Ruby Vagrant network configuration duplication trouble, some objects references issue - ruby

I will say right away - I'm experienced in Python for example, but Ruby is totally new for me so this question may be not related to Vagrant at all, I don't know, sorry.
I want to create two VMs on my host and created Vagrantfile:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
# Image config = "ubuntu/bionic64"
config.disksize.size = '40GB'
# Nodes specific configs
config.vm.define "node_1_1" do |node| "public_network", ip: "", bridge: "enp4s0", netmask: ""
node.vm.hostname = "vm-ci-node-1-1"
config.vm.define "node_1_2" do |node| "public_network", ip: "", bridge: "enp4s0", netmask: ""
node.vm.hostname = "vm-ci-node-1-2"
# Nodes generic configs
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
vb.memory = "2048"
It works fine.
Then I decided to remove parameters hardcode and optimize it for next case with more than two VMs and for correct work on another machines with another bridge interface names. So I replaced Nodes specific configs section with:
target_interface = nil
for if_addr in Socket.getifaddrs
if if_addr.addr.ipv4? and if_addr.addr.ip_address.include? '192.168'
target_interface =
hostindex = 8
guestindices = [1, 2]
# Nodes specific configs
for guestindex in guestindices
vm_code = 'node_' + hostindex.to_s() + '_' + guestindex.to_s()
ip = '192.168.3.' + hostindex.to_s() + guestindex.to_s()
hostname = 'vm-ci-node-' + hostindex.to_s() + '-' + guestindex.to_s()
config.vm.define vm_code.dup do |node| "public_network", ip: ip.dup, bridge: target_interface, netmask: ""
node.vm.hostname = hostname.dup
Then I run vagrant up - no errors, but if I try to SSH to these two machines - I get strange behaviour:
node_8_1 IP address is, hostname - vm-ci-node-8-2
node_8_2 IP address is, hostname - vm-ci-node-8-2
As you see - it is same. Also there are another interface with same IP - and it is trouble too, but it existed on previous version of config too.
I suspected that there are some Ruby references troubles so I used dup (I repeat, I'm totally new to Ruby, sorry). But it does not seem to work.
VM codes are different - node_8_1 and node_8_2, but IP and hostnames are same.
Could anybody please point me where I'm wrong?

I think the for guestindex in guestindices part is the cause of your trouble.
Try using guestindices.each do |i| or shorter (1..2).each do |i| instead.
Vagrant is mentioning this in their documentation for multi-machine provisioning, see
The for i in ... construct in Ruby actually modifies the value of i for each iteration, rather than making a copy. Therefore, when you run this, every node will actually provision with the same [value].


How do I reuse variables in quoted line in a Vagrantfile?

I'm putting together a Vagrantfile that can be used to spin up multiple VMs, it mostly works apart from the bit where I need to tell ansible which playbook to use. This is being imposed on top of an existing structure so there's little scope to change file locations and that.
Here's an extract of the relevant bits from my Vagrantfile:
hosts = [
{ name: 'myhost01', hostname: 'vg-myhost01', ip: '', memory:'512', cpu: 1, box: 'centos', port_forward: [] },
config.vm.provision :ansible do |ansible|
ansible.playbook = ['install/mydir/install_', :name, '.yml']
Basically I'm trying to figure out how to get it to end up with a setting like
ansible.playbook = 'install/mydir/install_myhost01.yml'
but I can't seem to get the right syntax to get it to recognise :name as a variable in that context. It either tries to run install_.yml, install_name.yml or most commonly gives the error:
`initialize': no implicit conversion of Symbol into String (TypeError)
Any suggestions?
It's more a question about Ruby syntax. You can use:
ansible.playbook = 'install/mydir/install_' + name + '.yml'
or (thanks to Frédéric Henri)
ansible.playbook = "install/mydir/install_#{name}.yml"
To reference the value from the hash (per OP's own suggestion):
ansible.playbook = "install/mydir/install_#{host[:name]}.yml"

Vagrant virtualbox provider - provision and customize error with storagectl attach on subsequent "reload"

All - I am setting up a multi-machine environment with Vagrant and the VirtualBox provider on a MacOSX 10.9.5.
PROBLEM: I need to attach a SATA storage controller to a CentOS 7.1 guest VM to add additional vHDDs. I do this with the following customize snippet:
config.vm.define vmName = hostname do |node|
node.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|
v.customize ['storagectl', :id, '--name', 'SATA Controller', '--add', 'sata']
This works perfectly fine on a vagrant up - the SATA controller is attached, and I can subsequently createhd and storageattach them. However - when I do a vagrant reload, the customize is being run - causing the failure error condition:
Stderr: VBoxManage: error: Storage controller named 'SATA Controller' already exists
VBoxManage: error: Details: code VBOX_E_OBJECT_IN_USE (0x80bb000c), component SessionMachine, interface IMachine, callee nsISupports
VBoxManage: error: Context: "AddStorageController(Bstr(pszCtl).raw(), StorageBus_SATA, ctl.asOutParam())" at line 1044 of file VBoxManageStorageController.cpp
Vagrant version: 1.7.2
VirtualBox version: 4.3.28r100309
If I comment out the storagectl command prior to running the vagrant reload, then the reload succeeds correctly and there are no issues as an additional controller isn't attached. However - this isn't a sustainable solution.
Is there some option to the Vagrantfile that I haven't been able to dig up yet - to force it to NOT do a customize step? Or is this possibly a bug in the VirtualBox Vagrant provider re-running the customize steps when it shouldn't be?
For complete reference - here is my full Vagrantfile (See the "WARNING" comments below for the customize issue):
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# set 'num_minions' to the number of minions you'd like built
# set 'num_disks' to the number of disks to build on the minion
# set 'disk_size' to the MB size of the disks to build for the minions
num_minions = 5 # number of minions to build
num_disks = 12 # number of vHDDs to attach to minions
disk_size = 256 # size (MB) of each disk to attach to minions
name_prefix = "minion" # minion name prefix to use
cur_dir = Dir.pwd
disks_dir = "#{cur_dir}/disks" # set the storage location for minion disks
int_net1 = "172.16.1" # internal net 1: first 3 octets of IP space
# NOTE "configs/minion" needs to be updated to
# match "master" IP set below - otherwise salt
# will not work
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "centos71"
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|
v.memory = 1024
config.vm.define "master-01", primary: true do |node|
node.vm.hostname = "master-01" :private_network, ip: "#{int_net1}.10"
node.vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo master-01 IP set to #{int_net1}.10"
node.vm.synced_folder "~/cpelab/ceph-salt/salt/", "/srv/salt"
node.vm.synced_folder "~/cpelab/ceph-salt/pillar/", "/srv/pillar"
node.vm.provision :salt do |salt|
salt.install_master = true
salt.master_config = "configs/master"
salt.run_highstate = false
salt.master_key = 'keys/master-01.pem'
salt.master_pub = 'keys/'
salt.minion_config = "configs/minion"
salt.minion_key = 'keys/master-01.pem'
salt.minion_pub = 'keys/'
salt.seed_master = { 'dash-01' => 'keys/', 'master' => 'keys/' }
(1..num_minions).each do |v|
vn = "#{name_prefix}-%03d" % v
salt.seed_master = { "#{vn}" => "keys/#{vn}.pub" }
# MINIONS with additional disk devices
(1..num_minions).each do |i|
hostname = "#{name_prefix}-%03d" % i
minion_ip = (i.to_i + 100)
config.vm.define vmName = hostname do |node|
node.vm.hostname = vmName :private_network, ip: "#{int_net1}.#{minion_ip}"
node.vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo #{vmName} IP set to #{int_net1}.#{minion_ip}"
node.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|
############# WARNING
############# WARNING: can't "vagrant reload" - as the 'customize' snippet is
############# WARNING: re-run on reload, and you can't inject a new controller
############# WARNING: of the same type seems to be a bug in the specific
############# WARNING: provider for vagrant or my usage???
############# WARNING
v.customize ['storagectl', :id, '--name', 'SATA Controller', '--add', 'sata']
(1..num_disks).each do |disk|
diskname = File.expand_path("#{disks_dir}/#{vmName}-#{disk}.vdi")
v.customize ['createhd', '--filename', diskname, '--size', "#{disk_size}"]
v.customize ['storageattach', :id, '--storagectl', 'SATA Controller', '--port', disk, '--device', 0, '--type', 'hdd', '--medium', diskname]
node.vm.provision :salt do |salt|
salt.minion_config = "configs/minion"
salt.minion_key = "keys/#{vmName}.pem"
salt.minion_pub = "keys/#{vmName}.pub"
# setup Dashing web dashboard
config.vm.define "dash-01" do |node|
node.vm.hostname = "dash-01" :private_network, ip: "#{int_net1}.11"
node.vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo dash-01 IP set to #{int_net1}.11" "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 8080
node.vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo dash-01 port 80 forwarding:"
node.vm.synced_folder "~/cpelab/ceph-salt/salt/", "/srv/salt"
node.vm.synced_folder "~/cpelab/ceph-salt/pillar/", "/srv/pillar"
node.vm.provision :salt do |salt|
salt.minion_config = "configs/minion"
salt.minion_key = 'keys/dash-01.pem'
salt.minion_pub = 'keys/'

vagrant sets up duplicate IP addresses; Ansible picks them up?

I've got the following Vagrantfile:
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# Vagrantfile API/syntax version. Don't touch unless you know what you're doing!
def hostname(id)
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| = "chef/centos-7.0"
config.ssh.forward_agent = true
config.ssh.insert_key = false
config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
vb.gui = false
vb.memory = 512
vb.cpus = 1
config.vm.provision "ansible" do |ansible|
ansible.playbook = "vagrant_playbook.yml"
ansible.groups = {
"vagrant" => (1..NUM_HOSTS).collect { |id| hostname(id) }
NUM_HOSTS.times do |n|
id = n + 1
config.vm.define hostname(id), primary: id == 1 do |host| :private_network, ip: "{id}"
This assigns the private addresses on enp0s8. However, it assigns duplicate IP addresses on enp0s3: Unfortunately, Ansible seems to be picking the duplicate address up in ansible_default_ipv4 instead of the unique address, so services running on these boxes don't work as intended. So, is there a way to:
stop Vagrant from assigning duplicate IPs? (I'm using the virtualbox provider, if that helps)
change which interface ansible_default_ipv4 uses?
some other solution which I haven't thought to search for?
This is a workaround you can use in the meantime:
{{ ansible_all_ipv4_addresses | last }}
Will work assuming it's guaranteed that your ipv4 addresses for the target box will always be sorted in a predictable order.

Unable to assign static ip using Vagrant

I am using Vagrant and vagrant-vshpere plugin to deploy VM on vCenter. Vagrant deploys the VM but it fails to assign the ip address for the VM. Could any body let me know do i need to make specific changes in order for the ip address to be assigned?
Here are the contents of my Vagrantfile:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = 'dummy'
config.vm.box_url = './example_box/' :public_network, ip: ""
config.vm.provider :vsphere do | vsphere | = '<vSphere_Host>'
vsphere.data_center_name = '<Data_Center_Name>'
vsphere.data_store_name = '<Data_Store_Name>'
vsphere.template_name = '<Template_Name>' = '<New_Name_Of_The_VM>'
vsphere.user = '<vShpere_User_Name>'
vsphere.password = '<The_Password>'
vsphere.insecure = true
vsphere.compute_resource_name = '<Compute_Resource_IP>'
Note: The template that i am uploading is a custom template [a linux box with some applications running on top of it]
You can set static ip with a private network..
try with this network configuration "private_network", ip: ""

Vagrant to deploy Salt master

I'm trying to design a relatively complex system, using Vagrant and Salt-Stack to handle control and provisioning. The basic idea is to provision a machine, called master, which runs the Salt-Stack master that all my other machines will connect to.
In a previous attempt to do this, I just had Vagrant set up a Salt minion which was instructed to install the salt master and a dns server package. But I'd like to simplify key transports by using Vagrant's facilities. So what I'd like to do is have Vagrant install a Salt master and a minion, so that the minion can install the dns server, and so that Vagrant can move my keys around for me.
Here is what master's configuration looks like, in the Vagrantfile:
config.vm.define :master do |master|
master.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vbox|
vbox.cpus = 1
vbox.memory = 384
end "private_network", ip: "" :forwarded_port, guest: 53, host: 53
master.vm.hostname = "master"
master.vm.provision :salt do |salt|
salt.verbose = true
salt.minion_config = "salt/master"
salt.run_highstate = true
salt.install_master = true
salt.master_config = "salt/master"
salt.master_key = "salt/keys/master.pem"
salt.master_pub = "salt/keys/"
salt.minion_key = "salt/keys/master.pem"
salt.minion_pub = "salt/keys/"
salt.seed_master = {master: "salt/keys/"}
salt.run_overstate = true
But I am getting the message:
Executing job with jid 20140403131604825601
Execution is still running on master
Execution is still running on master
Execution is still running on master
Execution is still running on master
Minion did not return
and when I look at master:/var/log/salt/minion, it's empty.
Is there an obvious error in my Vagrantfile configuration? Any hints?
I see that this has not been answered for a long time. Therefore I post my personal minimal Vagrant salt master file here. This problem occured to me once when I forgot to setup the master: localhost entry to the salt-minion configuration on the master (as default it looks for a host called salt).
Please note that the minion on the master has its own key.
This is running vagrant 1.7.2 and will install a salt master 2015.5.0
# Vagrantfile
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# Vagrantfile API/syntax version. Don't touch unless you know what you're doing!
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| = "chef/centos-7.0"
# Deployment instance salt master
config.vm.define :master do |master| :private_network, ip: ""
master.vm.hostname = 'master'
master.vm.synced_folder "salt/roots/", "/srv/"
master.vm.provision :salt do |config|
config.install_master = true
config.minion_config = "salt/minion"
config.master_config = "salt/master"
config.minion_key = "salt/keys/minion.pem"
config.minion_pub = "salt/keys/"
config.master_key = "salt/keys/master.pem"
config.master_pub = "salt/keys/"
config.seed_master =
master: "salt/keys/"
config.run_highstate = true
Master's configuration file:
# salt/master
# empty, use only defaults
Minion's configuration file on master:
# salt/minion
master: localhost
