How can I make a relation from Table A to table C where A related to B and B is related to C in LARAVEL - laravel

How can I able display the info from "set Penalties" Table when I do something like: $loanApplication->duration->setPenalties->penalty?
LoanApplication Model:
public function loanDuration()
return $this->hasOne('App\LoanDuration', 'id','loan_duration_id');
LoanDuration Model:
public function loanApplications()
return $this->hasMany(LoanApplication::class);

You are almost there. $loadApplication->loadDuration should already give you information from the loan_durations table.
In your LoanDuration Model you should add a new relationship method like this:
public function setPenalties(): BelongsTo
return $this->belongsTo(<Your penalty model>);
This will allow you to retrieve the penalties from a LoadDuration:
Or with the full example, the result will be a collection of setPenalties:
It could be possible that you wont get any results from the setPenalties. This is because of the name of the related column name in the database. You could either change the name of the column duration_id to loan_duration_id or specify the duration_id in the $this->belongsTo(<Your penalty model>, 'duration_id')


Get data through pivot table in Laravel

I got 3 tables. Table 1 & 2 has their ids as foreign keys in third one(pivot).
Relations for first one is
, second is
and pivot has relationships with both of them i.e belongsTo.
My schema:
I tried accessing it in controller of first one like this:
$games= Game::with("armies")->get();
Result that i get is array of games where instead of individual army data , i get collection from pivot table.
I can loop through it and get it that way, is there more elegant way of doing it?
If you are using pivot table this is the way how to do it.
Games Model
public function armies()
return $this->belongsToMany(App\Armies::class, 'pivot_table', 'game_id', 'army_id');
Armies Model
public function armies()
return $this->belongsToMany(App\Games::class, 'pivot_table', 'army_id', 'game_id');
Access the relationship like this..
If you're going to use an intermediate table like that I'd probably do something like this:
Games model
public function armies()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Armies');
Armies model
public function games()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Games');
I'd keep the table structures all the same but rename the "pivot" table to armies_games since this is what Laravel will look for by default. If you want to keep it named Pivots, you'll need to pass it in as the second argument in belongsToMany.
With this, you don't really need the Pivot model, you should just be able to do:
$armies = Game::first()->armies()->get();
$armies = Game::find(3)->armies()->orderBy('name')->get();
$game = Game::first();
foreach ($game->armies as $army) {

How to retrieve data through model?

I have Order model with another relation OrderPhoto:
public function OrderPhoto()
return $this->hasMany('App\OrderPhoto');
In turn OrderPhoto model has relation:
public function Photo()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Photo');
So, how to get data from OrderModel with related data from third model Photo?
I guess this:
to retrieve only data from Photo model for each Order
So, each Order has some OrderPhotos. Relationship is one to many.
But one item from OrderPhotos is related with primary key from table Photos. It is one to one relation.
My result query should be:
select `photos`.*, `ordersphoto`.`Orders_Id` from `photos` inner join `ordersphoto` on `ordersphoto`.`Photos_Id` = `photos`.`Id` where `ordersphoto`.`Orders_Id` in (1);
How to use hasManyThrough for this query?
Just having a quick look at your relationships it looks like you could create a hasManyThrough relationship on the order Model.
public function Photo {
return $this->hasManyThrough('App\OrderPhoto', 'App\Photo')
You may need to add the table keys to make it work
This will allow you to do:
You can see more details here
Try this
public function Photo {
return $this->hasManyThrough('App\Photo', 'App\OrderPhoto', 'Order_id', 'Photos_id', 'id', 'id')
It is a little hard to get my head around your DB structure with this info but you should hopefully be able to work it out. This may also help

Join 3 tables using Laravel Eloquent

So I have 3 tables
size_sets - id, name
sizes - id, name
size_set_sizes - size_id, size_set_id
I want to define a relationship in size_set model that would retrieve all sizes available for that sizeset
Something like:
public function sizes()
//define relationship here
Method sizes should retrieve the names from the size table, through size_set_sizes table in the size_set model...
My application is very dynamic and thus I needed to go with this structure. I tried the hasManyThrough relationship, but couldn't get that to work.
100% use a pivot table
This link will give you all you need
Use belongsToMany() relations like:
class Size extends Model
public function sizeSets()
return $this->belongsToMany(SizeSet::class, 'size_set_sizes');
class SizeSet extends Model
public function sizes()
return $this->belongsToMany(Size::class, 'size_set_sizes');
Then you can do:
$sizeSet = SizeSet::with('sizes')->find($id);
Then $sizeSet->sizes will return a collection of sizes for that size set.
I Think I found what I was looking for The answer is a pivot-table

Correct relationship in Laravel

I have four tables in database: groups, specialties, lessons, group_lesson. It's structures:
group_lesson (UNIQUE INDEX lesson_id, group_id)
My models look like that for now:
class Group extends Eloquent {
public function specialty() {
return $this->belongsTo('Specialty');
class Lesson extends Eloquent {
public function specialty() {
return $this->belongsTo('Specialty');
class Specialty extends Eloquent {
public function lessons() {
return $this->hasMany('Lesson');
public function groups() {
return $this->hasMany('Group');
I need get additional fields in Group model look like that
Group - Eloquent model
name - string
lessons - collection of Lesson models of Group Specialty
date - date from group_lesson table
I've tried different relationships and combinations, but it's doesn't work. Please help me to write correct relationships.
You can use eager-loading to access relational data through relationships, and can even chain relationships further. As a rule of thumb, if you can draw a path to from 1 model to another through a relationship, you can eagerload all the relevant and relational data for that with chained eager-loads.
Laravel Eager Loading
As an example
$speciality_group = Speciality::with('group','lessons')->find($id);
Even though you are only getting a single instance of the speciality model, the related data is hasMany, meaning multiple records. You need to loop through these records using a foreach loop to access the relevant data for them, or alternitavely add additional closures in your initial query to load only a single related model.
foreach($speciality_group->group as $group)
echo $group->name;
You will need to do this for both instances where you want to display related information.

Many to one on one table, relationship in laravel

I have model, named Magazine. This model represents of magazines table.
I also have model, named Transfer. This model is represents of transfers table.
In this table I would like store information about product transfers.
There are two important columns, source is id of magazine from I getting product, target is id of magazine where I put the product.
How should I create relationship in Eloquent model? I did something like this
public function source()
return $this->belongsTo('Magazine', 'source');
public function target()
return $this->belongsTo('Magazine', 'target');
But, doesn't work. If I call $transfer->source I only get id, which is stored in this column(integer value). But I would like get Magazine object. If I change method name from source() to magazine(), Eloquent returns Magazine object, and this is correct.
How should I create relationship if source and target indicate on the same table
Your fields and methods overlap. So now you can do this:
but obviously this is not the way to handle relationships.
That said, to make it work as expected, rename either methods or table fields. I suggest this:
table transfers: id, source_id, target_id
// Transfer model
public function source()
return $this->belongsTo('Magazine', 'source_id');
public function target()
return $this->belongsTo('Magazine', 'target_id');
If you call $transfer->source you will only get the id.
You need to load your source too
$transfer = Transfer::with('source')->find(123);
and then access the name of the source
$nameOfSource = $transfer->source->name
