I can get list of current calls from fs_cli using
show calls
But how can I get list of past calls that already was finished?
Calls are recorder using Call Detail Record (CDR) for FS see this https://freeswitch.org/confluence/display/FREESWITCH/CDR
I am new to JMeter. I have two scripts one script is web and another is a rest api call which posts metrics to server. Both the scripts are working fine. Now i wanted to implement a scenario.
Web Script should run first once the script is completed i need to capture test metrics like start time, end time, load rate (No.of threads), Pass or fail save to a variable and pass these values to the rest api call which will then run and post the metrics to the server.
Any help is appreciated
Start time - can be obtained as ${TESTSTART.MS} JMeter pre-defined variable
End time - can be obtained via __time() function, if you call it somewhere in tearDown Thread Group it will report the time when all the main Thread Group(s) are done
Number of threads - it's a kind of weird requirement because its you who define the number of virtual users. Anyway, you can obtain it at any moment of time using i.e. __groovy() function like:
${__groovy(ctx.getThreadGroup().getNumberOfThreads(),)} - returns the number of threads which are active currently
${__groovy(ctx.getThreadGroup().getNumThreads(),)} - returns the number of threads which are defined in the Thread Group
As you are planning for the given scenarios you need to do following things.
1) You need to user jp#gc listeners to measure the results in (response time, threads per minute/seconds, hits per second and many more)
You can find the list of listeners here >> https://jmeter-plugins.org/wiki/GraphsGeneratorListener/
2) You need to implement the test plan using regular expression extractor for taking values from the response requests which you can store in the variables and later pass on to the dependent requests. for documentation visit https://jmeter.apache.org/usermanual/regular_expressions.html
For general understanding you can go through the jmeter official documentation
I hope it will help you
I tried the code from this answer Parallel Actions in OpenWhisk
But instead of getting the result, i only get back the activationID. It seems that the actions are not blocking when invoking an array of actions?
The calls to "action1, action2", in the code, which you have linked to, are done blocking. However, that does not affect the way you call the action itself. To call it blocking, use
wsk action invoke <action-name> -b
This will give you a lot of output. You can reduce it by filtering to the result only
wsk action invoke <action-name> -br
Is this possible in JMeter to develop a test plan that will have result of first test (an ID) will be input of next test and so on in next test upto 4 tests because each test generates a unique ID and each of these IDs are dependent on each other. Each one is related as follows: submission ID > execution ID > both will generate completion ID with result pass or fail. These are REST API calls. I need to run concurrency users load testing. Finally I need measure latency, throughput from each test.
Between sampler requests, parse the api response using JSON post processor, assign it to ${variable_name} and use it in other requests.
It should look something like this.
Thread group
Userdefined variables
Http Sampler
Regex to get id
Http Sampler
Regex to get id
If you want to measure the response time of all the sampler have a simple controller as parent of all samplers
thank you for quick tip. I was able to get one step working by passing ID into a regular expression, but the same regular expression did not work for 3rd step. Let me give more details here. Basically first post command gives submission ID > I used that ID into regular expression > run a get command in next step with an URL something like '/../2ndStep/submissionId' > this is passed > I'm using the same regular expression in next get command with an URL something like '/../3rdStep/submissionId/executions'> this is supposed to give another executionId and it is failing for me. I'm not sure what I'm missing.
thank you all for suggesting working solution. But I need to do this different way to achieve the following requirement.
When I run POST command test on my REST API HTTP request using JMeter, it returns an ID in response. This ID will be used by other steps for completing the job. I'm currently passing ID into regular expression and using that in between the samplers of each step as it was suggested above and then measuring latency, but the GET steps which are dependent on that ID could take sometime to complete. So I can not put those GET steps into one thread because two of the steps are failing as they could take some time to complete. Is there a way to separate POST command from the remaining and start polling GET commands on the remaining steps automatically to remedy this. Bottom line is I need to measure latency of each step and throughput too. Please let me know if there is a way to achieve this in JMeter?
Thanks again,
I posted this question originally in a much more complicated way, but I've reproduced the issue more simply now so I'm extensively editing my post.
I have a simple Test Plan to exercise an API.
The first thing it does is create a session with a simple HTTP POST. We then extract the session ID from the response using the JSON Path Extractor plugin:
This reads the newly created session's ID into a variable called id_JSON, and subsequent PUT requests use the session ID in their path, i.e. /api/sessions/${id_JSON}/account.
This generally works well, but I have noticed that intermittently, id_JSON will suddenly have the default value NOT_FOUND. Samples will fail and when I look at the request, I can see that it was trying to hit /api/sessions/NOT_FOUND/account instead of a valid ID. What's really confusing me right now is that this will happen after requests have already successfully referenced ${id_JSON} and generated a valid path. It seems like this should be impossible, unless the value of id_JSON was being dynamically checked or looked up repeatedly - otherwise how is it coming up with a different value from one request to the next?
It seems that if any Sample fails, for any reason, subsequent requests in the same thread iteration all fail with id_JSON having the default value NOT_FOUND.
Do I need to declare or manage the variable id_JSON in any special way to ensure that it will get the value of the session ID and retain it throughout the thread iteration, until the next iteration overwrites it with the next session ID?
The Extractor is a Post Processor, meaning it is applied after each sampler. So in you case it will run on the First Get and the 4 Puts.
So what you are noticing is absolutely regular, and if a Sampler fails, the extractor will fail to extract the ID and put NOT_FOUND in value.
If you are sure it does not change, then just put the Post Processor as a child of the first HTTP Request called "Create Session", it will then only run for it and the variable will not change anymore.
You can read more on this at:
"Go to next loop iteration" operates on Thread Group level.
Using any nested loop controllers doesn't increment global iteration counter. You can test it with either:
${__BeanShell(vars.getIteration();)} function - if you use vanilla JMeter
iterationNum function - if you use JMeter Plugins
So if you move your "looping" on Thread Group level and remove nester Loop Controller(s) (or set their loop count to 1) your approach should work as you expect it to do.
I have tried to originate a call from cli, My call file will hit two Java applications at a time so that they starts communicating to each other. Now My requirement is to originate multiple calls at once so that multiple threads run at same time. and Thus I can test the load etc. I have tried following for originating single call It works fine.
originate loopback/1234/default &bridge({ignore_early_media=true}sofia/internal/1789#XX.XX.XX.XX)
The above file can only be executed once, If I run it in a loop even then only one call is invoked. Please suggest me some way how to originate more number of calls in freeswitch
Your code is getting stuck waiting for the result -- 'api' commands are blocking
If you execute this as 'bgapi originate....' then it will be a background execution (bg) and be non-blocking -- it will return a job uuid, and let you execute more commands.
bgapi returns only Job-UUID, but not call uuid. what to do next?