What is the alternative for specflow.exe to generate html reports - mstest

I updated the specflow to 3.0 from 2.4 version to use its dependency injection feature and achieve parallel execution.
Parallel execution is working fine and I am getting trx file aswell but not able to generate classic HTML report using specflow. Because specflow 3.0 is not providing .exe now.
Is there any alternative fo this apart from using the Extent report.
I just want to generate a classic HTML report from trx file


Sonar Qube report generation either as csv,xml or pdf

I'm using sonarqube-7.3 version. I want to make report from sonarqube either as csv, xml or pdf. I have googled it and found that we can make pdf report using sonar-pdfreport-plugin. I have dowload the version sonar-pdfreport-plugin-1.4 and pasted it in the extension/pluggin folder. But I can't restart the server. Anyone please provide a solution for getting report for the version provided above.
In general, SonarQube is not meant to be used as some reporting tool, but more as part of CI pipeline and users can use it's UI to manage code quality issues.
However, PDF reporting is available in the commercial Enterprise Edition of SonarQube for portfolios (groups of projects) as part of Governance. You can find details here https://www.sonarsource.com/plans-and-pricing/enterprise/
The plugin you are mentioning is most likely not updated for the 7.3 version

Combine code coverage results in VSTS

I have an Angular 6 project which run with .NET Core 2.0.
I'm using karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter to get JavaScript code coverage and mscover to get C# code coverage (I am thinking about using open cover). When I integrate with VSTS, it only shows either JavaScript coverage or C# coverage. It never shows the combined one. Is there a way to combine these two?

Running Load Tests in VSTS

I've been trying to get Jmeter load tests to run in VSTS thus far without avail. I've been back and forth (very slowly!) with the Microsoft support team about this, but as the issues are ironed out I would like to at least run a small set of load tests on our build machine using Jmeter and then have the results uploaded somehow to VSTS so they are easier to track. I have part 1 of this working: From the VSTS release definition I run a batch file that runs the load tests locally, and then generates an aggregate spreadsheet with results.
The question is - how can I get those results loaded into VSTS?
In our case we had to export the results to xml using the jmeter.test.xmlouput configuration. Then we had a script to transform the xml in a proper Xunit result file and we finally used a publish test results to gather this file and add the results to the release. (this approach would work with build definitions too).
It's a little bit complicated, requires some scripting and surely would be easier if a dedicated task was available.

Is there a Sonar API to get line level coverage for a given resource?

I am running clover before running the sonar ant task and providing its xml output to Sonar 3.7.
Is it possible to later fetch the line level coverage data for a given Java file using one of the Sonar webservice API's?
If not, is there a library that I can use to get the same info from clover xml without writing all the parsing code?
Well if you need a complete report to line level granularity.
You should go for html reports of Clover.
They provide details from the highest level such as project and packages to lowest level of details like complexity of each package or source file, method coverage, line coverage etc. (If proper attributes are specified)
Many of the above specified things are provided in XML report as well but HTML generated by Clover is very interactive and fancy. You can actually see all the source files in that report and figure out the parts which were covered in the file.
As you already have the xml report generation target, you can add html report task as well into it.
Hope this helps. :)

Unit Test Coverage; Graphical Display

I have been tasked with introducing automated unit test coverage reporting to our CI build environment (we use Hudson and MSBuild). I have used dotCover to produce the coverage data across several projects within a build job, merge that data, produce a single HTML report and integrated that with the Hudson dashboard for that job using the HTML Publisher Hudson add-in.
So far so good. But, what we ultimately want is a graphical display of unit test coverage metrics across the entire system code base (half a dozen build jobs, circa 50 projects) up on one of our team displays; a highly visible 'at a glance' test coverage status. I can build this myself with an app that will merge the dotCover coverage reports for all builds, report to xml and build my own UI around that, but is there a product out there that does this already? We are not married to dotCover, that can change, and it's doesn't have to be free or open source either.
We are using NCover to get the test coverage and a bunch of other code metrics(symbol coverage, branch coverage and cyclomatic complexity).
It is pretty good for highlighting the coverage, you can browse through the source code as part of the reports and see which lines are covered and which are not.
You can also exclude test categories or specific namespaces from your reports.
As far as I know it integrates with Hudson.
OpenCover and PartCover are both open source code coverage tools that can be integrated into build automation systems.
With both you can use ReportGenerator to display results; though PartCover does come with it's own viewer I prefer to use the ReportGenerator one myself as the HTML can be integrated quite nicely into a build status report.
You may also build your own reports using XSLT or such like as both tools have an XML output.
Our C# Test Coverage Tool tool can combine test coverage vectors for separate C# artifacts into a single overall view, out of the box.
In fact, our family of test coverage tools will can combine results from multiple different languages (e.g., C#, VB.net, C++, Java, PHP, COBOL, ...) in the same way.
The tool(s) provide both visual view of the covered code, and reports of the coverage data including in an XML form.
I like the treemap functionality from SonarQube a lot, but this only works for one 'project' in SonarQube, nevertheless, a great tool to look into.
Google for SonarQube and treemap for examples.
