How to set multiple headers at once in Spring WebClient? - spring-boot

I was trying to set headers to my rest client but every time I have to write
.header("key1", "value1")
.header("key2", "value2")...
How can I set all headers at the same time using headers() method?

If those headers change on a per request basis, you can use:
webClient.get().uri("/resource").headers(httpHeaders -> {
This doesn't save much typing; so for the headers that don't change from one request to another, you can set those as default headers while building the client:
WebClient webClient = WebClient.builder().defaultHeader("...", "...").build();
WebClient webClient = WebClient.builder().defaultHeaders(httpHeaders -> {

The consumer is correct, though it's hard to visualize, esp. in that you can continue with additional fluent-composition method calls in the webclient construction, after you've done your work with the headers.
....suppose you have a HttpHeaders (or MutliValue map) holding your headers in scope. here's an example, using an exchange object from spring cloud gateway:
final HttpHeaders headersFromExchangeRequest = exchange.getRequest().headers();
.headers( httpHeadersOnWebClientBeingBuilt -> {
httpHeadersOnWebClientBeingBuilt.addAll( headersFromExchangeRequest );
the addAll can take a multivalued map. if that makes sense. if not, let your IDE be your guide.
to make the consumer clearer, let's rewrite the above as follows:
private Consumer<HttpHeaders> getHttpHeadersFromExchange(ServerWebExchange exchange) {
return httpHeaders -> {

I found this problem came up again for me and this time I was writing groovy directly using WebClient. Again, the example I'm trying to drive is using the Consumer as the argument to the headers method call.
In groovy, the additional problem is that groovy closure syntax and java lambda syntax both use ->
The groovy version is here:
def mvmap = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>(headersAsMap)
def consumer = { it -> it.addAll(mvmap) } as Consumer<HttpHeaders>
WebClient client = WebClient.create(baseUrlAsString)
def resultAsMono =
.body(Mono.just(payload), HashMap.class)
The java version is here:
LinkedMultiValueMap mvmap = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>(headersAsMap);
Consumer<HttpHeaders> consumer = it -> it.addAll(mvmap);
WebClient client = WebClient.create(baseUrlAsString);
Mono<ResponseEntity<HashMap>> resultAsMono =
.body(Mono.just(payload), HashMap.class)

In Spring Boot 2.7.5:
httpHeaders -> {
httpHeaders.set("key1", "value1");
httpHeaders.set("key2", "value2");


How do I stream multiple multipart messages of different mimetypes in spring?

I'm currently using Springs ResponseBodyEmitter to stream a multipart/related response consisting of multiple parts (of mimetype application/json as well as application/octet-stream) to a client. Therefore I am manually setting the boundary in the Content-Type header as well as creating the encapsulation boundaries between the different message parts within the payload. I'm pretty sure there is a more convenient way to achieve this. What would be the idiomatic way in Spring to achieve this?
#GetMapping(value = "/data", produces = {MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE})
public ResponseEntity<ResponseBodyEmitter> streamMultipart() {
// omitting actual contents for the sake of brevity
InputStream audio = new ByteArrayInputStream(null); //asynchronously retrieved
String json = "{}";
ResponseBodyEmitter speakEmitter = new ResponseBodyEmitter();
executor.execute(() -> {
try {
speakEmitter.send("Content-Type: application/json;\r\n\r\n");
speakEmitter.send(json, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON);
speakEmitter.send("Content-Type: application/octet-stream;\r\n\r\n");
speakEmitter.send(audio.readAllBytes(), MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM);
} catch (IOException ignoredForBrevity) {}
HttpHeaders responseHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
responseHeaders.add(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "multipart/related; boundary=myBoundary");
return ResponseEntity.ok().headers(responseHeaders).body(speakEmitter);

Spring Traverson follow relative path ignores baseUri

I'm trying to use Traverson in my Spring Boot application to consume an external HAL-api. While doing so I get the exception org.apache.http.ProtocolException: Target host is not specified on the first hop, i.e. Traverson calls my baseUri without problems and with set target host, but seems to "forget" the host on the first hop.
And this is the code calling it:
override fun doStuff() {
// baseUri gets injected by class and is of form ""
val startUri = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString(baseUri)
// If dms is declared as first hop, Traverson would call baseUri before first hop which returns a html website and results in an error -> dms has to be part of Traverson baseUri
val authHeader = HttpHeaders()
// bearerToken gets injected by class and is not relevant for the problem
authHeader.set(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, bearerToken)
val restTemplate = RestTemplateBuilder()
.defaultHeader(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, bearerToken)
// httpRequestFactory gets injected by class and is used to configure SSL, should not matter for the problem
restTemplate.requestFactory = httpRequestFactory
val repoId: String = Traverson(startUri, MediaTypes.HAL_JSON)
log.debug("Repo id is $repoId")
This is the return of the Traverson baseUri (
_links: {
allrepos: {
href: "/dms/r"
When executing this code, Traverson get's the link I'm searching for ("/dms/r") but when trying to follow it, it executes a call to "/dms/r" instead of "".
Am I missing something?
Every bit of help is very much appreciated!
It is possible to achieve my goal with following code. But if I have to resort to this option, I would instead use restTemplate directly without url discovery, since Traverson is just too inconvenient to use in this case.
val allReposLink = Traverson(startUri, MediaTypes.HAL_JSON)
val allReposUri = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString(baseUri)
val repoId = Traverson(allReposUri, MediaTypes.HAL_JSON)
It should be possible to do it like this:
val repoId: String = Traverson(startUri, MediaTypes.HAL_JSON)

Multiple Mono and common subscriber

I am a newbie to reactive programming in Java. I plan to use spring-webclient instead of restclient as the latter is being decommissioned. I have a situation when I make several http post requests to different endpoints and the response structure is identical. With webclient code as below,
List<Mono<CommonResponse>> monolist = new ArrayList<>();
for(String endpoint : endpoints) {
Mono<CommonResponse> mono =
.body(Mono.just(requestData), RequestData.class)
I get a mono per request. As the response is common, I would like each mono to be subscribed a common method, but how can I distinguish the endpoints, assuming that the response data is not helping.
Can I pass additional arguments to the method while subscribing?
You can do this in following way. If you have many monos you can treat team as flux which actually means that you have many of Mono. Then you can subscribe all of them with single method. To pass to subscribing method some extra arguments like information about endpoint, you can create extra object with additional information.
Flux<ResponseWithEndpoint> commonResponseFlux = Flux.fromIterable(endpoints)
.flatMap(endpoint ->
.body(Mono.just(requestData), RequestData.class)
.map(response -> new ResponseWithEndpoint(response, endpoint)));
class ResponseWithEndpoint {
CommonResponse commonResponse;
String endpoint;
public ResponseWithEndpoint(CommonResponse commonResponse, String endpoint) {
this.commonResponse = commonResponse;
this.endpoint = endpoint;

Examples of use ReactorNettyWebSocketClient

New Spring has some WebSocketClient example on Spring documentation.
WebSocketClient client = new ReactorNettyWebSocketClient();
client.execute("ws://localhost:8080/echo"), session -> {... }).blockMillis(5000);
But it is very short and not clear:
How to send a message to the server (subscribe to a channel)?
Then handle incoming stream and emit Flux messages?
Reconnect to the server when the connection is interrupted?
Could some one provide more complex example?
I tried to do something like:
public Flux<String> getStreaming() {
WebSocketClient client = new ReactorNettyWebSocketClient();
EmitterProcessor<String> output = EmitterProcessor.create();
Flux<String> input = Flux.just("{ event: 'subscribe', channel: 'examplpe' }");
Mono<Void> sessionMono = client.execute(URI.create("ws://"),
session -> session
return output.doOnSubscribe(s -> sessionMono.subscribe());
But that returns only one message. Like I didnt get subscription.
I assume you are using an "echo" service. In order to get some messages from the service, you have to push them into the websocket and the service will "echo" them back to you.
In your example code you are writing only a single element to the websocket. As soon as you push more messages into the socket you will get more back.
I adapted the code to connect to ws:// instead of a local service. When you browse to /stream you see every second a new message appear.
#GetMapping(path = "/stream", produces = MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM_VALUE)
public Flux<String> getStreaming() throws URISyntaxException {
Flux<String> input = Flux.<String>generate(sink ->"{ message: 'got message', date: '%s' }", new Date())))
WebSocketClient client = new ReactorNettyWebSocketClient();
EmitterProcessor<String> output = EmitterProcessor.create();
Mono<Void> sessionMono = client.execute(URI.create("ws://"), session -> session.send(
return output.doOnSubscribe(s -> sessionMono.subscribe());
Hope this helps...
The documentation link above is to the temporary docs from before Spring Framework 5 was released. Currently the reference provides more information about implementing a WebSocketHandler.

How to make Feign POST request without a request body and with query params?

I am using Feign with the Apache Http Client and I would like to support the following jax-rs interface:
void doSomething(#QueryParam("arg") String arg);
But, ApacheHttpClient uses a RequestBuilder, which converts query parameters for requests without a body/entity into a UrlEncodedFormEntity.
I am converting my APIs to jax-rs, and I do not want to break backwards compatibility. Is there a way to use Feign without adjusting my API? Will the OkHttp or Ribbon clients support POSTs with query params and no body/entity? Is there another java jax-rs client that will support this?
Also, is there a reason why RequestBuilder turns query params into a UrlEncodedFormEntity? Is there an alternative HttpUriRequest builder within the apache-httpclient library that doesn't do this? RequestBuilder's build method has the following lines of code:
if (entity == null && (HttpPost.METHOD_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(method) || HttpPut.METHOD_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(method))) {
entity = new UrlEncodedFormEntity(parameters, HTTP.DEF_CONTENT_CHARSET);
} else {
// omitted expected behavior
Before switching to Feign, my code constructed a HttpUriRequest with something similar to the following:
URI uri = new URIBuilder()
.addParameter("arg", "value")
HttpUriRequest request = new HttpPost(uri);
If you are willing to break the API slightly and maintain support for the #QueryParam, then you could define a request interceptor on the feign client that adds a plain text entity/body to the request:
.requestInterceptor(template -> {
if (template.method().equals(HttpPost.METHOD_NAME) && template.queries().keySet().size() > 0 && template.body() == null) {
template.body(" ");
Then, your API would change with the following:
void doSomething(#QueryParam("arg") String arg);
But, this breaks the API since the server now expects/consumes a POST message with a plain text entity/body.
I think the same could be accomplished without the requestInterceptor and with Feign's #Body template:
#Body(" ")
void doSomething(#QueryParam("arg") String arg);
But, this means that your API would have to include Feign rather than pure jax-rs annotations.
