How to launch emacs in console on Catalina? - macos

Before updating to Catalina, I was using emacs in the terminal. When I updated to Catalina, emacs was no longer found. So, I installed it with Homebrew. Now, emacs launches in a GUI, its own window. How can I get the 'emacs' command running emacs in the terminal again?

The flag -nw is always used to start emacs in a non-GUI mode. So, you'd use /Applications/ -nw. Note that this is a Ruby wrapper around the Emacs binary, so on Catalina you may have to allow full disk access to Ruby as detailed in this Emacs.SE post.


Installed iterm2, now both vscode and mac internal terminals are not working

I installed iterm2 and oh my zsh on my new macbook pro M1. Now I can not use the internal vscode terminal or mac terminal.
What I have tried:
I have updated my mac, vscode, iterm2, brew, and oh my zsh.
I am using zsh.
I checked my system preferences/users & groups/unlock/advanced options/login shell: /usr/local/bin/zsh. Which seems correct?
In iterm2 I checked echo $SHELL. (see image)
In iterm2 I checked echo $PATH. (see image)
I ran brew doctor. No issues there.
Checked that I had oh my zsh installed and updated.
In vscode I have looked at code/preferences/settings/[typed]terminal
checked terminal>integrated>shell: Osx
checked that json file. I don't know what Im looking for there.
Need Help With:
In vscode the terminal window does not open now and I get a error message.
vscode internal terminal error message
Now that I have iterm2, am I no longer able to use the internal mac terminal? When I go to open the internal mac terminal it is stuck on the following screen.
Internal mac terminal
Any help or guidance would be much appreciated. I am new to the terminal and command line.
Thanks in advance.

I'm trying to launch a 'jupyter notebook' by making a clickable shell script on osx 10.14

I want to make a file that will
-open terminal and execute 'jupyter notebook' in the command line.
I am running Mac osx 10.14 (Mojave) I have jupyter notebook tested operational. Any pointers would help.
Found an answer from another thread that will work for the time being.
I'll probably be adding more specific requirements later and updating this thread as it develops.

company-clang is slow under Cocoa Emacs

I'm using the GUI version emacs on Mac.
I set company-idle-delay to 0, but emacs also delay several seconds when completes with company-clang.
But, when I start emacs in terminal, company completes very fast. What is the differents between GUI / terminal emacs?
I installed emacs with brew install emacs --with-cocoa, version 24.5

cannot link homebrew emacs

Recently I uninstalled and reinstalled Homebrew entirely on my macbook (OSX 10.9.5) because there was some problem with my Python. Then I reinstalled all the programs in Homebrew and everything worked fine except for Emacs. When I tried to link emacs
$ brew link emacs
Linking /Users/myname/homebrew/Cellar/emacs/24.3... 21 symlinks created
I expected it to create a shortcut in Applications and I open the Emacs GUI from there, but Emacs is not showing up there and I don't know how I can open the GUI. What did I do wrong and how can I link my Emacs?
Try running it from the command line to see what's wrong:
emacs --debug-init
The program is likely not able to find some elc files or something among those lines.
If all fails, try using the master branch (I update my emacs frequently, such as today).
brew install emacs --HEAD --use-git-head --cocoa --srgb --with-xml2 && brew linkapps

using x11 emacs in mountain lion

I have been trying to use macport's installation by using sudo port install emacs +x11 on my laptop with mountain lion, but every time I open emacs in terminal, it opens in the terminal without any GUI. This also happens if I try to open emacs directly in an xquartz terminal session. Has anyone had any luck with installing the x11 version of emacs on mountain lion? And if so, how? Thank you!
Turns out apple cut the link between terminal and xquartz. If I open emacs in xterm, it will run just fine. I found this to be the case even when I was using terminal with an ssh server. Looks like apple's terminal isn't going to be all that helpful from here on out.
Edit; I'm not sure if it was an update to xQuartz, but the problem has been fixed. When I type in an x11 app into the normal terminal app, it will open xQuartz as normal.
