Filebeat date field mapped as type keyword - elasticsearch

Filebeat is reading logs from a file, where logs are in the following format:
{"logTimestamp":"2019-11-29T16:39:43.027Z","#version":"1","message":"Hello world","logger_name":"se.lolotron.App","thread_name":"thread-1","level":"INFO","level_value":40000,"application":"my-app"}
So there is a field logTimestamp logged in ISO 8601 time format.
The problem is that this field is mapped as a keyword In Elasticsearch filebeat index
"logTimestamp": {
"type": "keyword",
"ignore_above": 1024
On the other hand if I index a similar document in the same Elasticsearch instance but different index, e.g.
POST /new_index/_doc/
"message": "hello world",
The mapping is
"logTimestamp": {
"type": "date"
According to docs here and here by default Elastic should detect a date if formatted with strict_date_optional_time. And strict_date_optional_time is described as
A generic ISO datetime parser where the date is mandatory and the time
is optional.
Which I presume is ISO 8601 and think I proved that with indexing a new doc to new_index in the example above.
Why is logTimestamp saved as keyword in the case of Filebeat? Any ideas?
I'm using Filbeat 7.2.1, Elasticsearch 7.2.1.
Also the default fields.yml is used.

I just found out that date_detection is disabled for filebeat indices by default (Filebeat version 7.2.1).
This can be seen here
var (
// Defaults used in the template
defaultDateDetection = false
Does not look like it can be overridden.
The workaround for this is to use experimental feature append_fields (experimental at least at the time of writing this post. See here for more.) and add the following to the filebeat.yml config
setup.template.overwrite: true
- name: logTimestamp
type: date
This will make sure that the mapping for logTimestamp is date.


Elasticsearch - check which all fields are indexed in an index?

I browse to curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/<index_name>/_mappings and it returns the fields in an index.
This is one of the field.
{"dob" : { "type": "string", "analyzer" : "my_custom_analyzer"}}
With above response, does this mean DOB field is by default indexed? or index: true has to be explicitly there for this field to be indexed?
It seems you're using a very old version of Elasticsearch, likely 2.x or earlier.
However, based on the mapping you've shared, string fields are indexed by default, in your case, dob is analyzed by a custom analyzer called my_custom_analyzer and the resulting tokens will be indexed automatically.

Unexpected result using Elasticsearch when dash character is involved

I'm querying Elasticsearch 2.3 using django-haystack, and the query that is executed seems to be the following:
An object in my Elasticsearch data has the following value for its property imaging_telescopes: "Takahashi FSQ-106N".
This object matches the query, and to me this result is unepected, I wouldn't want it to match.
My assumption is that it matches becasue it contains the letters FS, but in my frontend I'm just searching for "FS-60".
How can I modify the query so that it's stricter in looking for objects whose property imaging_telescopes exactly contains some text?
EDIT: this is the mapping of the field:
"imaging_telescopes": {
"type": "string",
"analyzer": "snowball"

Why are my parser types not picked up in my elastic index?

I'm using fluent-bit to forward logs to an elastic db. All my fields are being indexed in elastic under the default string type but I want some fields indexed as numbers.
I've attempted to set the types in my fluent-bit config by adding a types entry to both the docker parser and the json parser (not sure which one is being used here, these are container logs from a k8s cluster):
Name json
Format json
Time_Key time
Time_Format %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z
Types my_float_field:float my_integer_field:integer
Name docker
Format json
Time_Key time
Time_Format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L
Time_Keep On
Types my_float_field:float my_integer_field:integer
But these fields continue to appear as string types in fresh elastic indexes under the ids log_processed.my_float_field and log_processed.my_integer_field. I'm sure I'm doing something obviously wrong but I can see what.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Use Elasticsearch index templates.
AFAIK the JSON parser plugin doesn't support "Type" parameter. It keeps the original JSON data types, so if my_float_field and my_integer_field contain quoted values, JSON parser will interpret them as strings as well. See this example from the docs:
A simple configuration that can be found in the default parsers
configuration file, is the entry to parse Docker log files (when the
tail input plugin is used):
Name docker
Format json
Time_Key time
Time_Format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S %z
The following log entry is a valid content for the parser defined
{"key1": 12345, "key2": "abc", "time": "2006-07-28T13:22:04Z"}
After processing, it internal representation will be:
[1154103724, {"key1"=>12345, "key2"=>"abc"}]
If you are using Logstash format in Elasticsearch output plugin, you can define an Elasticsearch index template containing the desired type mapping. The template will be applied to each newly created index (not to existing indices). The format changed in Elasticsearch 7, so be sure to check the correct documentation version. For the 7.7 version:
PUT _template/template_1
"index_patterns": ["fluent-bit-*"],
"settings": {
"number_of_shards": 1
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"my_float_field": {
"type": "float"
"my_integer_field": {
"type": "integer"

Timestamp not appearing in Kibana

I'm pretty new to Kibana and just set up an instance to look at some ElasticSearch data.
I have one index in Elastic Search, which has a few fields including _timestamp. When I go to the 'Discover' tab and look at my documents, each have the _timestamp field but with a yellow warning next to the field saying "No cached mapping for this field". As a result, I can't seem to sort/filter by time.
When I try and create a new index pattern and click on "Index contains time-based events", the 'Time-field name' dropdown doesn't contain anything.
Is there something else I need to do to get Kibana to recognise the _timestamp field?
I'm using Kibana 4.0.
You'll need to take these quick steps first :
Go to Settings → Advanced.
Edit the metaFields and add "_timestamp". Hit save.
Now go back to Settings → Indices and _timestamp will be available in the drop-down list for "Time-field name".
In newer versions you are required to specify the date field before you send your data.
Your date field must be in a standard format such as miliseconds after Epoch (long number) or - just as suggested by MrE - in ISO8601.
See more info here:
Again, before you send your data to the index, you must specify the mapping for this field. In python:
import requests
mapping = '{"mappings": {"your_index": {"properties": {"your_timestamp_field": { "type": "date" }}}}}'
requests.put('http://yourserver/your_index', data=mapping)
My es version is 2.2.0
You have to the right schema.
I follow the guide
"memory": INT,
"geo.coordinates": "geo_point"
"#timestamp": "date"
If you have the #timestamp, you will see the
ps: if your schema doesn't have "date" field, do not check "Index
contains time-based events
The accepted answer is obsolete as of Kibana 2.0
you should use a simple date field in your data and set it explicitly using either a timestamp, or a date string in ISO 8601 format.
you also need to set a mapping to date BEFORE you start sending data apparently.
curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/myindex' -d '{
"mappings": {
"my_type": {
"properties": {
"date": {
"type": "date"
Go to Settings->Indices, select your index, and click the yellow "refresh" icon. That will get rid of the warning, and perhaps make the field available in your visualization.

Elasticsearch: field "title" was indexed without position data; cannot run PhraseQuery

I have an index in ElasticSearch with the following mapping:
mappings: {
feed: {
properties: {
html_url: {
index: not_analyzed
omit_norms: true
index_options: docs
type: string
title: {
index_options: offsets
type: string
created: {
store: true
format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
type: date
description: {
type: string
getting the following error when performing phrase search ("video games"):
IllegalStateException[field \"title\" was indexed without position data; cannot run PhraseQuery (term=video)];
Single word searches work fine. Tried "index_options: positions" as well but with no luck. Title field contains text in multiple languages, sometimes empty. Interesting that it seems to fail randomly, for example it would fail with 200K documents or 800K using the same dataset. Is there a reason some titles wouldn't get indexed with positions?
Elastic search version 0.90.5
Just in case someone else has the same issue. There was another type/table (feed2) in the same index with the same "title" field that was set to "not_analyzed".
For some reason even if you specify the type: the other type is still being searched as well. Changing the mapping for feed2 type fixed the problem.
You probably have another field named 'title' with a different mapping in another type but in the same index.
Basically if you have 2 fields with the same name in the same index - even if they are in different types - they cannot have different mappings: to be more precise, even if they have the same type (eg: "string") but one of them is "analyzed" and the other is "not analyzed", problems will arise.
I mean, yeah, you can try to setup 2 different mappings, and ElasticSearch will not complain, but when searching you get strange result and everything will go bananas.
You can read more about this issue here where they say:
[...] In the end, we opted to enforce the rule that all fields with the same name in the same index must have the same mapping [...]
And yeah, considering how the promise of ElasticSearch has always been "it just works" this little detail took a lot of people by surprise.
