How to implement dynamic indexes? - caching

I know, Maybe the title is a little confusing. however, my actual question is basic I think.
I'm working on a brand new LRU implementation for that I use an Index Table which maps the name of the incoming packet to index of where the content of packet stored in CS.
As illustrated below each incoming packet store in the CS and can be addressed by Index Table.
Now suppose new packet arrived, as we know, regarding LRU, its index must set to top of CS (zero) and it needs to upgrade other indexes, they need to be incremented as a result.
One obvious solution is to loop over all entries in the Index Table and increment them.
Is there any solution or structure that is using for such a problem?

I don't see how you are establishing the order of your cache in the description. But to answer your question, it's possible to reduce the LRU store method to O(1) time complexity.
The classical way to do it is to have these two data structures:
Doubly Linked List : for order in the cache. Each node stores a data element (it plays the role of your content store).
HashMap that associates each key to the pointer to the node in the linked list. (it plays the role of your index table)
So when you access already stored data in your cache, it must be at the top of the list, so you delete the corresponding node from the linked list (in O(1) time because you have access to its previous and next nodes) and store it at the head.
For new data it is simpler, only store it at the head of the list and store your (key, value) in the hashmap.


Best DataStructure to implement Excel Spreadsheet

How we can implement Excel spreadsheet with creation and deletion of rows and creation and deletion if cells, with also can modify data inside any cell.
I was looking for best data structure to implement this.
The problem statement is little vague in my opinion. We do not have any information about the kind of operations that will be very frequent or even the amount of data that this DS is going to hold.
So assuming there can be fair amount of data. Also the operations are addition and deletion of rows and cells.
For excel spreadsheet, If I have to implement it with a custom Data Structure, I would take each row as a node of a linked list. This is helpful because as opposed to an array (n dimensional), the memory can be assigned in non contiguous manner. Also with that benefit, it will make adding and deletion of rows much easy.
Inside each node, we can have array of string to hold cell values and a Id field to hold the Id of the row.
The head node of the DS will have column names as value of its string array. So in a way each column is mapped to an index of the array.
To add a row: It will be an insert into the linked list. Make a new row and append in the end.
To delete a row: Same as deletion of node in a linked list.
To add/update a cell value: You basically know the row Id, you have column name so you can know the index of the column in the array from head node. So once you have the node corresponding to the row, access the index of string array to add/read/update/delete the value of cell.
In order to optimize node access you can keep indexes on the actual linked list to easily locate node by row Id. Some more optimizations would be store row-Id to node pointers mapping some where in auxiliary map or array so that inserting rows in between in also fast.
However I would re-iterate that implementation should be done on the use-case basis. If there are heavy column addition/deletion ops for example, it will be quite slow. There are different kind of trade-offs for each kind of use case.
I think the easy way to go ahead with this is to simply use a JSON structure to hold each row. Column names as keys and the cell values as values. This handles null/empty values quite easily.
A spreadsheet is essentially similar to a table, changes can be made on any cell at any row. Hence going with a simple list structure would not be too bad. The downside to this is that deletion and insertion of in between rows is not performant. But the insertion of rows at end, which is the most common use case and modification of cells can be made quite easy.
To facilitate faster insertion and deletion a linked list structure will help, but it will affect random access adversely, so a simple list of json objects would be the better.

Data structure design for limited memory map with entry timeout

This is an interview question I came across for a big software major.
Design a data structure for a server which can store atmost 100 records, 2 functions are used to access server get(k) ,put(k,v,x).
Where k is key and v is corresponding value and x is the expiry time before which this record can't be removed.
Approach I have come so far: Maintain two datastructures.
Hashmap: stores key, value pair.
PriorityQueue: Create a priorityqueue in order of expiry times of record.
And each entry in queue, will also have key value, so that when a record expires, we can remove the key, value pair from hashmap in O(1) time.
I would like to ask, can we design a better solution for this question.

Regarding LRU Cache Design using HashMap and Linked List combination

Referring to LRU cache design
I have a question regarding the answer.
Say my hash map is full (the interviewer gave me a max size) [I understand if I need to fetch a pair already present in the map I'll move the list entry to the front to indicate recent use.]
But, what if I have an entry which is to be added and this key hashes to same position as a different key. (Collision) How do I go about it?
DO I do chaining or probing? If I do chaining, should I increase the map size?
If I remove the oldest entry it empties a location in my hash map. But a new entry might not hash to this location? It might hash to another full entry? (Different Key, Value Pair)
How to solve this?
This design will not include chaining because we're here designing a direct mapped cache and this tradeoff is known that a direct mapped cache ONLY considers the recency of an entry before removing it from cache and not the frequency of being asked for.
The max size limit will be imposed on the linked list size and every time we try to add a new entry when the linked list is full, the last used entry (of linked list) and corresponding map entry is removed. The location where the new entry is to be inserted is independent of what was removed.
For more details on concurrency check out this link.
size of map is number of key value pairs present in Map, so its independent of whether key value pairs are present in same hash bucket or different.
so if you check data structure of hashmap its array of linkedlist, so when there is hash collision there is chaining and size of map is also increased.
now if your new entry hashes to location which is not null you need to chain as we do in linkedlist.
PS: for LRU Cache you can see LinkedHashMap

Suitable data structure for finding a person's phone number, given their name?

Suppose you want to write a program that implements a simple phone book. Given a particular name, you want to be able to retrieve that person's phone number as quickly as possible. What data structure would you use to store the phone book, and why?
the text below answers your question.
In computer science, a hash table or hash map is a data structure that
uses a hash function to map identifying values, known as keys (e.g., a
person's name), to their associated values (e.g., their telephone
number). Thus, a hash table implements an associative array. The hash
function is used to transform the key into the index (the hash) of an
array element (the slot or bucket) where the corresponding value is to
be sought.
the text is from wiki:hashtable.
there are some further discussions, like collision, hash functions... check the wiki page for details.
I respect & love hashtables :) but even a balanced binary tree would be fine for your phone book application giving you in worst case a logarithmic complexity and avoiding you for having good hash functions, collisions etc. which is more suitable for huge amounts of data.
When I talk about huge data what I mean is something related to storage. Every time you fill all of the buckets in a hash-table you will need to allocate new storage and re-hash everything. This can be avoided if you know the size of the data ahead of time. Balanced trees wont let you go into these problems. Domain needs to be considered too while designing data structures, for an example for small devices storage matters a lot.
I was wondering why 'Tries' didn't come up in one of the answers,
Tries is suitable for Phone book kind of data.
Also, saving space compared to HashTable at the same cost(almost) of Retrieval efficiency, (assuming constant size alphabet & constant length Names)
Tries also facilitate the 'Prefix Matches' sometimes required while searching.
A dictionary is both dynamic and fast.
You want a dictionary, where you use the name as the key, and the number as the data stored. Check this out:
Why not use a singly linked list? Each node will have the name, number and link information.
One drawback is that your search might take some time since you'll have to traverse the entire list from link to link. You might order the list at the time of node insertion itself!
PS: To make the search a tad bit faster, maintain a link to the middle of the list. Search can continue to the left or right of the list based on the value of the "name" field at this node. Note that this requires a doubly linked list.

Best way to remove an entry from a hash table

What is the best way to remove an entry from a hashtable that uses linear probing? One way to do this would be to use a flag to indicate deleted elements? Are there any ways better than this?
An easy technique is to:
Find and remove the desired element
Go to the next bucket
If the bucket is empty, quit
If the bucket is full, delete the element in that bucket and re-add it to the hash table using the normal means. The item must be removed before re-adding, because it is likely that the item could be added back into its original spot.
Repeat step 2.
This technique keeps your table tidy at the expense of slightly slower deletions.
It depends on how you handle overflow and whether (1) the item being removed is in an overflow slot or not, and (2) if there are overflow items beyond the item being removed, whether they have the hash key of the item being removed or possibly some other hash key. [Overlooking that double condition is a common source of bugs in deletion implementations.]
If collisions overflow into a linked list, it is pretty easy. You're either popping up the list (which may have gone empty) or deleting a member from the middle or end of the linked list. Those are fun and not particularly difficult. There can be other optimizations to avoid excessive memory allocations and freeings to make this even more efficient.
For linear probing, Knuth suggests that a simple approach is to have a way to mark a slot as empty, deleted, or occupied. Mark a removed occupant slot as deleted so that overflow by linear probing will skip past it, but if an insertion is needed, you can fill the first deleted slot that you passed over [The Art of Computer Programming, vol.3: Sorting and Searching, section 6.4 Hashing, p. 533 (ed.2)]. This assumes that deletions are rather rare.
Knuth gives a nice refinment as Algorithm R6.4 [pp. 533-534] that instead marks the cell as empty rather than deleted, and then finds ways to move table entries back closer to their initial-probe location by moving the hole that was just made until it ends up next to another hole.
Knuth cautions that this will move existing still-occupied slot entries and is not a good idea if pointers to the slots are being held onto outside of the hash table. [If you have garbage-collected- or other managed-references in the slots, it is all right to move the slot, since it is the reference that is being used outside of the table and it doesn't matter where the slot that references the same object is in the table.]
The Python hash table implementation (arguable very fast) uses dummy elements to mark deletions. As you grow or shrink or table (assuming you're not doing a fixed-size table), you can drop the dummies at the same time.
If you have access to a copy, have a look at the article in Beautiful Code about the implementation.
The best general solutions I can think of include:
If you're can use a non-const iterator (ala C++ STL or Java), you should be able to remove them as you encounter them. Presumably, though, you wouldn't be asking this question unless you're using a const iterator or an enumerator which would be invalidated if the underlying collection is modified.
As you said, you could mark a deleted flag within the contained object. This doesn't release any memory or reduce collisions on the key, though, so it's not the best solution. Also requires the addition of a property on the class that probably doesn't really belong there. If this bothers you as much as it would me, or if you simply can't add a flag to the stored object (perhaps you don't control the class), you could store these flags in a separate hash table. This requires the most long-term memory use.
Push the keys of the to-be-removed items into a vector or array list while traversing the hash table. After releasing the enumerator, loop through this secondary list and remove the keys from the hash table. If you have a lot of items to remove and/or the keys are large (which they shouldn't be), this may not be the best solution.
If you're going to end up removing more items from the hash table than you're leaving in there, it may be better to create a new hash table, and as you traverse your original one, add to the new hash table only the items you're going to keep. Then replace your reference(s) to the old hash table with the new one. This saves a secondary list iteration, but it's probably only efficient if the new hash table will have significantly fewer items than the original one, and it definitely only works if you can change all the references to the original hash table, of course.
If your hash table gives you access to its collection of keys, you may be able to iterate through those and remove items from the hash table in one pass.
If your hash table or some helper in your library provides you with predicate-based collection modifiers, you may have a Remove() function to which you can pass a lambda expression or function pointer to identify the items to remove.
A common technique when time is a factor is to have a second table of deleted items, and clean up the main table when you have time. Commonly used in search engines.
How about enhancing the hash table to contain pointers like a linked list?
When you insert, if the bucket is full, create a pointer from this bucket to the bucket where the new field in stored.
While deleting something from the hashtable, the solution will be equivalent to how you write a function to delete a node from linkedlist.
