How to set background color of Phaser 3 Game during runtime? - runtime

I am new to Phaser 3 Framework , but have expertise in Angular/Ngrx.
Currently , I am creating a Custom Phaser 3 Game Editor using Angular/Ngrx. Need to modify background color of the Phaser 3 Game at run time.
In Phaser 2+ version ,
Below code set background color of the game ,
game.stage.backgroundColor = "#4488AA";
But how to set game background color in Phaser 3 irrespective of scene ?
Do we need to set via Camera like below?
Please guide me.

If you want the same background color regardless of the active scene, Phaser 3 has a backgroundColor property in the GameConfig object. You can see the documentation here and a working version here.
const config = {
type: Phaser.AUTO,
width: 600,
height: 700,
backgroundColor: '#4488aa',
scene: {...}
You also have the option of creating a transparent canvas for the game and using a div underneath it to change the background color. To do this, you'll use the transparent property of the GameConfig object. You'll also want to make sure you use the parent property as well with a corresponding <div id="gameContainer"></div> in the HTML to make it easier to grab and modify the color beneath the canvas.
const config = {
type: Phaser.AUTO,
width: 600,
height: 700,
parent: 'gameContainer',
transparent: true,
scene: {...}
Then, in the create method, you'll grab that parent item and modify the color:
create() {
var div = document.getElementById('gameContainer'); = "#4488AA";
You can see a working version here.


Framer motion complex scroll animation

Hello everyone I'm trying to make a complex animation And I'm new to the framer motion so I need help if it's possible.
I'm trying to do this animation
all the animation will be revealed when scrolling but I don't Know How?
I tried this example but I think it will not take me any where example
So, Any clue please?
Thanks in advance.
i think useAnimationControls will help, but i think there is another better solution or another way, but any way i wish this help you here is the documentation, it says that it returns a promise (and also can be used in async function with await).
like the following code:
import { useAnimationControls, motion } from "framer-motion"
export default function App() {
let controls = useAnimationControls()
opacity: 1,
backgroundColor: "red",
color: "white",
.then(() =>
color: "black",
backgroundColor: "lightgreen",
x: -100,
.then(() => {
opacity: 0,
x: 100,
return (
<motion.div initial={{ opacity: 0 }} animate={controls}>
hi there
the above code will do these things below respectively:
will increase the opacity to 1 and change the color & bg color
then it will change color & bg color again and change the x position
then will decrease the opacity to 0 and x position too
here is another animation library that is simple and also may be useful to use named animejs, and also they have a friend and non-boaring documentation you can check it here

In React Native - How to move View element in parallely while ScrollView scrolls

I'm developing a TimeLine component. There are Views list inside horizontal ScrollView that represents half an hour blocks. And I have a Component called TimeRangeSelector, which I use to select a range of time in TimeLine ScrollView. So while I scroll the ScrollView I need to move the TimeRangeSelector in parallel without any lag. Below is the TimeLine component. You can see the 30mins blocks are filled inside ScrollView. The yellow color one is the TimeRangeSelector which is a Animated.View. And the left position of the TimeRangeSelector is set using the scroll position. Each time ScrollView moves im setting the state as below.
onScrollFunc = (event, gesture) => {
contentOffsetX: event.nativeEvent.contentOffset.x,
scrollStopped: false
And Im passing the scrollBarPosition as props to the TimeRangeSelector and setting its left position style as shown in below code
let styles= [
position: "absolute",
left: this.props.scrollBarPosition,
backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
marginTop: 20,
marginLeft: 1,
width: this.state.selectionWidth,
height: 100
But the issue is when I scroll the ScrollView the TimeRangeSelector moves with it, but it has a delay.. when I scroll faster the distance between where it should be and where it is, is becoming high. Can anyone give me some ideas according to your knowledge.
My assumption: According to my understanding, I think the lag is because of it takes several instances to reach the setState in and set the ScrollBarPosition as below steps.
ScrollView moved 1 frame.
ScrollView fires the onScroll function and emmits the event with new x point.
Then in the onScroll function it sets the State.
As I understand it takes some time to happen all these steps from JavaScript thread all the way to Native Thread and come back to JS thread again.
You should use something like const onScroll = Animated.event([{ nativeEvent: { contentOffset: { x: animatedValue } } }], { useNativeDriver: true }); with const animatedValue = new Animated.Value(0). This way the animation is only done on the native level without going back and forth through the JS thread.
This animated value can only be used effectively with opacity and transform style properties, but it should help you with your problem.
You can read more about this, in this awesome article.

How do I create a group containing multiple groups of images in fabricjs

I need to dynamically add groups of multiple groups of images to the canvas, these "multi-group" will react differently depending on which of he contained groups has been dragged over by another group. I need these multi-groups to be able to be selected, rotated and dragged around the screen.
Ive chosen to use FabricJS and create images using fabric.Image.fromURL, manipulate, then add them to the canvas in a callback function. To add multiple images to a group, you nest more images in cascading callback functions as shown in this tutorial
I cant find a way to get a reference to a group of images created this way so I can add another group of images. Declaring a variable before any calls to fabric.Image.fromURL and trying to assign a reference to a created image doesnt work. The only way Ive got something working is a horrible desparate hack of adding such a group to the canvas then setting it as the active object then creating a new group and adding that active object to the group, this is soooo wrong and I dont think it will work for 3 groups. Heres my last coding attempt;
fabric.Image.fromURL('images/icon_station.png', function(img) {
var img1 = img;
fabric.Image.fromURL('images/icon_curve.png', function(img) {
img.set({left: 64,top: 64,angle: -90});
var img2 = img;
fabric.Image.fromURL('images/icon_curve.png', function(img) {
var img3 = img;
var tile_loop = new fabric.Group([img1, img2, img3]);
tile_loop.set({left: 0, top: 0, height: 64, width: 64});
fabric.Image.fromURL('images/icon_station.png', function(img) {
img.set({left: 64,top: 64});
var img1 = img;
fabric.Image.fromURL('images/icon_straight.png', function(img) {
img.set({left: 64,top: 64});
var img2 = img;
fabric.Image.fromURL('images/icon_curve.png', function(img) {
img.set({left: 64,top: 64});
var img3 = img;
var tile_loop = new fabric.Group([img1,img2,img3,canvas.getActiveObject()]);
tile_loop.set({left: 128, top: 128, height: 128, width: 128});
The only other way Ive seen is to load images into html tags and create them in fabric from the tags, like this
var imgElement = document.getElementById('my-img');
var imgInstance = new fabric.Image(imgElement, {left: 100,top: 100});
but that seems like a last resort work around, I would prefer to load images up directly in fabricjs.
Ive tried to do this in Phaser but it doesnt do groups of groups, Fabric has all the other stuff I need so I would like to stay with it, its a shame it does these weird ways of handling images.
Any help is much appreciated, if all else fails Ill use the last resort, it would be great to find a clever correct way.
I created an example in JSFiddle;

Appcelerator Titanium - How do I place an image at the bottom of the screen

I have a main view, then on that view I have, as children, two labels and an image. I want the labels to flow one after another from the top of the screen and I want the image at the bottom. I get the labels to flow properly by setting layout:'vertical' in the main window. But once that is done, I can't seem to force the image to the bottom. Here is a snippet of my code:
var self = Ti.UI.createView({
var l1 = Titanium.UI.createLabel({
font:{fontFamily:'Marker Felt',fontSize:24},
var l2 = Titanium.UI.createLabel({
var imgView = Titanium.UI.createImageView({
I have tried setting the image layout and that doesn't work. If I change the 'self' window layout to 'absolute' then I can't seem to get the labels to flow cleanly after one another. The first label is of variable height so I need them to follow each other.
I am using Titanium 1.82.
Thanks. In advance.
You might need to add another view. The 'base' view would have what you are calling 'self' added at top:0 and height: 'auto'
Then add imgView to 'base' with bottom: 10 (not setBottom like you have).
Just set the bottom:0; position: fixed; i think this will help u to set the image bottom of the screen.. If it still not working means try with Html,Css and Javascript for design it will be very easy.

Animating to a specific color using ExtJS

I need to animate something on a web page with the ExtJS 3.4 library loaded. The specification is to animate an element's color to red. As far as I can see from the Ext.Fx documentation this is not possible. Is there a workaround?
Alternatively, this chaining of effects:
info.fadeOut({ endOpacity: .25, duration: 2}).setStyle('color','#FF0000');
would be acceptable if the color change happened after the fadeOut ended, but there seems to be no way to specify a callback function.
Try animate method and color animation type:
opacity: { to: .25 }
color: { to: '#FF0000' }
Working sample:
