psql return value / error killing the shell script that called it? - bash

I'm running several psql commands inside a bash shell script. One of the commands imports a csv file to a table. The problem is, the CSV file is occasionally corrupt, it has invalid characters at the end and the import fails. When that happens, and I have the ON_ERROR_STOP=on flag set, my entire shell script stops at that point as well.
Here's the relevant bits of my bash script:
$(psql \
-X \
-w \
-b \
-L ./output.txt
-A \
-q \
--set ON_ERROR_STOP=on \
-t \
-c "\copy mytable(...) from '$input_file' csv HEADER"\
echo "import is done"
The above works fine as long as the csv file isn't corrupt. If it is however, psql spits out a message to the console that begins ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xb1 and my bash script apparently stops cold at that point-- my echo statement above doesn't execute, and neither do any other subsequent commands.
Per the psql documentation, a hard stop in psql should return an error code of 3:
psql returns 0 to the shell if it finished normally, 1 if a fatal error of its own occurs (e.g. out of >memory, file not found), 2 if the connection to the server went bad and the session was not >interactive, and 3 if an error occurred in a script and the variable ON_ERROR_STOP was set
That's fine and good, but is there a reason returning a value of 3 should terminate my calling bash script? And can I prevent that? I'd like to keep ON_ERROR_STOP set to on because I actually have other commands I'd like to run in that psql statement if the intial import succeeds, but not if it doesn't.

ON_ERROR_STOP will not work with the -c option.
Also, the $(...) surronding the psql look wrong — do you want to execute the output as a command?
Finally, you forgot a backslash after the -L option
Try using a “here document”:
psql \
-X \
-w \
-b \
-L ./output.txt \
-A \
-q \
--set ON_ERROR_STOP=on \
-t <<EOF
\copy mytable(...) from '$input_file' csv HEADER
echo "import is done"


How to execute bash variable with double quotes and get the output in realtime

I have a variable that has a command that I want to run.
It has a bunch of double-quotes. when I echo it, it looks beautiful.
I can copy-paste it and run it just fine.
I tried simply $cmd, but it doesn't work. I get an error as if the command is malformed.
I then tried running it via eval "$cmd" or similarly, bash -c "$cmd", which works, but I don't get any output until the command is done running.
Example with bash -c "$cmd":
This runs the command, BUT I don't get any output until the command is done running, which sucks and I'm trying to fix that:
cmd="docker run -v \"$PROJECT_DIR\":\"$PROJECT_DIR\" \
-v \"$PPI_ROOT_DIR/utilities/build_deploy/terraform/modules/\":/ppi_modules \
--workdir \"$PROJECT_DIR/terraform\" \
--env TF_VAR_aws_account_id=$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID \
--env TF_VAR_environment=${ENVIRONMENT} \
--env TF_VAR_region=${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION:-us-west-2} \
init --plugin-dir=/.terraform/providers \
-reconfigure \
-backend-config=\"bucket=${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}-tf-remote-state\" \
-backend-config=\"key=${ENVIRONMENT}/${PROJECT_NAME}\" \
-backend-config=\"region=us-west-2\" \
-backend-config=\"dynamodb_table=terraform-locks\" \
# command output looks good. I can copy and paste it and run it my terminal too.
echo $cmd
# Running the command via bash works,
# but I don't get the output until the command is done running,
# which is what I'm trying to fix:
bash -c "$cmd"
Here is an example using bash array.
It prints it to screen perfectly, but just like running it like $cmd, it throws an error as if the command is malformed:
cmd=(docker run -v \"$PROJECT_DIR\":\"$PROJECT_DIR\" \
-v \"$PPI_ROOT_DIR/utilities/build_deploy/terraform/modules/\":/ppi_modules \
--workdir \"$PROJECT_DIR/terraform\" \
--env TF_VAR_aws_account_id=$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID \
--env TF_VAR_environment=${ENVIRONMENT} \
--env TF_VAR_region=${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION:-us-west-2} \
init --plugin-dir=/.terraform/providers \
-reconfigure \
-backend-config=\"bucket=${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}-tf-remote-state\" \
-backend-config=\"key=${ENVIRONMENT}/${PROJECT_NAME}\" \
-backend-config=\"region=us-west-2\" \
-backend-config=\"dynamodb_table=terraform-locks\" \
echo "${cmd[#]}"
How can I execute a bash variable that has double-quotes, but run it so I get the output in realtime, just as if I executed via $cmd (which doesn't work)
Similar to these questions, but my question is to run it AND get the output in realtime:
Execute command containing quotes from shell variable
Bash inserting quotes into string before execution
bash script execute command with double quotes, single quotes and spaces
In your array version, double quotes escaped by a backslash become part of the arguments, which is not intended.
So removing backslashes should fix the issue.

Passing Variables in Makefile

I'm using a Makefile to run various docker-compose commands and I'm trying to capture the output of a script run on my local machine and pass that value to a Docker image.
VERSION=$(shell aws s3 ls s3://redact/downloads/1.2.3/) && \
docker-compose -f ./compose/docker-compose.yml run \
connect make run-service
When I run this I can see the variable being assigned but it still errors. Why is the value not getting passed into the -e argument:
VERSION=1.2.3-build342 && \
docker-compose -f ./compose/docker-compose.yml run --rm \
connect make run-connect
/bin/sh: VERSION: command not found
You're mixing several different Bourne shell and Make syntaxes here. The Make $$(VERSION) translates to shell $(VERSION), which is command-substitution syntax; GNU Make $(shell ...) generally expands at the wrong time and isn't what you want here.
If you were writing this as an ordinary shell command it would look like
# Set VERSION using $(...) substitution syntax
# Refer to just plain $VERSION
VERSION=$(aws s3 ls s3://redact/downloads/1.2.3/) && ... \
So when you use this in a Make context, if none of the variables are Make variables (they get set and used in the same command), just double the $ to $$ not escape them.
VERSION=$$(aws s3 ls s3://redact/downloads/1.2.3/) && \
docker-compose -f ./compose/docker-compose.yml run \
connect make run-service

Using a bash variables in sqlcmd

I have been tasked with replacing ISQL in a lot of our bash scripts with sqlcmd. ISQL allows piping a variable in it's execution.
An example would be:
echo $SQL_STATEMENT | isql -b -d, $DSN $DBUID $DBPWD >> setupdb_test.txt
From what I can tell this is not viable in sqlcmd. How can I do this? What flags does sqlcmd have to allow this to happen?
Here is what I have tried and have had a good result BUT I really do not want to create the file sql_command.sql every time a particular script runs:
echo "SELECT TOP 1 SYS_USER_NAME FROM SYS_USER" > sql_command.sql
sqlcmd -S $DB -U $DBUID -P $DBPWD -d $DSN -i sql_command.sql >> setupdb_test.txt
Programs originating on Windows can be picky about how they handle non-regular files and I don't have the opportunity to test, but you can try the typical Unix tricks for providing a "file" with data from an echo.
Either /dev/stdin:
echo "SELECT TOP 1 SYS_USER_NAME FROM SYS_USER" | sqlcmd -S "$DB" -U "$DBUID" -P "$DBPWD" -d "$DSN" -i /dev/stdin
or process substitution:
sqlcmd -S "$DB" -U "$DBUID" -P "$DBPWD" -d "$DSN" -i <(echo "SELECT TOP 1 SYS_USER_NAME FROM SYS_USER")

snowsql not found from cron tab

I am trying to execute snowsql from an shell script which i have scheduled with cron job. But i am getting error like snowsql: command not found.
I went through many links where they are asking us to give full path of the snowflake. i tried with that also but no luck. Below is my code snippet
set -x
snowsql --config /home/basant.jain/snowsql_config.conf \
-D cust_name=mean \
-D feed_nm=lbl \
-o exit_on_error=true \
-o timing=false \
-o friendly=false \
-o output_format=csv \
-o header=false \
-o variable_substitution=True \
-q 'select count(*) from table_name'
and my crontab looks like below:
*/1 * * * * /home/basant.jain/
Cron doesn't set PATH like your login shell does.
As you already wrote in your question you could specify the full path of snowsql, e.g.
/path/to/snowsql --config /home/basant.jain/snowsql_config.conf \
Note: /path/to/snowsql is only an example. Of course you should find out the real path of snowsql, e.g. using type snowsql.
Or you can try to source /etc/profile. Maybe this will set up PATH for calling snowsql.
. /etc/profile
snowsql --config /home/basant.jain/snowsql_config.conf \
see How to get CRON to call in the correct PATHs

Run Postgres File from Command Line (Without actually printing out code)

I can successfully run SQL (Postgres) files from command line following instructions here:
Run a PostgreSQL .sql file using command line arguments
In particular, I use something like
Problem is that this (and specifically, I believe the -a) prints the sql code out to the terminal. This is annoying because I am running a lot of files in sequence within a Python script using subprocess, and I would rather not have the SQL code print out in terminal. Is there a way to not print the SQL code out to terminal?
EDIT: I've tried adding the -q option like people said, but the code in the SQL file is still being printed out to terminal.
What I tried was
psql -q -d DBPASSWORD -a -f FILENAME
psql -d DBPASSWORD -q -a -f FILENAME
psql -d DBPASSWORD -a -q -f FILENAME
psql -d DBPASSWORD -a -f FILENAME -q
And in each of those cases, the code in FILENAME is being printed to terminal
You may want to redirect STDOUT, STDERR or both to a log file.
Something like one of these
psql ... > out.log
psql ... 2> err.log
psql ... &> out_and_err.log
