Live Server for VS Code showing 'Hello World' page - visual-studio

I have scoured google/stack/git for anything related to this problem and can't find anything even close to the problem I'm having. Which makes me think it's something really simple and boneheaded that I'm missing, or it's a rare problem.
I'm trying to view my html files using the Live Server extension while I'm working on them. When I click on the html file to 'open in live server', it opens to a page showing 'Hello World', NOT the html file I'm working on. I have no clue where this page is even coming from but assume it's some kind of boilerplate. I've included screen shots.. Anyone's help would be greatly appreciated.

I saw your screenshot. It happens when your index.html file is in the root folder.
Make a new folder under root named public or anything.
put your index.html file inside the folder.
Now Open with Live Server. You will see your page.


that is no updated about modification of beautiful-jekyll

i got a fork about
and i checked url is working...
but when i modify _config and md files
but that is no updated.
actually i'm not good at ruby. but i don't understand why no update.
is there anyone to help me ?
enter image description here
layout: page
title: changing
subtitle: Why you'd want to go on a date with me
Do you have experience with Jekyll?
The first thing I would check is that your server is running and without any changes you can view the website by visiting https://localhost:4000
Is the server is running, when you save a file you should see it say that it is rebuilding.
From your screenshot it looks like you're maybe editing the files directly in Github. Github is a bit of a blackbox when it comes to running Jekyll, I would advise getting it running locally first.

Finding the file that is being loaded on the fly in joomla

im using a joomla template in my localhost. I would like to edit one of the on-screen module's position. i used chrome and firefox to inspect the elements and even changed the properties. it works the way i want, but the problem is, im not sure where these actual files are residing in my localhost. There are 100s of files and its frustrating there isn't an easy way to find out the exact file that i have to edit.
I understand that joomla contents are generated on the fly and thus it isn't easy to find the exact file. I have also seen some of the past related questions in, asked by desperate users like myself, nothing works.
Im hoping someone knows of a tool or a trick that can help me. I even tried indexing the localhost folder (c:\wamp\www\demo) to search file contents, it doesn't seem to work for some reason.
Pls help.
The position of the module is almost certainly determined only by the css in your template. Using web inspector in Firefox or Chrome you can see which file (and the file path) of any styles that are currently being applied to the module, so you can simply modify the rules in that files.
I love Mac
Since my files are in the localhost, i have been trying to search for the div class that is generated on the fly, but my pc couldn't thoroughly search the contents of the file.
On my mac, i searched for the div class word and hey! it showed me a list of files that contained the div class and i found the file in a matter of seconds! how cool is that!!
Thanks Guys, hope this helps someone too!

Are include files necessary in an html website?

Are include files, such as server side include SSI, files necessary in an html website?
I recently tried to host my simple html website through GoDaddy. I used Dreamweaver CC to upload my files and encountered a problem. Some of my pages were not displaying images or css. I checked to see if the images and css were on the server and in the correct places and they were. Confused, I called GoDaddy's customer service, waited 35 minutes, and talked to one of their customer service reps. He basically told me that it may be my code and that I need 'include' files.
I have looked all over the web and I'm still not entirely sure what an include file is... I got from my research that they are snips of code that call images/files without having to write out the same thing on every page. If I have copied and pasted the same thing on every page, why then would I need an 'include' file? I previously had my website hosted through Hostmonster, still do now, and I have never had to alter my code...
I am still new to the world of coding, so please be kind. If anyone knows of a good resource to help explain the use of 'include' files please post it or correct me if I am wrong. Thank you.
I think the GoDaddy "support" guy was talking about the include operation in your html files that you need to fetch your css files.
Presumably your web pages work correctly when you display them locally on your development machine -- the machine where you run Dreamweaver. If not, fix them. They'll probably need css files in some subdirectory (or maybe in the same directory as the html) and image files in some other subdirectory.
Open up your page, on the server, in a browser, and then do View Source. Look for your css file download commands ... which may look something like this ... in your source.
<link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Are the links (the href items) what you thought they should be? Sometimes you'll find that they are absolute links like
If they are you need to change them to
The same goes for images.
And, no, you don't need server-side include files to put up a working static web site.

Joomla and JomSocial Error

I'm having problem with a client site. I'm not good with Joomla (we mostly do Wordpress), but one of my long-time clients asked me to move a site from another developer that never finished it, so I obliged. The problem is, everything is working great except for the Community page:
The only errors I'm finding are with the Facebook integration (which they told me the previous dev never finished/fixed). I'm really confused here...anyone out there have any ideas? It seems instead of showing the proper titles that Com_community_somethingElseHere is replacing everything.
Thank you guys in advance for your help!
Seems something is wrong with the en-GB.com_community.ini file.
I could not find the file in the above location!!!
Put this file in that folder and it will work!!!
If you can't find the file to put in the folder, create your own and place it there.. how? Well, google for this string as it is (including double quotes) "en-GB.com_community.ini" and open the first couple of results.
Then copy paste the displayed file content into your own ini file (name it en-GB.com_community.ini) and place it in your en-GB folder.
Load the page and it will show up as it should!

Very newbie troubleshooting. Basic p5.js index.html setup on Atom, not generating anything on browser?

literally just got into the world of coding, so if my question seems absolutely insane, I do apologise.
Anywho, was following some tutorials (Daniel Shiffman's how to setup a basic p5.js file on Atom, and generate a green window to test if the code is working. Really basic setup, nothing should've went wrong.
For some reason the text editor wouldn't read my code while I was typing; so then I clicked on the index.html file from the root folder.
Instead of having to show a green window, nothing actually happened. I don't know if this is a software issue, seems like nobody has encountered such a basic problem.
Nothing seems to be wrong here. And it opened a white window when it should've been green
You might have missed a couple of steps in the video:
You can simply (manually) double click index.html from the yayme folder on your Desktop. This should open your default browser with the page. This works for simple sketches but once you start loading assets (images/sounds/data from other sites, etc.) it's best to use a local web server
You can use any http server as Daniel Shiffman's video mentions or the atom-live-server package (notice the install button on that page which will open Atom for you). Once that's installed you can access it via Atom > Packages> atom-live-server
