Missing separator error in Makefile after calling a custom function - makefile

I'm writing a macro that creates an empty target file name from a given name. And also redirects the named target to that empty target name.
After running this function I'm expecting my Makefile to look like this:
#echo building $#
However I constantly get this:
$ make a
Makefile:7: *** missing separator. Stop.
Here's my Makefile:
define empty_target
$(eval $2:=./build/._$1)
$(info $1:$($2))
$(eval $1:$($2))
$(call empty_target,a,_A)
#echo building $#

This will do it:
define empty_target
$(eval $2:=./build/._$1)
$(eval $(call empty_target,a,_A))
$(info _A=$(_A))
#echo building $#
And yes, there's a nested eval, which you need if you want the variable assignment to take effect inside of the eval call (otherwise $2 is expanded before it is set, and expands to blank).
As to your original code, I agree, it's somewhat confusing why it raises that error. I can reproduce, and if I add the line blah:blah2 in the middle of empty_target, it seems to get rid of the message. I'm guessing it is a bug in how make colapses whitespace/newlines between the $(eval) calls.


Make: evaluating result of call: recipe commences before first target

I have several files for my GNU make setup. In this.mk, I have
define this_template
THIS = $(1)
THIS_DIR = $(2)
In my Makefile, I have
include this.mk
... # define VAR1 and VAR2
include util/make.mk
util/make.mk contains one line:
$(eval $(call this_template,UTIL,$(VAR1),plutil,$(VAR2)))
However, when I run make, I get
util/make.mk:1: *** recipe commences before first target. Stop.
Reading up on other questions that relate to this error message, what I'm understanding is that this error is caused by evaluating a string which begins in a way that looks like it's inside of a recipe. However, what I'm evaluating does not.
This error means that (a) the line begins with a TAB (or more specifically, with the character defined as .RECIPE_PREFIX if your version of GNU make supports it), and (b) it is not recognized as any sort of make command such as a rule introduction, etc.
Given what you've shared with us here, that cannot happen. So there must be something going on that you haven't shared with us. Maybe one of the other included makefiles is modifying the this_template variable to contain something else.
The way to debug eval problems is always the same no matter what they are: change the eval to info so that make will print out what it will evaluate. This usually makes it pretty obvious what the problem is. So use:
$(info $(call this_template,UTIL,$(VAR1),plutil,$(VAR2)))
$(eval $(call this_template,UTIL,$(VAR1),plutil,$(VAR2)))
and see what make shows you.

Makefile function from make commands, NOT shell commands

Is there any way to create multiline functions out of Makefile commands?
I know we can do something like this to encapsulate a recipe (of shell commands) as a function:
define function
#echo 'First argument: $1'
#echo 'Second argument: $2'
.PHONY test-function
$(call function, a, b)
With this, running make test-function will give the output:
First argument: a
Second argument: b
I also know we can use the call directive with one-line macros consisting of make syntax/directives (example taken from here):
pathsearch = $(firstword $(wildcard $(addsuffix /$(1),$(subst :, ,$(PATH)))))
LS := $(call pathsearch,ls)
But let's say I wanted to call a macro made up of multiple make commands, including conditionals. How would I achieve that?
When I run make build-type=API build with the following Makefile:
define check-arguments
ifeq ($1, api)
#echo 'Building API'
else ifeq ($1, service)
#echo 'Building Service'
$$(error 'Build type must be API or Service')
.PHONY: build
$(call check-arguments, $(build-type))
#echo 'Starting build'
I keep getting the error Makefile:13: *** missing separator. Stop..
You can use eval. The GNU Make Manual states:
...it [eval] allows you to define new makefile constructs that are not constant; which are the result of evaluating other variables and functions.
eval will parse ifeq and $(error) as part of the makefile instead of as commands for the recipe.
One thing to keep in mind is that eval parses its input by itself, without regard for the surrounding syntax of the makefile. This means that you cannot use it to define only part of a rule, like in your example:
$(call check-arguments, $(build-type))
If we use $(eval $(call check-arguments, $(build-type))), then eval will parse the expansion of check-arguments by itself and complain because the recipe has no target. (See this answer.) The solution here is to include build: in check-arguments somehow.
While having $(eval) is fine, I would like to recommend a different approach, based on target resolution instead of conditionals, like so:
$ cat Makefile
supported_build_types := api service
.PHONY: build
build: build-$(build-type)
.PHONY: $(addprefix build-,$(supported_build_types))
$(addprefix build-,$(supported_build_types)): build-%:
#echo 'Building $*'
#echo 'Starting build'
.PHONY: build-
$(error Must provide build-type of: $(supported_build_types))
.PHONY: build-%
$(error Unsupported build type: $*. Must be one of: $(supported_build_types))
This can allow easier extensibility and maintenance while keeping away nuisances of $(eval)s, $(call)s and appropriate escaping.
Running supported build types:
$ make build build-type=api
Building api
Starting build
$ make build build-type=service
Building service
Starting build
Invalid build type:
$ make build build-type=foo
Makefile:17: *** Unsupported build type: foo. Must be one of: api service. Stop.
Missing build type:
$ make build
Makefile:13: *** Must provide build-type of: api service. Stop.

one level expansion of makefile macro while still usable as a macro

I am trying to build a macro in Makefile which I can expand once but can still work as a macro after being expanded. This is useful to me as the first level expansion will fill in recursive parameters that won't last. Here's an example:
all: aperiod
TGT = hello
hello.TGT = world
world.TGT = period
$(3)$(1): $(4)$(2)
#echo $$$$(#)
$(foreach t,$($(1).TGT),$(call CREATE_TARGET,$(t),$(1),$$(1),$$(1)))
define CREATE
$(call CREATE_TARGET,$(TGT),,$$(1),)
TGT :=
$(eval $(call CREATE_EXP,a))
Error when running make:
make: *** No rule to make target aperiod', needed byall'. Stop.
TGT contains a changing set of values. I want CREATE_EXP to contain the full expanded creation method which accepts a parameter to give prefixes to the targets.
So optimally, I can call make aperiod and get hello world period, or call make bperiod after $(eval $(call CREATE_EXP,b)) and get the same thing
This is a highly reduced test case!
The value of CREATE_EXP is correct, but won't work for me as a macro anymore.
$(info $(value CREATE_EXP))
#echo $$(#)
$(1)world: $(1)hello
#echo $$(#)
.SECONDARY: period
$(1)period: $(1)world
#echo $$(#)
I would like to know why Make behaves this way, as well as if there is a better way to accomplish the general gist of what I am trying to do.
EDIT: I found a solution to accomplish this, although I am still curious as to whether a call to $(call) can create a macro that still needs expansion.
define CREATE
$(call CREATE_TARGET,$(TGT),,$$(1),)
Use $(eval $(call CREATE))
The first time through, make will expand the variables inside. This allows for the recursive expansion as well as the creation of a function macro.
I would have to think more deeply about "a better way" and really understand what you're trying to do, but to answer "why make behaves this way": you are assigning CREATE_EXP as a simply-expanded variable, with :=:
That information is stored along with the variable and when make expands something like $(CREATE_EXP) it knows that the value of CREATE_EXP has already been expanded and it shouldn't be expanded again. That's the entire point, really, of using :=.
Here's an alternate model that might work for you:
$(foreach 1,a,$(eval $(CREATE_EXP)))
(I haven't tried this). The difference here is that first we set the variable 1 as the foreach variable, then we call eval in that context. Although the $(CREATE_EXP) expands to the value without further expansion, then eval will parse it as a makefile and expand it again, with 1=a set.
Just a note: this:
Is absolutely identical to this:
If you pass no arguments to call it's the same as a simple macro expansion.
You might be interested to read the set of blog posts here: http://make.mad-scientist.net/category/metaprogramming/ (start from the oldest first).

Makefile target from variable overrides unexpected target

I would like to create make a target by prefixing bootload_ onto a list variable in Make. Here is my file:
echo "in original target cs00"
echo "in original target cs01"
echo "in bootload $#"
When I run make bootload_cs00 I get this output:
Makefile:9: warning: overriding recipe for target 'cs01'
Makefile:4: warning: ignoring old recipe for target 'cs01'
echo "in bootload bootload_cs00"
in bootload bootload_cs00
I don't understand why this is overriding the original target? What am I missing here.
bootload_$(BOOTLOAD_ENABLED) expands to bootload_cs00 cs01, i.e. it is just string concatenation.
You can prefix all words in a variable with patsubst, addprefix, or substitution references. E.g.:
$(info $(addprefix bootload_,${BOOTLOAD_ENABLED}))
$(info $(patsubst %,bootload_%,${BOOTLOAD_ENABLED}))
$(info ${BOOTLOAD_ENABLED:%=bootload_%})
They all print same bootload_cs00 bootload_cs01 string.
See Functions for Transforming Text for full details.

Double slashes in paths in Makefile

Here is a Makefile example that uses double slashes in paths to targets:
#mkdir -p $(dir $#)
#echo aaa > $#
#mkdir -p $(dir $#)
#echo bbb > $#
make interprets this as two different targets. If you run make out/file.txt, the first rule will be executed. If you run make out//file.txt, the second rule will be executed.
Also, if you run make out///file.txt and file.txt does not exist, you'll get the error:
make: *** No rule to make target `out///file.txt'
However if the file exists, it just says:
make: Nothing to be done for `out///file.txt'
Also make builds targets successfully if you run make .///out/file.txt or even make .////././././././////.///.////out/file.txt
So, is there any defined behavior how make works with paths that are literally different, but point to the same file in the filesystem?
I got from this answer, that operating system itself doesn't differ such paths. But for make they are different.
The problem originates from the such usage:
my_target: $(SOME_DIR)/some_file
If SOME_DIR already has trailing slash, the code above doesn't work. It expands to something like this: some_dir//some_file and the rule for the specific case with double slashes doesn't exist.
How can such problems be avoided? Is there any path canonization means in make?
Here is direct workaround for my problem - creating a macro that trims trailing slashes:
trslashes = $(if $(filter %/,$(1)),$(call trslashes,$(patsubst %/,%,$(1))),$(1))
This macro must be used in every place where double slashes can cause a problem:
my_target: $(call trslashes,$(SOME_DIR))/some_file
If $(SOME_DIR) is empty the file from root directory will be used:
/some_file. If empty variable should mean current directory then another macro should be used:
trslashes_cur = $(if $(1),$(call trslashes,$(1)),.)
Then $(call trslashes,$(SOME_DIR))/some_file will expand to ./somefile.
