Maven artifact not uploaded with pom file - maven

I have a backend multimodule maven project, that is build on jenkins with mvn clean package command (maven version 3.3). After a sucessfull build I upload two of the maven subprojects target/*.jar to private nexus (using Nexus artifact uploader plugin). The jars from target folders are uploaded correctly, but the pom is not (there is no option in the plugin to upload the pom).
Then I have my webapp project, where I have dependency to the two artifacts on my private nexus. They are found and downloaded, but not the pom. Building the webapp project fails, because the dependencies are not resolved for the two jars. A warning is printed out during build:
[WARNING] The POM for <groupId>:<submodule-artifactId>:jar:1.0.0 is missing, no dependency information available
That is reasonable - I can clearly see in nexus repository that it has only jar, md5 and sha files. How should I build my multimodule maven project in a way I would be able to reference only submodules in my webapp project? Or should I upload the submodule projects poms manualy?
I am open to upload the whole backend project to nexus, but I would like to be able to add only subprojects as dependencies to my webapp.

Since you are using a private nexus, you need to specify in your maven where to look for your artifact. Usually the way to do it is to specify a repository configuration in your pom.xml as specified in this link. This will tell maven to contact your private nexus for your artifacts.


How to download selective dependencies using Maven from JFrog Artifactory?

I have a simple Maven project and its pom.xml has some dependencies to some local jar files inside the project structure. Now I want to upload those local jar files in JFrog Artifactory and change the pom in such a way so as to use selective dependencies from Artifactory and rest of the Pom files remains the same like it was(which includes some spring boot, Junit, surefire dependencies etc etc). How can I alter the pom file so that I can selectively download those jars from Artifactory rather than from my local machine.
I uploaded the local jars in a folder in Artifactory but unable to configure my pom/maven to download those during clean install. I tried as per the documentation in Jfrog to modify the settings.xml and include the server tag and aslo added distribution management in pom.xl to refer to the Jfrog Artifactory. But this is for all the dependencies no? I want selective dependencies to be downloaded from Artifactory.

How to download only one jar with pom.xml?

I want to use a project called projectA that I have in a maven repository as dependency of a projectB.
The mvn deploy of projectA is successful (I can see in the repository the projectA-0.0.1-20190902.072951-1.jar, projectA-0.0.1-20190902.072951-1.pom and maven-metadata.xml files), but when I specify the dependency in the pom.xml file of projectB, the project works but it downloads two JARs of projectA from the repository:
- projectA-0.0.1-20190902.072951-1.jar
- projectA-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar and the same issue for every file downloaded by the dependency to this project.
I think that only one JAR is necessary, and I don't know what I need to put maybe in settings.xml or in the pom.xml file of any project to get only one JAR when the dependency is downloaded.
Thank you so much for your help!
In the past it was possible to tell Maven to deploy Non-unique Snapshot Deployments but in Maven 3
... snapshot artifacts will always be deployed using a timestamped version
the files with the timestamps are the one you have deployed to your remote repo (mvn deploy ...) and then downloaded from there as dependencies
the ones with -SNAPSHOT are the result of the local builds (install goal)
If your concern is download traffic - that is not an issue. The -SNAPSHOT ones are not downloaded.
If your concern is disk space then you can have a cron job or use something like Build Helper Maven Plugin to remove old version artifacts from the local repository.

Maven - creating and sharing packages between projects

If I am working for a large organization, when is a situation where I would want to create my own Maven packages and share them with other projects inside my organization?
As I understand it a maven Package is just a maven project that you mvn deploy, then you can add the JAR to other projects. Is that it, or is there more to it?
You'll need an artifact repository such as Artifactory or Nexus. Once you setup artifact repo, you'll have to configure your projects to deploy artifacts there. This is done through your pom.xml file. Then when you run mvn deploy the artifacts will be published to your repo.
Other projects can declare your artifacts as dependencies the same way you do with any other dependencies, but to resolve them they need to know about your artifact repo. This is done in settings.xml

Include java webapp lib in maven build

I was having a dynamic webapplication created on eclipse. I converted it to a maven project using M2E plugin. I added maven war plugin in the pom.xml so that it can create war for my project using maven build.
But when I do the build, it fails to compile few classes which has reference to the jars of my webapp/Web-INF/lib folder. These jars I can't include as dependency in pom.xml.
How can I tell maven to include Web-INF/lib jars also while building classes and creating a war?
Its not correct way of doing this , you should not put any jar manually in WEB-INF/lib folder.
And if that jar is not available in MAVEN CENTRAL REPO , then you can download it and install it in your NEXUS CENTRAL REPO (if you have any) otherwise put that jar in your local maven repository and add it as a dependency in your pom file. If you don't want to include that jar in your WEB-INF/lib then change the scope to provided otherwise leave it as default i.e compile.
During build time MAVEN will look for that particular jar in your local repo first , and if it don't find it there then it try to download from Centra Repo.
Once it is available in your local repo , your build won't break.

How do I add an artifact to a local maven repository so that it will properly reference its own set of dependencies?

I am developing an application that depends on a number of legacy JAR files and I want the project to build straight out of version control without other users having to install these JARs in their local repository. I cannot add them to the corporate repository so I have created a repository that is local to this project and I have added these JARs to that repository using maven-install-plugin:install-file and setup the repository entry in the POM file so it knows to search the local repository.
This works exactly the way I want...up to a point. The problem is that most of these legacy JAR files have their own set of dependencies. I would like for them to work just like other artifacts that have their own set of dependencies so that maven can resolve everything and include all the necessary files but I can't find a way to do this with any maven-install-plugin:install-file options (or any other maven commands/plugins). I am pretty new at maven so I am probably just ignorant on this point.
As a work around, I attempted to go into the local repository directory and manually edit the POM file for the artifact to include the dependencies. This didn't cause any errors but it is also not pulling in those dependencies.
Can someone out there give me a clue?
The maven-install-plugin:install-file goal has a pomFile attribute. You can use this to specify a POM file for your legacy jar. You would create a POM file that points to all of the dependencies by artifactId in the <dependencies> section. If you have a remote nexus repository you can use the admin screen for the repository to deploy a jar.
Once you edit POM files in your project specific repository, host it as maven repo using Maven Repository Managers (like sonatype nexus). Add your project nexus repo as one of the maven repo in project pom.xml as below
<url>http://<your project maven repo URL here></url>
Now all developers should be able to make build. The legacy jar files POM contains dependency. Maven should take care of automatically pulling dependent jars on developer's workspace.
