Server Client Communcation between heroku apps - heroku

I have a server application built on nodejs and and a client application built with typescript and
The two apps are separate git repos.
Can I host them as separate apps on heroku and allow communication between them or do they need to share repo/heroku app?

As heroku allow to open single port per application. You have to use separate heroku apps for:
Nodejs backend which includes
Front client application which built on Typescript.
You can share share Repo if you're not connected Git with Heroku Repo.
But in case you connected Github repo with Heroku app you need a separate Repo for both.


how heroku, netlify, godaddy are different in terms of the web hosting service it provides

If I want to have a react app hosted on my owned domain what is my best option ?
1) Godaddy webhosting
2) heroku
3) netlify
I not sure what are the differences, what shoud I choose, I want CI/CD to be setup and, each push to my repo on github should trigger a deployment
Heroku and Netlify have good CI/CD support. With Netlify you are more limited since they host static web pages. You cannot do SSR (server side rendering) with Netlify.
It depends entirely on your project. If you have a project that requires SSR go for Heroku. If you have a project that is a SPA go for Netlify. When combined with GitHub it can be especially nice.

How to deploy a React app with Strapi (from localhost to an external server e.g. AWS)?

I am developing a website, where posts are published through Strapi. My website is a React app. For Hosting, I use (Amazon's) AWS.
My question is simple. I want to deploy my localhost application, and make visible to the WWW. I was searching for tutorials but could not find any that helps me in this.
Thank you!
ok deploy process is simple:
You get a server like digital ocean.
you push your projecto into a github repo.
Configure mongo, node, ngnix and clone your project into www folder
enter in your folder app and make npm install --production
latter insall PM2 and make it run
this is a little explaination the real explanaition you can see here:
how to deploy strapi app on ubuntu server
The www you can modified adding Cname at your server and vinculing your dns with you domain in you name domain proveedor

Run two apps on one heroku domain

I have two apps, one is a react app being served on a node server (front end). Another one is a Spring boot app (backend that provides bunch of REST API endpoints). They live on two different github repos.
Is there a way to configure heroku to serve both of them (they run on different ports) on one domain?
Right now, I have the java spring boot app being served on one heroku domain, I want the second react project to build and run on the same domain. Any idea ?

Can I deploy a server to Heroku without a client?

I have built a backend server application without a frontend to it. Can I still deploy it to heroku ?
Sure. Heroku only hosts apps.
As long as your backend server application listens on a specified port, and is able to receive and respond to HTTP requests, you can host it on Heroku.

Multiple heroku applications for the same local application

I have one application at my local machine and it's deployed to heroku. Or I must say, I was deployed - only a landing page. I have its own domain ( However, it's in a test phase now and I want to deploy it to I've already created another application for this at heroku (demo-example-com).
I could create a new local copy specially for demo-example-com but I don't think it's sensible. Instead I want to push the same local application to the different heroku applicaions (not accounts): and demo-example-com.
How do I do this if this is possible?
Heroku has good documentation on how to deploy to multiple environments from your local machine. In other words, how to push to different applications in the same account from one local repository. See
