose logging produces:
Updating ssh://<port>/gems/private.git
Cloning into '/Users/<username>/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247/bundler/gems/private-ddec73caf50f'...
When I navigate to /Users/<username>/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247/bundler/gems/, I see the correct repository cloned properly, with a gemspec with the correct name.
When bundler is finished running, gem list does not show the private gem. It produces an error when I attempt to require it.
I tried deleting the Gemfile.lock file in the repository and rerunning, and that did not work. All of the public gems in the Gemfile install correctly.
Relevant version numbers / software:
Bundler version 1.3.5
rvm 1.23.14
ruby 2.0.0p247
Atlassan Stash
Git gems are a Bundler-specific extension to Rubygems. The gem command does not know about these, so they're not listed by gem list. You can run bundle show to see the list of gems that are recognised by Bundler, which will include git gems.
To require the gem, you'll need to be sure that the load path is set up correctly by Bundler. There are three ways to do this:
Call require 'bundler/setup' in your app. This is typical for Rails apps. More on Bundler.setup
Call bundle exec <command> to run the command. This is more common when running commands from a gem, such as rake or rspec. More on bundle exec
Create binstubs for commands that you run frequently.
See for more information on git gems.

Unable to install bcrypt-ruby 3.1.1 [duplicate]

I read infinitely many stackoverflow articles on missing gems in ruby but I still fail in solving the problem. Here is the situation:
nicolamac:Proj a$ rails new MyGreatApp
nicolamac:Proj a$ cd MyGreatApp/
nicolamac:MyGreatApp a$ bundle install
Your bundle is complete! Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
But if I do:
nicolamac:MyGreatApp nicolagreco$ rails generate devise:install
I get
Could not find bcrypt-ruby-3.0.1 in any of the sources
How can I solve this problem?
Try to install it by adding to your Gemfile:
gem "bcrypt-ruby"
an then run
bundle install
