Can external multimedia files linked to pdf documents launch external applications in the macOS pdf-viewer Preview? - macos

I have generated a beamer pdf containing a link to an external player in order to play a sound. I am opening it with the macOS pdf viewer preview and when I hover the mouse pointer over the clickable text, the location of the .wav file is shown but when I click on the text nothing happens. Here is the minimal working example:

Macs is known to not play nicely with the multimedia package.
I suggest to use another pdf viewer instead. For example, your code works fine with
adobe reader


Is there a way to convert PowerPoint slides to images in flutter on Windows platform?

I'm working on an application, and I need to open a Microsoft PowerPoint file, convert its slides into images, and then display each one as a background.
Is there a way to do it now in flutter/dart?

Is it possible to open a PDF file from Objective-C at a heading?

Is it possible to programmatically open PDF files in MacOS with Preview from Objective-C at a particular heading?
Is it possible to open PDFs with at a certain page? provides a way of opening a specified page using Applescript but I would like to go to a specified heading as shown in the left-hand panel of Preview.

X-Box Image Appears in Google Chrome on Windows OS especially in mobile view (NOT OSX)

on my Google Pixel phone there are strange characters instead of spaces.
Image Example
just copy your HTML code into this tool and clean it:
It will show you the special characters after the conversion, just remove it from the text you pasted it and then copy it back into the HTML code. You will realize that you have to press the backspace button 2x.

Set background of the PDF

I generated an PDF from PHP TCPDF. Is it possible to set the background color outside of the generated PDF?
By default its gray. I would like it to be black.
I see you're using the PDF Viewer on Chrome right?
After searches, I think it's not possible to change the background of the pdf viewer (maybe with chrome extensions?) because the background is not part of the PDF himself.
The only solution that I find which can maybe change the background was to change the PDF Viewer (there is an example with Google Reader to Acrobat : Change PDF Viewer on Chrome.)

How to create custom vector icons to use in Xcode application

I'm currently trying to figure out how I can make those glyph/vector icons appear like the default ones that you get with Xcode (e.g. NSActionTemplate). I researched and saw that they were saved in Illustrator to PDFs.
When I did the same trick (I managed to find the original Illustrator files for the icons by Apple) and saved it as an PDF, imported it into my project and dragged the icon onto a textured button it appeared plain black. It did however clear the white background so I thought it might be the white background that was visible in the preview that caused it to not style the button like the originals.
So basically what I'm asking is how I manage to make a icon appear like the default. I don't really wan't to make multiple files and/or code the behavior, since it should be quite easy to just drag and drop the image onto a button and apply the style itself.
-- EDIT --
OK, so I found the solution — By appending the text "Template" to the filename it will do this. But I still can't figure out why my transparent PDF - exported from Illustrator as AI and EPS - it still have a white background, which Xcode uses - so it will be a rectangular with the effect I want, instead of the circle.
Anyone that have an idea on how to remove the white background from the PDF so it will work in Xcode. It bugs me that it shows it is transparent (when seeing transparent grid in the PDF and Illustrator) and it still have a white background.
The white background in the PDF (and you should always use PDF over EPS—they "play nice" with OS X) has to do with the PDF format originally being oriented toward printed content. The white background you see in Preview and Xcode is the "page" area. Fortunately, this usually goes away / gets ignored when you load the PDF into an NSImage, as happens when you put it on a button.
If I'm understanding correctly, the problem you're having is you place a PDF with no background on a button, and in Xcode's Interface Builder it displays as if there were a background? I was able to reproduce this behavior, and I'm not sure what caused it. But I built and ran a test app with the very same Template file and errantly-displayed NIB. And in the actual, running Cocoa app, the graphic displayed correctly.
Sometimes Interface Builder just previews wrongly. I suspect the problem is merely cosmetic in preparing the interface.
