What is the best way to do a very large and repetitive task? - performance

I need to get the duration of 18000+ audios, using the audioread library for each audio takes about 300ms, ie at least 25~30 minutes of processing.
Using a Queue andProcess system, using all available cores of my processor, I can lower the processing average of each audio to 70ms, but it will still take 21 minutes, how can I improve this? I would like to be able to read all the audios in at least 5 minutes, remembering that I have no competition on the machine, it will only run my software, so I can consume all the resources.
Code of function read the duration:
def get_duration(q, au):
while not q.empty():
index = q.get()
with audioread.audio_open(au[index]['absolute_path']) as f:
au[index]['duration'] = f.duration * 1000
Code to create the Processes:
for i in range(os.cpu_count()):
pr = Process(target=get_duration, args=(queue, audios, ))
pr.daemon = True
In my code there is only one Queue with some Process, and I use Manager to edit the objects.

I would look into using a complied solution to speed up your script. Pythons threading still leaves room for improvement.
Try a compiled language.
If you still want python, separate as many functions to different threads as your system supports. use threading.thread.
Also see this wiki for info on efficient loops in python. The gist of the story is that for loops incur overhead.


H2O - Not seeing much speed-up after moving to powerful machine

I am running a Python program that calls H2O for deep learning (training and testing). The program runs in a loop of 20 iterations and in each loop calls H2ODeepLearningEstimator() 4 times and associated predict() and model_performance(). I am doing h2o.remove_all() and cleaning up all data-related Python objects after each iteration.
Data size: training set 80,000 with 122 features (all float) with 20% for validation (10-fold CV). test set 20,000. Doing binary classification.
Machine 1: Windows 7, 4 core, Xeon, each core 3.5GHz, Memory 32 GB
Takes about 24 hours to complete
Machine 2: CentOS 7, 20 core, Xeon, each core 2.0GHz, Memory 128 GB
Takes about 17 hours to complete
I am using h2o.init(nthreads=-1, max_mem_size = 96)
So, the speed-up is not that much.
My questions:
1) Is the speed-up typical?
2) What can I do to achieve substantial speed-up?
2.1) Will adding more cores help?
2.2) Are there any H2O configuration or tips that I am missing?
Thanks very much.
- Mohammad,
Graduate student
If the training time is the main effort, and you have enough memory, then the speed up will be proportional to cores times core-speed. So, you might have expected a 40/14 = 2.85 speed-up (i.e. your 24hrs coming down to the 8-10 hour range).
There is a typo in your h2o.init(): 96 should be "96g". However, I think that was a typo when writing the question, as h2o.init() would return an error message. (And H2O would fail to start if you'd tried "96", with the quotes but without the "g".)
You didn't show your h2o.deeplearning() command, but I am guessing you are using early stopping. And that can be unpredictable. So, what might have happened is that your first 24hr run did, say, 1000 epochs, but your second 17hr run did 2000 epochs. (1000 vs. 2000 would be quite an extreme difference, though.)
It might be that you are spending too much time scoring. If you've not touched the defaults, this is unlikely. But you could experiment with train_samples_per_iteration (e.g. set it to 10 times the number of your training rows).
What can I do to achieve substantial speed-up?
Stop using cross-validation. That might be a bit controversial, but personally I think 80,000 training rows is going to be enough to do an 80%/10%/10% split into train/valid/test. That will be 5-10 times quicker.
If it is for a paper, and you want to show more confidence in the results, once you have your final model, and you've checked that test score is close to valid score, then rebuild it a couple of times using a different seed for the 80/10/10 split, and confirm you end up with the same metrics. (*)
*: By the way, take a look at the score for each of the 10 cv models you've already made; if they are fairly close to each other, then this approach should work well. If they are all over the place, you might have to re-consider the train/valid/test splits - or just think about what it is in your data that might be causing that sensitivity.

Python 3 multiprocessing: optimal chunk size

How do I find the optimal chunk size for multiprocessing.Pool instances?
I used this before to create a generator of n sudoku objects:
processes = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
worker_pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes)
sudokus = worker_pool.imap_unordered(create_sudoku, range(n), n // processes + 1)
To measure the time, I use time.time() before the snippet above, then I initialize the pool as described, then I convert the generator into a list (list(sudokus)) to trigger generating the items (only for time measurement, I know this is nonsense in the final program), then I take the time using time.time() again and output the difference.
I observed that the chunk size of n // processes + 1 results in times of around 0.425 ms per object. But I also observed that the CPU is only fully loaded the first half of the process, in the end the usage goes down to 25% (on an i3 with 2 cores and hyper-threading).
If I use a smaller chunk size of int(l // (processes**2) + 1) instead, I get times of around 0.355 ms instead and the CPU load is much better distributed. It just has some small spikes down to ca. 75%, but stays high for much longer part of the process time before it goes down to 25%.
Is there an even better formula to calculate the chunk size or a otherwise better method to use the CPU most effective? Please help me to improve this multiprocessing pool's effectiveness.
This answer provides a high level overview.
Going into detais, each worker is sent a chunk of chunksize tasks at a time for processing. Every time a worker completes that chunk, it needs to ask for more input via some type of inter-process communication (IPC), such as queue.Queue. Each IPC request requires a system call; due to the context switch it costs anywhere in the range of 1-10 μs, let's say 10 μs. Due to shared caching, a context switch may hurt (to a limited extent) all cores. So extremely pessimistically let's estimate the maximum possible cost of an IPC request at 100 μs.
You want the IPC overhead to be immaterial, let's say <1%. You can ensure that by making chunk processing time >10 ms if my numbers are right. So if each task takes say 1 μs to process, you'd want chunksize of at least 10000.
The main reason not to make chunksize arbitrarily large is that at the very end of the execution, one of the workers might still be running while everyone else has finished -- obviously unnecessarily increasing time to completion. I suppose in most cases a delay of 10 ms is a not a big deal, so my recommendation of targeting 10 ms chunk processing time seems safe.
Another reason a large chunksize might cause problems is that preparing the input may take time, wasting workers capacity in the meantime. Presumably input preparation is faster than processing (otherwise it should be parallelized as well, using something like RxPY). So again targeting the processing time of ~10 ms seems safe (assuming you don't mind startup delay of under 10 ms).
Note: the context switches happen every ~1-20 ms or so for non-real-time processes on modern Linux/Windows - unless of course the process makes a system call earlier. So the overhead of context switches is no more than ~1% without system calls. Whatever overhead you're creating due to IPC is in addition to that.
Nothing will replace the actual time measurements. I wouldn't bother with a formula and try a constant such as 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000 instead and see what works best in your case.

Testing Erlang function performance with timer

I'm testing the performance of a function in a tight loop (say 5000 iterations) using timer:tc/3:
{Duration_us, _Result} = timer:tc(M, F, [A])
This returns both the duration (in microseconds) and the result of the function. For argument's sake the duration is N microseconds.
I then perform a simple average calculation on the results of the iterations.
If I place a timer:sleep(1) function call before the timer:tc/3 call, the average duration for all the iterations is always > the average without the sleep:
timer:tc(M, F, [A]).
This doesn't make much sense to me as the timer:tc/3 function should be atomic and not care about anything that happened before it.
Can anyone explain this strange functionality? Is it somehow related to scheduling and reductions?
Do you mean like this:
4> foo:foo(10000).
-export([foo/1, baz/1]).
foo(N) -> TL = bar(N), {TL,sum(TL)/N} .
bar(0) -> [];
bar(N) ->
{D,_} = timer:tc(?MODULE, baz, [1000]),
baz(0) -> ok;
baz(N) -> baz(N-1).
sum([]) -> 0;
sum([H|T]) -> H + sum(T).
I tried this, and it's interesting. With the sleep statement the mean time returned by timer:tc/3 is 19 to 22 microseconds, and with the sleep commented out, the average drops to 4 to 6 microseconds. Quite dramatic!
I notice there are artefacts in the timings, so events like this (these numbers being the individual microsecond timings returned by timer:tc/3) are not uncommon:
---- snip ----
---- snip ----
I assume this is the effect you are referring to, though when you say always > N, is it always, or just mostly? Not always for me anyway.
The above results extract was without the sleep. Typically when using sleep timer:tc/3 returns low times like 4 or 5 most of the time without the sleep, but sometimes big times like 22, and with the sleep in place it's usually big times like 22, with occasional batches of low times.
It's certainly not obvious why this would happen, since sleep really just means yield. I wonder if all this is not down to the CPU cache. After all, especially on a machine that's not busy, one might expect the case without the sleep to execute most of the code all in one go without it getting moved to another core, without doing so much else with the core, thus making the most out of the caches... but when you sleep, and thus yield, and come back later, the chances of cache hits might be considerably less.
Measuring performance is a complex task especially on new HW and in modern OS. There are many things which can fiddle with your result. First thing, you are not alone. It is when you measure on your desktop or notebook, there can be other processes which can interfere with your measurement including system ones. Second thing, there is HW itself. Moder CPUs have many cool features which control performance and power consumption. They can boost performance for a short time before overheat, they can boost performance when there is not work on other CPUs on the same chip or other hyper thread on the same CPU. On another hand, they can enter power saving mode when there is not enough work and CPU doesn't react fast enough to the sudden change. It is hard to tell if it is your case, but it is naive to thing previous work or lack of it can't affect your measurement. You should always take care to measure in steady state for long enough time (seconds at least) and remove as much as possible other things which could affect your measurement. (And do not forget GC in Erlang as well.)

Parallel text processing in julia

I'm trying to write a simple function that reads a series of files and performs some regex search (or just a word count) on them and then return the number of matches, and I'm trying to make this run in parallel to speed it up, but so far I have been unable to achieve this.
If I do a simple loop with a math operation I do get significant performance increases. However, a similar idea for the grep function doesn't provide speed increases:
function open_count(file)
fh = open(file)
text = readall(fh)
total = 0
for name in files
total += open_count(string(dir,"/",name))
elapsed time: 29.474181026 seconds
total = 0
total = #parallel (+) for name in files
elapsed time: 29.086511895 seconds
I tried different versions but also got no significant speed increases. Am I doing something wrong?
I've had similar problems with R and Python. As others pointed out in the comment, you should start with the profiler.
If the read is taking up the majority of time then there's not much you can do. You can try moving the files to different hard drives and read them in from there.
You can also try a RAMDisk kind of solution, which basically makes your RAM look like permanent storage (reducing available ram) but then you can get very fast read and writes.
However, if the time is used to do the regex, than consider the following:
Create a function that reads in one file as whole and splits out separate lines. That should be a continuous read hence as fast as possible. Then create a parallel version of your regex which processes each line in parallel. This way the whole file is in memory and your computing cores can munge the data a faster rate. That way you might see some increase in performance.
This is a technique I used when trying to process large text files.

Go-lang parallel segment runs slower than series segment

I have built an epidemic mathematics model which is fairly computationally intense in Go. I'm trying now to build a set of systems to test my model, where I change an input and expect a different output. I built a version in series to slowly increase HIV prevalence and see effects on HIV deaths. It takes ~200 milliseconds to run.
for q = 0.0; q < 1000; q++ {
inputs.CountryProfile.HivPrevalenceAdultsByGroup[0] = inputs.CountryProfile.HivPrevalenceAdultsByGroup[0] * float32(math.Pow(1.00001, q))
results := costAnalysisHandler(inputs)
Then I made a "parallel" version using channels, and it takes longer, ~400 milliseconds to run. These small changes are important as we will be running millions of runs with different inputs, so would like to make it as efficient as possible. Here is the parallel version:
ch := make(chan ChData)
var q float64
for q = 0.0; q < 1000; q++ {
go func(q float64, inputs *costanalysis.Inputs, ch chan ChData) {
inputs.CountryProfile.HivPrevalenceAdultsByGroup[0] = inputs.CountryProfile.HivPrevalenceAdultsByGroup[0] * float32(math.Pow(1.00001, q))
results := costAnalysisHandler(inputs)
ch <- ChData{int(q), results.HivDeaths[20]}
}(q, inputs, ch)
for q = 0.0; q < 1000; q++ {
theResults := <-ch
Any thoughts are very much appreciated.
There's overhead to starting and communicating with background tasks. The time spent on your cost analyses probably dwarfs equals the cost of communication if the program was taking 200ms, but if coordination cost ever does kill your app, a common approach is to hand off largish chunks of work at a time--e.g., make each goroutine do analyses for a range of 10 q values instead of just one. (Edit: And as #Innominate says, making a "worker pool" of goroutines that process a queue of job objects is another common approach.)
Also, the code you pasted has a race condition. The contents of your Inputs struct don't get copied each time you spawn a goroutine, because you're passing your function a pointer. So goroutines running in parallel will read from and write to the same Inputs instance.
Simply making a brand new Inputs instance for each analysis, with its own arrays, etc. would avoid the race. If that ended up wasting tons of memory or causing lots of redundant copies, you could 1) recycle Inputs instances, 2) separate out read-only data that can safely be shared (maybe there's country data that's fixed, dunno), or 3) change some of the relatively big arrays to be local variables within costAnalysisHandler rather than stuff that needs to be passed around (maybe it could just take initial HIV prevalence and return HIV deaths at t=20, and everything else is local and on the stack).
This doesn't apply to Go today, but did when the question was originally posted: nothing is really running in parallel unless you call runtime.GOMAXPROCS() with your desired concurrency level, e.g., runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU()).
Finally, you should only worry about all of this if you're doing some larger analysis and actually have a performance problem; if .2 seconds of waiting is all that performance work can save you here, it's not worth it.
Parallelizing a computationally intensive set of calculations requires that the parallel computations can actually run in parallel on your machine. If they don't then the extra overhead of creating goroutines, channels and reading off the channel will make the program run slower.
I'm guessing that is the problem here.
Try setting the GOMAXPROCS environment variable to the number of CPU's you have before running your code. Or call runtime.GOMAXRPROCS(runtime.NumCPU()) before you start the parallell computations.
I see two issues related to parallel performance,
The first and more obvious one is that you must set GOMAXPROCS in order to get the Go runtime to use more than one cpu/core. Typically one would set it for the number of processors in the machine but the ideal setting can vary.
The second problem is a bit trickier, which is that your code doesn't appear to be parallelizing very well. Simply starting a thousand goroutines and assuming they'll work it out isn't going to give good results. You should probably be using some kind of worker pool, running a limited number of simultaneous computations(a good starting number would be to set it the same as GOMAXPROCS) rather than trying to do 1000 at once.
See: http://golang.org/doc/faq#Why_no_multi_CPU
