ANSIBLE: Create an inventory of inventories? - ansible

I'd like to know if it is possible to use a simple file to refer all my inventories path.
I already use a global inventory for all my development but nowaday i have a to use specific inventory for specific role in the same developement.
I know we can use : -i my first inventory -i my second inventory.
I just wanted to know if i can do it more "esthetic". Like use a simple file who contain all inventories path.

Use ansible --version to detect wich ansible.cfg is in use.
You will see some like :
$ ansible --version
ansible 2.7.12
config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
Edit ansible.cfg and add the following in the defaults section :
inventory = /path-to-folder-1,/path-to-folder-2
Multiple folders are separated with comma ",".


Register a list of variables from file in ansible

I have a file /tmp/components_list with a content like this:
ComponentA: '1263'
ComponentB: '989'
ComponentC: '1354'
I want to register variables in ansible (without quotes), according to the content of file and use them in the yml code.
So, as a result I need something like that:
- name: Get variables from file
Some actions with a file /tmp/components_list
- name: Using these variables
shell: docker run --name component artifactory:5100/radware/Component:{{ComponentA}}
So it should be a number in the variable ComponentA.
How can I do it by using ansible? Thanks!
You can use include_vars statement, see also How to include vars file in a vars file with ansible?

How to detect an inventory environment in Ansible?

I have the requirement to skip some steps in my scripts when I run a deployment against production.
When a playbook is started, it always requires an environment (-i option), so there would be information I could query to distinguish which steps to take.
This leads me to ask:
How can I query the environment I am running a playbook in?
As an alternative, I could provide an extra variable as a parameter like -e "env=prod". But this would be redundant, since I have specified the environment already with -i...
Another option would be to set up a group environment, put all hosts of this environment in there, and define a group_var called env: prod. But putting all hosts in this group is overkill.
Bottom line: can I query the environment? Is there another option I'm not considering?
From Magic Variables in the Ansible documentation:
Also available, inventory_dir is the pathname of the directory holding Ansible’s inventory host file, inventory_file is the pathname and the filename pointing to the Ansible’s inventory host file.
Use string manipulation to extract the information you want from the above variable (e.g., the last segment from the path).
A filter exists to extract the last part of a pathname/filename :
So you can use inventory_file | basename

Ansible dynamic inventory service concept

I've been reading the ansible documentation on how to create a dynamic inventory. From what I understand I have to provide a json that is capable of outputing host_vars and group_vars.
With that in mind, how would I go about extending the group_vars and host_vars concepts to include the definition of service ?
In essence, my "end goal" would be to have something that allows me to define:
Host A has services A B C that would then turn into the corresponding host and group vars.
What is the best way to approach this?
I have been thinking about maybe a database but I'm not quite sure on how to propperly abstract the service concept.
Thanks in advance for any help
I cannot give you all your answers, I just started using Ansible four weeks ago. However, I have successfully integrated dynamic inventories. Here's what I can share: (extrapolate for your setup, I'm in a RHEL shop, using 6.9 and 7.4)
By default, ansible looks for your inventory in a file found at /etc/ansible/hosts The default format for that file is (I believe) INI format.
/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg will allow you relocate your inventory file/directory if needed. For now, my comments will assume no changes from the default
The example above is static inventory. You can move your /etc/ansible/hosts file aside, then do: mkdir /etc/ansible/hosts/
mv your hosts file, into /etc/ansible/hosts/hosts It's OK, to have static inventory files inside your dynamic directory (for now) So the beauty is, you can still use static inventory, it just now lives in /etc/ansible/etc/ <-- directory There is nothing special about the static filename. It can be any name, however some chars are not valid as part of the static file names.
To use dynamic inventory, you now only need to put into the /etc/ansible/hosts/ directory, executable scripts that pull your hostnames from some external database. AND, this is the KEY part, the output (the stdout) of that script MUST output in JSON format.
When ansible looks for your inventory files, it will "see" that /etc/ansible/hosts/ is a dir and then look in there for scripts. When you run a play or playbook, it will execute the script, and use the JSON output as your host targets of your play.
Now, I'm no JSON expert, but here's what works for me. The syntax of the JSON is like this: {"GROUPNAME":["HOST1","HOST2","HOST3",]}
So the entire string is bounded by left and right curly braces. The first field is the quoted groupname, separated by a colon, then the comma delimited list of quoted hosts, bounded by left and right square brackets.
In my environment, we have a perl script, and based on switch parameters, pulls lists of hostnames. We recently modified the perl script, using print statements to generate the JSON output. There is a JSON: perl module, but we didn't find it necessary to use, as formatting the output using print was sufficient. As for the groupname, we also "built" that groupname from the switch settings on the perl script.
So using my INI inventory example above, the JSON output would be something like this: {"servers":["server-1","server-2",]}
Note1: One quirk that I've learned, if you only have ONE host, it must be terminated with a comma. There's a reason, I'm not sure I can explain it. When we are generating our JSON output, we add a comma, regardless of the number of hosts, and it just works.
Note2: I realize this is not real JSON output, but it's working for our needs.
In your playbooks, you would put - hosts: all or - hosts: your_group_name
I usually just put - hosts: all, then limit using -i option and/or "--limit=hostname"
"-i", narrows your inventory to just the static or dynamic generated list
--limit=hostname where "hostname" is one of the subset of -i output.
Consider this command: ansible all -m ping
This will ping all hosts in your entire inventory. Both static and dynamic
ansible all -m ping -i servers
This will ping all hosts in your servers group
ansible all -m ping -i server --limit=server-1
This will ping just the one host, "server-1"
Using --limit= is great for testing plays or playbooks
When moving on to playbooks, you specify the hostlist, in the playbook.
Then you only need to add limits as needed, on the command line.
Good luck!

Ansible: host_variables grouping in one file

I have a key with different value on each server(host), how can I save all those values in a single file, so that when my playbook is executed it reads from that file.
From Ansible documentation: I found under host_vars/hostname I have to create a file for each server and add the variable. It would be cumbersome if I have like 100 servers
You can set variables by host in your inventory file like this:
Groups and group_vars are another solution that may be fit your requirements.

Combine two default Ansible host files including one being

I'm using Ansible is a mixed environment of AWS and non-AWS machines. I'd like to avoid passing hosts on the command line. How do I combine multiple host files in Ansible and make it the default? The current recommendation on the Ansible site is to override /etc/ansible/hosts with which prevents me from adding additional hosts. Thanks.
You can mix dynamic and static inventory files by creating a directory and dropping in it plus your ini formatted inventory list as a separate file.
It is mentioned briefly in the docs here.
for example:
ansible-playbook ... -i inventory/
Note that any file with the executable bit set will be treated as a dynamic inventory so make sure you files have the correct permissions.
