how to generate database with maven CLI on spring MVC project - maven

I am dealing with thos project:
Until now, I have always generate the database with eclipse (graphically).
Now, I need to make the same action manually with maven. Which target should I use?


How to create a new microservice spring?

I'm using Intellij IDE Ultimate and I create a Project with spring inicializer. The problem is... now I need create more microservices (Spring Boot) but idk how to do this in IDE. I the end I need 3 microservices. Have a terminal command to create a new microservice inside my project? Or a way in the IDE to do this.
What you need to do is creating several modules (normally Maven modules), each of them is a SpringBoot application with its own application context and its own configuration, directories structure, etc.
IntelliJ has a concept of Module which matches very well the Maven module concept.
If you go to File, Project Structure, Project Settings, Modules you can see a very nice view of the current modules (in your case it should be only one). You can add or remove modules there. (Also by just clicking File-New Module, but the Project Structure View is more useful).
If you decide going the Maven way, you can also create your structure in disk and its POMs and import maven project in IntelliJ.
In any case, keep in mind that you will like to deploy every microservice as a separate and autonomous deployable unit.

cannot find service.jar file custom portlet liferay

I am using liferay 6.2 & built a maven portlet and working fine, I want to use its tables to store data for another portlet so that I need its services in this portlet.
But we can't access it externally so i find a way something like: required-deployment-contexts=Portlet-Project1 inside, then found its works for Ant only.
I was also finding the xxx-portlet-service.jar but didn't able to, so that i could manually put it in other portlet's lib folder i.e inside tomcat-webapps-xxxportlet-WEB-INF.
Just want to find how to use xxxLocalService.util in other in maven portlet
The best approach you can implement is a plugin to manage all the interaction with the DB.
First of all you must create a Service with a maven project and include it into your pom.xml in each portlet that you need. Then you can invoke its methods whenever you want because each portlet will store the dependencies.
Create Service Plugin into jar file
Rebuild with mvn clean liferay:build-service
Custom your own methods to manage the iteraction with the DB (LocalServiceUtilImpl and rebuild).
Include this plugin into pom.xml portlets
Rebuild your portlet.
The JAR will be placed in your .m2 folder, then each time that you rebuild your Service Plugin will be updated.
If i understood your question correctly, You need to create service builder project using maven and then you can add as dependency in other project wherever you need access to use xxxLocalServicutil class.
You can follow below link to create maven service builder project.
As you mentioned in your question.
was also finding the xxx-portlet-service.jar but didn't able to, so
that i could manually put it in other portlet's lib folder
To answer this, manually putting .jar file in lib directory will not help when you are working with maven project

Updating KIE Execution Server container with updated rules file

This is where I am at:
I am using Drools 6.2 and calling drools engine remotely via KIE Execution Server running on jboss.
I used workbench to create my initial drl file and fact objects and then used Build & Deploy option of workbench to create and deploy the jar file. I then created the container using the jar file and got the end point that I am using to access the rule engine from my client application. At this point every thing is working fine and I am able to fire the rules remotely.
My requirement is to modify the rules file (.drl) outside the workbench, let's say in notepad and update the container with this new drl file. Is there an easy way to create the jar file programmatically that i can deploy to the central maven repository? I can then run the KIE scanner to look for the latest version of my jar file and automatically update my container. Or is there another recommended way to update the running container with an updated .drl file?
My client application is not in Java so I am not looking for an integrated solution where I can write java code to create the knowledge base and use kie builder to build the drl file.
Is there an easy way to create the jar file programmatically that i can deploy to the central maven repository?
2 options that I can think of, one "easy" and one not so much:
Option 1
Use Maven and the maven drools plugin (you don't have to write Java code, just create your maven project and run mvn package to get a jar. See here:
Option 2
A JAR file is simply a zip file with a specified structure. That means that you should be able to update your whatever.drl file, put it in the directory structure that the KIE server expects and deploy it.
For instance, create a directory structure like:
Zip those files into somefile.jar and deploy it.

How to combine 3 standalone applications on java and run parallely with maven in spring

How to combine 3 standalone applications on java and run parallely with maven in spring.
The three othe standalone applications run on different Db's and I want to make use of these three in my main Standalone app.
What are the required maven settings i need to follow and what are the best spring components i used.
Any kind of answer is appresiable.
Thanks in Advance.
About Maven.
I recomend you to use a Repository Manager (Nexus, Artifactory...). In that repository, you can upload manually your aplications as a jar (I assumed that these three app are not build with Maven, but it could be interesant to migrate them, you should evaluate that).
You have to configure your new app pom.xml and settings.xml to get access to this repository. And then, you can add these dependencies in your new app pom.xml. After that, you can use your applications classes in your new app.
About Spring
Spring Framework, has a lot of things that could help you in your development (like dependency injection, jdbcTemplate and a large etc)
I really recommend you to read the documentation (with the index you can get an idea), and evaluate what things could help you.

how to access some new java classes added to the existing jar from gwt project when we run with Maven

I am facing below issue when I am running maven for gwt project.
in my project we have "A" project created by using gwt frame work.
"B" project is a java project and we need to access B project classes in "A" project server created a jar for B project and added in A project build path.
Now I need to add some new classes in B project and that new classes should access from "A" project client side.
We can able to add new classes in B project and after running maven for B-project, we are able to see new classes in B-project jar.
But when I run maven for Project A it shows an error like "did you forget to inherit a required module?".
Note: same test projects I have created and can able to access B-project new classes in A-project client side code. But when I am running with Maven it is unable inheriting these new classes.
Kindly advise me how to solve this issue.
Generally you need to compile your code into javascript in order to make it accessible from the client side (if we aren't considering requestfactory proxies, web services etc. here). If your code is located outside the GWT module it simply doesn't exist for client side. Practically this means that you need to extract the client side accessible classes from the B module and put it into A\shared folder for example. Also don't forget to place <source path="shared" /> into your A gwt.xml descriptor. The drawback of this refactoring of course is that you're allowed to use only "JRE emulated" classes in your shared code.
Another solution would be a creation of a gwt module inside your B project and inheriting it in A project.
