How to pass variable to GraphQL in a non-template based page (part of src/pages) - graphql

While I'm able to pass variable via pageContext to GraphQL on all template based pages ( which use createPage function), I'm not able to pass/modify the context for pages which are part of src/page.
Consider this home page : src/pages/index.js
//want to pass dynamic value to $today
const IndexPage = ( {data, pageContext} ) => {
console.log(pageContext); // prints "isCreatedByStatefulCreatePages: true"
return (
<Layout />
export default IndexPage;
export const Query = graphql`
offers( where : { day: $today})

In order to modify automatically created pages you will need to use the onCreatePage node API. You basically recreate (delete/create) pages while modifying the page object. Just follow instructions in the docs Creating and Modifying Pages


Gatsby: load i18n content dynamically from contentful

We have a static site using Gatsby and contentful. Now we want to support multi-languages, with localized content from contentful. I am able to populate a graghql query:
query frontpageTeaser($lang: String) {
contentfulFrontpage(node_locale: { eq: "zh-CN" }) {
This query is able to load the Chinese content from contentful, and English if changed to node_locale: { eq: "en-US" }.
Now the issue is: we want to support a language switch, so that when switching language, the graphql loads corresponding localized content.
We are using gatsby-plugin-react-i18next, which has this great feature:
Support multi-language url routes in a single page component. You don’t have to create separate pages such as pages/en/index.js or pages/es/index.js.
Pages like http://localhost:8000/zh-CN/ does load Chinese from local /locales/zh-CN/translation.json, but how to load localized content when switching language?
Graphql seems providing page query, so i added gatsby-node.js:
exports.createPages = async function ({ actions, graphql }) {
path: '/zh-CN/',
component: require.resolve(`./src/pages/index.js`),
context: { lang: 'zh-CN' },
And use this on page:
export const query = graphql`
query frontpageTeaser($lang: String) {
contentfulFrontpage(node_locale: { eq: $lang }) {
But it always returns en. Please kindly help :). Thanks.
This can be a complex switch. There is an example project that has smoothly done it with another CMS + Gatsby, here.
Specific places to point out in the codebase:
Configuration of which locales you use, here
A dynamic link depending on the active locale, here
The context for your whole app to know what the active locale is, here
Actually implementing the locale context provider in the higher order component Layout, here
There is also some magic inside of the gatsby-node.js which updates what you've already been working on! You can find that, here.
Hope that helps :)
Before getting a better solution, this one works:
// #todo gatsby plugin
// this plugin provides current language `context.i18n.language`, which not know how to pass it to graphql page query.
// This snippet moves it one-level up to `context.locale`.
// #todo need to explore a better solution.
exports.onCreatePage = ({ page, actions }) => {
const { createPage, deletePage } = actions
if (!page.context.locale) {
const language = page.context.i18n.language
const locale = language === 'en' ? 'en-US' : language
context: {,

Passing values between React components with useState

I use a React component with Apollo client as function component. The function body of my main search component looks like this:
function SearchContainer(props) {
const [begTime, setBegTime] = useState('')
const runSearch(begin_time) {
console.log('begin_time: ', begin_time) <== The printed value is Ok!
setBegTime(begin_time) <=== Use hook to set the value of begTime
console.log('begTime: ', begTime) <=== The output shows no change in begTime. Why?
return (
// Use SearchForm to get the search parameters.
handleSearch={runSearch} <== Use SearchForm to get begin_time back into this component.
// Provide the parameters from SearchForm and run the useQuery from Apollo using this parameters.
The SearchForm is just a usual form as a React function component with useState hooks and calls on form submit the hanldeSearch function.
function SearchForm({handleSearch}) { <== handleSearch function from the parent component.
const handleSubmit = (begin_time) => {
handleSearch(begin_time) <== This call works and the value will be provided to the parent.
My idea of this code is to create 2 independent components. One component (SearchForm) should get the parameters. The other component (SearchResults) will get this parameters as arguments, run the query using useQuery and show the results.
But the useState hook does not work very well in my case. Interesting enough if I call the corresponding search form twice, I can see in the runSearch function, that the begTime has got the previous search values and not the initial value. So apparently the useState kind of works, but I want to run the search with the current values and not with the previous ones.
Is it possible at all to create such components with React hooks? It's my first big test with hooks instead of classes.
Thanks in advance
For your question
const runSearch(begin_time) {
console.log('begin_time: ', begin_time)
console.log('begTime: ', begTime) <=== The output shows no change in begTime. Why?
The output shows no change in begTime. Why?
As stated in docs when we set state that is async function.
By that i mean your code will keep running and to set state react will start child process on another thread. And when its complete it will pass result to main thread. ( that you can c in useEffect or componentDidUpdate for early version).
So Main points are
at setBegTime(begin_time) async process is started
at main thread code will not wait for it
So next statement that is console.log('begTime: ', begTime) is processed and u saw no changes as in actual its value is not updated yet. React is still updating value.
Updating process is async because React dont want to main thread to wait for heavy work ( updating state is heavy process ) as if it wait then webpage will not respond untill it is completed. So it instead run that process on another thread.
For second one
you can try this
function SearchContainer(props) {
const [begTime, setBegTime] = useState('')
const [response,setResponse] = useState({})
const runSearch = (begin_time) {
// u can rather define working of handleSubmit in parent component and <br/>
// store its output in state and then pass it to another component
const handleSubmit = (begin_time) => {
resp = handleSearch(begin_time)
return (
// Use SearchForm to get the search parameters.
// Provide the parameters from SearchForm and run the useQuery from Apollo using this parameters.

Access JSON chunk exported from Gatsby Static Query

I have a React Component in a Gatsby app that is using the useStaticQuery hook to pull in data from the GraphQL layer. This component gets used in my application, but it also gets used as part of a JavaScript embed/widget that is created in a separate Webpack configuration.
I don't want the widget to depend on Gatsby, so I've shimmed the relevant bits of Gatsby, but I still need to pass in data to the shim I've created for useStaticQuery. I found that my Gatsby app is generating a file at public/static/d/2250905522.json that contains a perfect representation of the query data, and I'd like to use it like so:
// This file gets substituted when importing from `gatsby`
import queryResult from "../public/static/d/2250905522.json"
export const useStaticQuery = () =>
export const graphql = () => {}
This works, but I haven't figured out where this is coming from or how to determine the file name in a way that is deterministic/stable. How is Gatsby determining this file name, and what internals might I use to do the same?
Edit: I found this routine in the Gatsby codebase that appears to be using staticQueryComponent.hash to determine the number. staticQueryComponent is being destructured from store.getState() where store is associated with Redux, but I'm still not sure where the hash is being determined yet.
Edit 2: Found another mention of this in the documentation here. It sounds like hash is a hash of the query itself, so this will change over time if the query changes (which is likely), so I'm still looking for the routine used to compute the hash.
Due to changes in the babel-plugin-remove-graphql-queries, coreyward's (awesome) answer should be updated to:
const { stripIgnoredCharacters } = require('graphql/utilities/stripIgnoredCharacters');
const murmurModule = require('babel-plugin-remove-graphql-queries/murmur');
const murmurhash = typeof murmurModule === 'function' ? murmurModule : murmurModule.murmurhash;
const GATSBY_HASH_SEED = 'abc';
function hashQuery(query) {
const result = murmurhash(stripIgnoredCharacters(query), GATSBY_HASH_SEED).toString();
return result;
module.exports = hashQuery;
The changes are:
fix the way murmurhash is imported. Credit to github user veloce, see:
Change to using stripIgnoredCharacters in order to match the updated way that gatsby internally hashes queries by first stripping whitespace and comment lines for efficiency.
Gatsby is using murmurhash with a seed of "abc" to calculate the hash of the full text of the query (including whitespace). This occurs in babel-plugin-remove-graphql-queries.
Since the reused components are isolated from Gatsby, the graphql tagged template literal can be shimmed in order to get the original query for hashing:
// webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
resolve: {
alias: {
gatsby: path.resolve(__dirname, "gatsby-shim.js"),
// gatsby-shim.js
import { murmurhash } from "babel-plugin-remove-graphql-queries/murmur"
import {
} from "graphql/utilities/stripIgnoredCharacters"
const GATSBY_HASH_SEED = "abc"
const hashQuery = (query) =>
export const graphql = query => hashQuery(query.raw[0])
This results in the query hash being passed into useStaticQuery, which can be shimmed similarly to retrieve the cached query from disk.
Also worth noting, newer versions of Gatsby store the StaticQuery result data in public/page-data/sq/d/[query hash].json.
If you're looking to do something similar, I've written up a much longer blog post about the details of this process and the solution I arrived at here.

Complex query variables in GraphQL (via Gatsby)

I am building a localized static website using Gatsby, with the help of gatsby-plugin-intl. This plugin adds a context variable named intl to pages (including template-based pages), which is an object:
I would like to access the intl.language variable from the context within a page query. This is my (failing) code at this stage:
query($slug: String!, $intl: String) {
contentfulPerson(slug: {eq: $slug}, node_locale: {eq: $intl.language}) {
Contentful is the headless CMS I use and from which I would like to fetch data in the correct locale.
Obviously this code has two problems: $intl is not a string, and $intl.language is not syntactically correct. But I don't know how to fix either problem.
I guess I could either fork the plugin or do something in my own gatsby-node.js to make the language available as a top-level variable in the context, but I'm interested to know if there is a way to do it directly.
The Gatsby docs say that query variables can be complex ( but in the example they provide, they don't show how the types are defined or how to access a property within these variables.
EDIT : I tried moving the language to a top-level context variable in my gatsby-node.js using this code:
exports.onCreatePage = ({page, actions}) => {
const { createPage, deletePage } = actions
context: {,
language: page.context.intl.language
but the program runs out of memory (even when increasing max_old_space_size)
You can move the language field to a top-level context by doing this:
exports.onCreatePage = ({ page, actions }) => {
const { createPage, deletePage } = actions
const oldPage = Object.assign({}, page)
page.context.language = page.context.intl.language;
if (page.context.language !== oldPage.context.language) {
// Replace new page with old page
Checking if the field has changed avoids the infinity loop.

Multiple Queries/Mutation in Apollo 2.1

I need some help using the new Query and Mutation component in Apollo 2.1, especially with multiple queries and mutations.
I have the following problems:
I have a graphql request that depends on a previous graphql result, how can I deal with this?
How do I add two different mutations (in my component I need to do two different actions) in a component that already has a query?
edit 2019/08/24
from the Apollo docs:
The new hooks API for Apollo Client is a simpler way to fetch data in
your React app without the boilerplate of render prop components and
higher-order components (HOC). We recommend using hooks for all new
Apollo code going forward.
original answer:
You are supposed to nest them. See this example:
const NumbersWithData = () => (
<Query query={QueryOne}>
{({ loading: loadingOne, data: { one } }) => (
<Query query={QueryTwo}>
{({ loading: loadingTwo, data: { two }}) => {
if (loadingOne || loadingTwo) return <span>loading...</span>
return <h3>{one} is less than {two}</h3>
To help with keeping the nesting manageable, you could check react-adopt. They have an Apollo ToDo App example, where they combine a Query and multiple Mutations.
For this purpose react-apollo exports a compose function. Using this function you may cleanly use several component enhancers at once. Including multiple graphql(), or even Redux connect() enhancers.
import { Mutation, compose, graphql } from "react-apollo";
class AddTweet extends Component {
export default compose(
graphql(GET_AUTHORS, { name: "getAuthors" }),
graphql(ADD_TWEET, { name: "addTweet" }),
connect(...), // incase you are using Redux
An important note is that compose() executes the last enhancer first and works its way backwards through the list of enhancers.
One more thing lets say you were using now you will get get undefined. just console.log(this.props) and you will see what is happening to props now. You will be having two properties now getAuthors and addTweet. So now it will be i.e. this.props.getAuthors.getUsers. It took me a bit to figure it out.
In my opinion,
To make a request depends on previous request, you can break that request to children component and pass result of previous request like props to it and do that request.
To use more than one mutation and queries, you can use compose like this
graphql(GET_FEEDS_QUERY, {name : 'getFeeds'}),
graphql(CREATE_NEW_POST, {name: "createNewPost"}),
graphql(LIKE_POST_MUTATION, { name: "unlikePostMutation"}),
class HomeScreen extends Component {
I wrote a Medium Post about how to combine Mutation and Query on the same Component.
Here is a snippet from the post
// other import
import {Query} from “Apollo-graphql”; // new Query Component
import gql from "graphql-tag";
import { graphql } from "react-apollo";
import UserComponent from '../component/UserComponent'; // any component to display query result
const GET_ALL_USER = gql`
allUsers: {
# other information
mutation UpdateUserStatus($userID: ID!, $status: Int!){
updateUserState(userID: $userID, status: $status){
# other information
ExampleComponent extends React.Component{
onEditInformation = async (user) => {
const response = await mutate({
variables: {userID: user}
<Query query={GET_ALL_USER}>
{({data: { allUsers }}) => {
return => {
return (
onEdit={() => this.onEditInformation(user)}
export default graphql(UPDATE_USER_STATUS)(ExampleComponent);
Asides from using compose from react-apollo, another great utility library you can check it out is react-adopt. A great small utility lib that helps you to compose multiple render props type components so you don't have a nested hell patterns.
I have wrote a similar answer that basically covers all your current needs in terms of:
How to consume a previous result from your mapper fn via react-adopt
Combine multiple Query/Mutations from Composed component via react-adopt
Here's the detailed answer you're looking for & hopefully can be helpful to solving your problems :)
Best solution for this
Simply nest graphql function
export default graphql(addBookMutation)(graphql(getAuthorsQuery)(AddBook))
You can refer to this
Apollo concepts
