I am developing a gantt chart using Telerik's Kendo UI for JQuery. I am using the Material css theme. If I add a Summary Task with a single Milestone Task within it, the Milestone Task displays as a diamond but the parent Summary Task is a Task of zero length which cannot be seen:
I have seen examples where a smaller diamond is depicted for the Summary Task. I checked the dates for the Summary Task and the Start and End are identical. Am I missing something here please?
Can't find any gadgets that sum up story points per epic in the Jira dashboard and my company policy doesn't allow to use external add ons.
Tried pie chart gadget, but it shows % based on story count not story points as in the below image
Can't find a JQL option to sum up story points per epic from the current sprint
Tried using the filter result gadget in tabular form , it lists story points and epics separately but not grouped by epic
Working with Kendo Gantt chart to show milestone in the chart. The chart shows it as a task type. The setting for milestone type task is start and end date is same. Please let me know if there is any other setting we need
It was a code issue. The start date and end date were saved the same. However before binding the time for the end date was changed to 23:23:59, and that's why it was not displayed as a milestone. Fixed the date and time to be the same, and the milestone started showing.
can I create a gantt chart by Dhtmlx with multiple tasks in one row?
some gantt charts like "angular-gantt" and "Anychart" supported this but I can't find any way to do it with Dhtmlx gantt
I want to create a gantt chart like this image:
** Angular-gantt and any chart are very very slow for huge data
Yes, it became possible since dhtmlx Gantt version 6.2. The functionality called "Split Tasks". Find details on how to implement it in the guide.
Also, check the sample that demonstrates how it works.
I would like to display somehow on a Sonar dashboard the Last Analysis date.
We use SonarQube Version 5.6.3.
Can I display the Last Analysis date somehow on the Quality Gate widget?
Was also looking for this question but found the workaround to
use: Advanced Timeline Chart instead of Quality Gate widget. I adapted the height but anyway a lot of white space.
The Last Analysis date is displayed on the top right of any project page you would browse in SonarQube ( see example ).
We are using the grouping property of Scheduler. It is really useful. We show our all technic employees in vertical grouping.
We want to show all days of month in a line like timeline view.
Is it possible?
This can be achieved by creating custom view that extends the desired build-in one and overriding the methods responsible for calculating the visible date range. Such demo can be found in Kendo UI CodeLibraries:
Scheduler: Custom view with custom date range and swipe support