Passing variable to Expect and Spawn - bash

I'm writing a script that will scp a tar file from my local server to a remote host. Since the script generates the file through a pre-requisite process, the name is generated dynamically. My script needs to take the name of the file and pass it to scp for transfer.
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn scp test.$(date +%y%m%d_%H%M).tar user#IP-ADDRESS:/destination/folder
set pass "password"
expect "password: "
send -- "$pass\r"
expect eof
I've tried setting the filename as a variable but keep seeing the same error:
can't read "(date +%y%m%d_%H%M)": no such variable
while executing "spawn scp test.$(date +%y%m%d_%H%M).tar user#IP-ADDRESS:/destination/folder"

$(date +%y%m%d_%H%M) is not a Tcl command. If you use expect, you have to learn Tcl. To get a formatted date in Tcl, use the clock command. Also, interpolation of the result from a command in Tcl is not done by $(....), but by [....]. You can find examples for this construct here.

Decided to go another route since the team was able to provision a new Artifactory repo for this binary and alike. However, to the advice provided here I was able to make a few discoveries which I used to fix my issues:
I also had a password with $ symbol and that also caused a world of issues.
TEST=$(date +%y%m%d_%H%M)
/usr/bin/expect <<eof
set password {pas\$word}
spawn scp "$TEST" user#IP-ADDRESS:/destination/folder
expect "*password:"
send "$pasword\r"
expect eof


Using bash variable with expect

My script look like this , but not getting the password out.
export -p curdir=`basename ${PWD%/*/*/}`
/usr/bin/expect <<EOF
spawn scp -v -i ... <local file> <remote file containing $curdir>
expect -re "Enter passphrase.+:"
send "<password>\n"
Something is wrong, as the passsword is evidently not sent. Something wrong with the expect line, the send line, or ???
When this script is executed it is asking for the password.
Thanks for any help.
I made this way too hard. ftp does everything I needed to do. And there are lots of places on the internet that explain how to use it. One can define bash variables as part of a bash script, and the password is simply part of what you define. scp is great of one copy, but ftp as part of a script is really easy.

Want to read variable value from remote file

In one of my bash script I want to read and use the variable value from other script which is on remote machine.
How should I go ahead to resolve this. Any related info would be helpful.
Thanks in advance!
How about this (which is code I cannot currently test myself):
text=$(ssh yourname#yourmachine 'grep uploadRate= /root/yourscript')
It assumes that the value of the variable is contained in one line. The variable text now contains you variable assignment, presumably something like
There are several ways to convert the text/code into a real variable assignment in your current script, like evaluating the string or using grep. I would recommend
to just remove the part up and including the =.
Edit: One more caveat to mention is that this only works if the original assignment does not contain variable references itself like in
ssh user#machine 'command'
will print the standard output of the remote command.
I would tell two ways at least:
1) You can simply redirect output to a file from remote server to your system with scp command...It would work for you.Then your script on your machine should read that file as an argument...
script on your machine:
read -t 50 -p "Waiting for argumet: " $1
It waits for output from remote machine,
Then you can
sshpass -p<password> scp user#host:/Path/to/file /path/to/script/
What you need to do:
You should tell the script from your machine, that the output from scp command is the argument($1)
2)Run script from your machine:
#Your commands
sshpass -p<password> ssh user#host $script
And you have also another ways to run script to do sth with remote machine.

pass username, pwd, server information in expect shell scripting

I want to pass all the remote server names as shell script arguments and then want my script to copy the given file/directory to all remote servers. Below is my code.
/usr/bin/expect <<EOD
#connect via scp
for a in $#
spawn scp -r $file_location "$usr#$a:$file_location"
expect -nocase "password: "
send "$pwd\r"
expect eof
Username and password is same for all the remote servers. So I am hard-coding them for time being but while running the script I see a problem with that..
>./ server1 server2
invalid command name "usr=Joe"
while executing
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
To read command line arguments from expect:
$argc - number items of arguments passed to a script.
$argv - list of the arguments.
$argv0 - name of the script.
This was take from this site
If you want more help with expect then google about tcl because expect is an extension to tcl language

how to script commands that will be executed on a device connected via ssh?

So, I've established a connection via ssh to a remote machine; and now what I would like to do is to execute few commands, grab some files and copy them back to my host machine.
I am aware that I can run
ssh user#host "command1; command2;....command_n"
and then close the connection, but how can I do the same without use the aforememtioned syntax? I have a lot of complex commands that has a bunch of quote and characters that would be a mess to escape.
My immediate thought is why not create a script and push it over to the remote machine to have it run locally in a text file? If you can't for whatever reason, I fiddled around with this and I think you could probably do well with a HEREDOC:
ssh -t bash << 'EOF'
command 1 ...
command 2 ...
command 3 ...
and it seems to do the right thing. Play with your heredoc to keep your quotes safe, but it will get tricky. The only other thing I can offer (and I totally don't recomend this) is you could use a toy like perl to read and write to the ssh process like so:
open S, "| ssh -i ~/.ssh/host_dsa -t bash";
print S "date\n"; # and so on
but this is a really crummy way to go about things. Note that you can do this in other languages.
Instead of the shell use some scripting language (Perl, Python, Ruby, etc.) and some module that takes care of the ugly work. For example:
use Net::OpenSSH;
my $ssh = Net::OpenSSH->new($host, user => $user);
$ssh->system('echo', 'Net::Open$$H', 'Quot%$', 'Th|s', '>For', 'You!');
$ssh->system({stdout_file => '/tmp/ls.out'}, 'ls');
$ssh->scp_put($local_path, $remote_path);
my $out = $ssh->capture("find /etc");
From here: Can I ssh somewhere, run some commands, and then leave myself a prompt?
The use of an expect script seems pretty straightforward... Copied from the above link for convenience, not mine, but I found it very useful.
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn ssh $argv
send "export V=hello\n"
send "export W=world\n"
send "echo \$V \$W\n"
I'm guessing a line like
send "scp -Cpvr someLocalFileOrDirectory you#
would get you your files back...
and then:
send "exit"
would terminate the session - or you could end with interact and type in the exit yourself..

Bash: expect + scp : Problem on multiple files

function expect_password {
expect -c "\
set timeout 90
set env(TERM)
spawn $1
expect \"password:\"
send \"$password\r\"
expect eof
expect_password "scp /home/kit.ho/folder/file1 root#$IP:/usr/bin"
The above expect_password works perfect!
However, I want to transfer multiple files in that directory, so I tried:
expect_password "scp /home/kit.ho/folder/* root#$IP:/usr/bin"
But an error comes up:
/home/kit.ho/folder/*: No such file or directory
Killed by signal 1.
It seems that expect doesn't recognize *. How can I transfer files in that way?
There is a possible answer using rsync but I can't use that.
The manpage of expect says "If program cannot be spawned successfully because exec(2) fails", so I assume that expect uses exec internally. exec doesn't call any shell to do wildcard expansion and such magic, which means that your ssh sees the asterisk and can't handle it. Have you tried to call your shell explicitely like
expect_password "sh -c \"scp /home/kit.ho/folder/* root#$IP:/usr/bin\""
(maybe you need to omit the single quotes)?
use \" instead of '
Expect is an extension of Tcl, and Tcl does not speak shell-filename-globbing natively. Rather than shoe-horning a Tcl solution withing your framework, try
set -- /home/kit.ho/folder/*
expect_password "scp $* root#$IP:/usr/bin"
Files with spaces won't work properly with this solution.
Can't you leave away the password stuff completely and work with SSH public keys?
