I have data to filter. this data will then be put into the foreach loop.
how can I get this data with a function, for example? here is the view:
enter code here<ul>
<!-- ko foreach: {data: Menus} -->
<!-- ko if: TitleId === 0 && Sub === true -->
<i class="fa fa-home"></i><br><span data-bind="text: Name"></span>
<!-- ko foreach: {data: $parent.childMenus} -->
<a data-bind="attr: { href: $data.Url}">
<span data-bind="text: $data.Name"></span>
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- ko if: TitleId === 0 && Sub === false -->
<span data-bind="text: Name"></span>
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- /ko -->
and here is the view model:
self.Menu = ko.observable();
self.Menus = ko.observableArray();
self.childMenus = ko.observableArray();
self.currentFilter = ko.observable();
// Initialize the view-model
sendRequest(menuGetMenusUrl, "GET", null, function (data) {
self.Menus.push.apply(self.Menus, data);
self.childMenus = ko.computed(function () {
return ko.utils.arrayFilter(self.Menus(), function (menu) {
return menu.TitleId === self.currentFilter();
self.filter = function (titleid) {
You can use the native javascript's filter method on array objects like so:
self.childMenus(self.Menus().filter((i) => i.someField == myDataToFilter ));
Filter will return an array with items matching the condition you put in, if nothing is found an empty array will be returned.
So all you have to do is filter on the underlying array, and assing the result to the childMenus array.
I have this component Astro component (located at "src/components/Menu.astro");
export interface MenuItem {
name: string;
link: string;
items?: MenuItem[];
export interface Props {
items: MenuItem[];
depth: number;
const { items, depth } = Astro.props;
<ul data-depth={depth}>
items.map(({ name, link, items: subItems }) => {
if (subItems && subItems.length > 0) {
return (
<div class="dropdown">
{link ? <a href={link}>{name}</a> : <button>{name}</button>}
<Menu items={subItems} depth={depth + 1} />
return (
<a href={link}>{name}</a>
On line 28 (where the line reads <Menu items={subItems} depth={depth + 1} />) an error thrown saying;
ReferenceError: Menu is not defined
How can I self reference an Astro component in this case? Thanks in advance.
PS: "Menu" is the component file's name.
Astro has a built in method for this called Astro.self that you can use
Example from docs:
const { items } = Astro.props;
<ul class="nested-list">
{items.map((item) => (
<!-- If there is a nested data-structure we render `<Astro.self>` -->
<!-- and can pass props through with the recursive call -->
{Array.isArray(item) ? (
<Astro.self items={item} />
) : (
In the front-matter, i.e. between the two ---, you write import Menu from "./Menu.astro".
You'll get new errors, as you can't use statements in the body.
items.map(({ name, link, items: subItems }) => {
if (subItems && subItems.length > 0) {
return (
<div class="dropdown">
{link ? <a href={link}>{name}</a> : <button>{name}</button>}
<Menu items={subItems} depth={depth + 1} />
return (
<a href={link}>{name}</a>
items.map(({ name, link, items: subItems }) =>
(subItems && subItems.length > 0)
? <li>
<div class="dropdown">
{link ? <a href={link}>{name}</a> : <button>{name}</button>}
<Menu items={subItems} depth={depth + 1} />
: <li>
<a href={link}>{name}</a>
[1]so i have a laravel project going on, and i want to increment the value of the variable deliver_later_num, depending on the "deliver_today" present in the same component in the items[] array, which i am outputting in the template file, i cannot figure how to do it, i do not know if i can increment the value on the template side or on the component side. here is the component code:
cartContent = new Vue({
el: '#cartList',
data: {
items: [], //array containing all the items
deliver_later_num: 0, //value to increment
methods: {
remove: function (product_id) {
incQuantity: function (product_id){
decQuantity: function (product_id){
here is the template file :
<div id="cartList">
<div v-for="item in items" class="items col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12 clearfix">
<div class="info-block block-info clearfix" v-cloak>
<div class="square-box pull-left">
<img :src="item.attributes.image" class="productImage" width="100" height="105" alt="">
<h6 class="product-item_title">#{{ item.name }}</h6>
<p class="product-item_quantity">#{{ item.quantity }} x #{{ item.attributes.friendly_price }}</p>
<ul class="pagination">
<li class="page-item">
<button v-on:click="decQuantity(item.id)" :value="item.id" class="page-link" tabindex="-1">
<i class="fa fa-minus"></i>
<li class="page-item">
<button v-on:click="incQuantity(item.id)" :value="item.id" class="page-link" >
<i class="fa fa-plus"></i>
<li class="page-item">
<button v-on:click="remove(item.id)" :value="item.id" class="page-link" >
<i class="fa fa-trash"></i>
<input hidden class="delivers_today_state" type="text" :value=" item.attributes.delivers_today "> // if this equals 0 i want to increment the deliver_later_num value
laravel controller code :
public function add(Request $request){
$item = Items::find($request->id);
//Check if added item is from the same restorant as previus items in cart
$canAdd = false;
$canAdd = true;
$canAdd = true;
foreach (Cart::getContent() as $key => $cartItem) {
if($cartItem->attributes->restorant_id."" != $restID.""){
$canAdd = false;
//TODO - check if cart contains, if so, check if restorant is same as pervious one
// Cart::clear();
if($item && $canAdd){
//are there any extras
//Is there a varaint
//Get the variant
$cartItemName=$item->name." ".$variant->optionsList;
//$theElement.=$value." -- ".$item->extras()->findOrFail($value)->name." --> ". $cartItemPrice." ->- ";
foreach ($request->extras as $key => $value) {
$cartItemName.="\n+ ".$item->extras()->findOrFail($value)->name;
$theElement.=$value." -- ".$item->extras()->findOrFail($value)->name." --> ". $cartItemPrice." ->- ";
Cart::add((new \DateTime())->getTimestamp(), $cartItemName, $cartItemPrice, $request->quantity, array('id'=>$item->id,'variant'=>$request->variantID, 'extras'=>$request->extras,'restorant_id'=>$restID,'image'=>$item->icon,'friendly_price'=> Money($cartItemPrice, env('CASHIER_CURRENCY','usd'),true)->format(),'delivers_today' => $item->deliverstoday ));
return response()->json([
'status' => true,
'errMsg' => $theElement
return response()->json([
'status' => false,
'errMsg' => __("You can't add items from other restaurant!")
//], 401);
public function getContent(){
return response()->json([
'data' => Cart::getContent(),
'total' => Cart::getSubTotal(),
'status' => true,
'errMsg' => ''
link to the items array vue dev tools screenshot
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/smLRV.png
thanks for your precious help and time.
A computed property can be used if the deliver_later_num is only dependent on the presence/absence of deliver_today on elements of items array
cartContent = new Vue({
el: '#cartList',
data: {
items: {}
computed: {
deliver_later_num() {
let num = 0;
Object.keys(this.items).forEach(key => {
let item = this.items[key];
Object.keys(item).forEach(k => {
if(k === 'deliver_today' && item[k]) {
return num;
I have build a vue-component which takes a list of objects and two criteria lists as props. The select lists are passed to two select inputs in the template. When either one is changed the list is filtered using the selected criteria. How do I get access to this filtered list in my blade file?
Here is my code.
Blade file:
<subjecttable-select :data-subjecttable="{{$subjectslessons->toJson()}}"
:data-subjects="{{$subjects->toJson()}}" #input="selectedsubjects">
<div >
<div class="row mb-2 mx-2">
<form class="form-inline justify-content-between" >
<div class="form-group row mb-1">
<label class="col-auto col-form-label text-md-left" for="department">Leerjaar</label>
<div class="col-auto">
<select id= "department" class="form-control form-control-sm custom-select" v-model="department" #change="select()">
<option v-for="department_item in dataDepartments" :value="department_item['id']">
<div class="form-group row">
<label class="col-auto col-form-label text-md-leftt" for="subject">Vak</label>
<div class="col-auto">
<select id="subject" class="form-control form-control-sm custom-select" v-model="subject" #change="select()">
<option v-for="subject_item in dataSubjects" :value="subject_item['id']">
<button class="btn-outline-primary" #click="reset()">Reset</button>
export default {
props: {
dataDepartments: { type: Array, required: true },
dataSubjects:{ type: Array, required: true},
dataSubjecttable: {type: Array, required: true },
data() {
return {
var item;
for(item of this.dataSubjecttable){
if(//get the subbejctlessons who are in the selected department
(this.department==="" || item["department_id"]===this.department) &&
//whose subject is the selected subject
(this.subject===""|| item["subject_id"]===this.subject)
this.value = this.dataSubjecttable;
this.subject = "";
filters: {
var isDate = !isNaN(Date.parse(value));
if (isDate ){
var dateValue=new Date(value);
return dateValue.toLocaleDateString();
return value;
Vue.component('subjecttable-select', require('./components/SubjectSelection.vue').default);
* Next, we will create a fresh Vue application instance and attach it to
* the page. Then, you may begin adding components to this application
* or customize the JavaScript scaffolding to fit your unique needs.
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
As you can see I emit an input event in my component but I have trouble accessing the value in the blade file.
Ideally, I think you want to do is load your SelecttableSelect component within another parent Vue component. This will allow you to trickle your events down to the parent component and use the data much more easily.
I have not tested this, but it's along the lines of what I would do to get started. You would need to format the output to your needs.
<!-- Select -->
<subjecttable-select :data-subjecttable="dataSubjecttable"
<!-- End Select -->
<!-- Department -->
<div v-if="results.department_id > 0">
<li v-for="(value, index) in findElementById(dataDepartments, results.department_id)">
{{ index }} : {{ value }}
<!-- End Department -->
<!-- Subject -->
<div v-if="results.subject_id > 0">
<li v-for="(value, index) in findElementById(dataSubjects, results.subject_id)">
{{ index }} : {{ value }}
<!-- End Subject -->
// import your select component
import SubjecttableSelect from './SubjecttableSelect';
export default {
components: {
// register the component
props: {
dataDepartments: { type: Array, required: true },
dataSubjects:{ type: Array, required: true},
dataSubjecttable: {type: Array, required: true },
name: "Lessons",
data() {
return {
results: {
subject_id: 0,
department_id: 0,
methods: {
updateResults(data) {
this.results = data;
findElementById(element, id) {
return element.find(el => el.id === id);
<style scoped>
// register the new component
Vue.component('lessons', require('./components/Lessons.vue').default);
// subjecttable-select can now be imported within lessons
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
your.blade.php (please note the single quotes)
<lessons :data-subjecttable='#json($subjectslessons)'
I'm doing a webapp using github search API. I want the info for each repo to be displayed under the specific repo.
I want the content from the AJAX request to be displayed when the specific button is being pressed. I am using React. Since I'm using item.x to access the information I need to get that item and I assume I need to use map but when doing that it will display all the results and not just the specific repository's. Anyway that I can get the Item since it currently says it's undefined?
let searchTerm;
class SearchBox extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this);
this.state = { repositories: [],
showInfo: false };
render() {
let moreDetail;
moreDetail= <div className="info"> <li>
<p>Open issue count </p>:{item.open_issues_count}
<p>Number of forks </p>:{item.forks}
<p>Language </p>:{item.language}
<input type="text" className="searchbox" ref={(input) => { this.searchBox = input; }}/>
<button onClick={this.onClick}>Search</button>
{ this.state.repositories.map( ( item, index ) => (
<div key={ index }>
<a href={item.html_url}> <li >
{ item.name }
<button onClick={this._handleClick.bind(this)}>Detailed view</button>
)) }
showInfo: !this.state.showInfo
onClick(event) {
searchTerm = this.searchBox.value;
let endpoint = 'https://api.github.com/search/repositories?sort=stars&order=desc&q=' + searchTerm;
.then(blob => blob.json())
.then(response => {
this.setState({ repositories: response.items });
The problem is with context. When you define the moreDetail variable, you don't have item in your context (only during the map function you have that.)
One option is to use the variable moreDetail as a function that receives the item you want to show.
Your render method should look something like:
render() {
const moreDetail = (item) => ( !this.state.showInfo ? <span /> :
<div className="info">
<p>Open issue count </p>:{item.open_issues_count}
<p>Number of forks </p>:{item.forks}
<p>Language </p>:{item.language}
return (
<input type="text" className="searchbox" ref={(input) => { this.searchBox = input; }}/>
<button onClick={this.onClick}>Search</button>
{ this.state.repositories.map( ( item, index ) => (
<div key={ index }>
<a href={item.html_url}> <li >
{ item.name }
<button onClick={this._handleClick.bind(this)}>Detailed view</button>
)) }
This is my vue
new Vue({
el: '#notificationMenu',
data: {
showModal: false,
patients: [],
duepatients: []
created: function(){
methods: {
getPatients: function(){
$.getJSON("{{route('api_patients')}}", function(patients){
this.patients = patients;
setTimeout(this.getPatients, 1000);
addUsers: function(){
this.$http.get('/govaccine/addUsers', '').then((response) => {
}, (response) => {
this.formErrors = response.data;
setTimeout(this.addUsers, 10000);
},sendSMS: function(val){
$.getJSON('sendsms/' + val,function(duepatient){
this.duepatients = duepatient;
and this is my html
<ul class="notifications-list" v-for="patient in patients">
<li class="item no-data">You don't have notifications</li>
<!-- use the modal component, pass in the prop -->
<modal v-if="showModal" #close="showModal = false">
you can use custom content here to overwrite
default content
<h3 slot="header">custom header</h3>
<a v-on:click="sendSMS(patient.due_date)">
<li class="item js-item " data-id="5" >
<div class="details">
<strong>#{{ patient.total}} patients</strong> are due for immunization on #{{patient.due_date}}
<span class="date">{{-- #{{patient.created_at}} --}}</span>
<button type="button" class="button-default button-dismiss js-dismiss">×</button>
If I loop through vue js data using v-for how do i pass the data each loop in {{route('patient.show', parameter)}} so i can put a parameter on it.
or is there anyway to go to the controller and go to the other page?
yes you should use router-link. complete example here.
if I got you question wrong just tell me.