How can I pass parameter as post to endpoint using RestTemplate in springboot? - spring-boot

I am using RestTemplate in my project to make a post request to an endpoint. Basically I have lambda function written in nestjs. I am injecting lambda service in my java project. If vehicleName if condition passes, I would like to POST that vehicleName to the url. Is there any suggestions on how I can achieve this? I would be testing my application using this command
curl -X POST "" -H "accept: */*" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"vehicleType\":\"US Mutual Fund,VIP\",\"source\":\"PCS_DATACACHE_TOPIC\"}"
Here is my code
private void callLambdaService(String vehicleTypesParamValue)
final String url = "http://localhost:3000/dispatcher/service/api/message";
final String zMETHOD = "callLambdaService - ";
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();"url", HttpMethod.POST, vehicleName, String.class);
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
String result = restTemplate.getForObject(url, String.class);
VehicleType vehicleName=null;
String[] vehicleTypes = vehicleTypesParamValue.split(",");
Set<VehicleType> results = new HashSet<>();
for (String vehicleTypeParam : vehicleTypes)
vehicleName =
if (vehicleName == null)
LOGGER.warn("No codes for products or vehicle types were supplied");
else if (vehicleName.equals("US Mutual Fund"))
{ + "Vehicles provided: "
+ vehicleName.getIspName());
String.format("Unknown vehicle type provided: [%s]",
}catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Unable to get vehicletype data", e);

Well, following the instructions:
Create headers which will be a data structure representing HTTP request.
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
Build a JSONObject from org.json package that is a modifiable set of name/value mappings and put names and values.
JSONObject requestBody = new JSONObject();
requestBody.put("vehicleType", "US Mutual Fund,VIP");
requestBody.put("source", "PCS_DATACACHE_TOPIC");
Create our HttpEntity that represents an HTTP request or response, in this case request consisting of headers and body.
HttpEntity<String> request = new HttpEntity<>(requestBody.toString(), headers);
Create a new resource by posting an object to the given URI template.
It returns the result as automatically converted to the type specified in the responseType parameter.
Then we define a ObjectNode as our resource and response type as our result.
ObjectNode result = restTemplate.postForObject("",
request, ObjectNode.class);


How to add file as Form data in Http request in spring boot

I'm writing test cases to a controller in spring boot which takes MultipartFile as RequestParam. In the test case method I'm using to send the request to the controller. I'm not sure how to make the Headers correctly so that I can send the request.
The Postman curl looks like this:
curl --location --request POST 'localhost:9091/response/upload'
--form 'file=#"/home/adityak/Downloads/ClientLog_NEW.txt"'
For file uploading to any service or endpoint
private String testExchange(File file) {
//add file
LinkedMultiValueMap<String, Object> params = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();
params.add("file", new FileSystemResource(file));
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
HttpEntity<LinkedMultiValueMap<String, Object>> requestEntity =
new HttpEntity<>(params, headers);
ResponseEntity<String> responseEntity =
HttpStatus statusCode = responseEntity.getStatusCode();
if (statusCode == HttpStatus.ACCEPTED) {
result = responseEntity.getBody();
return result;

Java S3 upload using Spring RestTemplate

I want to make this call using SpringBoot RestTemplate to upload a file to a S3 bucket:
PUT /my-image.jpg HTTP/1.1
Host: myBucket.s3.<Region>
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2009 17:50:00 GMT
Authorization: authorization string
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 11434
x-amz-meta-author: Janet
Expect: 100-continue
[11434 bytes of object data]
public RestTemplate restTemplate(RestTemplateBuilder builder) {
return builder.rootUri("")
.additionalInterceptors((request, body, execution) -> {
"Bearer a0d78d7922f333ee22d75bea53d01hhkjk83f5ac03f11ccd87787");
return execution.execute(request, body);
I've tried
Resource resource = new ClassPathResource("logback.xml");
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
HttpEntity<byte[]> requestEntity
= new HttpEntity<>(StreamUtils.copyToByteArray(resource.getInputStream()), headers);
Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<>(4);
parameters.put("cors_enabled", true);
parameters.put("acl", "private");
parameters.put("key", "my-key");
parameters.put("Bucket", "parameters.put("Bucket", "");");
restTemplate.put("", requestEntity, parameters);
but I got
org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException$MethodNotAllowed: 405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED: [{"errors": [{"reason": "Method Not Allowed"}]}]
also when Getting I have a problem:
MultiValueMap<String, Object> body
= new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();
UriComponentsBuilder builder =
builder.queryParam("method", "GET");
builder.queryParam("name", "43f959d9-a11a-4f2cec88fd7e.JPG");
body.add("method", "GET");
body.add("name", "43f959d9-a11a-4f2cec88fd7e.JPG");
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
HttpEntity<MultiValueMap<String, Object>> requestEntity = new HttpEntity<>(body, headers);
requestEntity, LinodeResponse.class);
and the response:
org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException$BadRequest: 400 BAD REQUEST: [{"errors": [{"reason": "name is required", "field": "name"}, {"reason": "method is required", "field": "method"}]}]
ans when accessing with AWS-SDK I have this error: The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.
Linode seems to offer an API to generate presigned urls for interact with objects in S3.
To use the API, first, you can create two POJO that represent the request and response we will send and receive from the API so we can use to serialize an deserialize JSON information.
For the request object:
public class LinodeGeneratePresignedUrlRequest {
private String method;
private String name;
private String contentType;
private int expiresIn;
// Getters and setters
And for the response:
pubic class LinodeGeneratePresignedUrlResponse {
private String url;
// Getters and setters
These objects match the information required by the endpoint.
If you want to create an object in your bucket with the Linode API, you first need to request a presigned URL. Once obtained, you will use this URL to perform the actual operation over the bucket object. The operation is defined by the method parameter passed to the API. Consider the following example:
// Obtain a reference to the RestTemplate instance.
// It should support the interchange of JSON information
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
// Set content type to the one required by the Linode API application/json
// Set the appropriate credentials for the Linode API
String token = "your token";
headers.set(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, "Bearer" + token);
// Create the presigned url request
LinodeGeneratePresignedUrlRequest linodeGeneratePresignedUrlRequest =
new LinodeGeneratePresignedUrlRequest();
// Operation to perform when you interact with AWS later
// In this case, PUT because you need to create a new object
// The object name: can match or not the actual file you want to upload
// As you are performing an upload (PUT, POST), indicate the content type of
// the information you are uploading to AWS. It should match the provided later
// when you interact with AWS. For instance, consider that you are uploading a PDF file
// Optionally, you can set the expiration time of the generated presigned url
// By default, an hour (3600 seconds)
// Perform the actual Linode API invocation
HttpEntity<LinodeGeneratePresignedUrlRequest> requestEntity =
new HttpEntity<LinodeGeneratePresignedUrlRequest>(linodeGeneratePresignedUrlRequest, headers);
// The Linode API URL for your cluster and bucket
String linodeApiUrl = "";
HttpEntity<LinodeGeneratePresignedUrlResponse> responseEntity =, HttpMethod.POST, requestEntity, LinodeGeneratePresignedUrlResponse.class);
// Linde wil provide a response with a property named 'url' corresponding
// to the presigned url that we can use to interact with AWS S3
LinodeGeneratePresignedUrlResponse linodeGeneratePresignedUrlResponse = responseEntity.getBody();
String signedUrl = linodeGeneratePresignedUrlResponse.getUrl();
// Now, send the actual file.
// I am following the example provided in the AWS documentation:
// adapt for RestTemplate
HttpHeaders headersForS3 = new HttpHeaders();
// You should provide the same content type you indicated previously
headersForS3.set("Content-Type", "application/pdf");
Resource resource = new FileSystemResource("my-object-name.pdf");
HttpEntity<byte[]> requestEntityForS3 =
new HttpEntity<>(
StreamUtils.copyToByteArray(resource.getInputStream()), headersForS3);
// You should use the same HTTP verb as indicated in
// the 'method' parameter before, HttpMethod.PUT, requestEntityForS3, Void.class);
The process for retrieving the object created is very similar:
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
String token = "your token";
headers.set(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, "Bearer" + token);
LinodeGeneratePresignedUrlRequest linodeGeneratePresignedUrlRequest =
new LinodeGeneratePresignedUrlRequest();
// Instead of PUT, indicate that you want to retrieve the object
// your object name
HttpEntity<LinodeGeneratePresignedUrlRequest> requestEntity =
new HttpEntity<LinodeGeneratePresignedUrlRequest>(linodeGeneratePresignedUrlRequest, headers);
String linodeApiUrl = "";
HttpEntity<LinodeGeneratePresignedUrlResponse> responseEntity =, HttpMethod.POST, requestEntity, LinodeGeneratePresignedUrlResponse.class);
LinodeGeneratePresignedUrlResponse linodeGeneratePresignedUrlResponse = responseEntity.getBody();
String signedUrl = linodeGeneratePresignedUrlResponse.getUrl();
// Read the object from your bucket
byte[] objectBytes = restTemplate.getForObject(signedUrl, byte[].class);
// And use the information as you need
Files.write(Paths.get("my-object-name.pdf"), objectBytes);
Of course, if Linode provides you the appropriate credentials, you can also use the AWS SDK to interact with S3 directly.
Spring equivalent of the cURL command you've provided can be:
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
String token = "";
headers.set(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, token);
JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
data.put("cors_enabled", true);
data.put("acl", "private");
HttpEntity<String> requestEntity = new HttpEntity<String>(data.toString(), headers);
String url = "";
HttpEntity<String> responseEntity =, HttpMethod.PUT, requestEntity, String.class);
In your first example, you've haven't provided Authorization header, so you're getting a 401 response. You're aren't using the RestTemplate you'd created using RestTemplateBuilder here.
In your second example, it seems the request body isn't a JSON (you're reading the logback file, so highly unlikely there's a JSON inside it). It seems the Linode API expects a JSON body.
I believe you can use PUT request as part of POST request to endpoint{clusterId}/{bucket}/object-url
More details here -
I won't be able to test because I don't have account with linode.
I think another viable solution would be to use aws sdk for s3 to upload files to the linode endpoint.
Here is the simple example -
Based on the linode api documentation the method should be post."", requestEntity, parameters)
Also please review the request body to conform to documentation.

spring boot rest client connection Exception:: org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException: 400 null

while i am executing below code i am getting error like
"org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException: 400 null".
but when i use postman to call this "http://localhost:2018/test" it is working.
static final String URL_EMPLOYEES = "http://localhost:2018/test";
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.setAccept(Arrays.asList(new MediaType[] {
// Request to return XML format
headers.set("replyMsg", "str");
// HttpEntity<Employee[]>: To get result as Employee[].
HttpEntity<String> entity = new HttpEntity<String>(headers);
// RestTemplate
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
// Send request with GET method, and Headers.
ResponseEntity<String> response =,
HttpMethod.POST, entity,String.class);
HttpStatus statusCode = response.getStatusCode();
// Status Code: 200
if (statusCode == HttpStatus.OK) {
// Response Body Data
if (msg != null) {
//my clint controller class
public class TextController {
#RequestMapping(value="/test",method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String myData2(#RequestBody String payload) {
return "done";
any suggetions?
If you're using Jackson as your JSON parser, you can simply declare your parameter with the type TextNode. This is the Jackson type representing JSON strings.
public String updateName(#PathVariable(MY_ID) String myId, #RequestBody TextNode name) {
You can then use its asText method to retrieve its text value.
Here you are setting headers Content-Type with type JSON and passing the body of type text/String.
headers.setContentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON); //setting your Content type as JSON.
So, First you need to change this to
headers.setContentType(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN); //setting your Content type as Pure Text String.
and add some code after this line
// HttpEntity<Employee[]>: To get result as Employee[].
HttpEntity<String> entity = new HttpEntity<String>(headers);
add this code
// HttpEntity<Employee[]>: To get result as Employee[].
HttpEntity<String> entity = new HttpEntity<String>(headers);
// RestTemplate
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
// Send request with GET method, and Headers.
String entity_Str = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(entity);
ResponseEntity<String> response =,
HttpMethod.POST, entity_Str, String.class);
This might work for you.. Thanks :)

How to mimic curl REST call with Spring's RestTemplate?

Have an external Restful Web Service which takes in JSON payloads if its is more than one input but if its a single input it just needs the value.
For example, for multiple inputs, this works:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{ "amount": 10000, "interestRate": ".28", "term": "12", "state": "Georgia"}' http://localhost:8080/webservices/REST/sample/loan
For single inputs:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "18" http://localhost:8080/webservices/REST/sample/age
Using Spring Boot, tried to create a JUnit test, in order, to see if I can post to this external service using Spring's RestTemplate API.
public void RestWebServiceTest {
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
private HttpHeaders headers;
public void setup() {
restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
headers = new HttpHeaders();
public void validLoan() {
final String uri = "http://localhost:8080/webservices/REST/sample/Loan";
Map<String, String> input = new HashMap<>();
input.put("amount", "10000");
input.put("interestRate", ".28");
input.put("term", "12");
input.put("state", "Georgia");
String result = restTemplate.postForObject(uri, input, String.class);
assertEquals("Approved", result);
public void validAge() {
final String uri = "http://localhost:8080/webservices/REST/sample/age";
Integer input = 18;
String result = restTemplate.postForObject(uri, input, String.class);
assertEquals("Approved", result);
public void validCountry() {
final String uri = "http://localhost:8080/webservices/REST/sample/country
String input = "US";
String result = restTemplate.postForObject(uri, input, String.class);
assertEquals("Approved", result);
All of these work except for the validCountry() test method:
org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException: 415 Unsupported Media Type
at org.springframework.web.client.DefaultResponseErrorHandler.handleError(
at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate.handleResponse(
at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate.doExecute(
This is strange because this curl command works for the same call:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d 'US' http://localhost:8080/webservices/REST/sample/country
How can one mimic the rest call for the country (see above curl command) inside the validCountry() test method?
Do I need to add or change a different value for HTTP Headers (inside setup() method)?
Don't understand that validAge works by using the Integer wrapper class but the String doesn't?
Is there a better way to do this using Spring's RestTemplate API?
Thank you for taking the time to read this...
You need to set the Content-Type to application/json. Content-Type has to be set in request. Below is the modified code to set the Content-Type
public void validCountry() {
final String uri = "http://localhost:8080/webservices/REST/sample/country";
String input = "US";
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
HttpEntity<String> request = new HttpEntity<String>(input, headers);
String result = restTemplate.postForObject(uri, request, String.class);
assertEquals("Approved", result);
Here, HttpEntity is constructed with your input i.e "US" and with headers.
I think this answers you questions 1,2 and 4. But not 3.

HTTP POST using JSON in Spring Rest

I would like to make a simple HTTP POST using Spring RestTemplate.
the Wesb service accept JSON in parameter for example: {"name":"mame","email":""}
public static void main(String[] args) {
final String uri = "url";
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
// Add the Jackson message converter
restTemplate.getMessageConverters().add(new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter());
// create request body
String input = "{ \"name\": \"name\", \"email\": \"\" }";
JsonObject request = new JsonObject();
request.addProperty("model", input);
// set headers
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.set("Authorization", "Basic " + "xxxxxxxxxxxx");
HttpEntity<String> entity = new HttpEntity<String>(request.toString(), headers);
// send request and parse result
ResponseEntity<String> response = restTemplate
.exchange(uri, HttpMethod.POST, entity, String.class);
When I test this code I got this error:
Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException: 400 Bad Request
when I call webservice with Curl I have correct result:
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic xxxxxxxxxx" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Accept: application/json" -d "{ \"name\": \"name\", \"email\": \"\" } " "url"
try to remove model from the code, as i can see in your curl request you didn't use model attribute and everything works. try this:
public static void main(String[] args) {
final String uri = "url";
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
// Add the Jackson message converter
restTemplate.getMessageConverters().add(new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter());
// create request body
String input = "{\"name\":\"name\",\"email\":\"\"}";
// set headers
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.set("Authorization", "Basic " + "xxxxxxxxxxxx");
HttpEntity<String> entity = new HttpEntity<String>(input, headers);
// send request and parse result
ResponseEntity<String> response = restTemplate
.exchange(uri, HttpMethod.POST, entity, String.class);
