How to start and stop protractor driver for each test - jasmine

I want to run my protractor tests in lambdatest cloud. to update the test name for each test I had to restart the browser for each test (it block). I tried two options
browser.restart() - this creates the same session again so the test name is not updated properly.
I used restartBrowserBetweenTests: true this restart browser as expected but an extra blank test is generated as the browser is initialized/invoked in the config.ts and from script file am passing URL using browser.get().
When I run multiple sessions in parallel the count to extra test multiplies.
Is there a way how I can manage browser initialization and quit from beforeEach and AfterEach blocks not from config file.


Re-run Cypress test in Github Actions does not work

I have a cypress workflow in Github and it runs nicely. But, when the e2e tests fail for some reason and I want to re-run them using the re-run all jobs button (below), the following message appears:
The run you are attempting to access is already complete and will not accept new groups.
The existing run is:
When a run finishes all of its groups, it waits for a configurable set of time before finally completing. You must add more groups during that time period.
The --tag flag you passed was:
The --group flag you passed was: core
What should I change in my configuration to make these possible? Sometimes the e2e fails because of a backend error that is fixed later.
I'd like to do this instead of a force e2e commit.
I was facing the same issue before.
I think you can try to pass GITHUB_TOKEN or add a custom build id. It fixed my issue. Hoep it helps.
Check your Cypress Dashboard subscription plan. Mine got the free plan full (500 test for free and I was running in 3 different browsers 57 tests, so it got full pretty quick since this is 171 tests in one run) and after that it didn't allowed me to keep running or re running more parallel tests. Test kept running but in 1 machine out of 4 in the first browser and stages for the other 2 browsers started failing, I was able to allow the pipeline to not be failing by passing continueOnError: true in the configuration.
Quick edit, I don't remember where but I read that you could also add a delay to your pipeline and/or reduce the default wait on the Dashboard which is 60s(

How to use before test suite and after test suite in one test in testRigor?

I am using testRigor for Android application. I have testcases for before test suite and after test suite.
I added login test script in before test suite and logout script added in after test suite.
One Testcase for use login functions,so I can't use this three testsuite in one testing process
Because all of test cases for testRigor are executed in parallel, the way "Before test suite" works is it is executed before all other test cases. That also means that logout is unnecessary because every test case is execute on a new server in a new fresh incognito browser.
To achieve what you are looking for you need to specify app's the username and password in Settings/Authentication, and then start all of your test cases from the built-in command login

Integration test execution should wait until server is ready

I have written Selenium tests which should be executed during the build process of an web application. I am using the maven-failsafe-plugin to execute the integration tests and the tomcat7-maven-plugin to start up a tomcat server in the pre-integration-test phase and after the execution of the tests it gets stopped in the post-integration-test phase. This works fine.
The problem is that the tomcat server is caching some data when started up to improve the search speed. Some of my tests rely on that data, so the integration tests should wait for the server to finish caching the data.
How can I make that happen?
I added a process bar to show the loading progress. Once the loading is complete the process bar is not rendered anymore and the data table will be rendered. In this way I can add to the tests which depend on the data table to be loaded this line of code:
Additionally I am using org.junit.runners.Suite as a runner so that I can specify the order of how my test classes will be executed. Thereby I can execute the test which do not rely on the data first and then the ones which need it. To ensure that the data is present and I don't need to check that in every test case, I have created a test class which will only check the presence of the data and will be executed before all test cases which depend on the data.

How to log into file in cypress?

i want to log each and every step of the process ex: sign up done, user dashboard opened , user profile edited. How can this be achieved by cypress. I tried this using node.js but as cypress runs in browser i cant create file using node.js and also i tried by cy.writefile where it replace the previous this i have written in the file. Is there a way to do this ???
After this i do want to send this log to an email.
Welcome to Stack Overflow. If you run Cypress on a CI Server like CircleCI, it can record your output.
There is also a --record option, where it saves the details of the session for you.
Cypress can record your tests running and make them available in our
Recorded tests allow you to: See the number of failed, pending and
passing tests. Get the entire stack trace of failed tests. View
screenshots taken when tests fail and when using cy.screenshot().
Watch a video of your entire test run or a clip at the point of test
You can read more about recording sessions here

Cannot run VSTS LoadTest at a time

I have a VSTS project with a list of 30 LoadTest tests that I want to run sequentially. All tests are independent from each other.
When I try to run all the tests, it starts with the first test and it executes it perfectly, but once the first test is finished, it automatically starts to mark the rest of the tests as completed, but without executing them.
Do I have to configure any option to run all of them together? Am I missing something?
Note: when the first test is finished it also asks me if I want to view the "detailed results from the load test".
Any advice/comment is welcomed...
UPDATE (16/07/2010)
More info... I'm trying to run the load tests as in the image that you can see at After the first loadtest is finished the rest of them are just marked as completed.
The load tests are individual tests, and have never seen a way to execute them simultaneously. You create individual web tests that you then put into a load test to run.
