DHTMLX gantt chart hide parent tasks how? - dhtmlx

In DHTMLX Gantt chart
I need to show all hierarchy structure tasks in left panel like
1.1 SubParent
1.1.1 Tasks
But Right side panel i need to show only child tasks not parent and subparent.
You can refer below screen shot'
Reference Link : https://dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dhtmlxGantt/02_features.html
1. I need to hide strategic Definition and Obtain/create... right side blue bar only.

Please use task_class template to specify the CSS class that will be applied to task bars with children to hide them
and getChildren method to check if the target task has got the 1st-level child tasks:
gantt.templates.task_class = function(start, end, task){
var children = gantt.getChildren(task.id);
return "hideTask";
return "";
.hideTask{visibility: hidden;}


SAPUI5 Panels - Controlling position of content

I have a number of Panels which, when expanded, show the corresponding questions for that particular 'Category'
The issue I have is, say for example I answer the questions for the 1st panel, the content will scroll down, eventually hiding the panel... fair enough.
However, when I click on the Next Category (Production Area), I need to the page to scroll back up to the first question in the Category, or maybe even just display the selected category at the top of the page.
Is this possible?
Currently, the user has to continually scroll back if when they select the next Category.
You can achieve it using scrollToElement()
var oPage = sap.ui.getCore().byId("pageId"); // you page ID
var oList = sap.ui.getCore().byId("ListId"); // element ID to which it has to scroll
if (oPage && oList) oPage.scrollToElement(oList, 1000);
Execute the above code inside the panel event expand.
you can try to use this control instead which suits your needs
After trying everything, this is what worked for me.
onExpand: function (oEvent) {
if (oEvent.getParameters().expand) {
var focusID = oEvent.getParameter("id");
var elmnt = sap.ui.getCore().byId(focusID);

RadListView - scroll to a specific y-position

In RadListView, is it possible to scroll to a specific y-position.
The problem is if I navigate to another page from a RadListView page and then come back - it initializes to the top of the listview. I would prefer to the same y position the user was at before navigating to another page.
I think there's a scroll-to-item method - but that's not necessarily the same y position.
You can cache your index using observable ViewModel and pass it when needed (in this case on the loaded event for your list - that is when the users will return back to the list page and the list will load)
e.g. TypeScript
export function onListLoaded(args: RadListwModule.ListViewEventData) {
list = <RadListwModule.RadListView>args.object;
if (list.items) {
export function onItemTap(args: RadListwModule.ListViewEventData) {
var tappedItemIndex = args.itemIndex;
// "cache" the index of our tapped item
roversViewModel.set("cachedIndex", tappedItemIndex);
// navigate to details page or do what you want to do on itemTap
<lv:RadListView items="{{ dataItems }}" loaded="onListLoaded" itemTap="onItemTap">
Also give your cachedIndex initial value of 0 for the first time the list is loaded.
Example based on this POC app .
Note that is not exactly the same as scroll-to-the-exact-y-position but you can modify the logic and scroll further to the exact position with getting the cells relative position offset.

E4 RCP How to set selection of ToolBarItem that contains Radio Buttons

In Eclipse E4 (Luna), using the application model to create parts, handlers, commands, handled menu items etc, (these are not created programatically). I have a toolbar. This contains a sub-Menu item called "Filter" that contains another sub-menu of two filters. The two filters are two Handled Menu Items which are set up as "Radio" Buttons.
When I select the appropriate in the UI of my running app from the selection, the Radio button switches just fine to the selected Item. However I would like this selection to update (deselecting one Radio button and selecting the appropriate radio button of the handled menu item) when my ViewPart changes through other UI selection. Currently my ViewPart updates, but the Radio buttons are on the same previous selection through the UI.
Is there a way in which I get access both Handled Menu Item's IDs and set the selection (one to false, the other to true) when the viewer is updated.
Image of design is attached below:
Hierarchy of the application model is as follows:
Thanks in advance,
You can use the model service to find menu items. Use something like:
EModelService modelService;
MApplication app;
List<MMenuItem> items = modelService.findElements(app, "menu item id", MMenuItem.class, Collections.emptyList(), EModelService.IN_MAIN_MENU);
Once you have the MMenuItem you can call the setSelected(boolean) method to change the selection.
To find a menu item which is in a Part menu use:
modelService.findElements(app, "menu item id", MMenuItem.class, Collections.emptyList(), EModelService.IN_PART);
(IN_PART argument instead of IN_MAIN_MENU).
You could also specify the MPart rather than the Application as the first argument to findElements which may speed up the search.
For menus as a child of a Tool Bar Item it appears that the model services cannot find these directly. However you can find the Tool Bar Item and look at the menu yourself:
List<MToolItem> items = modelService.findElements(app, "tool bar item id", MToolItem.class, Collections.emptyList(), EModelService.IN_PART);
MToolItem item = items.get(0);
MMenu menu = item.getMenu();
List<MMenuElement> children = menu.getChildren();
... search menu elements
I solved this by starting with MPart PartID and drilling down to the HandledMenuItems on which I wanted to set the Radio Button selections, then setting the selection property for each individual HandledMenuItem.
This can probably be refactored to be more concise, but I've left the code with each step to have the solution easier to read.
BTW, in every instance / combination of the EModelService methods, the list returned a size of 0. So I'm not certain if that will work for what I'm trying to achieve. The following does work, although I'm not certain it is the most efficient means.
I hope this helps others.
// Get view part
MPart viewPart = _partService.findPart("part_id");
// get list of all menu items from the Part
List<MMenu> viewPartMenu = viewPart.getMenus();
// Get list of ViewMenus from viewPartMenu there is only one View Menu so it will be index 0
MMenu viewMenu = viewPartMenu .get(0);
// Get list of MMenuElements from the viewMenu - the children in the view menu
List<MMenuElement> viewMenuElements = viewMenu.getChildren();
// This gets me to the 2 HandledMenuItems
// Upper Most HandledMenuItem Radio Button is at viewMenuElements index 0. This is cast to MHandledMenuItem
MHandledMenuItem upperHandledMenuItem = (MHandledMenuItem) viewMenuElements.get(0);
// Set Selection
// Lower Most HandledMenuItem Radio Button is at viewMenuElements index 1. This is cast to MHandledMenuItem
MHandledMenuItem lowerHandledMenuItem = (MHandledMenuItem) viewMenuElements.get(1);
// Set selection

How to determine enabled legend items in Kendo-UI bar chart?

I'm using a stacked bar chart in v2013.2.726 of kendo-ui. I would like to base a grand total calculation off of the enabled items in the chart's legend. So far I have not found a consistent way to tell which legend items are enabled.
I tried the following but it does not work because kendoChart._sourceSeries[i].visible does not consistently match the visual state after multiple clicks on legend items.
function onLegendItemClick(clickEventArgs) {
var total = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < self.kendoChart._sourceSeries.length; ++i) {
if ((clickEventArgs.text === self.kendoChart._sourceSeries[i].name &&
!self.kendoChart._sourceSeries[i].visible) ||
(clickEventArgs.text !== self.kendoChart._sourceSeries[i].name &&
self.kendoChart._sourceSeries[i].visible)) {
total += chartModel.Series[i].Total;
So is it even possible to determine which legend items are enabled?
So I started looking into implementing something to track the item state outside of kendo. It was only then I noticed the property kendoChart.options.series[i].visible which does indicate the state.
My apologies for answering my own question but there was not much traffic to it or the question I posted on the kendo-ui forum. So I figured I should share what I found.
I assume you can to loop through the visible (active) elements that are being displayed in the Kendo chart and then display that Total.
Instead of searching which items are active you can directly get them through the dataSource.view() method.

Get current style information in CKEditor

How can I get information about the states of styles present on the toolbar, at the current cursor position.
The documentation is completely silent on this issue. As far as I can tell from digging into the source code, CKEditor doesn't keep an internal log of what the styles are at the current position. It simply recalculates them on an as-needed basis, namely whenever it needs to add new styles to a selection.
Please keep in mind that CKEditor is actually building and modifying an entire DOM tree, and so the styles it applies cascade down the nodes. It appears that the only way you can pull the style information is to traverse up the DOM tree from your current cursor position, recording the style information from each ancestor until you reach the body node of the editor.
The following code should get you started traversing up the ancestor nodes:
//Or however you get your current editor
var editor = CKEDITOR.currentInstance;
//This will pull the minimum ancestor that encompasses the entire selection,
//so if you just want to use the cursor it will give you the direct parent
//node that the cursor is inside
var node = editor.getSelection().getCommonAncestor();
//This is all the ancestors, up to the document root
var ancestors = node.getParents();
//This is the editors body node; you don't want to go past this
var editor_body = editor.getBody();
var body_ancestors = editor_body.getParents();
//The ancestors list descends from the root node, whereas we want
//to ascend towards the root
for (var i = ancestors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--;) {
//Pull the node
var a = ancestors[i];
//You've hit the body node, break out of the loop
if (a.getText() == editor_body.getText()) break;
//This is a node between the cursor's node and the editor body,
//pull your styling information from the node here
Thanks to the customizability of CKEditors style interface, there isn't a single set of styles that can be checked for, nor do they follow the same form (for instance, some will be CSS styles, while others will be span elements with a particular class).
My suggestion is to check for just those styles which you actually care about, and ignore the rest. It'll make the code much simpler.
Here is another way (based on a few attached links).
You can get the current element position by editor.getSelection().getStartElement() - (editor is CKEDITOR.instances.%the editor instance%.
Now, you can then wrap the actual element for jquery (or use the jquery adapter..):
This will give you an access to use the following plugin which resolves all the styles of a given element (both inline and inherited):
* getStyleObject Plugin for jQuery JavaScript Library
* From: http://upshots.org/?p=112
* Copyright: Unknown, see source link
* Plugin version by Dakota Schneider (http://hackthetruth.org)
$.fn.getStyleObject = function(){
var dom = this.get(0);
var style;
var returns = {};
var camelize = function(a,b){
return b.toUpperCase();
style = window.getComputedStyle(dom, null);
for(var i=0;i<style.length;i++){
var prop = style[i];
var camel = prop.replace(/\-([a-z])/g, camelize);
var val = style.getPropertyValue(prop);
returns[camel] = val;
return returns;
style = dom.currentStyle;
for(var prop in style){
returns[prop] = style[prop];
return returns;
return this.css();
(Taken from: jQuery CSS plugin that returns computed style of element to pseudo clone that element?)
All that is left to do is:
Now you can check for any style asigned to the element.
Another small tip will be - what are the styles for the current cursor position, every time the position or styles are changed:
In which case you can use attachStyleStateChange callback (which is pretty atrophied by itself since is can only return boolean indication for weather or not a certain style is applied to current position).
The good thing about it is - callback is being recieved when ever the style state is changed - that is - whenever the cursor position is moved to a position with different style attributes - Any different attribute and not just the attribute the listener was ment to verify (Taken from the API http://docs.cksource.com/ckeditor_api/symbols/CKEDITOR.editor.html#attachStyleStateChange)
Combining everything together to figure out what is the current applied styles on the current cursor position Every time something is changed:
editor.on('instanceReady', function () {
var styleBold = new CKEDITOR.style(CKEDITOR.config.coreStyles_bold);
editor.attachStyleStateChange(styleBold, function (state) {
var currentCursorStyles = $(editor.getSelection().getStartElement().$).getStyleObject();
// For instance, the font-family is:
var fontFamily = currentCursorStyles.fontFamily;
