I am new to Golang and am trying to use goroutines so that they can talk among them. I have some code which starts up a goroutine which has operation1, I call it to dance. When it finishes, it signals another goroutine which performs another operation2, let's say sleep.
You can pass a force dance parameter to the dance goroutine but if it is already in the dance state, it would sleep.
package main
import (
func main(){
test("notdancing", true)
func dance()error{
fmt.Println("Tapping my feet")
return nil
func test(status string, forceDance bool) {
This does not work when
//startSleep := make(chan bool)
Why does a channel need to be provided a buffer length to make it work? I tried without the buffer length but it says all goroutines are asleep if I don't pass 1 as the second parameter.
startdance := make(chan bool, 1)
startSleep := make(chan bool, 1)
if status == "dancing" && forceDance {
select {
case startSleep <-true:
fmt.Println("Would start to sleep now")
fmt.Println("Sleep Already started. No need to force")
if status != "dancing" {
startdance <- true
go func() {
err := dance()
if err == nil {
select {
case startSleep <- true:
fmt.Println("Starting Sleeping, dancing completed")
fmt.Println("Already started Sleeping")
} else {
fmt.Println("Not in a mood to dance today")
go func() {
if forceDance {
fmt.Println("Force sleep because forcing to dance while already dancing")
I would highly appreciate any corrections to the code as well as the pitfalls of using this approach.
in case of Unbuffered Channel (when size is not specified) it can't hold a value as it has no size. therefore a reader has to be present at the time of writing/transmiting the data through the channel or else it will be blocking the call.
func main() {
startDance := make(chan bool)
startDance <- true
But when you specify a size in the above code (say 1) then it won't be a deadlock as it will have space to hold the data. ((https://robertbasic.com/blog/buffered-vs-unbuffered-channels-in-golang/) .)(https://www.golang-book.com/books/intro/10) you could check out the above website's to get a better understanding about channels and concurrency
package main
import (
func main() {
startDance := make(chan bool)
startSleep := make(chan bool)
forceSleep := make(chan bool)
go startDance1(startDance, forceSleep, startSleep)
go performSleep(startSleep, startDance)
startDance <- true
fmt.Println("now dance is started ")
forceSleep <- true
select {}
func startDance1(startDance chan bool, forceSleep chan bool, startSleep chan bool) {
fmt.Println("waiting to start dance")
select {
case <-startDance:
fmt.Println("staring dance")
for {
select {
case <-startDance:
fmt.Println("starting dance")
case <-forceSleep:
fmt.Println("aleardy dancing going to sleep")
select {
case startSleep <- true:
//this is just to show working this
// i added default or else this will go into deadlock
time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)
func performSleep(startSleep chan bool, startDance chan bool) {
select {
case <-startSleep:
fmt.Println("staring sleep")
fmt.Println("sleeping for 5 seconds ")
time.Sleep(time.Second * 5)
select {
case startDance <- true:
fmt.Println("started dance")
fmt.Println("failed to start dance ")
Above code is a minor improvement over yours (i tried to make it according to your requirements). I would suggest you go through some books to get to know more about go concurrency (https://www.golang-book.com/books/intro/10_
The problem is that both the goOne and goTwo functions are sending values to the channels ch1 and ch2 respectively, but there is no corresponding receiver for these values in the main function. This means that the channels are blocked and the program is unable to proceed. As a result, the select statement in the main function is unable to read from the channels, so it always executes the default case.
package main
import (
func main() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
ch1 := make(chan string)
ch2 := make(chan string)
go goOne(&wg, ch1)
go goTwo(&wg, ch2)
select {
case <-ch1:
case <-ch2:
fmt.Println("Default Case")
func goTwo(wg *sync.WaitGroup, ch2 chan string) {
ch2 <- "Channel 2"
func goOne(wg *sync.WaitGroup, ch1 chan string) {
ch1 <- "Channel 1"
Default Case
fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!
goroutine 1 \[semacquire\]:
/usr/local/go/src/runtime/sema.go:62 +0x25
/usr/local/go/src/sync/waitgroup.go:139 +0x52
/home/nidhey/Documents/Go_Learning/goroutines/select.go:29 +0x2af
goroutine 6 \[chan send\]:
main.goOne(0x0?, 0x0?)
/home/nidhey/Documents/Go_Learning/goroutines/select.go:39 +0x28
created by main.main
/home/nidhey/Documents/Go_Learning/goroutines/select.go:14 +0xc5
goroutine 7 \[chan send\]:
main.goTwo(0x0?, 0x0?)
/home/nidhey/Documents/Go_Learning/goroutines/select.go:33 +0x28
created by main.main
/home/nidhey/Documents/Go_Learning/goroutines/select.go:15 +0x119\```
I'm looking for a different pattern such as select to handle the case when the channels are blocked.
To fix the issue, I've added a <-ch1 or <-ch2 in the main function after wg.Wait() to receive the values sent to the channels and unblock them
It's not entirely clear what you want to do. If you want to wait for both goroutines to complete their work and get the result of their work into the channel, you don't need a weight group (because it won't be reached).
You can do something like this.
package main
import (
func main() {
ch1 := make(chan string)
ch2 := make(chan string)
go goOne(ch1)
go goTwo(ch2)
for {
select {
case v := <-ch1:
fmt.Println("Done ch1:", v)
ch1 = nil
case v := <-ch2:
fmt.Println("Done ch2:", v)
ch2 = nil
case <-time.After(time.Second):
fmt.Println("I didn't get result so lets skip it!")
ch1, ch2 = nil, nil
if ch1 == nil && ch2 == nil {
func goTwo(ch chan string) {
ch <- "Channel 2"
func goOne(_ chan string) {
//ch1 <- "Channel 1"
Imagine if we are having two api end points, API1 & API2 which are returning same data but are hosted on different regions. So what I want to do, I need to make API calls for both apis in two different function ie goroutines and as soon as any one api sends us response back, I want to process the data received. So for that Im check whcih api is fetching data first using select block.
package main
import (
func main() {
regions := []string{
// Just for different results for each run
rand.Shuffle(len(regions), func(i, j int) { regions[i], regions[j] = regions[j], regions[i] })
output := make(chan string)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2 * time.Second)
for i, region := range regions {
go func(ctx context.Context, region string, output chan <- string, i int) {
// Do call with context
// If context will be cancelled just ignore it here
timeout := time.Duration(i)*time.Second
fmt.Printf("Call %s (with timeout %s)\n", region, timeout)
time.Sleep(timeout) // Simulate request timeout
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
fmt.Println("Cancel by context:", region)
case output <- fmt.Sprintf("Answer from `%s`", region):
fmt.Println("Done:", region)
}(ctx, region, output, i)
select {
case v := <-output:
cancel() // Cancel all requests in progress (if possible)
// Do not close output chan to avoid panics: When the channel is no longer used, it will be garbage collected.
fmt.Println("Result:", v)
case <-ctx.Done():
fmt.Println("Timeout by context done")
fmt.Println("There is we already have result or timeout, but wait a little bit to check all is okay")
Firstly you have a race condition in that your channel publishing goroutines will probably not have been started by the time you enter the select statement, and it will immediately fall through to the default.
But assuming you resolve this (e.g. with another form of semaphore) you're on to the next issue - your select statement will either get chan1 or chan2 message, then wait at the bottom of the method, but since it is no longer in the select statement, one of your messages won't have arrived and you'll be waiting forever.
You'll need either a loop (twice in this case) or a receiver for both channels running in their own goroutines to pick up both messages and complete the waitgroup.
But in any case - as others have queried - what are you trying to achieve?
You can try something like iterating over a single channel (assuming both channels return the same type of data) and then count in the main method how many tasks are completed. Then close the channel once all the tasks are done. Example:
package main
import (
func main() {
ch := make(chan string)
go goOne(ch)
go goTwo(ch)
doneCount := 0
for v := range ch {
if doneCount == 2 {
func goTwo(ch chan string) {
ch <- "Channel 2"
func goOne(ch chan string) {
ch <- "Channel 1"
I am getting fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!
on the line wg.Wait()
It happens for about ~30% of the runs, the rest are finished with no error. I guess I am using WaitGroup the wrong way, but not sure what am I doing wrong.
Maybe someone can help me identify my bug? Thanks!
package main
import (
const (
numOfPhilosophers = 5
numOfMeals = 3
maxEaters = 2
var doOnce sync.Once
func main() {
chopsticks := make([]sync.Mutex, 5)
permissionChannel := make(chan bool)
finishEating := make(chan bool)
go permissionFromHost(permissionChannel,finishEating)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i:=1 ; i<=numOfPhilosophers ; i++ {
go eat(i, chopsticks[i-1], chopsticks[i%numOfPhilosophers], &wg, permissionChannel, finishEating)
func eat(philosopherId int, left sync.Mutex, right sync.Mutex, wg *sync.WaitGroup, permissionChannel <-chan bool, finishEatingChannel chan<- bool) {
defer wg.Done()
for i:=1 ; i<=numOfMeals ; i++ {
//lock chopsticks in random order
if RandBool() {
} else {
fmt.Printf("waiting for permission from host %d\n",philosopherId)
fmt.Printf("starting to eat %d (time %d)\n", philosopherId, i)
fmt.Printf("finish to eat %d (time %d)\n", philosopherId, i)
//release chopsticks
//let host know I am done eating
func permissionFromHost(permissionChannel chan<-bool, finishEating <-chan bool) {
ctr := 0
for {
select {
case <-finishEating:
if ctr<maxEaters {
func RandBool() bool {
return rand.Intn(2) == 1
Edit 1: I fixed the mutex to be passed by reference. It didn't solve the problem.
Edit 2: I tried to use buffered channel permissionChannel:=make(chan bool, numOfPhilosophers) which makes it work
Edit 3: also #Jaroslaw example makes it work
The last goroutine will not exit, it will get blocked in its last iteration when it is writing to the finishEatingChannel channel as there are no consumers for it.
The reason there are no consumers for the finishEatingChannel is that the select case in the function permissionFromHost is writing to permissionChannel<-true but there are no consumers for permissionChannel as it is waiting for it to be read so we have a deadlock.
You can make the permissionFromHost channel buffered, it will resolve the issue.
There is also a bug in your code, you are passing mutex by value which is not allowed
The go vet command says
./main.go:26:13: call of eat copies lock value: sync.Mutex
./main.go:26:30: call of eat copies lock value: sync.Mutex
./main.go:31:34: eat passes lock by value: sync.Mutex
./main.go:31:52: eat passes lock by value: sync.Mutex
Another problem is that there are times when goroutines (philosophers) get blocked when trying to send an acknowledgement on finishEatingChannel, because the goroutine (host) responsible for reading data from this unbuffered channel is busy trying to send a permission. Here is the exact part of code:
if ctr<maxEaters {
// This goroutine stucks since the last philosopher is not reading from permissionChannel.
// Philosopher is not reading from this channel at is busy trying to write finishEating channel which is not read by this goroutine.
// Thus the deadlock happens.
Deadlock is 100% reproducible when there is only one philosopher left who needs to eat twice.
Fixed version of code:
package main
import (
const (
numOfPhilosophers = 5
numOfMeals = 3
maxEaters = 2
func main() {
chopsticks := make([]sync.Mutex, 5)
permissionChannel := make(chan bool)
finishEating := make(chan bool)
go permissionFromHost(permissionChannel, finishEating)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 1; i <= numOfPhilosophers; i++ {
go eat(i, &chopsticks[i-1], &chopsticks[i%numOfPhilosophers], &wg, permissionChannel, finishEating)
func eat(philosopherId int, left *sync.Mutex, right *sync.Mutex, wg *sync.WaitGroup, permissionChannel <-chan bool, finishEatingChannel chan<- bool) {
defer wg.Done()
for i := 1; i <= numOfMeals; i++ {
//lock chopsticks in random order
if RandBool() {
} else {
fmt.Printf("waiting for permission from host %d\n", philosopherId)
fmt.Printf("starting to eat %d (time %d)\n", philosopherId, i)
fmt.Printf("finish to eat %d (time %d)\n", philosopherId, i)
//release chopsticks
//let host know I am done eating
finishEatingChannel <- true
func permissionFromHost(permissionChannel chan<- bool, finishEating <-chan bool) {
ctr := 0
for {
if ctr < maxEaters {
select {
case <-finishEating:
case permissionChannel <- true:
} else {
func RandBool() bool {
return rand.Intn(2) == 1
I recently started learning go and I am really impressed with all the features. I been playing with go routines and term-ui and facing some trouble. I am trying to exit this code from console after I run it but it just doesn't respond. If I run it without go-routine it does respond to my q key press event.
Any help is appreciated.
My code
package main
import (
func getData(ch chan string) {
i := 0
for {
ch <- strconv.Itoa(i)
if i == 20 {
func Display(ch chan string) {
err := termui.Init()
if err != nil {
defer termui.Close()
termui.Handle("/sys/kbd/q", func(termui.Event) {
fmt.Println("q captured")
for elem := range ch {
par := termui.NewPar(elem)
par.Height = 5
par.Width = 37
par.Y = 4
par.BorderLabel = "term ui example with chan"
par.BorderFg = termui.ColorYellow
func main() {
ch := make(chan string)
go getData(ch)
This is possibly the answer you are looking for. First off, you aren't using termui correctly. You need to call it's Loop function to start the Event loop so that it can actually start listening for the q key. Loop is called last because it essentially takes control of the main goroutine from then on until StopLoop is called and it quits.
In order to stop the goroutines, it is common to have a "stop" channel. Usually it is a chan struct{} to save memory because you don't ever have to put anything in it. Wherever you want the goroutine to possibly stop and shutoff (or do something else perhaps), you use a select statement with the channels you are using. This select is ordered, so it will take from them in order unless they block, in which case it tries the next one, so the stop channel usually goes first. The stop channel normally blocks, but to get it to take this path, simply close()ing it will cause this path to be chosen in the select. So we close() it in the q keyboard handler.
package main
import (
func getData(ch chan string, stop chan struct{}) {
i := 0
for {
select {
case <-stop:
case ch <- strconv.Itoa(i):
if i == 20 {
func Display(ch chan string, stop chan struct{}) {
for {
var elem string
select {
case <-stop:
case elem = <-ch:
par := termui.NewPar(elem)
par.Height = 5
par.Width = 37
par.Y = 4
par.BorderLabel = "term ui example with chan"
par.BorderFg = termui.ColorYellow
func main() {
ch := make(chan string)
stop := make(chan struct{})
err := termui.Init()
if err != nil {
defer termui.Close()
termui.Handle("/sys/kbd/q", func(termui.Event) {
fmt.Println("q captured")
go getData(ch, stop)
go Display(ch, stop)
I have the following sample code. I want to maintain 4 goroutines running at all times. They have the possibility of panicking. In the case of the panic, I have a recover where I restart the goroutine.
The way I implemented works but I am not sure whether its the correct and proper way to do this. Any thoughts
package main
import (
var gVar string
var pCount int
func pinger(c chan int) {
for i := 0; ; i++ {
fmt.Println("adding ", i)
c <- i
func printer(id int, c chan int) {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
fmt.Println("HERE", id)
if pCount == 5 {
} else {
go printer(id, c)
for {
msg := <-c
fmt.Println(id, "- ping", msg, gVar)
if msg%5 == 0 {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)
func main() {
var c chan int = make(chan int, 2)
gVar = "Preflight"
pCount = 0
go pinger(c)
go printer(1, c)
go printer(2, c)
go printer(3, c)
go printer(4, c)
var input string
You can extract the recover logic in a function such as:
func recoverer(maxPanics, id int, f func()) {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
fmt.Println("HERE", id)
if maxPanics == 0 {
} else {
go recoverer(maxPanics-1, id, f)
And then use it like:
go recoverer(5, 1, func() { printer(1, c) })
Like Zan Lynx's answer, I'd like to share another way to do it (although it's pretty much similar to OP's way.) I used an additional buffered channel ch. When a goroutine panics, the recovery function inside the goroutine send its identity i to ch. In for loop at the bottom of main(), it detects which goroutine's in panic and whether to restart by receiving values from ch.
Run in Go Playground
package main
import (
func main() {
var pCount int
ch := make(chan int, 5)
f := func(i int) {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
ch <- i
fmt.Printf("goroutine f(%v) started\n", i)
time.Sleep(1000 * time.Millisecond)
panic("goroutine in panic")
go f(1)
go f(2)
go f(3)
go f(4)
for {
i := <-ch
if pCount >= 5 {
fmt.Println("Too many panics")
fmt.Printf("Detected goroutine f(%v) panic, will restart\n", i)
Oh, I am not saying that the following is more correct than your way. It is just another way to do it.
Create another function, call it printerRecover or something like it, and do your defer / recover in there. Then in printer just loop on calling printerRecover. Add in function return values to check if you need the goroutine to exit for some reason.
The way you implemented is correct. Just for me the approach to maintain exactly 4 routines running at all times looks not much go_way, either handling routine's ID, either spawning in defer which may leads unpredictable stack due to closure. I don't think you can efficiently balance resource this way. Why don't you like to simple spawn worker when it needed
func main() {
go func(tasks chan int){ //multiplexer
for {
task = <-tasks //when needed
go printer(task) //just spawns handler
and let runtime do its job? This way things are done in stdlib listeners/servers and them known to be efficient enough. goroutines are very lightweight to spawn and runtime is quite smart to balance load. Sure you must to recover either way. It is my very personal opinion.
I have a simple concurrency use case in go, and I cannot figure out an elegant solution to my problem.
I want to write a method fetchAll that queries an unspecified number of resources from remote servers in parallel. If any of the fetches fails, I want to return that first error immediately.
My initial implementation leaks goroutines:
package main
import (
func fetchAll() error {
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
errs := make(chan error)
leaks := make(map[int]struct{})
defer fmt.Println("these goroutines leaked:", leaks)
// run all the http requests in parallel
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
leaks[i] = struct{}{}
go func(i int) {
defer wg.Done()
defer delete(leaks, i)
// pretend this does an http request and returns an error
time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(100)) * time.Millisecond)
errs <- fmt.Errorf("goroutine %d's error returned", i)
// wait until all the fetches are done and close the error
// channel so the loop below terminates
go func() {
// return the first error
for err := range errs {
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func main() {
Playground: https://play.golang.org/p/Be93J514R5
I know from reading https://blog.golang.org/pipelines that I can create a signal channel to cleanup the other threads. Alternatively, I could probably use context to accomplish it. But it seems like such a simple use case should have a simpler solution that I'm missing.
Using Error Group makes this even simpler. This automatically waits for all the supplied Go Routines to complete successfully, or cancels all those remaining in the case of any one routine returning an error (in which case that error is the one bubble back up to the caller).
package main
import (
func fetchAll(ctx context.Context) error {
errs, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
// run all the http requests in parallel
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
errs.Go(func() error {
// pretend this does an http request and returns an error
time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(100)) * time.Millisecond)
return fmt.Errorf("error in go routine, bailing")
// Wait for completion and return the first error (if any)
return errs.Wait()
func main() {
All but one of your goroutines are leaked, because they're still waiting to send to the errs channel - you never finish the for-range that empties it. You're also leaking the goroutine who's job is to close the errs channel, because the waitgroup is never finished.
(Also, as Andy pointed out, deleting from map is not thread-safe, so that'd need protection from a mutex.)
However, I don't think maps, mutexes, waitgroups, contexts etc. are even necessary here. I'd rewrite the whole thing to just use basic channel operations, something like the following:
package main
import (
func fetchAll() error {
var N = 4
quit := make(chan bool)
errc := make(chan error)
done := make(chan error)
for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
go func(i int) {
// dummy fetch
time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(100)) * time.Millisecond)
err := error(nil)
if rand.Intn(2) == 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("goroutine %d's error returned", i)
ch := done // we'll send to done if nil error and to errc otherwise
if err != nil {
ch = errc
select {
case ch <- err:
case <-quit:
count := 0
for {
select {
case err := <-errc:
return err
case <-done:
if count == N {
return nil // got all N signals, so there was no error
func main() {
Playground link: https://play.golang.org/p/mxGhSYYkOb
EDIT: There indeed was a silly mistake, thanks for pointing it out. I fixed the code above (I think...). I also added some randomness for added Realismâ„¢.
Also, I'd like to stress that there really are multiple ways to approach this problem, and my solution is but one way. Ultimately it comes down to personal taste, but in general, you want to strive towards "idiomatic" code - and towards a style that feels natural and easy to understand for you.
Here's a more complete example using errgroup suggested by joth. It shows processing successful data, and will exit on the first error.
package main
import (
func fetchAll() error {
g, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(context.Background())
results := make(chan int)
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
current := i
g.Go(func() error {
// Simulate delay with random errors.
time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(100)) * time.Millisecond)
if rand.Intn(2) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("goroutine %d's error returned", current)
// Pass processed data to channel, or receive a context completion.
select {
case results <- current:
return nil
// Close out if another error occurs.
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
// Elegant way to close out the channel when the first error occurs or
// when processing is successful.
go func() {
for result := range results {
fmt.Println("processed", result)
// Wait for all fetches to complete.
return g.Wait()
func main() {
As long as each goroutine completes, you won't leak anything. You should create the error channel as buffered with the buffer size equal to the number of goroutines so that the send operations on the channel won't block. Each goroutine should always send something on the channel when it finishes, whether it succeeds or fails. The loop at the bottom can then just iterate for the number of goroutines and return if it gets a non-nil error. You don't need the WaitGroup or the other goroutine that closes the channel.
I think the reason it appears that goroutines are leaking is that you return when you get the first error, so some of them are still running.
By the way, maps are not goroutine safe. If you share a map among goroutines and some of them are making changes to the map, you need to protect it with a mutex.
This answer includes the ability to get the responses back into doneData -
package main
import (
var doneData []string // responses
func fetchAll(n int, doneCh chan bool, errCh chan error) {
partialDoneCh := make(chan string)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
go func(i int) {
if r := rand.Intn(100); r != 0 && r%10 == 0 {
// simulate an error
errCh <- fmt.Errorf("e33or for reqno=" + strconv.Itoa(r))
} else {
partialDoneCh <- strconv.Itoa(i)
// mutation of doneData
for d := range partialDoneCh {
doneData = append(doneData, d)
if len(doneData) == n {
doneCh <- true
func main() {
// rand.Seed(1)
var n int
var e error
if len(os.Args) > 1 {
if n, e = strconv.Atoi(os.Args[1]); e != nil {
} else {
n = 5
doneCh := make(chan bool)
errCh := make(chan error)
go fetchAll(n, doneCh, errCh)
fmt.Println("main: end")
select {
case <-doneCh:
fmt.Println("success:", doneData)
case e := <-errCh:
fmt.Println("failure:", e, doneData)
Execute using go run filename.go 50 where N=50 i.e amount of parallelism