How to parse logs using logstash - elasticsearch

I have such message to be parsed by grok filters:
(,| 9999 approve
I tried to parse my logs and i wrote such regexp to do it:
(%{IPV4:forwardedFor}\, %{IPV4:remoteAddr}\|%{IPV4:remoteAddr})
%{WORD:identificator} %{WORD:methodName}
it seems working in this debugger, but when i try to add this line to my filter in .conf file everything it writes is _grokparsefailure and my message remains unchanged, my filter:
filter {
grok {
match => { "message" => ""#timestamp":"%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:logTime}","#version":"%{INT:version}","message":"\[\D*\[%{WORD:login}]\] \(%{IPV4:forwardedFor}\, %{IPV4:remoteAddr}\|%{IPV4:remoteAddr}\) %{WORD:identificator} %{WORD:methodName} %{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:actionaDate}%{GREEDYDATA:all}" }

try the below grok,
filter {
grok {
match => { "message" => "\"#timestamp\":\"%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:logTime}\",\"#version\":\"%{INT:version}\",\"message\":\"\[\D*\[%{WORD:login}]\] \(%{IPV4:forwardedFor}\, %{IPV4:remoteAddr}\|%{IPV4:remoteAddr}\) %{WORD:identificator} %{WORD:methodName} %{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:actionaDate}%{GREEDYDATA:all}" }


logstash _grokparsefailure for realy simple tag

I don't understand why I have a grokparse failure for this simple config :
input {
file {
path => "/var/log/*.log"
codec => json {
filter {
grok {
add_tag => ["test"]
output {
elasticsearch {
The logs are correcly sent to elasticsearch, the json is correcly parsed, but the added tag don't work, instead I have a tag "_grokparsefailure". What I want is to pass a static value as a tag.
I am surely missing something dumb, but I can't find what.
Your grok filter does nothing, there is no pattern to match, the tag would only be applied after a successful match.
To add a tag in your case you can use the tags option in your input or the mutate filter.
To use the tags option just add change your input to this one:
input {
file {
path => "/var/log/*.log"
codec => json
tags => ["test"]
To use the mutate filter, put the bellow config inside your filter block.
mutate {
add_tag => ["test"]
Both configurations will add a test tag to all your messages.

grok not parsing logs

Log Sample
[2020-01-09 04:45:56] VERBOSE[20735][C-0000ccf3] pbx.c: Executing [9081228577525#from-internal:9] Macro("PJSIP/3512-00010e39", "dialout-trunk,1,081228577525,,off") in new stack
I'm trying to parse some logs,
I have tested some logs I have made on and it returning the result I need. But when I combining it with my config and run it, the logs not parsed into the index.
here is my config:
if [type]=="asterisk_debug"
if [message] =~ /^\[/
match =>
"message" => "\[%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:log_timestamp}\] +(?<log_level>(?i)(?:debug|notice|warning|error|verbose|dtmf|fax|security)(?-i))\[%{INT:thread_id}\](?:\[%{DATA:call_thread_id}\])? %{DATA:module_name}\: %{GREEDYDATA:log_message}"
add_field => [ "received_timestamp", "%{#timestamp}"]
add_field => [ "process_name", "asterisk"]
if ![log_message]
add_field => {"log_message" => ""}
if [log_message] =~ /^Executing/ and [module_name] == "pbx.c"
match =>
"log_message" => "Executing +\[%{DATA:TARGET}#%{DATA:dialplan_context}:%{INT:dialplan_priority}\] +%{DATA:asterisk_app}\(\"%{DATA:protocol}/%{DATA:Ext}-%{DATA:Channel}\",+ \"%{DATA:procedure},%{INT:trunk},%{DATA:dest},,%{DATA:mode}\"\) %{GREEDYDATA:log_message}"
when I check it into kibana index, the index just showing raw logs.
why my conf not parsing logs even the grok I've made successfully tested (by me).
log not get into if condition
It seems like your grok-actions don't get applied at all because the data get indexed raw and no error-tags are thrown. Obviously your documents don't contain a field type with value asterisk_debug which is your condition to execute the grok-actions.
To verify this, you could implement a simple else-path that adds a field or tag indicating that the condition was not met like so:
if [type]=="asterisk_debug"{
# your grok's ...
add_tag => [ "no_asterisk_debug_type" ]

Logstash create a new field based on existing field

I have data coming from database queries using jdbc input plugin and result from queries contains url field from which I want to extract a few properties.
Example urls:
JOB: email read events process
JOB: System - reduce resources
I added regex patterns in grok patterns file:
webpage_category .*
job_type .*
I have two types of url so I used if in filter block to distinguish between them
Config I tried so far:
filter {
if [url] =~ /JOB: .*/ {
grok {
patterns_dir => ["/etc/logstash/patterns"]
match => {
"url" => "JOB: %{job_type:job_type}"
} else
if [url] =~ /\/.*\.do\?.*/ {
grok {
patterns_dir => ["/etc/logstash/patterns"]
match => {
"url" => "/{webpage_category:webpage_category}\.do\?.*"
Creation of a new field for urls starting with JOB: works properly but webpage_category is not working at all. Is it because regex can not be used inside of match?
The problem is you are trying to use grok pattern inside a mutate filter, which wouldn't work. mutate and grok are two separate filter plugins.
You need to use add_field inside grok filter if you want to use grok pattern to create a field. please remember add_field is supported by all filter plugins.
Please have a look at following example,
filter {
grok {
add_field => { "foo_%{somefield}" => "Hello world, from %{host}" }
In your case, it will be,
grok {
add_field => {
"webpage_category" => "%{webpage_category:url}"
"job_type" => "%{job_type:url}"
Please also make sure, patterns_dir is imported,
patterns_dir => ["./patterns"] => ["./patterns"]
please checkout grok filter documentation as well.

Logstash date filter not working

I have the following configuration file. But when I run this, I get the timestamp changed in the terminal but the log is not shipped to ElasticSearch.
Here is the configuration file:
input {
stdin {
type => "stdin-type"
filter {
grok {
type => "stdin-type"
pattern => "%{PARSE_ERROR}"
replace => ["#message", "%{message}" ]
replace =>["#timestamp","2013-05-09T05:19:16.876Z"]
output {
stdout { debug => true debug_format => "json"}
On removing the replace line, the log gets shipped. Where am I going wrong?
Run logstash with the verbose flags, and then check your logstash log for any output. In verbose mode, the logstash process usually confirms if the message was sent off to ES or why it wasn't.
Your config looks clean...if the verbose flags don't give you any meaningful output, then you should check your ES setup.
Try the second 'replace' in a second mutate code block.
replace => ["#message", "%{message}" ]
replace =>["#timestamp","2013-05-09T05:19:16.876Z"]

logstash if field exists then grok

I'm trying to create a filter for logstash that will have "general" grok filter for all logs and if some field exists, then I want it to perform a different grok.
The first grok I'm using is
grok {
match => [
"message", "....%{NOTSPACE:name} %{GREEDYDATA:logcontent}"
This is working great. But I want this to be able to filter even more if the "name" field is i.e "foo"
if [name] == "foo" {
grok {
match => [
"message", ".....%{NOTSPACE:name} %{NOTSPACE:object1} %{NOTSPACE:object2}"
I tried this option but it didn't work.
Any thoughts?
The easiest way is to use a pattern match on the message before you grok anything.
For example:
if [message] =~ / {
// foo specific grok here
} else {
// general grok
