cant start session of Appium server version 1.15.1 - session

This error message is displaying:
An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Error executing adbExec. Original error: 'Command 'F:\\gautam\\android\\platform-tools\\adb.exe -P 5037 -s\:5555 shell settings delete global hidden_api_policy_pre_p_apps' exited with code 255'; Stderr: 'Security exception: Permission denial: writing to settings requires:android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS
java.lang.SecurityException: Permission denial: writing to settings requires:android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS
at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.delete(
at android.os.ShellCommand.exec(
at android.os.Binder.shellCommand(
at android.os.Binder.onTransact(
at android.os.Binder.execTransact('; Code: '255'`enter code here

An error tells you: Stderr: 'Security exception: Permission denial: writing to settings requires:android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS
Try following steps:
In your phone developer options (Security settings), enable USB Debugging or (or and) Disable permission monitoring. All of these settings are in your dev options.


puppeteer-sharp Failed to launch Base

I have implemented it in my local and works well. But when I moved the changes to the window server it's giving the below error
Failed to launch Base! [0402/] Failed to encrypt: The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2)\r\n[0402/] Check failed: OSCrypt::Init(local_state_.get()). \r\nBacktrace:\r\n\tIsSandboxedProcess [0x00007FFC31341842+705042]\r\n\tIsSandboxedProcess [0x00007FFC312C39A2+189298]\r\n\tIsSandboxedProcess [0x00007FFC312D2AF8+251080]\r\n\tIsSandboxedProcess [0x00007FFC312D39E0+254896]\r\n\tRelaunchChromeBrowserWithNewCommandLineIfNeeded [0x00007FFC32B12123+12980755]\r\n\tRelaunchChromeBrowserWithNewCommandLineIfNeeded [0x00007FFC32B11E8D+12980093]\r\n\tovly_debug_event [0x00007FFC2F905929+16331561]\r\n\tovly_debug_event [0x00007FFC2FCC5B17+20264215]\r\n\tovly_debug_event [0x00007FFC2F904675+16326773]\r\n\tovly_debug_event [0x00007FFC2F9073BE+16338366]\r\n\tIsSandboxedProcess [0x00007FFC31DB7DB7+11675527]\r\n\tCrashForExceptionInNonABICompliantCodeRange [0x00007FFC3125A837+8179991]\r\n\tCrashForExceptionInNonABICompliantCodeRange [0x00007FFC3125B5AD+8183437]\r\n\tCrashForExceptionInNonABICompliantCodeRange [0x00007FFC3125B20C+8182508]\r\n\tCrashForExceptionInNonABICompliantCodeRange [0x00007FFC3125A1BD+8178333]\r\n\tCrashForExceptionInNonABICompliantCodeRange [0x00007FFC3125A53A+8179226]\r\n\tCrashForExceptionInNonABICompliantCodeRange [0x00007FFC31294D1A+8418810]\r\n\tCrashForExceptionInNonABICompliantCodeRange [0x00007FFC31294BDC+8418492]\r\n\tCrashForExceptionInNonABICompliantCodeRange [0x00007FFC312949E7+8417991]\r\n\tChromeMain [0x00007FFC2E971238+408]\r\n\tOrdinal0 [0x00007FF6E8CF26B8+9912]\r\n\tOrdinal0 [0x00007FF6E8CF1A41+6721]\r\n\tGetHandleVerifier [0x00007FF6E8E3AF42+904642]\r\n\tBaseThreadInitThunk [0x00007FFC68F113F2+34]\r\n\tRtlUserThreadStart [0x00007FFC6AB054F4+52]\r\n\r\n
Can anyone please advise what should be the fix for the above error message?
We had the same error with default browser:
Failed to launch browser! [0428/] Failed to encrypt
As #hardkoded suggested, using the revision 851527 we could launch the browser. Thank you!

How to run WebKit via the bisect-builds script?

WebKit has a script that is supposed to help bisect regressions as mentioned in this webkit blog post
I'm trying it out with
./bisect-builds -p mac-mojave -a x86_64 -c release -s 230000 -e 242118
and it downloads a release and runs the release but I can not navigate to any webpages regardless of which release it downloads. I can click a bookmark but typing a URL never works. I can not edit bookmarks (picking edit bookmarks does nothing)
When running I see the errors below in the terminal. That makes me wonder if I need to set some environment variables or something to tell webkit to not use ~/Library/Caches/ and similar library folders but instead use some temp folder for all it's files since otherwise it would seem like they'd conflict with the system version of Safari.
This page on running webkit mentions nothing
I don't know those errors are the cause of not being able to navigate to pages but whatever the reason, so far it's been impossible to bisect if I can't load a test webpage.
How I can run the webkit bisect-builds script in a way that actually lets me test each webkit revision it launches?
Starting SafariForWebKitDevelopment with DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH set to point to built WebKit in /var/folders/7h/wyw4jhd933z5jmqzsdx6r0sr0000gn/T/tmp6D8gwS/Release.
2019-02-27 11:58:59.835 SafariForWebKitDevelopment[43176:20392508] NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB # /Users/gregg/Library/Caches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
2019-02-27 11:58:59.835 SafariForWebKitDevelopment[43176:20392508] CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /Users/gregg/Library/Caches/
2019-02-27 11:58:59.836 SafariForWebKitDevelopment[43176:20392508] Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/Users/gregg/Library/Caches/ Errno:1
2019-02-27 11:58:59.836 SafariForWebKitDevelopment[43176:20392508] NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB # /Users/gregg/Library/Caches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
2019-02-27 11:58:59.836 SafariForWebKitDevelopment[43176:20392508] CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /Users/gregg/Library/Caches/
2019-02-27 11:58:59.836 SafariForWebKitDevelopment[43176:20392508] Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/Users/gregg/Library/Caches/ Errno:1
Failed to open AutoFill corrections SQLite store at AutoFillCorrections.db. Error: Error Code=14 "unable to open database file"
_RegisterApplication(), FAILED TO establish the default connection to the WindowServer, _CGSDefaultConnection() is NULL.
Failed to open cahce settings store at file:///Users/gregg/Library/Safari/Touch%20Icons%20Cache/TouchIconCacheSettings.db: Error Code=14 "unable to open database file"
2019-02-27 11:59:00.100 SafariForWebKitDevelopment[43176:20392508] NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB # /Users/gregg/Library/Caches/ Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
2019-02-27 11:59:00.100 SafariForWebKitDevelopment[43176:20392508] CacheRead: unable to open cache files in /Users/gregg/Library/Caches/
2019-02-27 11:59:00.100 SafariForWebKitDevelopment[43176:20392508] Failed to obtain sandbox extension for path=/Users/gregg/Library/Caches/ Errno:1
Failed to open AutoFill corrections SQLite store at CloudAutoFillCorrections.db. Error: Error Code=14 "unable to open database file"
Failed to open AutoFill corrections SQLite store at AutoFillCorrections.db. Error: Error Code=14 "unable to open database file"
Failed to open AutoFill corrections SQLite store at CloudAutoFillCorrections.db. Error: Error Code=14 "unable to open database file"
2019-02-27 11:59:00.417 SafariForWebKitDevelopment[43176:20392529] +[NSXPCSharedListener endpointForReply:withListenerName:]: an error occurred while attempting to obtain endpoint for listener 'SandboxBroker': Connection invalid
Failed to open AutoFill corrections SQLite store at AutoFillCorrections.db. Error: Error Code=14 "unable to open database file"
Failed to open AutoFill corrections SQLite store at CloudAutoFillCorrections.db. Error: Error Code=14 "unable to open database file"
2019-02-27 11:59:00.560 SafariForWebKitDevelopment[43176:20392510] AOSKit ERROR: XPC CLIENT: Unauthorized client error received
Failed to open AutoFill corrections SQLite store at AutoFillCorrections.db. Error: Error Code=14 "unable to open database file"
Failed to open AutoFill corrections SQLite store at CloudAutoFillCorrections.db. Error: Error Code=14 "unable to open database file"
_RegisterApplication(), FAILED TO establish the default connection to the WindowServer, _CGSDefaultConnection() is NULL.
_RegisterApplication(), FAILED TO establish the default connection to the WindowServer, _CGSDefaultConnection() is NULL.
Failed to open cahce settings store at file:///Users/gregg/Library/Safari/Touch%20Icons%20Cache/TouchIconCacheSettings.db: Error Code=14 "unable to open database file"
_RegisterApplication(), FAILED TO establis...

composer-playground EACCES error when lauching

When I'm trying to start composer-playground from ubuntu I got the error:
$ composer-playground info: [Hyperledger-Composer] :LoadModule
:loadModule() Loading composer-wallet-filesystem from
info: [Hyperledger-Composer] :PlaygroundAPI :createServer()
Playground API started on port 8080 events.js:183
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/home/...log'
When I go to the log file the only entry I've got is:
2018-09-21T20:38:52.508Z ERROR :HLFConnectionManager
:fabric-client() [ChannelEventHub.js]: _connect - timed out
after:300000 {}$
My current log level is: composer[debug]:*
I'm using REST Server with oauth and multi-user and I can do GET or POST with success (HTTP200) but when I do a POST transaction nothing is set to the peers.
Can someone help trying to debug this?
EACCES is permission denied but not sure what is really being denied here...
Thanks in advance.

Windows kernel error log

There are many same events all my Hyper V servers environment. I haven't found any solution for this event. If you have the solution for this error can you help me?
>Log Name: Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-EventTracing/Admin
>Source: Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-EventTracing
>Date: 4/28/2016 1:34:27 PM
>Event ID: 2
>Task Category: Session
>Level: Error
>Keywords: Session
>**Session "" failed to start with the following error: 0xC0000022**
You're getting an access denied error upon attempt to start network service. Your permissions are probably restricted.

Unable to connect to Visual Studio Local Host Webserver

I got this error when I tried to run(F5) my project solution using Visual Studio,then I did the following steps.......
I just did copy from other server which have visual studio installed then paste it in my local(c:\windows\\framework\v2.0.50727) webdev.webserver.exe then I tried to run
In Cmd Prompt:
c:\windows\\framework\v2.0.50727\WebDev.WebServer /?.
cd C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727--->aspnet_regiis -i
then iisrest
nothing is worked.Still I got Same Error...
How ever when I tried to run aspnet_regiis -i I got some error like
set up has detected some error and ask me to check log file ...from log file I got some failure status like:
2012-06-29 12:58:20 Failure Creating directory: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\47223\aspnet_client: CreateDirectoryInternal failed with HRESULT 80070003: 'The system cannot find the path specified. '
2012-06-29 12:58:20 Failure Creating list of client site scripts dirs: CreateSiteClientScriptDir failed with HRESULT 80070003: 'The system cannot find the path specified. '
Could you please instruct me on this......
Thank you
After all above attemps I just repair my .Net Framework 2.0 and restart the system.Now its working so Good.Thanks
