How to implement multitenancy for redis in spring boot - spring

I am working on making my whole application multi-tenanted but stuck on redis. So far I created a map of JedisConnectionFactory and tried to pass it to RedisTemplate but it throwing java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: template not initialized; call afterPropertiesSet() before using it.
Below are code snippets:
public class RedisConfiguration {
private DSConfig dsConfig;
private Map<String,JedisConnectionFactory> jedisConnectionFactoryMap = new HashMap<>();
private static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RedisConfiguration.class);
public void initializeJedisConnectionFactories() {
for(DatasourceDetail datasourceDetail : dsConfig.getDatasources()) {
RedisStandaloneConfiguration redisConfig = new RedisStandaloneConfiguration();
JedisClientConfiguration configuration = JedisClientConfiguration.builder().usePooling().
poolConfig(new JedisPoolConfig()).build();
,new JedisConnectionFactory(redisConfig,configuration));
}"Connection factory count " + jedisConnectionFactoryMap.size());
public RedisTemplate< String, Object > redisTemplate() throws Exception {
final RedisTemplate< String, Object > template = new RedisTemplate< String, Object >();
template.setConnectionFactory( jedisConnectionFactory() );
template.setKeySerializer( new StringRedisSerializer() );
template.setHashValueSerializer( new GenericToStringSerializer< Object >( Object.class ) );
template.setValueSerializer( new GenericToStringSerializer< Object >( Object.class ) );
return template;
JedisConnectionFactory jedisConnectionFactory() throws Exception {
if(TenantContext.getCurrentTenant()==null) {
throw new Exception("No tenant context found");
}"Returning redis connection for tenant" + TenantContext.getCurrentTenant());
return jedisConnectionFactoryMap.get(TenantContext.getCurrentTenant());
And I am using redis template as below:
public class RedisController {
private RedisConfiguration redisConfiguration;
public Object set(#RequestParam(value = "key", required = true) String key,
#RequestParam(value = "value", required = true) String value) throws Exception {
redisConfiguration.redisTemplate().opsForValue().set( key,value );
return true;
public Object get(#RequestParam(value = "key", required = true) String key) throws Exception {
return true;
Is there anyway I can implement this in a better way or is there any other way which spring redis provides?

Finally I was able to resolve by calling afterPropertiesSet() explicitly.


JwtAuthenticationToken is not in the allowlist, Jackson issue

I have created my authorization server using and my client using org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-oauth2-client. The users are able to sign in and out successfully, however, while testing I noticed that if I log in successfully then restart the client (but not the server) without signing out and try to login in again the server throws the following error in an endless loop of redirects
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The class with and name of is not in the allowlist. If you believe this class is safe to deserialize, please provide an explicit mapping using Jackson annotations or by providing a Mixin. If the serialization is only done by a trusted source, you can also enable default typing. See for details
I tried to follow this link but the solution on it did not work for me. I also tried a different solution described in this link and modified my authorization server code as follows:-
Here is my Jackson Configs
public class JacksonConfiguration {
* Support for Java date and time API.
* #return the corresponding Jackson module.
public JavaTimeModule javaTimeModule() {
return new JavaTimeModule();
public Jdk8Module jdk8TimeModule() {
return new Jdk8Module();
* Support for Hibernate types in Jackson.
public Hibernate5Module hibernate5Module() {
return new Hibernate5Module();
* Module for serialization/deserialization of RFC7807 Problem.
public ProblemModule problemModule() {
return new ProblemModule();
* Module for serialization/deserialization of ConstraintViolationProblem.
public ConstraintViolationProblemModule constraintViolationProblemModule() {
return new ConstraintViolationProblemModule();
* To (de)serialize a BadCredentialsException, use CoreJackson2Module:
public CoreJackson2Module coreJackson2Module() {
return new CoreJackson2Module();
public ObjectMapper objectMapper() {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
return mapper;
and here is my Authorization server config
#Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
public class AuthServerConfig {
private final DataSource dataSource;
private final AuthProperties authProps;
private final PasswordEncoder encoder;
public AuthServerConfig(DataSource dataSource, AuthProperties authProps, PasswordEncoder encoder) {
this.dataSource = dataSource;
this.authProps = authProps;
this.encoder = encoder;
public JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate() {
return new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);
public SecurityFilterChain authServerSecurityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer<HttpSecurity> authorizationServerConfigurer =
new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer<>();
authorizationServerConfigurer.tokenRevocationEndpoint(tokenRevocationEndpoint -> tokenRevocationEndpoint
.revocationResponseHandler((request, response, authentication) -> {
Assert.notNull(request, "HttpServletRequest required");
HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
if (!Objects.isNull(session)) {
RequestMatcher endpointsMatcher = authorizationServerConfigurer.getEndpointsMatcher();
.authorizeRequests(authorizeRequests -> authorizeRequests.anyRequest().authenticated())
.csrf(csrf -> csrf.ignoringRequestMatchers(endpointsMatcher))
return http.formLogin(Customizer.withDefaults()).build();
public RegisteredClientRepository registeredClientRepository(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate, TokenSettings tokenSettings) {
JdbcRegisteredClientRepository clientRepository = new JdbcRegisteredClientRepository(jdbcTemplate);
RegisteredClient webClient = RegisteredClient.withId("98a9104c-a9c7-4d7c-ad03-ec61bcfeab36")
return clientRepository;
public OAuth2AuthorizationService authorizationService(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate,
RegisteredClientRepository registeredClientRepository,
ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
JdbcOAuth2AuthorizationService authorizationService =
new JdbcOAuth2AuthorizationService(jdbcTemplate, registeredClientRepository);
JdbcOAuth2AuthorizationService.OAuth2AuthorizationRowMapper rowMapper = new JdbcOAuth2AuthorizationService.OAuth2AuthorizationRowMapper(registeredClientRepository);
ClassLoader classLoader = JdbcOAuth2AuthorizationService.class.getClassLoader();
objectMapper.registerModule(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerJackson2Module());
// You will need to write the Mixin for your class so Jackson can marshall it.
// objectMapper.addMixIn(UserPrincipal .class, UserPrincipalMixin.class);
return authorizationService;
public OAuth2AuthorizationConsentService authorizationConsentService(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate,
RegisteredClientRepository registeredClientRepository) {
return new JdbcOAuth2AuthorizationConsentService(jdbcTemplate, registeredClientRepository);
public JWKSource<SecurityContext> jwkSource() {
RSAKey rsaKey = generateRsa();
JWKSet jwkSet = new JWKSet(rsaKey);
return (jwkSelector, securityContext) ->;
private static RSAKey generateRsa() {
KeyPair keyPair = generateRsaKey();
RSAPublicKey publicKey = (RSAPublicKey) keyPair.getPublic();
RSAPrivateKey privateKey = (RSAPrivateKey) keyPair.getPrivate();
return new RSAKey.Builder(publicKey)
private static KeyPair generateRsaKey() {
KeyPair keyPair;
try {
KeyPairGenerator keyPairGenerator = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");
keyPair = keyPairGenerator.generateKeyPair();
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException(ex);
return keyPair;
public ProviderSettings providerSettings() {
return ProviderSettings.builder()
public TokenSettings tokenSettings() {
return TokenSettings.builder()
But am still facing the same issue.
How do I solve this? Any assistance is highly appreciated.
After trying out different solutions this was how I was able to solve it.
I changed my OAuth2AuthorizationService bean to look like this.
public OAuth2AuthorizationService authorizationService(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate,
RegisteredClientRepository registeredClientRepository) {
JdbcOAuth2AuthorizationService authorizationService =
new JdbcOAuth2AuthorizationService(jdbcTemplate, registeredClientRepository);
JdbcOAuth2AuthorizationService.OAuth2AuthorizationRowMapper rowMapper =
new JdbcOAuth2AuthorizationService.OAuth2AuthorizationRowMapper(registeredClientRepository);
JdbcOAuth2AuthorizationService.OAuth2AuthorizationParametersMapper oAuth2AuthorizationParametersMapper =
new JdbcOAuth2AuthorizationService.OAuth2AuthorizationParametersMapper();
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
ClassLoader classLoader = JdbcOAuth2AuthorizationService.class.getClassLoader();
List<Module> securityModules = SecurityJackson2Modules.getModules(classLoader);
objectMapper.registerModule(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerJackson2Module());
objectMapper.addMixIn(JwtAuthenticationToken.class, JwtAuthenticationTokenMixin.class);
return authorizationService;
and here is my JwtAuthenticationTokenMixin configurations
#JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.CLASS)
#JsonDeserialize(using = JwtAuthenticationTokenDeserializer.class)
fieldVisibility = JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.ANY,
getterVisibility = JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.NONE,
isGetterVisibility = JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.NONE)
#JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public abstract class JwtAuthenticationTokenMixin {}
class JwtAuthenticationTokenDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<JwtAuthenticationToken> {
public JwtAuthenticationToken deserialize(JsonParser parser, DeserializationContext context) throws IOException {
ObjectMapper mapper = (ObjectMapper) parser.getCodec();
JsonNode root = mapper.readTree(parser);
return deserialize(parser, mapper, root);
private JwtAuthenticationToken deserialize(JsonParser parser, ObjectMapper mapper, JsonNode root)
throws JsonParseException {
JsonNode principal = JsonNodeUtils.findObjectNode(root, "principal");
if (!Objects.isNull(principal)) {
String tokenValue = principal.get("tokenValue").textValue();
long issuedAt = principal.get("issuedAt").longValue();
long expiresAt = principal.get("expiresAt").longValue();
Map<String, Object> headers = JsonNodeUtils.findValue(
principal, "headers", JsonNodeUtils.STRING_OBJECT_MAP, mapper);
Map<String, Object> claims = new HashMap<>();
claims.put("claims", principal.get("claims"));
Jwt jwt = new Jwt(tokenValue, Instant.ofEpochMilli(issuedAt), Instant.ofEpochMilli(expiresAt), headers, claims);
return new JwtAuthenticationToken(jwt);
return null;
abstract class JsonNodeUtils {
static final TypeReference<Set<String>> STRING_SET = new TypeReference<Set<String>>() {
static final TypeReference<Map<String, Object>> STRING_OBJECT_MAP = new TypeReference<Map<String, Object>>() {
static String findStringValue(JsonNode jsonNode, String fieldName) {
if (jsonNode == null) {
return null;
JsonNode value = jsonNode.findValue(fieldName);
return (value != null && value.isTextual()) ? value.asText() : null;
static <T> T findValue(JsonNode jsonNode, String fieldName, TypeReference<T> valueTypeReference,
ObjectMapper mapper) {
if (jsonNode == null) {
return null;
JsonNode value = jsonNode.findValue(fieldName);
return (value != null && value.isContainerNode()) ? mapper.convertValue(value, valueTypeReference) : null;
static JsonNode findObjectNode(JsonNode jsonNode, String fieldName) {
if (jsonNode == null) {
return null;
JsonNode value = jsonNode.findValue(fieldName);
return (value != null && value.isObject()) ? value : null;
you don't need to create a Mixin, because it's all ready created by authorization springboot module. juste
public OAuth2AuthorizationService authorizationService(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate, RegisteredClientRepository registeredClientRepository) {
JdbcOAuth2AuthorizationService authorizationService = new JdbcOAuth2AuthorizationService(jdbcTemplate, registeredClientRepository);
JdbcOAuth2AuthorizationService.OAuth2AuthorizationRowMapper rowMapper = new JdbcOAuth2AuthorizationService.OAuth2AuthorizationRowMapper(registeredClientRepository);
ClassLoader classLoader = JdbcOAuth2AuthorizationService.class.getClassLoader();
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
objectMapper.registerModules(new CoreJackson2Module());
objectMapper.registerModule(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerJackson2Module());
return authorizationService;
i think you miss this line and is where the token mixin is registered
objectMapper.registerModules(new CoreJackson2Module());

Spring's #Cacheable unable to cache data - Redis implementation

I am trying to use spring cache abstraction with Redis cache. I am unable to see the values in cache. Please help me if I am missing something in config :
As I am making the call multiple times actual fetch is happening. I tried connecting to same redis host port, I cant find there any keys as well.
PFB the implementation details. :
public class CacheUtils {
private final CustomerManagementClient customerManagementClient;
public CacheUtils(CustomerManagementClient customerManagementClient) {
this.customerManagementClient = customerManagementClient;
#Cacheable(value = "merchant-details", key = "#merchantEntityId")
public MerchantDetails getOrFetchMerchantDetails(OrderItemStatusChangeEvent event, MerchantType merchantType, String merchantEntityId) {
if (BUYER == merchantType) {"test - get buyer details");
CustomerDetails customerDetails =
String businessId = customerDetails.getBusinessId();
String phoneNumber = customerDetails.getPhoneNumber();
return MerchantDetails
throw new InvalidInputException();
public class MainClass implements LogisticsPlanningService {
private final CacheUtils cacheUtils;
public LogisticsPlanningServiceImpl(CacheUtils cacheUtils) {
this.cacheUtils = cacheUtils;
private Set<LogisticsPlanningRequest> testMethod(Event event) {
MerchantDetails senderDetails = cacheUtils.getOrFetchMerchantDetails(event, SELLER, orderItem.getSellerId());
MerchantDetails receiverDetails = cacheUtils.getOrFetchMerchantDetails(event, BUYER, orderItem.getBuyerId());
public class RedisConfiguration {
private String hostName;
private int port;
MarketPlaceServiceProperties properties;
public void init() {
hostName = properties.getRedisHostName();
port = Integer.parseInt(properties.getRedisPort());
protected JedisConnectionFactory jedisConnectionFactory() {
RedisStandaloneConfiguration configuration = new RedisStandaloneConfiguration(hostName, port);
JedisConnectionFactory factory = new JedisConnectionFactory(configuration);
return factory;
public RedisCacheConfiguration getTestCacheConfig() {
RedisCacheConfiguration cacheConfiguration = RedisCacheConfiguration.defaultCacheConfig();
return cacheConfiguration;
// #Bean
// public RedisTemplate<String, Object> redisTemplate() {
// final RedisTemplate<String, Object> redisTemplate = new RedisTemplate<String, Object>();
// redisTemplate.setKeySerializer(new StringRedisSerializer());
// redisTemplate.setHashKeySerializer(new GenericToStringSerializer<>(Object.class));
// redisTemplate.setHashValueSerializer(new JdkSerializationRedisSerializer());
// redisTemplate.setValueSerializer(new JdkSerializationRedisSerializer());
// redisTemplate.setConnectionFactory(jedisConnectionFactory());
// return redisTemplate;
// }
} :
redisPort: 5400

Set Spring SolrDocument Collection name based on PropertyValue

I want to set values Spring SolrDocument Collection based on application.yml value.
#SolrDocument(collection = #Value("${solr.core}"))
public class SearchableProduct {
Hoi Michela,
Ok, I had the same Problem and I found a solution: SpEL
it is described in details here:Spring Data for Apache Solr
you have to add the EL-expression to the Annotation
#SolrDocument(collection = "#{#serverSolrContext.getCollectionName()}")
public class SOLREntity implements Serializable {
you have to provide a the serverSolrContext Bean with the method getCollectionName().
private String core;
public String getCollectionName() {
return core;
you have to write in our the following core entry.
That's it actually, BUT
if you get the following Exception, so as I did:
org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelEvaluationException: EL1057E: No bean resolver registered in the context to resolve access to bean
You have to have the following in your Configuration Bean
#EnableSolrRepositories(basePackages = { "de.solr.db" })
public class ServerSolrContext extends AbstractSolrConfiguration {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ServerSolrContext.class);
private Environment environment;
private String core;
public String getCollectionName() {
return core;
public void init() {
public SolrClient solrClient() {
String url = environment.getProperty("solr.server.url");
String user = environment.getProperty("solr.server.user");
String password = environment.getProperty("solr.server.password");
CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider();
credentialsProvider.setCredentials(new AuthScope(AuthScope.ANY_HOST, AuthScope.ANY_PORT),
new UsernamePasswordCredentials(user, password));
SSLContext sslContext = null;
try {
sslContext = ReportConfiguration.getTrustAllContext();
catch (KeyManagementException | NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
LayeredConnectionSocketFactory sslSocketFactory = new SSLConnectionSocketFactory(sslContext);
HttpClient httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().setSSLSocketFactory(sslSocketFactory)
.addInterceptorFirst(new PreemptiveAuthInterceptor()).setDefaultCredentialsProvider(credentialsProvider)
SolrClient client = new HttpSolrClient.Builder().withHttpClient(httpClient).withBaseSolrUrl(url).build();
return client;
#ConditionalOnMissingBean(name = "solrTemplate")
public SolrTemplate solrTemplate(#Qualifier("mySolrTemplate") SolrTemplate solrTemplate) {
return solrTemplate;
public SolrTemplate mySolrTemplate(SolrClient solrClient, SolrConverter solrConverter) {
return new SolrTemplate(new HttpSolrClientFactory(solrClient), solrConverter);
public SolrClientFactory solrClientFactory() {
return new HttpSolrClientFactory(solrClient());
The last 3 Methods are doing the Trick, that cost me a while to find the right solution:
it is here, so actually I was lucky to find this:
Allow PropertyPlaceholders in #SolrDocument solrCoreName

How to configure the default ObjectMapper used by Spring to use a custom deserializer when deserializing spring classes

I want to use my own custom deserializer in Spring's default ObjectMapper whenever I have a class of type OAuth2AccessToken. The interface is annotated with
JsonDeserialize(using = OAuth2AccessTokenJackson2Deserializer.class)
and this is what it's using at the moment to deserialize but I want to use my own.
So far I have created my own custom deserializer
public class MyCustomDeserializer extends StdDeserializer<OAuth2AccessToken> {
public MyCustomDeserializer() {
public OAuth2AccessToken deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
String tokenValue = null;
String tokenType = null;
String refreshToken = null;
Long expiresIn = null;
Set<String> scope = null;
Map<String, Object> additionalInformation = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
while (jp.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
String name = jp.getCurrentName();
if (OAuth2AccessToken.ACCESS_TOKEN.equals(name)) {
tokenValue = jp.getText();
} else if (OAuth2AccessToken.TOKEN_TYPE.equals(name)) {
tokenType = jp.getText();
} else if (OAuth2AccessToken.REFRESH_TOKEN.equals(name)) {
refreshToken = jp.getText();
} else if (OAuth2AccessToken.EXPIRES_IN.equals(name)) {
try {
expiresIn = jp.getLongValue();
} catch (JsonParseException e) {
expiresIn = Long.valueOf(jp.getText());
} else if (OAuth2AccessToken.SCOPE.equals(name)) {
scope = parseScope(jp);
} else {
additionalInformation.put(name, jp.readValueAs(Object.class));
DefaultOAuth2AccessToken accessToken = new DefaultOAuth2AccessToken(tokenValue);
if (expiresIn != null) {
accessToken.setExpiration(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + (expiresIn * 1000)));
if (refreshToken != null) {
accessToken.setRefreshToken(new DefaultOAuth2RefreshToken(refreshToken));
return accessToken;
private Set<String> parseScope(JsonParser jp) throws JsonParseException, IOException {
Set<String> scope;
if (jp.getCurrentToken() == JsonToken.START_ARRAY) {
scope = new TreeSet<String>();
while (jp.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_ARRAY) {
} else {
String text = jp.getText();
scope = OAuth2Utils.parseParameterList(text);
return scope;
My own custom class by extending DefaultOAuth2AccessToken
#com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize(using = MyCustomDeserializer.class)
public class MyCustomOAuth2AccessToken extends DefaultOAuth2AccessToken {
public MyCustomOAuth2AccessToken(String value) {
public MyCustomOAuth2AccessToken(OAuth2AccessToken accessToken) {
and at the moment I am registering a bean of type Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilderCustomizer like this
public Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilderCustomizer addCustomDeserialization() {
return new Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilderCustomizer() {
public void customize(Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder jacksonObjectMapperBuilder) {
SimpleModule m = new SimpleModule();
m.addDeserializer(OAuth2AccessToken.class, new MyCustomDeserializer());
public OAuth2ClientContext getOAuth2ClientContext() {
DefaultOAuth2ClientContext defaultOAuth2ClientContext = new DefaultOAuth2ClientContext();
defaultOAuth2ClientContext.setAccessToken(new MyCustomOAuth2AccessToken("test"));
return defaultOAuth2ClientContext;
You can simply annotate your deserialization classes with #JsonComponent.
The annotation allows us to expose an annotated class to be a Jackson serializer and/or deserializer without the need to add it to the ObjectMapper manually.
To configure ObjectMapper globally just create a bean of type Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder and use deserializerByType method :
public Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder objectMapperBuilder() {
return new Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder()
.deserializerByType(OAuth2AccessToken.class, new MyCustomDeserializer());
Reference of configuring ObjectMapper in SpringBoot can be found here.

Spring `#Autowire` field is `null` eventhough it works fine in other classes

Spring #Autowire field is null even though it works fine in other classes successfully.
public class SendRunner implements Runnable {
private String senderAddress;
private SubscriberService subscriberService;
public SendRunner(String senderAddress) {
this.senderAddress = senderAddress;
public void run() {
private void sendRequest() {
try {
HashMap<String, String> dataMap = new HashMap<>();
dataMap.put("subscriberId", senderAddress);
HttpEntity<?> entity = new HttpEntity<Object>(dataMap, httpHeaders);
Subscriber subscriber = subscriberService.getSubscriberByMsisdn(senderAddress);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error occurred while trying to send api request", e);
Also this class is managed as a bean in the dispatcher servlet :
<bean id="SendRunner" class="">
In here i'm getting a null pointer exception for subscriberService. What would be the possible reason for this? Thanks in advance.
Can you please try with below code snippet
public class Someclass{
private SubscriberService subscriberService;
Thread subscriberThread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
HashMap<String, String> dataMap = new HashMap<>();
dataMap.put("subscriberId", senderAddress);
HttpEntity<?> entity = new HttpEntity<Object>(dataMap, httpHeaders);
Subscriber subscriber = subscriberService.getSubscriberByMsisdn(senderAddress);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error occurred while trying to send api request", e);
Can you please annotate your SendRunner class with #Component or #Service and include the SendRunner package in componentscanpackage
Your bean not in Spring Managed context, below can be the reasons.
Package not in Component scan.
You are moving out of the Spring context by creating an object with new (see below),
this way you will not get the autowired fields.
SendRunner sendRunner = new SendRunner () ,
Just check how I implement. Hope this will help.
public class RestRequest {
SendRunner sendRunner;
public void Uri() {
SendRunner class
public class SendRunner extends Thread{
private SubscriberService subscriberService;
public void run() {
private void SendRequest() {
System.out.println("Object is " + subscriberService);
String senderAddress = "address";
Below are the logs printed when I hit the REST api.
Object is com.example.demo.SubscriberService#40f33492
