ORA-00942: Table or View not exist connecting with another user - oracle

in Oracle SQL developer I got error ORA-00942: Table or View not exist connecting with another user when I do the following:
so then, executing:
CONNECT marta/marta;
INSERT INTO myTable VALUES ('1', 'foo', bar');
got the ORA-00942...
Obviusly, If I use system user I can insert row with no issues.
I searched other answers but I couldnt solve this... what is wrong

Obviusly, If I use system user I can insert row with no issues.
Uh-oh. There's nothing obvious about that. The SYSTEM user should not own a table called MY_TABLE (or whatever application table that is actually named). The SYSTEM user is part of the Oracle database, its schema is governed by Oracle and using it for our own application objects is really bad practice.
But it seems you have created a table in that schema and user MARTA can't see it. That's standard. By default users can only see their own objects. They can only see objects in other schemas if the object's owner (or a power user) grants privileges on that object to the other user.
grant select on my_table to marta;
Then, as MARTA
select * from system.my_table;
To avoid prefixing the owning schema MARTA can create a synonym:
create or replace synonym my_table for system.my_table;
select * from my_table;
But really, you need to stop using SYSTEM for your own tables.


Using oracle seq generator in Informatica Mapping [duplicate]

I use SQL developer and i made a connection to my database with the system user, after I created a user and made a another connection with that user with all needed privileges.
But when I try to proceed following I get the SQL Error
ORA-00942 table or view does not exist.:
INSERT INTO customer (c_id,name,surname) VALUES ('1','Micheal','Jackson')
Because this post is the top one found on stackoverflow when searching for "ORA-00942: table or view does not exist insert", I want to mention another possible cause of this error (at least in Oracle 12c): a table uses a sequence to set a default value and the user executing the insert query does not have select privilege on the sequence. This was my problem and it took me an unnecessarily long time to figure it out.
To reproduce the problem, execute the following SQL as user1:
create sequence seq_customer_id;
create table customer (
c_id number(10) default seq_customer_id.nextval primary key,
name varchar(100) not null,
surname varchar(100) not null
grant select, insert, update, delete on customer to user2;
Then, execute this insert statement as user2:
insert into user1.customer (name,surname) values ('michael','jackson');
The result will be "ORA-00942: table or view does not exist" even though user2 does have insert and select privileges on user1.customer table and is correctly prefixing the table with the schema owner name. To avoid the problem, you must grant select privilege on the sequence:
grant select on seq_customer_id to user2;
Either the user doesn't have privileges needed to see the table, the table doesn't exist or you are running the query in the wrong schema
Does the table exist?
select owner,
from dba_objects
where object_name = any ('CUSTOMER','customer');
What privileges did you grant?
grant select, insert on customer to user;
Are you running the query against the owner from the first query?
Case sensitive Tables (table names created with double-quotes) can throw this same error as well. See this answer for more information.
Simply wrap the table in double quotes:
INSERT INTO "customer" (c_id,name,surname) VALUES ('1','Micheal','Jackson')
You cannot directly access the table with the name 'customer'. Either it should be 'user1.customer' or create a synonym 'customer' for user2 pointing to 'user1.customer'. hope this helps..
Here is an answer: http://www.dba-oracle.com/concepts/synonyms.htm
An Oracle synonym basically allows you to create a pointer to an object that exists somewhere else. You need Oracle synonyms because when you are logged into Oracle, it looks for all objects you are querying in your schema (account). If they are not there, it will give you an error telling you that they do not exist.
I am using Oracle Database and i had same problem. Eventually i found ORACLE DB is converting all the metadata (table/sp/view/trigger) in upper case.
And i was trying how i wrote table name (myTempTable) in sql whereas it expect how it store table name in databsae (MYTEMPTABLE). Also same applicable on column name.
It is quite common problem with developer whoever used sql and now jumped into ORACLE DB.
in my case when i used asp.net core app i had a mistake in my sql query. If your database contains many schemas, you have to write schema_name before table_name, like:
i hope it will helpful.

How could I prevent a user from querying SELECT on other schemas in Oracle?

I'm using Oracle 11g( I created about 20 tablespaces and users. And the data came by [Tools] - [Database Copy] on Oracle SQL Developer.
Somehow I found that a user is using SELECT query on the table from another schema. I want to prevent it for security. How should I change my grant options?
I read "Oracle Database Security Guide 11g Release 2(11.2)", but couldn't find the solution clearly.
Here are my creating and granting queries.
create user [USER_NAME]
identified by [PASSWORD]
default tablespace [TABLESPACE_NAME]
temporary tablespace TEMP;
grant create session,
create database link,
create materialized view,
create procedure,
create public synonym,
create role,
create sequence,
create synonym,
create table,
drop any table,
create trigger,
create type,
create view to [USER_NAME];
alter user [USER_NAME] quota unlimited on [TABLESPACE_NAME];
And here is the SELECT result of session_privs on a user.
SQL> SELECT * FROM session_privs;
13 rows selected.
I want to prevent a user from querying SELECT on other schemas.
For example, the following query
-- connected with USER1
FROM USER2.table1;
should make an error like:
ERROR: USER1 doesn't have SELECT privilege on USER2.
Use appropriate terms (changed some words from tablespace to schema)
Add SELECT result of session_privs on a user
Add the method of how the data came by.
It was my fault. I missed that I had added some roles.
To copy data using Oracle SQL Developer, I added predefined roles to users. The roles were exp_full_database and imp_full_database.
According to Oracle Database Security Guide: Configuring Privilege and Role Authorization, exp_full_database contains these privileges:
and roles:
Those roles are not required now. So the answer is removing them from users.
REVOKE exp_full_database, imp_full_databsae FROM USER1;
And I get the result I wanted.
-- connected with USER1
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

Why is oracle dictionary lying to me?

In the documentation for all_constraints table it says that the "owner" column gives us information about "Owner of the constraint definition". But when examining the living example I found that to be false.
select user from dual; --gives EXAMPLE_USER
create table example_user.example_table(id number);
Now I will change user to SYS.
select user from dual --gives SYS
alter table example_user.example_table add constraint ex_constrain check(id > 10);
Now the best part:
select owner from all_constraints where constraint_name = 'EX_CONSTRAINT';
--gives EXAMPLE_USER and not SYS.
My question is simple: why?
Tested on: Oracle Database 11g EE
Well, SYS is special, it owns the database and can do anything.
If you wanted to do the same with another user (for example, SCOTT, and let it try to create constraint for EXAMPLE_USER's table), you'd fail unless privileged user grants SCOTT ALTER ANY TABLE system privilege. Doing so, that user will be able to alter any table (which belongs to any user), and that includes creating constraints.
If you'd want to create a primary key constraint, that privilege won't be enough - you'll need CREATE ANY INDEX privilege as well (as primary key creates index as well).
Just like CREATE ANY TABLE system privilege, which allows you to create a table in any other user's schema, but that table will then belong to the schema owner, the same goes for a constraint - yes, you created it in behalf of another user, but the constraint is still owned by the table owner, not the creator.
Therefore, dictionary isn't lying, it is you who misunderstood how it goes.

What Oracle privilege is to be granted to a role so it allows users to see tables in Oracle SQL Developer schema

Using Oracle 12c, I have a role which I have granted basic CRUD operations to using Oracle SQL Developer. The problem is, users of the group can not see the list of tables in Oracle SQL Developer. All they see is the branch that shows a tables node but there is no plus sign to expand and see the tables for the one schema they need to work with. What other privilege needs to be granted to the group so they can see all the table nodes for their schema when using Oracle SQL Developer? Thanks in advance.
If I understood you correctly, you
created a role
granted certain privileges to that role
created bunch of users
granted role (from step 1) to those users
but they still don't see anything.
If that's so, they won't see anything regardless of what you grant - it is because they don't have those objects in theirs schemas.
What you (or they) should/could do is to precede table name with owner name while selecting data from those tables. Suppose that there's a table named EMPLOYEE and your users want to select data from it - they should run select * from robertcode.employee (presuming that user robertcode owns that table)
Although it works, users won't be happy because they don't know table names. Therefore, create a script which they will run in their schemas - that script will create synonyms to your tables.
In order to do that, write query which will create query:
SQL> select 'create synonym ' || table_name || ' for ' || table_name ||';'
2 from user_tables;
create synonym EMP for EMP;
create synonym BONUS for BONUS;
create synonym SALGRADE for SALGRADE;
create synonym DEPT for DEPT;
Copy/paste all those create synonym ... statements into an e-mail message and let them create synonyms for themselves.
They still won't see anything under the Tables node (because those users don't have tables (until they create them in their own schema), but will see something in Synonyms.

Oracle Create Table without Insert permission

Is it possible in oracle dbms for a user to have the permission to create a table but not have the permission to insert in it although the same user just created it?
Thank you in advance!
Short answer:
No, it's not.
Longer answer:
You can do pretty much anything you want. If you want to restrict insert access the usual method would be to create the table in a different schema. Assuming you have a table emp in the schema hr, which you wanted to access from the schema 'users`:
You would grant users permission to SELECT from the table emp when connected as hr:
grant select on emp to users
or, if you also want users to be able to UPDATE emp:
grant select, update on emp to users
Lastly, when connected as users, you prefix the table name with the schema it is located in:
select * from hr.emps
You can now select from the table but not insert into it.
