I am having a hard time understanding the logic of how Karger's Algorithm would work on an undirected graph. I know there are max-flow algorithms such as Ford-Fulkersson algorithm but I am not after using this algorithm on an undirected graph.
Could someone explain what the difference would be using Karger's Algorithm on a directed graph vs. Karger's Algorithm on an undirected graph.
Thanks in advance!
there are prim and Kruskal algorithms to find mst in polynomial time
I wonder, Are there any algorithms to find MST in a directed acyclic graph in linear time?
The equivalent of an MST in a directed graph is called an optimum branching or minimum-cost arborescence and there are several good algorithms for finding one. The most famous is probably the Chu-Edmonds-Liu algorithm, which can be implemented in time O(mn) in a straightforward way and time O(m + n log n) using more clever data structures.
Hope this helps!
Here is a Graph where I need to find the minimum spanning tree of G using Prim's and Kruskal's algorithms.
I found the minimum spanning tree using Prim's algorithm. Here is my attempt.
I am having difficulty in finding the minimum spanning tree using Kruskal's algorithm. I have seen many videos related to Kruskal's graph algorithm but I ended up getting the same graph as Prim's algorithm.
Can anyone please show me how to find the minimum spanning tree of the graph using Kruskal's algorithm?
Prims and Kruskals will always give you the same answer if all the
edges of the graph have distinct weights, as there is only a single min-spanning tree that exists. For graph having many edges with
same weights, the algorithms could give you a different answer but not
always. Depends on the way the nodes are explored in the
implementation. This graph can have many different min-spanning trees.
As your graph has all distinct edge weights, you will always get the same answer.
Prim's and Kruskal's algorithm both find minimum spanning trees. Because the graph that you gave has edge weights that are all different from each other there will be no different spanning trees that are both minimum.as long as both algorithms are correctly implemented they will find the same tree. meaning there can be no variation between the MST.
What's is the Sollin's algorithm in graph theory?
Can you write pseudocode of this algorithm or explain how this algorithm work?
Sollin's algorithm is an algorithm for finding the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) on a graph. Find more information here.
I was wondering if any minimum spanning tree of a graph G can be provided by an execution of the algorithm Prim on this graph?
Does the Prim algorithm give us all the possible MST?
I was wondering if any minimum spanning tree of a graph G can be
provided by an execution of the algorithm Prim on this graph?
Prim's algorithm is known to be a good algorithm to find a minimum
spanning tree.
Since Prim's algorithm constructs a MST from a weighted, connected, undirected graph, yes, you can use it to get a minimum spanning tree from such a graph. If your graph is not connected it won't work (but neither will any other algorithm because there is no spanning tree, then). If your graph is not weighted it will just create a spanning tree.
If you use Prim's once to get a MST then delete an edge. Then use prim's again to see if you can still get a MST of the same length. If you do, repeat, otherwise put the edge back and remove another edge. It will be slowish ... Perhaps only remove heavy edges?
I have a set of points and a distance function applicable to each pair of points. I would like to connect ALL the points together, with the minimum total distance. Do you know about an existing algorithm I could use for that ?
Each point can be linked to several points, so this is not the usual "salesman itinerary" problem :)
Thanks !
What you want is a Minimum spanning tree.
The two most common algorithms to generate one are:
Prim's algorithm
Kruskal's algorithm
As others have said, the minimum spanning tree (MST) will allow you to form a minimum distance sub-graph that connects all of your points.
You will first need to form a graph for your data set though. To efficiently form an undirected graph you could compute the Delaunay triangulation of your point set. The conversion from the triangulation to the graph is then fairly literal - any edge in the triangulation is also an edge in the graph, weighted by the length of the triangulation edge.
There are efficient algorithms for both the MST (Prim's/Kruskal's O(E*log(V))) and Delaunay triangulation (Divide and Conquer O(V*log(V))) phases, so efficient overall approaches are possible.
Hope this helps.
The algorithm you are looking for is called minimum spanning tree. It's useful to find the minimum cost for a water, telephone or electricity grid. There is Prim's algorithm or Kruskal algorithm. IMO Prim's algorithm is a bit easier to understand.
here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimum_spanning_tree you can find more information about the minimum spanning tree, so you can adapt it to solve your problem.
Take a look at the Dijkstra's algorithm:
Dijkstra's algorithm, conceived by Dutch computer scientist Edsger Dijkstra in 1956 and published in 1959, is a graph search algorithm that solves the single-source shortest path problem for a graph with nonnegative edge path costs, producing a shortest path tree. This algorithm is often used in routing and as a subroutine in other graph algorithms.