quarkus with application managed persistence - quarkus

Actually, I use WildFly JEE Server and consider to switch to Quarkus. I have the following questions about quarkus:
1. persistence.xml
I see that quarkus uses its own application.properties to set up database. Can I use persistence.xml instead?
2. container managed persistence
Does quarkus provide something similar or must I manage persistence by myself?

Regarding your question around Container Manager Persistence;
You can mark any bean method with the standard #Transactional annotation.
The Transaction Manager is automatically setup and configured with reasonable defaults; see the Transactions Guide to reconfigure.
The Datasource (connection pool) is integrated with the Transaction Manager, and optionally allows for XA. See Datasource Guide
Hibernate ORM is integrated with all of the above automatically - it's effectively running in "JTA Mode"
You can use CDI's standard #Inject to get an EntityManager
or you can use Hibernate ORM with Panache to not even need an EntityManager :-) It will still bind to the transactional components.
If you don't like how this is integrated for you, or just prefer old-style configuration, you can use the configuration via persistence.xml as an alternative.

persistence.xml is supported, see this


Spring Boot GemFire Pivotal Cloud Cache #EnableClusterAware and ClientCacheRegionFactory

Im trying to connect to Pivotal Cloud Cache server Regions.
I'm using #EnableClusterAware and trying to configure the client Regions via ClientRegionFactoryBean as below:
ClientRegionFactoryBean someClientRegion(GemFireCache gemfire) {
// ...
Either GemFireCache or ClientCache beans are not available with the annotation #EnableClusterAware. It's available only with #ClientCacheApplication.
Is there any annotations that needs to be used in conjunction with #EnableClusterAware so that GemFireCache gets injected?
Please help.
When Spring Boot for Apache Geode, or alternatively GemFire, (SBDG) is on the classpath of your Spring Boot application (see here), then SBDG auto-configuration will automatically create and configure a ClientCache instance for you (see here).
TIP: You can also review the Getting Stated Sample Guide and Source to see this behavior in action, for yourself. The Guide also talks about the use of the #EnableClusterAware annotation, here.
The #EnableClusterAware annotation is simply a development-time, SBDG annotation that enables you to switch between environments (e.g. local vs. managed, such as when pushing your Spring Boot application up to run in PCF, connected to PCC, and then testing locally in your IDE) without having to change any configuration (hence the goals).
The #EnableClusterAware annotation does not create any GemFire/Geode cache instances for you. Only SBDG's auto-configuration, or declaring an explicit SDG annotation (e.g. #ClientCacheApplication) will do that for you. Still, when using SBDG auto-configuration, you do not need an explicit SDG cache application annotation, like #ClientCacheApplication, since SBDG auto-configuration (again) creates and configures a ClientCache instance by default.
TIP: See the documentation on the #EnableClusterAware annotation for more details.
If ClientCache is not provided (auto-configured), then you are not:
Using SBDG, or rather do not have SBDG on the Spring Boot application classpath (see here)
Have not bootstrapped or configured and ran your Spring application with Spring Boot
Your Spring Boot application configuration is incorrect
You have explicitly disabled or overrode the SBDG auto-configuration
One or more of these have to be true.

Does spring transaction management locks database?

I am new in spring transaction management. I have learn in hibernate there is locking concept for transaction management.
Does spring have such internal working Mechanism.
Yes there are locking concepts implemented in Spring. So if you are using Spring Data JPA you can simply use the #Lock annotation to decide on how you want to lock within your transaction. You can find further information here. In this example the Annotation is only used on the Repository interface methods, but as far as I know you can also use this on Service methods annotated with #Transactional.

Spring boot with spring #Transactional works without enabling transactional management

In my spring boot application spring #Transactional annotation works without specifying #EnableTransactionManagement explicitly.
Is there any official documentation saying that it is enabled automatically?
Or there is something else happening .... ?
btw: I'm using Spring Data JPA
Yes, this is enabled as long as you have spring-tx and some transactional resource in your application. Effectively if you are using spring-boot-starter-jdbc or spring-boot-starter-data-jpa, Spring Boot will configure a DataSource for you, start Hibernate (in the latter case) and configure transaction management.
Not all "Enable" annotations require to be explicitly set. When there is a reasonable amount of things that we can check to validate it makes sense to configure that for you, we'll do it. In this case, if you have a DataSource you must probably want to have transactions. If you have JPA (and no JTA infrastructure), you probably want a JpaTransactionManager). If we auto-configure that, the easiest way to use it is via #Transactional so we'll enable that in that case as well.
I guess you kept asking to get some sort of "official" answer, so here's one.
#SpringBootApplication adds #EnableAutoConfiguration it detects Spring Data JPA on your classpath. According to it Spring registers PlatformTransactionManager - JpaTransactionManager, datasource, entitymanager, repositories.
Not sure there are precise articles, but there are proper answer on stack. An official spring sample article
#Transactional annotation can work fine if the "< tx:annotation-driven/ >" tag is in your Spring XML configuration. Look at this reference : http://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/transaction/annotation/EnableTransactionManagement.html

spring persistence xml

What is the difference between:
persistenc.xml can be configured with hibernate properties OR Javax.persistence properties.
What scenarios would you use either one.
I tried using javax.persistence but my spring app would not work.. changed it to hibernate and it started working.
javax.persistence is the standard. Hibernate is an implementation. If you are completely sure that your DB layer will always be handled by Hibernate, go ahead and configure using Hibernate. If not, use javax.persistence, so that you could change your DB layer in the future.

Spring Hibernate Connection through AOP standalone application

I am trying to develop Annotation based Spring Hibernate standalone application to connect to DB. I've gone through the some blogs and wondered like we should not make use of hibernateTemplate becoz coupling your application tightly to the spring framework. For this reason, Spring recommends that HibernateTemplate no longer be used.Further more my requirement is changed to Spring Hibernate with AOP using Declarative Transaction management.I am new to AOP concepts. Can any one please give an example on Spring Hibernate Connection through AOP. That would be a great help to me.
Thanks in advance.
If you are looking for exemples of project structures, you may want to use maven archetypes which provide you an already working Spring + Hibernate or Spring + JPA configuration.
They may provide you also a web layer (or not) but you can remove it if you want.
To try that, install maven and type:
mvn archetype:generate
By the way, I don't think using HibernateTemplate is a big deal. Many people still use it. But you'd better inject the Hibernate session factory and use contextual sessions with getCurrentSession()
I'd use JPA instead of plain Hibernate. You can of course use Hibernate as a provider. I guess that you know how to run Spring container in standalone application. Just follow the steps from documentation here. Use LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean. Then read about transaction management.
There is a new feature that lets you start JPA without persistence.xml file. Read here.
If you still want to use plain Hibernate follow the docs.
