Please explain objective of Flow Control Action Sampler in 5.0 version - jmeter

objective of Flow Control Action Sampler in JMeter. what we can achieve with this Sampler during load test?

Flow Control Action sampler is used along with the logical controllers to control the sampler execution.
To pause (sleep) current or all thread for specified amount of time (duration is set in milliseconds). You could use a JMeter variable or property to set a dynamic value
To stop the current or all threads after completing the execution of samples in progress
To stop the current or all threads immediately without waiting for samples in progress to complete. Stop Now option should be selected.
To move to the next iteration
Also you can use Flow Control Action sampler to introduce a Timer in between two samplers. Please see the suggestion from official website.

Sleep for specified amount of time (for example you can implement pacing in JMeter using Flow Control Action Sampler)
Start next iteration of the current loop (for example can be applied for Loop Controller, While Controller, ForEach Controller)
Start next iteration of the Thread Group
Gracefully or immediately stop current thread or all threads (the whole test)


JMeter - Control the Iteration count with in a Thread Group which has Multi Actions

No.Of Iterations in a thread Group is : 3
Thread Group Name from the below screenshot is : TCByEmployee
Thread Group performs various steps using If Controller
I want to Achieve "Loop Controller-TCbyEmployee-Login by Employees"
& "If Controller-TCbyEmployee-Login by DH" should start Next Iterations once it's completes "If Controller--TCbyEmployee-Login by PA" Iteration 1
Now the issue is : "Loop Controller-TCbyEmployee-Login by Employees"
& "If Controller-TCbyEmployee-Login by DH" continues the up to Iteration 3 before "If Controller--TCbyEmployee-Login by PA" begins
Please see the below screenshots
Your question in its current form doesn't make any sense, you need to either re-phrase it or provide minimal reproducible example
So far I can only inform you that:
Once started each JMeter thread (virtual user) starts executing Samplers upside down (or according to the Logic Controllers)
When thread executes last Sampler in the Thread Group it starts over from the beginning
If there are no more Samplers to execute or loops to iterate the Thread is being shut down.
If you're looking for a way to implement a GOTO statement - take a look at Test Fragments and Module Controller, this way you can change the flow from upside down to some custom
Also be aware that threads (virtual users) are absolutely independent and if you think that the execution order is broken might mean that another user executed another sampler at that moment
And last but not the least, don't run your test in GUI mode

Jmeter ,Way to call rest API for every 3minutes to get Auth token

I am working on setting up a way to do a performance test for the rest API's using Jmeter which includes token expiry for every three minutes.
1.)Currently, I created two thread groups one for making a call to get "access_token" and setting into the property using Bean shell assertion setProperty, to be used in other thread Groups.
2.)I could see Second thread group can access the value set in the first step.
But my goal is to execute the first thread group every 2min 30 seconds continuously so that the second thread group can get the new token every 2 min 30 seconds.
I tried a constant timer, but didn't seem to work is there any way to do this or any other timer to use to achieve this token refresh?
Thanks in advance
The Constant Timer should work, but be aware that it creates a delay before each Sampler it it's scope so it might be the case your setting it up wrong, you can use i.e. a Dummy Sampler and put the Constant Timer as a child of the Dummy Sampler, this way your HTTP Request to get token will be executed, followed by the delay defined in the Constant Timer, followed by the Dummy Sampler, et.c
Example setup:
You might find Flow Control Action sampler easier to use
Also be aware that starting from JMeter 3.1 you're supposed to be using JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language for scripting. Moreover it's not required to write any code, you can go either for __setProperty() and __P() functions combination or for Inter-Thread Communication Plugin

JMeter While-Controller with terminal delay

I have a JMeter (5.3) While Controller in a 1-user Thread Group, it reads a CSV and makes http calls for each row. I want all of these to complete as fast as possible (i.e. the loop completes uninterrupted), then the thread-group should pause, then I want the csv-loop to repeat*.
This is proving oddly difficult. Adding a Constant Timer below the While and it's (counter-intuitively) executed before the loop, yet I need it run immediately at start-up then subsequently delay. Similar SO posts advised a Flow Control Action, however the Pause doesn't actually pause for me.
Others suggest adding a Constant Timer child to Flow Control, but it's utterly ignored. In both cases, the csv rows execute repeatedly with no delay at all.
Has anyone got a recipe for this: Process full csv file every few hours?
Simple to say, strangely hard to do.
My setup: The 'CSV Data Config' uses 'Recycle on EOF':True 'Stop thread on EOF':False. Flow Control Action has 'Pause' Duration: 0 with the child timer set to the desired delay.
Thank you.
* please don't ask why, just assume I truly want this.
Flow Control Action, however the Pause doesn't actually pause for me.
This is kind of weird as it does work and introduces the pause when the thread reaches the sampler.
See the below image, with the Flow Control Action sampler disabled JMeter runs requests as fast as it can and when I enable it JMeter runs requests each 2 seconds according to the configured delay
With regards to "counter-intuitively" behaviour:
As per Timers documentation:
Note that timers are processed before each sampler in the scope in which they are found; if there are several timers in the same scope, all the timers will be processed before each sampler.
Timers are only processed in conjunction with a sampler. A timer which is not in the same scope as a sampler will not be processed at all.
To apply a timer to a single sampler, add the timer as a child element of the sampler. The timer will be applied before the sampler is executed. To apply a timer after a sampler, either add it to the next sampler, or add it as the child of a Flow Control Action Sampler.
Timers also obey JMeter Scoping Rules

Is it possible to wait all the threads to finish before starting next iteration in JMeter

I want to wait all the threads till each thread finishes its task in a thread group and start new iteration with all threads once again at same time.
i.e. for every iteration I want to make sure all the threads completed in last iteration.
Please provide your input for my requirement.
You can achieve it using Synchronizing Timer. Place it as a child of the last Sampler in the script, so all threads will wait for other threads to reach the last step.
Set Number of Simultaneous Users to Group by to 0, Timer will wait for the number of threads configured in current Thread Group.
Warning: This will result in sudden load (Spike) to the server as all threads starts the last step at the same time.
From JMeter Docs:
Note that timers are processed before each sampler in the scope in
which they are found; if there are several timers in the same scope,
all the timers will be processed before each sampler. Timers are only
processed in conjunction with a sampler. A timer which is not in the
same scope as a sampler will not be processed at all.
To apply a timer to a single sampler, add the timer as a child element of the
sampler. The timer will be applied before the sampler is executed. To
apply a timer after a sampler, either add it to the next sampler, or
add it as the child of a Test Action Sampler.
So, try to keep Synchronizing Timer as a child of Test Action sampler Or Add a Debug Sampler and add Synchronizing Timer to it as a child, to avoid the unwanted spike as mentioned in Warning.

Jmeter execute Logout Action during ramp down

I'm trying to run a scenario that ramps up each thread by logging them in once, loops through an business action for an hour with pacing, and logouts as it ramps down.
Ideally the threads should not log out all at once, as such it I wanted to find a way to execute a logout action for each thread ramping down.
I have tried using stepping and ultimate thread groups, however for ramp down, the threads are being stopped.
In addition, I have tried the following scenario: 1) login, 2)runtime controller scheduled for one hour with the business action, 3) logout. This however, results in premature aborts for the threads that are still executing the business action once it reaches one hour.
Any help, even implementing this in beanshell, would be greatly appreciated.
You can just use a TearDown Threadgroup. That will always be executed once your test is over.
You can use a thread group which sets a jmeter property, let's call the property "isRunning", in a pre or post processor, next that thread has a test action set to pause for the duration of the test. After the pause set the property "isRunning" to false.
When the user logs on in another thread group (your test case) grab the "isRunning" property and store the value in a jmeter variable for the thread. Once the user logs in put your business case in a while loop with the jmeter variable created using the "isRunning" property as the condtion.
Get the value of the "isRunning" property somewhere towards the end of your business case and update your jmeter variable. Put the log out controller outside of the while loop. When the first thread group sets the "isRunning" to false, the while loop in your other threads will finish executing the use case and log out when it sees that the while condition is no longer met.
If you use any type of random think timers and ramp time, the threads should essentially step down on their own, due to ramp time offsetting the start of the use case and random think times.
Not sure if this is the best way to go about this, but I needed to do the same thing you are looking for and this proved to be a feasible workaround.
