Keep filter data in laravel - laravel

I have a page with table of some data (let's say posts). I have a form there which leads to the same page but with get parameters. So when I choose December in dropdown list form will lead to posts/index?month=december. Controller index method makes eloquent query using query string parameters to filter rows. After that I click edit post(or add new post) and change something through edit form. Then update or store method redirects back to index as usually. What is the best way to come back to index?month=december page? Sessions? How should I do it? Set some values from query to session in Controller index method when I come there first time and get them also in Controller method from session after editing/creating?

Try to append all request parameters in the redirect:
return redirect()->route('route_name',['month' => request()->get('month')]);
You can read more about this in this section in the docs.


defining routes with parameters in laravel

in Laravel i want to do a page with a search box and a form (the route could be /products)
I want to retrieve information using search box typing id from a db and populate the form.
I request datas with the route for example /products/{id}
But in the controller i use the same function products($Request request) with if the id exists do something if no do other things, or there are two different functions?
Please go through the Laravel Resource Controllers.
To show list of products i.e. /products, create a index() method. To show a specific product i.e. /product/{id}, create show() method.
Probably is better use the same function, if id exist, return the page with the values filling the form, if not returns the same page but with a message showing that product doesn't exist

Yii CGridView pagination

I'm using CArrayDataProvider (which is basically a customized query i've created) that returns all the results (over 1000) from the database.
I'm using the results in the view but when i'm using the pagination it's going back to the controller for another query.
my question is: is there any way to move on the the next set of results (already part of the result array) without going to the controller and model again.
*My controller has a fairly advanced function which requires variables and parameters which i dont have in the view when trying to use standard AJAX request for the next page.
my question is: is there any way to move on the the next set of
results (already part of the result array) without going to the
controller and model again
Then my answer would be NO if you was using CGridview's pagination. In your situation, you have to make the pagination by yourself instead. You have already selected all of records, and would like to manipulate them on your client side, you really don't need the pagination of CGridview at all.
Pushing all of records into a page on first load is not good idea, but maybe your requirement has asked, I just say that.

In what file are values received from edit.php?

I'm creating a custom field called provinces where I have built a multi-select field. This field receives a JSON keyless object [3,4,5] from the database which I then apply to the input in getInput() in province.php. I have managed to this on the output, but I need to write any values selected back to the database.
Where can I get the values that are then passed back if the user selects other options (in the back-end form edit.php) in the multi-select?
In other words, where is the $_POST array received before either it is redirected back to the form (Save) or to the list page (Save & Close)?
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Thanks in advance.
In the model for your form view, look for the function prepareTable. This is a good place to prepare/sanitize the data prior to saving.
If you want to process the data further after it is saved, you can use the function postSaveHook in your form controller.
Or you can of course also do something during save in the tables store function.

Magento 1.7 filter catalog products in view

I want to filter a category product collection in frontend, and replace the products with the result collection i.e. the user is filtering by "blue" i want to filter the collection like addAttributeToFilter.
I want to do this with an ajax call, but i don't get what url i should use and where to perform this filtering.
Is the catalog list index controller accessable from url? Then i could work with get parameters here...
Or has somebody another solution how to manage this? I didn't really get how i.e. the sorter works and manipulates my collection, so i'm not able to adapt this behaviour in the moment.
I finally solved my problem with an ajax request out of list.phtml to the current URL adding parameters as data.
In Mage/Catalog/Block/Product/List.php i modified the function _getProductCollection()
and added:
$this->_productCollection->addAttributeToFilter('name', array('like' => '%'.$_POST['name'].'%'));
After the ajax request the products list table gets replaced with the filtered content.

dashboard timeline

I'm trying to implement a dashboard similar to facebook in cakephp (getting posts and post them to timeline and while you press see more it keeps retrieving posts from previous offsets) , but im still confused about the logic and tools , should i use the cakephp pagination class in my implementations.
it somehow should be called through ajax accourding to some performance wise
Any helps or suggestions where to start from ?
Thanks All
Don't use paginate
If you paginate something that you are prepending data to - you're going to get data overlapping such that you ask for page 2 - and get the end of, as far as the current user is concerned, the previous page.
Use a timestamp
The normal technique for an endless stream of data is to use a query like:
FROM foos
WHERE created >= $previousLastTimestamp
Note that while I'm using created in this example - it can be any field that is pseudo unique.
When you first render the page, store the timestamp of the last entry in a javascript variable, then your "get more posts" logic should be:
Make an ajax (get) request, passing the last timestamp
Perform the above sql query (as a $this->Foo->find call)
in your js update the last timestamp so that you know where you are up to for the next time the user clicks "get more posts"
The reason to use a >= condition is that, unless the field you are testing against has unique values, it's possible for there to be multiple rows with the value you're testing for. If you have a naturally-unique field that you are sorting by (id) then you don't need to use greater-or-equal, you can simply use greater-than, and avoid needing to think about duplicate rows.
Here's a reference which explains in more detail why you should handle systems like this avoiding traditional pagination.
