Is there an identity function in Ruby? - ruby

I'm currently writing a Ruby class that provides a menu of base lambdas that can be mixed-and-matched to create a new set of lambdas. (it's an evolutionary algorithm that requires a lot of customizing of the fitness function depending on the dataset)
The configuration fire where this happens it full of stuff like this
function_from_modifier.(base_function, either.(modifier_from.(case),->(x){x}) )
The identity function ->(x){x} pops up several times in the configuration file, and it looks ugly, so I was wondering if there is a more elegant way of doing this. Is something like Elixir's &(&1) possible in Ruby?

tl;dr summary: there is no identity function in the Ruby core or standard libraries. In fact, there are no functions (in the sense of pre-defined Proc instances) at all anywhere in the core or standard libraries.
First-class functions in Ruby are kind-of second-class (if that makes sense).
When Yukihiro "matz" Matsumoto first designed Ruby, he surveyed the standard libraries of other languages for uses of first-class and higher-order functions, and he found that the vast majority of uses were:
a single function argument
that is not stored, passed, or returned
that is only immediately invoked one or more times
A significant portion of higher-order functions where this is not true are control structures (e.g. if which takes a condition and two consequences), which however he wanted to model as built-in language constructs, not library functions.
Therefore, he decided to optimize Ruby for the common case that he identified, and created blocks.
Blocks are not first-class functions:
they aren't objects
you can't send messages to them
they can't be stored in variables
they can't be returned
they can't be freely passed as arguments, you can only pass at most one and only at a special place in the argument list
As a result, real (in the sense that they are actual objects) first-class functions (Procs) are in some sense second-class language features compared to blocks:
they are more expensive in memory
calling them is slower
they are more syntactically cumbersome to create
So, in essence, it is not surprising that you are running into limitations when trying to use Ruby the way you do: that's not what Ruby was designed for.
In the past, I used to carry around a helper library with constants such like this:
class Proc
Id = -> x { x }
But I stopped doing that. If I want to use Ruby, I use Ruby as an OO language, if I want to do fancy FP, I use Haskell or Scala or Clojure or Racket or …

There is no anonymous functions capture in ruby, because in OOP there are objects having methods defined on them, not functions.
The most similar call would be Object#itself, and while one might do method(:itself) instead of ->(x) { x }, it would not be exactly same for many reasons.
Why would not you just assign the anonymous function to the variable and use it instead, like λ = ->(x) { x } and then use λ everywhere?
Sidenote: using a bare function instead of the block in call to either looks like a bad design to me. Blocks are faster, and everywhere in the core lib ruby uses blocks in such a case.


Java: Are Instance methods Prohibited for Domain Objects in Functional Programming?

Since Functional Programming treats Data and Behavior separately, and behavior is not supposed to mutate the the state of an Instance, does FP recommend not having instance methods at all for Domain Objects? Or should I always declare all the fields final?
I am asking more in the context of Object oriented languages like Java.
Since Functional Programming treats Data and Behavior separately,
I heard that said a lot, but it is not necessarily true. Yes, syntactically they are different, but encapsulation is a thing in FP too. You don't really want your data structures exposed for the same reason you don't want it in OOP, you want to evolve it later. You want to add features, or optimize it. Once you gave direct access to the data you've essentially lost control of that data.
For example in haskell, there are modules, which are actually the data + behavior in a single unit. Normally the "constructors" of data (i.e. the direct access to "fields") are not available for outside functions. (There are exceptions as always.)
does FP recommends not having instance methods at all for Domain Objects
FP is a paradigm which says that software should be build using a (mathematical) composition of (mathematical) functions. That is essentially it. Now if you squint enough, you could call a method a function, with just one additional parameter this. Provided everything is immutable.
So I would say no, "FP" does not explicitly define syntax and it can be compatible with objects under certain conditions.
I am asking more in the context of Object oriented languages like Java.
This is where it kind-of gets hazy. Java is not well suited to do functional programming. Keep in mind, that it may have borrowed certain syntax from traditional FP languages, but that doesn't make it suitable for FP.
For example immutability, pure functions, function composition are all things that you should have to do FP, Java has none of those. I mean you can write code to "pretend", but you would be swimming against the tide.
does FP recommends not having instance methods at all for Domain Objects?
In the Domain Driven Design book, Eric Evans discusses modeling your domain with Entities, and Value Objects.
The Value Object pattern calls for immutable private data; once you initialize the value object, it does not change. In the language of Command Query Separation, we would say that the interface of a Value Object supports queries, but not commands.
So an instance method on a value object is very similar to a closure, with the immutable private state of the object playing the role of the captured variables.
Your fields should be final, but functional code and instance methods are not mutually exclusive.
Take a look at the BigDecimal class for example:
BigDecimal x = new BigDecimal(1);
BigDecimal y = new BigDecimal(2);
BigDecimal z = a.add(b);
x and y are immutable and the add method leaves them unchanged and creates a new BigDecimal.

Is there a difference between fun(n::Integer) and fun(n::T) where T<:Integer in performance/code generation?

In Julia, I most often see code written like fun(n::T) where T<:Integer, when the function works for all subtypes of Integer. But sometimes, I also see fun(n::Integer), which some guides claim is equivalent to the above, whereas others say it's less efficient because Julia doesn't specialize on the specific subtype unless the subtype T is explicitly referred to.
The latter form is obviously more convenient, and I'd like to be able to use that if possible, but are the two forms equivalent? If not, what are the practicaly differences between them?
Yes Bogumił Kamiński is correct in his comment: f(n::T) where T<:Integer and f(n::Integer) will behave exactly the same, with the exception the the former method will have the name T already defined in its body. Of course, in the latter case you can just explicitly assign T = typeof(n) and it'll be computed at compile time.
There are a few other cases where using a TypeVar like this is crucially important, though, and it's probably worth calling them out:
f(::Array{T}) where T<:Integer is indeed very different from f(::Array{Integer}). This is the common parametric invariance gotcha (docs and another SO question about it).
f(::Type) will generate just one specialization for all DataTypes. Because types are so important to Julia, the Type type itself is special and allows parameterization like Type{Integer} to allow you to specify just the Integer type. You can use f(::Type{T}) where T<:Integer to require Julia to specialize on the exact type of Type it gets as an argument, allowing Integer or any subtypes thereof.
Both definitions are equivalent. Normally you will use fun(n::Integer) form and apply fun(n::T) where T<:Integer only if you need to use specific type T directly in your code. For example consider the following definitions from Base (all following definitions are also from Base) where it has a natural use:
zero(::Type{T}) where {T<:Number} = convert(T,0)
(+)(x::T, y::T) where {T<:BitInteger} = add_int(x, y)
And even if you need type information in many cases it is enough to use typeof function. Again an example definition is:
oftype(x, y) = convert(typeof(x), y)
Even if you are using a parametric type you can often avoid using where clause (which is a bit verbose) like in:
median(r::AbstractRange{<:Real}) = mean(r)
because you do not care about the actual value of the parameter in the body of the function.
Now - if you are Julia user like me - the question is how to convince yourself that this works as expected. There are the following methods:
you can check that one definition overwrites the other in methods table (i.e. after evaluating both definitions only one method is present for this function);
you can check code generated by both functions using #code_typed, #code_warntype, #code_llvm or #code_native etc. and find out that it is the same
finally you can benchmark the code for performance using BenchmarkTools
A nice plot explaining what Julia does with your code is here (I also recommend the whole presentation to any Julia user - it is excellent). And you can see on it that Julia after lowering AST applies type inference step to specialize function call before LLVM codegen step.
You can hint Julia compiler to avoid specialization. This is done using #nospecialize macro on Julia 0.7 (it is only a hint though).

How to Work with Ruby Duck Typing

I am learning Ruby and I'm having a major conceptual problem concerning typing. Allow me to detail why I don't understand with paradigm.
Say I am method chaining for concise code as you do in Ruby. I have to precisely know what the return type of each method call in the chain, otherwise I can't know what methods are available on the next link. Do I have to check the method documentation every time?? I'm running into this constantly running tutorial exercises. It seems I'm stuck with a process of reference, infer, run, fail, fix, repeat to get code running rather then knowing precisely what I'm working with during coding. This flies in the face of Ruby's promise of intuitiveness.
Say I am using a third party library, once again I need to know what types are allow to pass on the parameters otherwise I get a failure. I can look at the code but there may or may not be any comments or declaration of what type the method is expecting. I understand you code based on methods are available on an object, not the type. But then I have to be sure whatever I pass as a parameter has all the methods the library is expect, so I still have to do type checking. Do I have to hope and pray everything is documented properly on an interface so I know if I'm expected to give a string, a hash, a class, etc.
If I look at the source of a method I can get a list of methods being called and infer the type expected, but I have to perform analysis.
Ruby and duck typing: design by contract impossible?
The discussions in the preceding stackoverflow question don't really answer anything other than "there are processes you have to follow" and those processes don't seem to be standard, everyone has a different opinion on what process to follow, and the language has zero enforcement. Method Validation? Test-Driven Design? Documented API? Strict Method Naming Conventions? What's the standard and who dictates it? What do I follow? Would these guidelines solve this concern Is there editors that help?
Conceptually I don't get the advantage either. You need to know what methods are needed for any method called, so regardless you are typing when you code anything. You just aren't informing the language or anyone else explicitly, unless you decide to document it. Then you are stuck doing all type checking at runtime instead of during coding. I've done PHP and Python programming and I don't understand it there either.
What am I missing or not understanding? Please help me understand this paradigm.
This is not a Ruby specific problem, it's the same for all dynamically typed languages.
Usually there are no guidelines for how to document this either (and most of the time not really possible). See for instance map in the ruby documentation
map { |item| block } → new_ary
map → Enumerator
What is item, block and new_ary here and how are they related? There's no way to tell unless you know the implementation or can infer it from the name of the function somehow. Specifying the type is also hard since new_ary depends on what block returns, which in turn depends on the type of item, which could be different for each element in the Array.
A lot of times you also stumble across documentation that says that an argument is of type Object, Which again tells you nothing since everything is an Object.
OCaml has a solution for this, it supports structural typing so a function that needs an object with a property foo that's a String will be inferred to be { foo : String } instead of a concrete type. But OCaml is still statically typed.
Worth noting is that this can be a problem in statically typed lanugages too. Scala has very generic methods on collections which leads to type signatures like ++[B >: A, That](that: GenTraversableOnce[B])(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Array[T], B, That]): That for appending two collections.
So most of the time, you will just have to learn this by heart in dynamically typed languages, and perhaps help improve the documentation of libraries you are using.
And this is why I prefer static typing ;)
Edit One thing that might make sense is to do what Scala also does. It doesn't actually show you that type signature for ++ by default, instead it shows ++[B](that: GenTraversableOnce[B]): Array[B] which is not as generic, but probably covers most of the use cases. So for Ruby's map it could have a monomorphic type signature like Array<a> -> (a -> b) -> Array<b>. It's only correct for the cases where the list only contains values of one type and the block only returns elements of one other type, but it's much easier to understand and gives a good overview of what the function does.
Yes, you seem to misunderstand the concept. It's not a replacement for static type checking. It's just different. For example, if you convert objects to json (for rendering them to client), you don't care about actual type of the object, as long as it has #to_json method. In Java, you'd have to create IJsonable interface. In ruby no overhead is needed.
As for knowing what to pass where and what returns what: memorize this or consult docs each time. We all do that.
Just another day, I've seen rails programmer with 6+ years of experience complain on twitter that he can't memorize order of parameters to alias_method: does new name go first or last?
This flies in the face of Ruby's promise of intuitiveness.
Not really. Maybe it's just badly written library. In core ruby everything is quite intuitive, I dare say.
Statically typed languages with their powerful IDEs have a small advantage here, because they can show you documentation right here, very quickly. This is still accessing documentation, though. Only quicker.
Consider that the design choices of strongly typed languages (C++,Java,C#,et al) enforce strict declarations of type passed to methods, and type returned by methods. This is because these languages were designed to validate that arguments are correct (and since these languages are compiled, this work can be done at compile time). But some questions can only be answered at run time, and C++ for example has the RTTI (Run Time Type Interpreter) to examine and enforce type guarantees. But as the developer, you are guided by syntax, semantics and the compiler to produce code that follows these type constraints.
Ruby gives you flexibility to take dynamic argument types, and return dynamic types. This freedom enables you to write more generic code (read Stepanov on the STL and generic programming), and gives you a rich set of introspection methods (is_a?, instance_of?, respond_to?, kind_of?, is_array?, et al) which you can use dynamically. Ruby enables you to write generic methods, but you can also explicity enforce design by contract, and process failure of contract by means chosen.
Yes, you will need to use care when chaining methods together, but learning Ruby is not just a few new keywords. Ruby supports multiple paradigms; you can write procedural, object oriend, generic, and functional programs. The cycle you are in right now will improve quickly as you learn about Ruby.
Perhaps your concern stems from a bias towards strongly typed languages (C++, Java, C#, et al). Duck typing is a different approach. You think differently. Duck typing means that if an object looks like a , behaves like a , then it is a . Everything (almost) is an Object in Ruby, so everything is polymorphic.
Consider templates (C++ has them, C# has them, Java is getting them, C has macros). You build an algorithm, and then have the compiler generate instances for your chosen types. You aren't doing design by contract with generics, but when you recognize their power, you write less code, and produce more.
Some of your other concerns,
third party libraries (gems) are not as hard to use as you fear
Documented API? See Rdoc and
Rdoc documentation is (usually) provided for libraries
coding guidelines - look at the source for a couple of simple gems for starters
naming conventions - snake case and camel case are both popular
Suggestion - approach an online tutorial with an open mind, do the tutorial ( is good), and you will have more focused questions.

Is it possible to do functional programming in a language without functions?

In this comment, it was stated that Ruby doesn't have functions, only methods. If Ruby doesn't have functions, is it not possible to do functional programming in it? Or am I confused about the term "function"?
I mean "functional programming" in the sense of functions as first class objects, not as in prohibiting mutable state.
Blocks and Procs are first-class functions. You can pass them around to methods and functions. That's how Ruby is able to support FP-ish things like map and reduce.
More generally, a method can be viewed as a function with extra associated state (its self), but methods are rarely passed around in Ruby — though they can be — so in practice they're not as important to FP-ish idioms as blocks and Procs.
Yes. Method vs function is quite a fine distinction.
It's easy to view each particular method implementation as a function; just have it take as an extra parameter the object on which the method was invoked (if your language doesn't pass it explicitly; not terribly familiar with Ruby). That doesn't quite give you virtual method calls (i.e. where the particular implementation called is determined by the object at runtime). But it's also very easy to imagine a virtual method call as calling a function that just inspects its first parameter (self, this, whatever it's called) and uses it to determine which method implementation to call. With those conventions established, object.method(param1, param2) differs from method(object, param1, param2) only in a trivial syntactic way.
Personally, I view the above as "the truth", and that object-oriented languages just offer syntactic sugar and optimised execution for this because it's such a core part of writing/executing OO programs. That sort of system is also exactly how you do OO when you have functions but not true classes/methods.
It's also trivially easy to implement functions with methods, if you think methods aren't functions. Just have an object with a single method and no attributes! This is also how you do functional programming in languages like Java that insist upon everything being an object and don't let you pass methods/functions as first-class values.
All you need to do functional programming is things you can pass around as first-class values, which can be used to execute code determined by the creator of the "thing" (rather than determined by the code that's using the "thing"), on demand by code that has access to the "thing". I can't think of a programming language that doesn't have this capability.
A function (or more precisely a procedure, since we are not talking about referential transparency here) is isomorphic to an object with only a single method.
That's how first-class procedures are faked in Java, for example: with so-called SAM interfaces (Single Abstract Method). It's also how first-class procedures are "faked" in Ruby: anything which responds to call (and maybe to_proc) is a first-class procedure. There is a convenience class called Proc which provides additional features for "procedures" such as currying, and there is literal syntax (-> (x, y) { x + y }) for procedures which creates instances of the Proc class, but those two aren't strictly necessary:
def (i_am_a_first_class_procedure = p x end
# 42
Scala is similar, except the method is called apply, not call. In Python, it's a "magic" method called __call__.
Note: I am ignoring closures here. Closures are procedures with state, and objects of course can have state, too, so there's not a real problem in representing them, but expressing the lexical capture of free variables in terms of an object with instance variables gets rather hairy.
Naturally yes, as long as the language is Turing complete.
Added later:
Actually, Ruby supports several cases of typical functional programming. Matz himself stated something about "providing toys for functional programming kids" when he wass adding #curry method to Proc class in Ruby 1.9 But you can do functional programming with methods as well.

Using a for loop as a condition in an if statement

Is there a way to use a for loop as a condition? Something like this?
if((for(int x = 0; x < 5; x++){if(x == 2){return true;}return false;}) == true)
Another example
if(for(int x = 0; x < 5; x++) == 2)
I just wanted to know if it could be done. I expect that Blagovest Buyukliev and marzapower answers are accurate, based on my question. Thank you SO for you helpful responses.
That wouldn't make much sense, as C-ish loops are just execution control structures. There's no type that you can say loops in general have.
From your examples, what it looks to me like you are asking for is the ability to add simple inline functions without having to actually go somewhere else and write down a full function with its own name and whatnot. These are called lambdas.
If you are using C, I'd suggest just making small functions (perhaps even macros - ick) that build and return the type you want.
If you are using C++ there is some stuff in the standard libary in <algorithm> and <functional> you might be interested in. For your given example, I think find_if() would do what you are looking for. Generally that stuff is more of a PITA to use than it is worth though. You have to create a full-blown predicate object to do it, which is way more code and work than just creating your one-line function would have been in the first place.
Boost adds lambda support to C++, and the next standard is supposed to add it properly to the language.
Most functional languages support lambdas, but they generally don't use C syntax like this.
It will probably depend on the language you are writing your code. Generally the for loops do not return a value, unless you include them within an anonymous function also commonly known as lambda function.
In ruby you could accomplish something like that this way:
res = lambda {|array| for i in array do return true if i == 2 end }.call(0..4)
but in Java you will never be able to do such a thing easily without defining a new method.
Generally speaking procedural methods (like ruby, perl, python, lisp, etc.) will provide you with built-in methods for handling anonymous functions, while other languages like C, C++, Java, etc. do not have these characteristics.
By the way, it should be clear that a for loop is a construct in all the languages and not a function, so it should never return a value (like an integer or a boolean or whatever else) but only handle the flow of the code through the processor. Anonymous functions provide us with the ability of incapsulating simple control codes in an inline function.
No, since they are both statements. You need an expression into the if condition. Furthermore, the return statement returns the function in which it has been used.
Why would you do that anyway?
In most languages, no.
for is a statement, not an operator. Unlike operators, statements do not yield a result and cannot be nested into expressions. The condition of the if statement expects an expression that can be evaluated to a boolean value, not a statement.
In languages like Perl and Python you may want to look at the map operator.
This is not good style. Split it up. If you are trying for one-liners Java is the wrong language my friend.
