Turn off the return message from the executed command - bash

I'm developing a bash script, I've used ssh command in my bash script to run some commands on a remote server and I need to get the result from the command which runs on the remote server. so I wrote this code:
db="$(ssh -t user#host 'mysql --user=username -ppassword -e \"SHOW DATABASES;\" | grep -Ev \"(Database|information_schema|performance_schema)\"' | grep -Ev \"(mysql)\")"
But each time which I run my bash script, I will get Connection to host closed. in first of the db result. this is a default message from ssh command.
Also, If I use > /dev/null 2>&1 end of my command the db variable would be empty.
How can I turn off the return message from the executed command?

Like this :
ssh -t user#host bash<<EOF
mysql --user=username -ppassword -e "SHOW DATABASES" |
grep -Ev "(Database|information_schema|performance_schema|mysql)" \
2> >(grep -v 'Connection to host closed')
or if Connection to host closed comes from STDOUT :
mysql --user=username -ppassword -e "SHOW DATABASES" |
grep -Ev "(Database|information_schema|performance_schema|mysql|Connection to host closed)"


Automate Password on Bastion Host?

My New Job requires me to gather some info from thousands of servers. However they have no sshkey setup. Everything is linked to LDAP password.
Setup is
{ Mac using ITerm2 } -->ssh with LDAP+2fA --> Bastion Host --> Connect to all servers but only with LDAP Password.
I dont want to keep typing LDAP passwords for each host I am trying to login. I am non-privilege user on Bastion Host. I cannot Install anything on Bastion like sshpass,expect,plink,
How to Automate entering password with below script with ssh options either in the script itself or Can we use Iterm to autofill when it prompts for password ?
ssh_options="-o ConnectTimeout=5 -o ConnectionAttempts=1 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"
read -r -d "" commands << EOF
#My Commands Here
uname -a;
netstat -rn;
for srv in $(cat $inFile | awk -F, '{print $1}'); do
echo -n "$c: $srv " | tee -a $log
nohup ssh -qtt $ssh_options $user#$srv "sudo --bash -c '$commands'" 2>&1 | tee -a $log

Grep into a file on remote host and scp to local

I am trying to find all the datanodes in a remote host, write them into a .txt file and copy it back into my local machine.
I have used the following commands:
# Port forwarding to remote host and scp back to local.
ssh -f user#remoteHost -L 22222:remoteHost-1:22 -N &&
ssh -t -p 22222 user#localhost "consul members | grep data | awk '{ print $2 > /tmp/data_nodes }'" &&
scp -t -p 22222 user#localhost:/tmp/data_nodes.txt .
This doesn't work somehow. The data_nodes file is not getting created inside /tmp directory.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
If I understand correctly you want to run a remote command and get its output, then just do
ssh <opts> "cmd1 | cmd2 | cmd3" > /path/to/local.file

plink Unable to read from standard input: The handle is invalid

Batch file on WS 2008R2 Enterprise SP1, calling plink.exe (v., executing in ubuntu 16.04.4, intermittent failure Unable to read from standard input: The handle is invalid.
echo -e "youGuessedIt\n" | sudo -S nginx -t -c /home/userNoOne/Documents/nginx.conf &> /home/userNoOne/Documents/nginxResult.txt
echo -e "youGuessedIt\n" | sudo -S tail /var/log/nginx/error.log.1 >> /home/userNoOne/Documents/nginxResult.txt
echo -e "youGuessedIt\n" | sudo -S tail /var/log/nginx/error.log >> /home/userNoOne/Documents/nginxResult.txt
There is a known bug with Plink.exe that documents this failure. I'm looking for the simplest work-around:

tee not working with ssh running an external script

I'm trying to log everything happening during an ssh session while showing output on shell.
sshpass -p "password" ssh -tt -o ConnectTimeout=10 -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no username#"$terminal" 'bash -s' < libs/debug-mon.lib "$function" | grep -E '^INFO:|^WARNING:' || echo "WARNING: Terminal not reacheable or wrong IP" | tee -a libs/debug-monitor-logs
I'm not getting anything on the log libs/debug-monitor-logs file
Could you please help me to see where the issue is?
looks like this only thing you will ever write into the log file is "WARNING: Terminal not reacheable or wrong IP"
try something like this
(command-that-might-fail || echo error message) | tee -a log-file
instead of
commant-that-might-fail || echo error message | tee -a log-file
(put the whole expression in brackets that you want to pipe into tee)

Syntax error: "(" unexpected on shell script

I'm getting 7: Syntax error: "(" unexpected error while running bellow code on Ubuntu. But It's run on centos without any issues.
TODATE=`date '+%Y-%b-%d'`
# Backup Creation for Databases
databases=(`echo 'show databases;' | mysql -u root -ppaSSword | grep -v ^Database$`)
for DB in "${databases[#]}"; do
mysqldump --force --opt --user=root --password=paSSword $DB | gzip > /mnt/Backup/DB/${DB}_${TODATE}.sql.gz
Please help me to solve this.
I can't figure out problem. But,
I'm using bellow code for backup. It's working fine with Ubuntu
TODATE=`date '+%Y-%b-%d'`
databases="$(mysql -u root -ppaSSword -Bse 'show databases')"
for DB in $databases
mysqldump -u root -psqlMYadmin $DB | gzip > /mnt/Backup/DB/${DB}_${TODATE}.sql.gz
You can redirect the 'show databases' output to dump.txt file, if done then try.
da=$(date +"%d-%m-%y")
for db in `cat dump.txt` ; do mysqldump --force --opt --user=root --password=paSSword $db | gzip /path/to/backup/$db_"$da".sql.gz ; done
You need to escape the last '$' on the line databases= ...
There's only one ( in the script and you have the shebang line #!/bin/sh. My best guess is that the program /bin/sh does not recognize array assignment, whereas /bin/bash would.
Change your shebang to #!/bin/bash.
You'd probably do better to use $(...) in place of the back ticks.) Also, as Sami Laine points out in his answer, it would be better if you quoted the regex to the grep command (though it is not the cause of your problem):
databases=( $(echo 'show databases;' | mysql -u root -ppaSSword | grep -v '^Database$') )
