Find minimal weight of a tree - algorithm

I am trying to find an algorithm, which can find the minimal total weight of a given tree.
I am given a tree and a weight of all nodes (each node can have a different weight).
For example in this graph, where each node has weight 1:
tree with weights
Then I am given a set of at least two numbers, let's call them X.
For example X: 2, 3, 4, 5.
Each node is assigned one X value, while no two adjacent nodes can have the same X value.
In result, each node has a total weight of X * weight.
After adding total weight of all nodes, we get the total weight of the tree.
tree result
The goal is to find an algorithm, which can find one such distribution of X values, so that we get a minimal weight of the tree.
Any help would be appreciated.

You can use a bottom up approach (through recursion), where for each node you calculate the minimal total weight of the subtree rooted in that node, for each choice of factor (from X) for that node.
So if X has 10 factors, each node will get 10 calculated weights, each one corresponding to a choice of factor.
As you go up one level from a node to its parent, you collect the same information. When looking at one particular child of that parent, take the two minimal weights calculated for that child (from the 10). Let's say they are for factor i and factor j respectively. Then if you make the calculation of the total weight for the parent for factor i, you must take into account the child's weight that corresponds to factor j. In all other cases you can take the one that corresponds to factor i.
Here is the idea expressed in JavaScript:
class Node {
constructor(weight, ...children) {
this.weight = weight;
this.children = children;
getMinWeights(factors) {
// Get the node's own weight for each choice of factor:
let weights = [];
for (let i = 0; i < factors.length; i++) {
weights[i] += factors[i] * this.weight);
// For each child of this node:
for (let child of this.children) {
// Get the min weight corresponding to each factor-choice
// made for the child node
let childWeights = child.getMinWeights(factors);
// Get positions (i.e. factor indices) of the 2 smallest results
let minIndex1 = 0;
for (let i = 1; i < childWeights.length; i++) {
if (childWeights[i] < childWeights[minIndex1]) {
minIndex1 = i;
let minIndex2 = minIndex1 > 0 ? 0 : 1;
for (let i = 0; i < childWeights.length; i++) {
if (i !== minIndex1 && childWeights[i] < childWeights[minIndex2]) {
minIndex2 = i;
// For each factor choice in this node, determine the best choice
// of factor in the child, and add the corresponding weight
// to the total weight for this node's subtree.
for (let i = 0; i < childWeights.length; i++) {
weights[i] += childWeights[i === minIndex1 ? minIndex2 : minIndex1];
return weights;
// Example:
let tree = new Node(1,
new Node(1), new Node(1), new Node(1,
new Node(1), new Node(1), new Node(1)
let result = tree.getMinWeights([2, 3, 4, 5]);
console.log(Math.min(...result)); // Return the minimum of the values we got back.
This algorithm thus has a time complexity of O(nm), where n is the number of nodes, and m = |X|.
When the maximum branching factor b is known, then you can clip X to the b+2 smallest of them (so m = b+2). At any rate X can be clipped to the n smallest values.
Get the distribution of X
The above algorithm can be extended to get an optimal distribution of the X factors. For that the minimal weights (per factor, per node) should be stored for each node. Then a new DFS traversal should find the index having the minimum weight, and assign the corresponding X factor to the node. In recursion that index should be excluded from being assigned to the direct children.
Here is the same code with that extension:
class Node {
constructor(weight, ...children) {
this.weight = weight;
this.children = children;
getMinWeights(factors) {
// Get the node's own weight for each choice of factor:
let weights = [];
for (let i = 0; i < factors.length; i++) {
weights[i] += factors[i] * this.weight;
// For each child of this node:
for (let child of this.children) {
// Get the min weight corresponding to each factor-choice
// made for the child node
let childWeights = child.getMinWeights(factors);
// Get positions (i.e. factor indices) of the 2 smallest results
let minIndex1 = 0;
for (let i = 1; i < childWeights.length; i++) {
if (childWeights[i] < childWeights[minIndex1]) {
minIndex1 = i;
let minIndex2 = minIndex1 > 0 ? 0 : 1;
for (let i = 0; i < childWeights.length; i++) {
if (i !== minIndex1 && childWeights[i] < childWeights[minIndex2]) {
minIndex2 = i;
// For each factor choice in this node, determine the best choice
// of factor in the child, and add the corresponding weight
// to the total weight for this node's subtree.
for (let i = 0; i < childWeights.length; i++) {
weights[i] += childWeights[i === minIndex1 ? minIndex2 : minIndex1];
// Extra: store the weights with the node
this.weights = weights;
return weights;
// Extra: method to distribute the X-factors to each node. Must run after method above.
assignFactors(factors, excludeIndex=-1) {
if (excludeIndex === -1) this.getMinWeights(factors); // First do this...
// Get the index of the factor that results in the minimal weight
let minIndex = excludeIndex === 0 ? 1 : 0;
for (let i = 1; i < this.weights.length; i++) {
if (i !== excludeIndex && this.weights[i] < this.weights[minIndex]) {
minIndex = i;
// Assign the corresponding factor to this node
this.factor = factors[minIndex];
// For each child of this node:
for (let child of this.children) {
// recurse, and pass the chosen factor index, so it will not be used
// for the child:
child.assignFactors(factors, minIndex);
toArray() {
return this.children.length ? [this.factor, => child.toArray())] : this.factor;
// Example:
let tree = new Node(1,
new Node(1), new Node(1), new Node(1,
new Node(1), new Node(1), new Node(1)
tree.assignFactors([2, 3, 4, 5]);


Bridge in a graph that makes the graph disconnected

I am working on programming where I need to find the articulation points of a graph (nodes such that removing any of them makes the graph disconnected)
For example, I have these links:
Example 1
[[0,1], [0,2], [1,3], [2,3], [5,6], [3,4]]
The answer should be [2,3,5], because removing these nodes makes the graph disconnected.
If I remove node 2 here, the graph becomes 2 parts 0,1,3,4 and 5,6
If I remove node 3 here, the graph becomes 2 parts 0,1,2,5,6 and 4
If I remove node 5 here, the graph becomes 2 parts 0,1,2,3,4 and 6
Example 2:
[[1,2], [2,3], [3,4], [4,5], [6,3]]
The output should be: [2, 3, 4]
If I remove node 2 here, the graph becomes 2 parts 1, and 3,4,5,6
If I remove node 3 here, the graph becomes 3 parts 1,2 and 6 and 4,5
If I remove node 4 here, the graph becomes 2 parts 1,2,3,6 and 5
How to achieve this in a Java program?
import static java.lang.Math.min;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class ArticulationPointsAdjacencyList {
private int n, id, rootNodeOutcomingEdgeCount;
private boolean solved;
private int[] low, ids;
private boolean[] visited, isArticulationPoint;
private List<List<Integer>> graph;
public ArticulationPointsAdjacencyList(List<List<Integer>> graph, int n) {
if (graph == null || n <= 0 || graph.size() != n) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
this.graph = graph;
this.n = n;
// Returns the indexes for all articulation points in the graph even if the
// graph is not fully connected.
public boolean[] findArticulationPoints() {
if (solved) return isArticulationPoint;
id = 0;
low = new int[n]; // Low link values
ids = new int[n]; // Nodes ids
visited = new boolean[n];
isArticulationPoint = new boolean[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (!visited[i]) {
rootNodeOutcomingEdgeCount = 0;
dfs(i, i, -1);
isArticulationPoint[i] = (rootNodeOutcomingEdgeCount > 1);
solved = true;
return isArticulationPoint;
private void dfs(int root, int at, int parent) {
if (parent == root) rootNodeOutcomingEdgeCount++;
visited[at] = true;
low[at] = ids[at] = id++;
List<Integer> edges = graph.get(at);
for (Integer to : edges) {
if (to == parent) continue;
if (!visited[to]) {
dfs(root, to, at);
low[at] = min(low[at], low[to]);
if (ids[at] <= low[to]) {
isArticulationPoint[at] = true;
} else {
low[at] = min(low[at], ids[to]);
/* Graph helpers */
// Initialize a graph with 'n' nodes.
public static List<List<Integer>> createGraph(int n) {
List<List<Integer>> graph = new ArrayList<>(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) graph.add(new ArrayList<>());
return graph;
// Add an undirected edge to a graph.
public static void addEdge(List<List<Integer>> graph, int from, int to) {
/* Example usage: */
public static void main(String[] args) {
private static void testExample1() {
int n = 7;
List < List < Integer >> graph = createGraph (n);
addEdge (graph, 0, 1);
addEdge (graph, 0, 2);
addEdge (graph, 1, 3);
addEdge (graph, 2, 3);
addEdge (graph, 2, 5);
addEdge (graph, 5, 6);
addEdge (graph, 3, 4);
ArticulationPointsAdjacencyList solver = new ArticulationPointsAdjacencyList(graph, n);
boolean[] isArticulationPoint = solver.findArticulationPoints();
// Prints:
// Node 2 is an articulation
// Node 3 is an articulation
// Node 5 is an articulation
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (isArticulationPoint[i]) System.out.printf("Node %d is an articulation\n", i);
private static void testExample2() {
int n = 7;
List < List < Integer >> graph = createGraph (n);
addEdge (graph, 1, 2);
addEdge (graph, 2, 3);
addEdge (graph, 3, 4);
addEdge (graph, 3, 6);
addEdge (graph, 4, 5);
ArticulationPointsAdjacencyList solver = new ArticulationPointsAdjacencyList(graph, n);
boolean[] isArticulationPoint = solver.findArticulationPoints();
// Prints:
// Node 2 is an articulation
// Node 3 is an articulation
// Node 4 is an articulation
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (isArticulationPoint[i]) System.out.printf("Node %d is an articulation\n", i);
There are different algorithms used to find the nodes such that if removed they make the graph disconnected (called articulation points).
Here I explain one of them and I provide some code that implements it:
Tarjan Algorithm
Given a graph we want to find all the such that if is removed from the graph become disconnected
The first observation is that the a (weak) connected component in a directed graph is equal to a connected component in the same graph, but where the edges are undirected. So for simplicity we consider as an undirected graph.
Algorithm description
On the graph we run a pre-order Depth First Search (DFS) visit where for any node we assign 2 values, let's call it pre and low. pre represent the instant when the node is visited and low the instant of the lowest reachable node from .
The visit works in this way:
At every step of the visit both pre and low of are set to the next value of pre. Then if we find that a cycle is being closed we set low to pre of the start cycle node. low value is transmitted to parent through DFS backtracking.
When the DFS finish for every couple of nodes such that and are neighbor and low value of is greater or equal to the pre value of then is an articulation point.
For this there is an exception: the root of the DFS spanning tree is an articulation point only if it has more than 1 children
(In the graph P obviously means pre and L means low)
At first pre and low of every vertex are set to a default value (let's say -1)
We start from node 0 and set his pre and low
We go to node 1 and set his pre and low
We can go to 2 or 3, we decide to go to 2 and set his pre and low
We can go to 4 or 5, we decide to go to 4 and set his pre and low
We go to 3 and set his pre and low
We see that 1 is alredy visited; that means it is a cycle, so we update low of 3 to pre of 1
Through backtrack we return to 4 and update his low value
Through backtrack we return to 2 and update his low value
Now we go to 5 and set his pre and low
Through backtrack we return to 2, but there's nothing to do.
We returned from 5 so his low value is fixed and is greater than pre value of 2; so 2 is an articulation point
Through backtrack we return to 1, and there's nothing to do.
We returned from 2 so his low value is fixed and is equal to the pre value of 1; so 1 is an articulation point
Through backtrack we return to 0, but there's nothing to do.
We returned from 1 so his low value is fixed and is greater than pre value of 0; but 0 is the root and has only one child; so it isn't an articulation point
So we have found the answer: [1, 2]
Here is a simple really easy to understand snippet of code (C++) extracted from Competitive Programming Handbook by S. Halim and F. Halim and modified by me.
It is not very adapt to "real word application" (for example because it uses global variables) but it is ok for competitive programming and explaining due to his brevity and clearness.
const int UNVISITED = -1;
vector<int> dfs_low;
vector<int> dfs_pre;
int dfsNumberCounter;
int rootChildren;
vector<vector<int>> AdjList;
vector<int> articulation_vertex;
// This function is the DFS that implement Tarjan algoritm
void articulationPoint(int u) {
dfs_low[u] = dfs_pre[u] = dfsNumberCounter++; // dfs_low[u] <= dfs_pre[u]
for (int j = 0; j < (int)AdjList[u].size(); j++) {
int v = AdjList[u][j];
if (dfs_pre[v] == UNVISITED) { // a tree edge
dfs_parent[v] = u;
if (u == dfsRoot) rootChildren++; // special case if u is a root
if (dfs_low[v] >= dfs_pre[u]) // for articulation point
articulation_vertex[u] = true; // store this information first
dfs_low[u] = min(dfs_low[u], dfs_low[v]); // update dfs_low[u]
else if (v != dfs_parent[u]) // a back edge and not direct cycle
dfs_low[u] = min(dfs_low[u], dfs_pre[v]); // update dfs_low[u]
} }
// Some driver code
int main() {
... //Init of variables and store of the graph inside AdjList is omitted
... // V is the number of nodes
dfsNumberCounter = 0;
dfs_pre.assign(V, UNVISITED);
dfs_low.assign(V, 0);
dfs_parent.assign(V, 0);
articulation_vertex.assign(V, 0);
rootChildren = 0;
if (root_children > 1) {
articulation_vertex[0] = false;
printf("Articulation Points:\n");
for (int i = 0; i < V; i++)
if (articulation_vertex[i])
printf(" Vertex %d\n", i);

Take every k-th element from the (1 .. n) natural numbers series

For example, we have series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. We take every 3 element =>
3, 1, 5, 2, 4 (chosen element shouldn't remain, we can take while series is not empty). Naive implementation by circle doubly linked list is not good idea cause of performance. Can you give me an advice which data structures and algorithms are more applicable?
Build a complete binary tree containing the numbers 1 to n, e.g. for n=15 that would be:
In each branch, store the number of nodes to the left of it; this will allow us to quickly find the i-th node. (You'll see that this tree has a very predictable structure and values, and generating it is much more efficient than building a same-sized binary tree with randomly-ordered values. It's also an ideal candidate for a tree-in-an-array.)
Then, to find the i-th number, start at the root node, and at every node, if i is one greater than the number of nodes to the left, you've found the i-th number, else go left (if i is not greater than the number of nodes to the left) or right (if i is more than 1 greater than the number of nodes to the left).
Whenever you go left, decrement the count of nodes to the left of this node (because we'll be removing one).
Whenever you go right, decrease the number you're looking for by the number of nodes to the left of the node, plus 1 (or plus 0 if the value in the node has been erased).
When you've found the i-th node, read its value (to add to the removal order list) and then set its value to 0. Thereafter, if the i-th node we're looking for has had its value erased, we'll go right and then take the leftmost node.
We start with a value i = k, and then every time we've erased the number in the i-th node, we'll decrement the total number of nodes and set i = (i + k - 1) % total (or if that is zero: i = total).
This gives a log2N lookup time and a total complexity of N×LogN.
Example walk-through: with n=15 (as in the image above) and k=6, the first steps are 6, 12, 3, 10, 2. At that point the situation is:
We've just removed the second number, and now i = 2 + 6 - 1 = 7. We start at the root node, which has 4 nodes to the left of it and still has its value, so we go right and subtract 5 from the 7 we're looking for and get 2. We arrive at node 12 (which has been erased) and find there are 2 nodes to the left of it, so we decrement the number of nodes to the left of it and then go left. We come to node 10 (which has been erased) and find that it has 1 node to the left of it, and 1 = 2 - 1 so this is the node we're looking for; however, since its value has been erased, we go right and subtract 1 from the 2 we're looking for and get 1. We arrive at node 11, which has 0 nodes to the left of it (because it's a leaf), and 0 = 1 - 1, so this is the node we're looking for.
We then decrement the total number of nodes from 10 to 9, and update i from 7 to (7 + 6 - 1) % 9 = 3 and go on to find the third node (which is now the one with value 5).
Here's a simple implementation in JavaScript. It solves series of 100,000 numbers in less than a second, and it could probably be made faster and more space-efficient by using a tree-in-an-array structure.
(Unlike in the explanation above, the indexes of the numbers are zero-based, to simplify the code; so index 0 is the first number in the tree, and we look for the node with a number of left-connected children that equals the target index.)
function Tree(size) { // CONSTRUCTOR
var height = Math.floor(Math.log(size) / Math.log(2));
this.root = addNode(height, 1 << height, size);
this.size = size;
function addNode(height, value, max) { // RECURSIVE TREE-BUILDER
var node = {value: value > max ? 0 : value, lower: (1 << height) - 1};
if (height--) {
node.left = addNode(height, value - (1 << height), max);
node.right = addNode(height, value + (1 << height), max);
return node;
Tree.prototype.cut = function(step) { // SEE ANSWER FOR DETAILS
var sequence = [], index = (step - 1) % this.size;
while (this.size) {
var node = this.root, target = index;
while (node.lower != target || node.value == 0) {
if (target < node.lower) {
node = node.left;
} else {
target -= node.lower + (node.value ? 1 : 0);
node = node.right;
node.value = 0;
index = (index + step - 1) % --this.size;
return sequence;
var tree = new Tree(15);
var sequence = tree.cut(6);
document.write("15/6→" + sequence + "<BR>");
tree = new Tree(100000);
sequence = tree.cut(123456);
document.write("100000/123456→" + sequence);
If you look at the tree for n=10, you'll see that the node to the right of the root has an incomplete tree with 2 nodes to its left, but the algorithm as implemented in the code example above gives it an incorrect left-node count of 3 instead of 2:
However, nodes with an incomplete tree to their left never hold a value themselves, and never have nodes to their right. So you always go left there anyway, and the fact that their left-node count is too high is of no consequence.
If you just need the last number, it's known as Josephus problem and there're well-known formulas for computing the answer in O(N) time.
I don't know if one can adapt it to run a full simulation, so I'll describe a straightforward O(N log N) solution here:
Let's keep all numbers in a treap with implicit keys. We need to find the k-th element and delete it at each step (in fact, there can be a shift, so it's more like (cur_shift + k) % cur_size, but it doesn't really matter). A treap can do it. We just need to split it into 3 parts [0, k - 1], [k, k] and [k + 1, cur_size - 1], print the number in the node that corresponds to the second part and merge the first and last part back together. It requires O(log N) time per step, so it should be good enough for the given constraints.
Here is an implementation with an array representation of the binary tree, only storing the size of the left sub-tree as node value. The input array is not actually stored, but silently assumed to be the leaves at the bottom level, below the binary tree:
function josephusPermutation(size, step) {
var len = 1 << 32 - Math.clz32(size-1), // Smallest power of 2 >= size
tree = Array(len).fill(0), // Create tree in array representation
current = 0,
skip = step - 1,
result = Array(size).fill(0),
goRight, leftSize, order, i, j;
// Initialise tree with sizes of left subtrees as node values
(function init(i) {
if (i >= len) return +(i - len < size); // Only count when within size
var left = tree[i] = init(i*2); // recursive, only store left-size
return left + (left ? init(i*2+1) : 0); // return sum of left and right
for (j = 0; j < result.length; j++, size--) {
current = (current + skip) % size; // keep within range
order = current;
for (i = 1; i < len; i = i*2+goRight) {
leftSize = tree[i];
goRight = order >= leftSize;
if (goRight) {
order -= leftSize; // Moving rightward, counting what is at left side.
} else {
tree[i]--; // we will remove value at left side
result[j] = 1 + i - len;
return result;
var sequence = josephusPermutation(100000, 123456);
Below is an implementation of Lei Wang and Xiaodong Wang's (2013) 1 O(n log k) algorithm (very similar to, if not based on, the algorithm by Errol Lloyd, published in 1983). The idea is to divide the original sequence into n/m binary trees of height log k. The algorithm is actually designed for the "feline" Josephus problem, where the participants can have more than one life (listed in the array variable below, global.l).
I also like the O(1) space algorithms by Knuth, Ahrens, and Kaplansky, (outlined in a master's thesis by Gregory Wilson, California State University, Hayward, 19792), which take a longer time to process, although can be quite fast depending on the parameters.
Knuth’s algorithm for J(n,d,t) (t is the ith hit), a descending sequence:
Let x1 = d * t and for k = 2,3,...,
let x_k = ⌊(d * x_(k−1) − d * n − 1) / (d − 1)⌋
Then J(n,d,t) = x_p where x_p is the first term in the sequence <= n.
Ahrens’ algorithm for J(n,d,t), an ascending sequence:
Let a1 = 1 and for k = 2,3,...
let a_k = ⌈(n − t + a_(k−1)) * d / (d − 1)⌉
If a_r is the first term in the sequence such that a_r + 1 ≥ d * t + 1
then J(n,d,t) = d * t + 1 − a_r.
Kaplansky’s algorithm for J(n,d,t):
Let Z+ be the set of positive integers and for k =1,2,...,t
define a mapping P_k : Z+ → Z+ by P_k(m) = (m+d−1)−(n−k+1)(m−k+d−1)/(n−k+1)
Then, J(n,d,t) = P1 ◦ P2 ◦···◦Pt(t).
JavaScript code:
var global = {
n: 100000,
k: 123456,
l: new Array(5).fill(1),
m: null,
b: null,
a: [],
next: [],
prev: [],
i: 0,
limit: 5,
r: null,
t: null
function init(params){
global.m = Math.pow(2, Math.ceil(Math.log2(params.k)));
params.b = Math.ceil(params.n / global.m);
for (let i=0; i<params.b; i++){
let s = i * global.m,
t = (i + 1) * global.m,
u = [];
for (let j=0; j<global.m; j++)
u[j] = 0;
for (let j=s; j<=Math.min(t-1,params.n-1); j++)
u[j-s] = -(j + 1);
global.a[i] = [];
build(u, global.a[i]);
t = (i + 1) % params.b;[i] = t;
params.prev[t] = i;
function build(u,v){
function count(_v, i){
if (global.m < i + 2){
if (_v[i] < 0)
return 1;
return 0;
} else {
_v[i] = count(_v, 2*i + 1);
_v[i] = _v[i] + count(_v, 2*i + 2);
return _v[i];
for (let i=0; i<global.m; i++)
v[global.m + i - 1] = u[i];
count(v, 0);
function algorithmL(n, b){
global.r = 0;
global.t = b - 1;
while (global.i < global.limit){
tree(global, global);
let j = leaf(global, global);
global.i = global.i + 1;
function tree(params_r,params_t){
if (params_t.t ===[params_t.t] && params_r.r < global.k){
params_r.r = global.k + global.a[params_t.t][0] - 1 - (global.k - params_r.r - 1) % global.a[params_t.t][0];
} else {
while (params_r.r < global.k){
params_t.t =[params_t.t];
params_r.r = params_r.r + global.a[params_t.t][0];
function size(t,j){
if (global.a[t][j] < 0)
return 1
return global.a[t][j];
function leaf(params_r,params_t){
let j = 0,
nxt = params_r.r - global.k;
while (j + 1 < global.m){
let rs = size(params_t.t, 2*j + 2);
if (params_r.r - rs < global.k){
j = 2*j + 2;
} else {
j = 2*j + 1;
params_r.r = params_r.r - rs;
params_r.r = nxt;
return j;
function hit(i,j,params_r,params_t){
let h = -global.a[params_t.t][j];
if (global.l[h-1] > 1)
global.l[h-1] = global.l[h-1] - 1;
function kill(i,j,params_r,params_t){
global.a[params_t.t][j] = 0;
while (j > 0){
j = Math.floor((j - 1) / 2);
global.a[params_t.t][j] = global.a[params_t.t][j] - 1;
if (params_t.t !==[params_t.t]){
if (global.a[params_t.t][0] + global.a[[params_t.t]][0] === global.m){
params_r.r = params_r.r + global.a[[params_t.t]][0];
} else if (global.a[params_t.t][0] + global.a[global.prev[params_t.t]][0] === global.m){
t = global.prev[params_t.t];
function combine(params_t){
let x =[params_t.t],
i = 0,
u = [];
for (let j=0; j<global.m; j++)
if (global.a[params_t.t][global.m + j - 1] < 0){
u[i] = global.a[params_t.t][global.m + j - 1];
i = i + 1;
for (let j=0; j<global.m; j++)
if (global.a[x][global.m + j - 1] < 0){
u[i] = global.a[x][global.m + j - 1];
i = i + 1;
build(u,global.a[params_t.t]);[params_t.t] =[[params_t.t]];
global.prev[[params_t.t]] = params_t.t;
algorithmL(global.n, global.b);
(1) L. Wang and X. Wang. A Comparative Study on the Algorithms for a Generalized Josephus Problem. Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 7, No. 4, 1451-1457 (2013).
(2) References from Wilson (1979):
Knuth, D. E., The Art of Computer Programming, Addison-Wesley, Reading Mass., Vol I Fundamental Algorithms, 1968, Ex. 22, p158; Vol. III, Sorting and Searching, Ex. 2, pp. 18-19; Vol. I, 2-nd ed., p.181.
Ahrens, W., Mathematische Unterhaltungen und Spiele, Teubner: Leipzig, 1901, Chapter 15, 286-301.
Kaplansky, I. and Herstein I.N., Matters Mathematical, Chelsea, New York, 1978, pp. 121-128.

Range search in d-space with discrete coordinates

I would like to develop a range searching algorithm that reports all points within a given distance of a query point.
The points are specified by d integer coordinates in a tiny range, say up to 6 bits per dimension (range 0..63), for a total bit count not exceeding 60 bits.
The distance metric is Manhattan or Euclidean (up to you), i.e. the sum of absolute or squared coordinate differences. In the special case of a single bit per dimension, it amounts to the Hamming distance.
There can be up to a million points.
Are you aware of a practical data structure that supports fast queries, say O(Log²(n)+k) or similar (with space O(n)) in such conditions ? A reasonable preprocessing time (subquadratic) is also required.
k-D trees are a first option, but they don't exploit the finiteness of the coordinates and are likely to perform poorly in high dimensions, I am afraid.
The case of a single bit per coordinate is especially interesting. Even partial solutions are welcome.
After some thought (and prodding by #YvesDaoust) using a VP Tree (Vantage Point Tree is probably the best solution.
VP Tree is a BSP where the left nodes are inside the distance and the right nodes are outside of the distance. This works for single bit per dimension and multiple bit per dimension (only the distance formula would change. The distance is a per tree node threshold/radius. Querying involves recursing through the tree getting current node value's distance to the query value and comparing that result with the query distance.
var DIMS = 16;
var BITS = 1;
var MASK = (Math.pow(2, BITS) - 1)|0;
var list = [];
var tree = null;
// set bit count (population count)
function popCnt(x) {
x = x - ((x >> 1) & 0x55555555);
x = (x & 0x33333333) + ((x >> 2) & 0x33333333);
x = (x + (x >> 4)) & 0x0F0F0F0F;
x = x + (x >> 8);
x = x + (x >> 16);
return x & 0x0000003F;
// manhattan distance
function dist(a, b) {
if(BITS == 1) {
return popCnt(a ^ b);
var result = 0;
for(var i=0; i<DIMS; i++) {
var shr = i * BITS;
result += Math.abs(((a >> shr) & MASK) - ((b >> shr) & MASK));
return result;
// Vantage point tree
// max size of tree leaf nodes
// need to choose a reasonable maximum distance
VP_DISTANCE = (BITS === 1) ? SIZE : 32;
function VPTree(data) {
this.radius = null; = null;
this.values = null;
this.inside = null;
this.outside = null;
var n = data.length;
var r = data[0];
// leaf node?
if(n <= VP_LEAF_SIZE || n <= 1) {
this.values = [].concat(data);
return this;
} = r;
// process data for counts at all possible distances
var buckets = Array(VP_DISTANCE + 1);
for(var i=0; i<=VP_DISTANCE; i++) {
buckets[i] = 0;
// distance counts
for(var i=0; i<n; i++) {
var v = data[i];
var d = dist(r, v);
if(d < VP_DISTANCE) {
} else {
// distance offsets
var sum = 0;
for(var i=0; i<=VP_DISTANCE; i++) {
buckets[i] = (sum += buckets[i]);
// pivot index
var median = n >> 1;
var pivot = 1;
for(var i=1; i<=VP_DISTANCE; i++) {
if(buckets[i] > median) {
pivot = (i > 1 && median - buckets[i - 1] <= buckets[i] - median) ? i - 1 : i;
this.radius = pivot;
// parition data into inside and outside
var iCount = buckets[pivot] - buckets[0];
var oCount = (n - buckets[pivot]) - buckets[0];
var iData = Array(iCount);
var oData = Array(oCount);
iCount = oCount = 0;
for(var i=0; i<n; i++) {
var v = data[i];
if(v === r) { continue; };
if(dist(r, v) <= pivot) {
iData[iCount++] = v;
} else {
oData[oCount++] = v;
// recursively create the rest of the tree
if(iCount > 0) {
this.inside = new VPTree(iData);
if(oCount > 0) {
this.outside = new VPTree(oData);
return this;
VPTree.prototype.query = function(value, distance, result) {
if(result === undefined) {
return this.query(value, distance, []);
// leaf node, test all values
if(this.values !== null) {
for(var i=0; i<this.values.length; i++) {
var v = this.values[i];
if(dist(value, v) <= distance) {
return result;
// recursively test the rest of the tree
var tmpDistance = dist(value,;
// inside
if(tmpDistance <= distance + this.radius) {
if(tmpDistance <= distance) {
if(this.inside !== null) {
this.inside.query(value, distance, result);
// outside
if(tmpDistance + distance > this.radius && this.outside !== null) {
this.outside.query(value, distance, result);
return result;
EDIT Here's the JSFiddle showing a 2d (x, y) (8bits, 8bits)
If the points have explicit coordinates and if d is not too large, which seems to be the case here, I think (but I may be wrong, needs testing) that a Kd-tree will be more efficient than a VP-tree, since it can benefit from more structure from the data (coordinates), whereas VP-tree only "sees" point-to-point distances.
There is an efficient implementation of Kd-trees with all the needed range search functions (L2 and Manathan metric) in ANN [1] (however, it stores all coordinates explicitly and you probably want to benefit from your "compressed coordinates" representation.
An alternative is my own implementation of KdTree in Geogram [2], it is quite simple (though highly inspired by ANN) and can probably quite easily be adapted to use your compressed coordinates representation (but it only has k nearest neighbors search with L2 metric)

Water collected between towers

I recently came across an interview question asked by Amazon and I am not able to find an optimized algorithm to solve this question:
You are given an input array whose each element represents the height of a line towers. The width of every tower is 1. It starts raining. How much water is collected between the towers?
Input: [1,5,3,7,2] , Output: 2 units
Explanation: 2 units of water collected between towers of height 5 and 7
Another Example
Input: [5,3,7,2,6,4,5,9,1,2] , Output: 14 units
Explanation= 2 units of water collected between towers of height 5 and 7 +
4 units of water collected between towers of height 7 and 6 +
1 units of water collected between towers of height 6 and 5 +
2 units of water collected between towers of height 6 and 9 +
4 units of water collected between towers of height 7 and 9 +
1 units of water collected between towers of height 9 and 2.
At first I thought this could be solved by Stock-Span Problem ( but I was wrong so it would be great if anyone can think of a time-optimized algorithm for this question.
Once the water's done falling, each position will fill to a level equal to the smaller of the highest tower to the left and the highest tower to the right.
Find, by a rightward scan, the highest tower to the left of each position. Then find, by a leftward scan, the highest tower to the right of each position. Then take the minimum at each position and add them all up.
Something like this ought to work:
int tow[N]; // nonnegative tower heights
int hl[N] = {0}, hr[N] = {0}; // highest-left and highest-right
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) hl[i] = max(tow[i], (i!=0)?hl[i-1]:0);
for (int i = n-1; i >= 0; i--) hr[i] = max(tow[i],i<(n-1) ? hr[i+1]:0);
int ans = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) ans += min(hl[i], hr[i]) - tow[i];
Here's an efficient solution in Haskell
rainfall :: [Int] -> Int
rainfall xs = sum (zipWith (-) mins xs)
where mins = zipWith min maxl maxr
maxl = scanl1 max xs
maxr = scanr1 max xs
it uses the same two-pass scan algorithm mentioned in the other answers.
Refer this website for code, its really plain and simple
Input: [5,3,7,2,6,4,5,9,1,2] , Output: 14 units
Each tower can hold water upto a level of smallest height between heighest tower to left, and highest tower to the right.
Thus we need to calculate highest tower to left on each and every tower, and likewise for the right side.
Here we will be needing two extra arrays for holding height of highest tower to left on any tower say, int leftMax[] and likewise for right side say int rightMax[].
We make a left pass of the given array(i.e int tower[]),and will be maintaining a temporary maximum(say int tempMax) such that on each iteration height of each tower will be compared to tempMax, and if height of current tower is less than tempMax then tempMax will be set as highest tower to left of it, otherwise height of current tower will be assigned as the heighest tower to left and tempMax will be updated with current tower height,
We will be following above procedure only as discussed in STEP-1 to calculate highest tower to right BUT this times making a pass through array from right side.
The amount of water which each tower can hold is-
(minimum height between highest right tower and highest left tower) – (height of tower)
You can do this by scanning the array twice.
The first time you scan from top to bottom and store the value of the tallest tower you have yet to encounter when reaching each row.
You then repeat the process, but in reverse. You start from the bottom and work towards the top of the array. You keep track of the tallest tower you have seen so far and compare the height of it to the value for that tower in the other result set.
Take the difference between the lesser of these two values (the shortest of the tallest two towers surrounding the current tower, subtract the height of the tower and add that amount to the total amount of water.
int maxValue = 0;
int total = 0;
int[n] lookAhead
if(input[i] > maxValue) maxValue = input[i];
lookahead[i] = maxValue;
maxValue = 0;
// If the input is greater than or equal to the max, all water escapes.
if(input[i] >= maxValue)
maxValue = input[i];
if(maxValue > lookAhead[i])
// Make sure we don't run off the other side.
if(lookAhead[i] > input[i])
total += lookAhead[i] - input[i];
total += maxValue - input[i];
Readable Python Solution:
def water_collected(heights):
water_collected = 0
left_height = []
right_height = []
temp_max = heights[0]
for height in heights:
if (height > temp_max):
temp_max = height
temp_max = heights[-1]
for height in reversed(heights):
if (height > temp_max):
temp_max = height
right_height.insert(0, temp_max)
for i, height in enumerate(heights):
water_collected += min(left_height[i], right_height[i]) - height
return water_collected
O(n) solution in Java, single pass
Another implementation in Java, finding the water collected in a single pass through the list. I scanned the other answers but didn't see any that were obviously using my solution.
Find the first "peak" by looping through the list until the tower height stops increasing. All water before this will not be collected (drain off to the left).
For all subsequent towers:
If the height of the subsequent tower decreases or stays the same, add water to a "potential collection" bucket, equal to the difference between the tower height and the previous max tower height.
If the height of the subsequent tower increases, we collect water from the previous bucket (subtract from the "potential collection" bucket and add to the collected bucket) and also add water to the potential bucket equal to the difference between the tower height and the previous max tower height.
If we find a new max tower, then all the "potential water" is moved into the collected bucket and this becomes the new max tower height.
In the example above, with input: [5,3,7,2,6,4,5,9,1,2], the solution works as follows:
5: Finds 5 as the first peak
3: Adds 2 to the potential bucket (5-3) collected = 0, potential = 2
7: New max, moves all potential water to the collected bucket collected = 2, potential = 0
2: Adds 5 to the potential bucket (7-2) collected = 2, potential = 5
6: Moves 4 to the collected bucket and adds 1 to the potential bucket (6-2, 7-6) collected = 6, potential = 2
4: Adds 2 to the potential bucket (6-4) collected = 6, potential = 4
5: Moves 1 to the collected bucket and adds 2 to the potential bucket (5-4, 7-5) collected = 7, potential = 6
9: New max, moves all potential water to the collected bucket collected = 13, potential = 0
1: Adds 8 to the potential bucket (9-1) collected = 13, potential = 8
2: Moves 1 to the collected bucket and adds 7 to the potential bucket (2-1, 9-2) collected = 14, potential = 15
After running through the list once, collected water has been measured.
public static int answer(int[] list) {
int maxHeight = 0;
int previousHeight = 0;
int previousHeightIndex = 0;
int coll = 0;
int temp = 0;
// find the first peak (all water before will not be collected)
while(list[previousHeightIndex] > maxHeight) {
maxHeight = list[previousHeightIndex];
if(previousHeightIndex==list.length) // in case of stairs (no water collected)
return coll;
previousHeight = list[previousHeightIndex];
for(int i = previousHeightIndex; i<list.length; i++) {
if(list[i] >= maxHeight) { // collect all temp water
coll += temp;
temp = 0;
maxHeight = list[i]; // new max height
else {
temp += maxHeight - list[i];
if(list[i] > previousHeight) { // we went up... collect some water
int collWater = (i-previousHeightIndex)*(list[i]-previousHeight);
coll += collWater;
temp -= collWater;
// previousHeight only changes if consecutive towers are not same height
if(list[i] != previousHeight) {
previousHeight = list[i];
previousHeightIndex = i;
return coll;
None of the 17 answers already posted are really time-optimal.
For a single processor, a 2 sweep (left->right, followed by a right->left summation) is optimal, as many people have pointed out, but using many processors, it is possible to complete this task in O(log n) time. There are many ways to do this, so I'll explain one that is fairly close to the sequential algorithm.
Max-cached tree O(log n)
1: Create a binary tree of all towers such that each node contains the height of the highest tower in any of its children. Since the two leaves of any node can be computed independently, this can be done in O(log n) time with n cpu's. (Each value is handled by its own cpu, and they build the tree by repeatedly merging two existing values. All parallel branches can be executed in parallel. Thus, it's O(log2(n)) for a 2-way merge function (max, in this case)).
2a: Then, for each node in the tree, starting at the root, let the right leaf have the value max(left, self, right). This will create the left-to-right monotonic sweep in O(log n) time, using n cpu's.
2b: To compute the right-to-left sweep, we do the same procedure as before. Starting with root of the max-cached tree, let the left leaf have the value max(left, self, right). These left-to-right (2a) and right-to-left (2b) sweeps can be done in parallel if you'd like to. They both use the max-cached tree as input, and generate one new tree each (or sets their own fields in original tree, if you prefer that).
3: Then, for each tower, the amount of water on it is min(ltr, rtl) - towerHeight, where ltr is the value for that tower in the left-to-right monotonic sweep we did before, i.e. the maximum height of any tower to the left of us (including ourselves1), and rtl is the same for the right-to-left sweep.
4: Simply sum this up using a tree in O(log n) time using n cpu's, and we're done.
1 If the current tower is taller than all towers to the left of us, or taller than all towers to the the right of us, min(ltr, rtl) - towerHeight is zero.
Here's two other ways to do it.
Here is a solution in Groovy in two passes.
assert waterCollected([1, 5, 3, 7, 2]) == 2
assert waterCollected([5, 3, 7, 2, 6, 4, 5, 9, 1, 2]) == 14
assert waterCollected([5, 5, 5, 5]) == 0
assert waterCollected([5, 6, 7, 8]) == 0
assert waterCollected([8, 7, 7, 6]) == 0
assert waterCollected([6, 7, 10, 7, 6]) == 0
def waterCollected(towers) {
int size = towers.size()
if (size < 3) return 0
int left = towers[0]
int right = towers[towers.size() - 1]
def highestToTheLeft = []
def highestToTheRight = [null] * size
for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
// Track highest tower to the left
if (towers[i] < left) {
highestToTheLeft[i] = left
} else {
left = towers[i]
// Track highest tower to the right
if (towers[size - 1 - i] < right) {
highestToTheRight[size - 1 - i] = right
} else {
right = towers[size - 1 - i]
int water = 0
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (highestToTheLeft[i] && highestToTheRight[i]) {
int minHighest = highestToTheLeft[i] < highestToTheRight[i] ? highestToTheLeft[i] : highestToTheRight[i]
water += minHighest - towers[i]
return water
Here same snippet with an online compiler:
You can traverse first from left to right, and calculate the water accumulated for the cases where there is a smaller building on the left and a larger one on the right. You would have to subtract the area of the buildings that are in between these two buildings and are smaller than the left one.
Similar would be the case for right to left.
Here is the code for left to right. I have uploaded this problem on leetcode online judge using this approach.
I find this approach much more intuitive than the standard solution which is present everywhere (calculating the largest building on the right and the left for each i ).
int sum=0, finalAns=0;
while(a[idx]==0 && idx < n)
for(int i=idx+1;i<n;i++){
while(a[i] < a[idx] && i<n){
sum += a[i];
int area = a[idx] * (jdx-idx-1);
area -= sum;
finalAns += area;
The time complexity of this approach is O(n), as you are traversing the array two time linearly.
Space complexity would be O(1).
The first and the last bars in the list cannot trap water. For the remaining towers, they can trap water when there are max heights to the left and to the right.
water accumulation is:
max( min(max_left, max_right) - current_height, 0 )
Iterating from the left, if we know that there is a max_right that is greater, min(max_left, max_right) will become just max_left. Therefore water accumulation is simplified as:
max(max_left - current_height, 0) Same pattern when considering from the right side.
From the info above, we can write a O(N) time and O(1) space algorithm as followings(in Python):
def trap_water(A):
water = 0
left, right = 1, len(A)-1
max_left, max_right = A[0], A[len(A)-1]
while left <= right:
if A[left] <= A[right]:
max_left = max(A[left], max_left)
water += max(max_left - A[left], 0)
left += 1
max_right = max(A[right], max_right)
water += max(max_right - A[right], 0)
right -= 1
return water
* #param {number[]} height
* #return {number}
var trap = function(height) {
let maxLeftArray = [], maxRightArray = [];
let maxLeft = 0, maxRight = 0;
const ln = height.length;
let trappedWater = 0;
for(let i = 0;i < height.length; i ++) {
maxLeftArray[i] = Math.max(height[i], maxLeft);
maxLeft = maxLeftArray[i];
maxRightArray[ln - i - 1] = Math.max(height[ln - i - 1], maxRight);
maxRight = maxRightArray[ln - i - 1];
for(let i = 0;i < height.length; i ++) {
trappedWater += Math.min(maxLeftArray[i], maxRightArray[i]) - height[i];
return trappedWater;
var arr = [5,3,7,2,6,4,5,9,1,2];
You could read the detailed explanation in my blogpost: trapping-rain-water
Here is one more solution written on Scala
def find(a: Array[Int]): Int = {
var count, left, right = 0
while (left < a.length - 1) {
right = a.length - 1
for (j <- a.length - 1 until left by -1) {
if (a(j) > a(right)) right = j
if (right - left > 1) {
for (k <- left + 1 until right) count += math.min(a(left), a(right)) - a(k)
left = right
} else left += 1
An alternative algorithm in the style of Euclid, which I consider more elegant than all this scanning is:
Set the two tallest towers as the left and right tower. The amount of
water contained between these towers is obvious.
Take the next tallest tower and add it. It must be either between the
end towers, or not. If it is between the end towers it displaces an
amount of water equal to the towers volume (thanks to Archimedes for
this hint). If it outside the end towers it becomes a new end tower
and the amount of additional water contained is obvious.
Repeat for the next tallest tower until all towers are added.
I've posted code to achieve this (in a modern Euclidean idiom) here:
I have a solution that only requires a single traversal from left to right.
def standing_water(heights):
if len(heights) < 3:
return 0
i = 0 # index used to iterate from left to right
w = 0 # accumulator for the total amount of water
while i < len(heights) - 1:
target = i + 1
for j in range(i + 1, len(heights)):
if heights[j] >= heights[i]:
target = j
if heights[j] > heights[target]:
target = j
if target == i:
return w
surface = min(heights[i], heights[target])
i += 1
while i < target:
w += surface - heights[i]
i += 1
return w
An intuitive solution for this problem is one in which you bound the problem and fill water based on the height of the left and right bounds.
My solution:
Begin at the left, setting both bounds to be the 0th index.
Check and see if there is some kind of a trajectory (If you were to
walk on top of these towers, would you ever go down and then back up
again?) If that is the case, then you have found a right bound.
Now back track and fill the water accordingly (I simply added the
water to the array values themselves as it makes the code a little
cleaner, but this is obviously not required).
The punch line: If the left bounding tower height is greater than the
right bounding tower height than you need to increment the right
bound. The reason is because you might run into a higher tower and need to fill some more water.
However, if the right tower is higher than the left tower then no
more water can be added in your current sub-problem. Thus, you move
your left bound to the right bound and continue.
Here is an implementation in C#:
int[] towers = {1,5,3,7,2};
int currentMinimum = towers[0];
bool rightBoundFound = false;
int i = 0;
int leftBoundIndex = 0;
int rightBoundIndex = 0;
int waterAdded = 0;
while(i < towers.Length - 1)
currentMinimum = towers[i];
if(towers[i] < currentMinimum)
currentMinimum = towers[i];
if(towers[i + 1] > towers[i])
rightBoundFound = true;
rightBoundIndex = i + 1;
if (rightBoundFound)
for(int j = leftBoundIndex + 1; j < rightBoundIndex; j++)
int difference = 0;
if(towers[leftBoundIndex] < towers[rightBoundIndex])
difference = towers[leftBoundIndex] - towers[j];
else if(towers[leftBoundIndex] > towers[rightBoundIndex])
difference = towers[rightBoundIndex] - towers[j];
difference = towers[rightBoundIndex] - towers[j];
towers[j] += difference;
waterAdded += difference;
if (towers[leftBoundIndex] > towers[rightBoundIndex])
i = leftBoundIndex - 1;
else if (towers[rightBoundIndex] > towers[leftBoundIndex])
leftBoundIndex = rightBoundIndex;
i = rightBoundIndex - 1;
leftBoundIndex = rightBoundIndex;
i = rightBoundIndex - 1;
rightBoundFound = false;
I have no doubt that there are more optimal solutions. I am currently working on a single-pass optimization. There is also a very neat stack implementation of this problem, and it uses a similar idea of bounding.
Here is my solution, it passes this level and pretty fast, easy to understand
The idea is very simple: first, you figure out the maximum of the heights (it could be multiple maximum), then you chop the landscape into 3 parts, from the beginning to the left most maximum heights, between the left most max to the right most max, and from the right most max to the end.
In the middle part, it's easy to collect the rains, one for loop does that. Then for the first part, you keep on updating the current max height that is less than the max height of the landscape. one loop does that. Then for the third part, you reverse what you have done to the first part
def answer(heights):
sumL = 0
sumM = 0
sumR = 0
L = len(heights)
MV = max(heights)
FI = heights.index(MV)
LI = L - heights[::-1].index(MV) - 1
if LI-FI>1:
for i in range(FI+1,LI):
sumM = sumM + MV-heights[i]
if FI>0:
TM = heights[0]
for i in range(1,FI):
if heights[i]<= TM:
sumL = sumL + TM-heights[i]
TM = heights[i]
if LI<(L-1):
TM = heights[-1]
for i in range(L-1,LI,-1):
if heights[i]<= TM:
sumL = sumL + TM-heights[i]
TM = heights[i]
Here is a solution in JAVA that traverses the list of numbers once. So the worst case time is O(n). (At least that's how I understand it).
For a given reference number keep looking for a number which is greater or equal to the reference number. Keep a count of numbers that was traversed in doing so and store all those numbers in a list.
The idea is this. If there are 5 numbers between 6 and 9, and all the five numbers are 0's, it means that a total of 30 units of water can be stored between 6 and 9. For a real situation where the numbers in between aren't 0's, we just deduct the total sum of the numbers in between from the total amount if those numbers were 0. (In this case, we deduct from 30). And that will give the count of water stored in between these two towers. We then save this amount in a variable called totalWaterRetained and then start from the next tower after 9 and keep doing the same till the last element.
Adding all the instances of totalWaterRetained will give us the final answer.
JAVA Solution: (Tested on a few inputs. Might be not 100% correct)
private static int solveLineTowerProblem(int[] inputArray) {
int totalWaterContained = 0;
int index;
int currentIndex = 0;
int countInBetween = 0;
List<Integer> integerList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
if (inputArray.length < 3) {
return totalWaterContained;
} else {
for (index = 1; index < inputArray.length - 1;) {
countInBetween = 0;
int tempIndex = index;
boolean flag = false;
while (inputArray[currentIndex] > inputArray[tempIndex] && tempIndex < inputArray.length - 1) {
flag = true;
if (flag) {
integerList.add(inputArray[index + countInBetween]);
integerList.add(inputArray[index - 1]);
int differnceBetweenHighest = min(integerList.get(integerList.size() - 2),
integerList.get(integerList.size() - 1));
int totalCapacity = differnceBetweenHighest * countInBetween;
totalWaterContained += totalCapacity - sum(integerList);
index += countInBetween + 1;
currentIndex = index - 1;
return totalWaterContained;
Here is my take to the problem,
I use a loop to see if the previous towers is bigger than the actual one.
If it is then I create another loop to check if the towers coming after the actual one are bigger or equal to the previous tower.
If that's the case then I just add all the differences in height between the previous tower and all other towers.
If not and if my loop reaches my last object then I simply reverse the array so that the previous tower becomes my last tower and call my method recursively on it.
That way I'm certain to find a tower bigger than my new previous tower and will find the correct amount of water collected.
public class towers {
public static int waterLevel(int[] i) {
int totalLevel = 0;
for (int j = 1; j < i.length - 1; j++) {
if (i[j - 1] > i[j]) {
for (int k = j; k < i.length; k++) {
if (i[k] >= i[j - 1]) {
for (int l = j; l < k; l++) {
totalLevel += (i[j - 1] - i[l]);
j = k;
if (k == i.length - 1) {
int[] copy = Arrays.copyOfRange(i, j - 1, k + 1);
int[] revcopy = reverse(copy);
totalLevel += waterLevel(revcopy);
return totalLevel;
public static int[] reverse(int[] i) {
for (int j = 0; j < i.length / 2; j++) {
int temp = i[j];
i[j] = i[i.length - j - 1];
i[i.length - j - 1] = temp;
return i;
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(waterLevel(new int[] {1, 6, 3, 2, 2, 6}));
Tested all the Java solution provided, but none of them passes even half of the test-cases I've come up with, so there is one more Java O(n) solution, with all possible cases covered. The algorithm is really simple:
1) Traverse the input from the beginning, searching for tower that is equal or higher that the given tower, while summing up possible amount of water for lower towers into temporary var.
2) Once the tower found - add that temporary var into main result var and shorten the input list.
3) If no more tower found then reverse the remaining input and calculate again.
public int calculate(List<Integer> input) {
int result = doCalculation(input);
result += doCalculation(input);
return result;
private static int doCalculation(List<Integer> input) {
List<Integer> copy = new ArrayList<>(input);
int result = 0;
for (ListIterator<Integer> iterator = input.listIterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
final int firstHill =;
int tempResult = 0;
int lowerHillsSize = 0;
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
final int nextHill =;
if (nextHill >= firstHill) {
result += tempResult;
copy = copy.subList(lowerHillsSize + 1, copy.size());
} else {
tempResult += firstHill - nextHill;
return result;
For the test cases, please, take a look at this test class.
Feel free to create a pull request if you find uncovered test cases)
This is a funny problem, I just got that question in an interview. LOL I broke my mind on that stupid problem, and found a solution which need one pass (but clearly non-continuous). (and in fact you even not loop over the entire data, as you bypass the boundary...)
So the idea is. You start from the side with the lowest tower (which is now the reference). You directly add the content of the towers, and if you reach a tower which is highest than the reference, you call the function recursively (with side to be reset). Not trivial to explain with words, the code speak for himself.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int compute_water(int * array, int index_min, int index_max)
int water = 0;
int dir;
int start,end;
int steps = std::abs(index_max-index_min)-1;
int i,count;
start = index_min;
end = index_max;
dir = -1;
start = index_max;
end = index_min;
if(array[i]<=array[start])water += array[start] - array[i];
if(i<end)water += compute_water(array, i, end);
else water += compute_water(array, end, i);
return water;
int main(int argc,char ** argv)
int size = 0;
int * towers;
cout<< "Usage: "<<argv[0]<< "a list of tower height separated by spaces" <<endl;
size = argc - 1;
towers = (int*)malloc(size*sizeof(int));
for(int i = 0; i<size;i++)towers[i] = atoi(argv[i+1]);
cout<< "water collected: "<< compute_water(towers, 0, size-1)<<endl;
I wrote this relying on some of the ideas above in this thread:
def get_collected_rain(towers):
length = len(towers)
for n in range(0,length):
#first left item
if n!=0:
#first right item
if n!=length-1:
acummulated_water[n]=max(min(left_max[n], right_max[n]) - towers[n], 0)
return sum(acummulated_water)
Well ...
> print(get_collected_rain([9,8,7,8,9,5,6]))
> 5
Here's my attempt in jQuery. It only scans to the right.
Working fiddle (with helpful logging)
var a = [1, 5, 3, 7, 2];
var water = 0;
$.each(a, function (key, i) {
if (i > a[key + 1]) { //if next tower to right is bigger
for (j = 1; j <= a.length - key; j++) { //number of remaining towers to the right
if (a[key+1 + j] >= i) { //if any tower to the right is bigger
for (k = 1; k < 1+j; k++) {
//add to water: the difference of the first tower and each tower between the first tower and its bigger tower
water += a[key] - a[key+k];
console.log("Water: "+water);
Here's my go at it in Python. Pretty sure it works but haven't tested it.
Two passes through the list (but deleting the list as it finds 'water'):
def answer(heights):
def accWater(lst,sumwater=0):
x,takewater = 1,[]
while x < len(lst):
a,b = lst[x-1],lst[x]
if takewater:
if b < takewater[0]:
x += 1
sumwater += sum(takewater[0]- z for z in takewater)
del lst[:x]
x = 1
takewater = []
if b < a:
x += 1
x += 1
return [lst,sumwater]
heights, swater = accWater(heights)
x, allwater = accWater(heights[::-1],sumwater=swater)
return allwater
private static int soln1(int[] a)
int ret=0;
int l=a.length;
int st,en=0;
int h,i,j,k=0;
int sm;
if(a[j]<=a[i] && a[j+1]>a[i])
return ret;
/*** Theta(n) Time COmplexity ***/
static int trappingRainWater(int ar[],int n)
int res=0;
int lmaxArray[]=new int[n];
int rmaxArray[]=new int[n];
for(int j=1;j<n;j++)
lmaxArray[j]=Math.max(lmaxArray[j-1], ar[j]);
for(int j=n-2;j>=0;j--)
rmaxArray[j]=Math.max(rmaxArray[j+1], ar[j]);
for(int i=1;i<n-1;i++)
res=res+(Math.min(lmaxArray[i], rmaxArray[i])-ar[i]);
return res;

Sorting by simliarity

I've got a collection of orders.
[a, b]
[a, b, c]
[a, b, c, d]
[a, b, c, d]
[b, c]
[c, d]
Where a, b, c and d are SKUs, and there are big boxes full of them. And there are thousands of orders and hundreds of possible SKUs.
Now imagine that when packing these orders, if an order lacks items from the previous order, you must put the box for that SKU away (and similarly take one out that you don't have).
How do you sort this so there are a minimum number of box changes? Or, in more programmy terms: how do you minimize the cumulative hamming distance / maximize the intersect between adjacent items in a collection?
I really have no clue where to start. Is there already some algorithm for this? Is there a decent approximation?
Indeed #irrelephant is correct. This is an undirected Hamiltonian path problem. Model it as a complete undirected graph where the nodes are sku sets and the weight of each edge is the Hamming distance between the respective sets. Then finding a packing order is equivalent to finding a path that touches each node exactly once. This is a Hamiltonian path (HP). You want the minimum weight HP.
The bad news is that finding a min weight HP is NP complete, which means an optimal solution will need exponential time in general.
The good news is that there are reasonable approximation algorithms. The obvious greedy algorithm gives an answer no worse than two times the optimal HP. It is:
create the graph of Hamming distances
sort the edges by weight in increasing order: e0, e1, ...
set C = emptyset
for e in sequence e0, e1, ...
if C union {e} does not cause a cycle nor a vertex with degree more than 2 in C
set C = C union {e}
return C
Note the if statement test can be implemented in nearly constant time with the classical disjoint set union-find algorithm and incident edge counters in vertices.
So the run time here can be O(n^2 log n) for n sku sets assuming that computing a Hamming distance is constant time.
If graphs are not in your vocabulary, think of a triangular table with one entry for each pair of sku sets. The entries in the table are Hamming distances. You want to sort the table entries and then add sku set pairs in sorted order one by one to your plan, skipping pairs that would cause a "fork" or a "loop." A fork would be a set of pairs like (a,b), (b,c), (b,d). A loop would be (a,b), (b,c), (c, a).
There are more complex polynomial time algorithms that get to a 3/2 approximation.
I like this problem so much I couldn't resist coding up the algorithm suggested above. The code is a little long, so I'm putting it in a separate response.
It comes up with this sequence on the example.
Step 1: c d
Step 2: b c
Step 3: a b c
Step 4: a b c d
Step 5: a b c d
Step 6: a b
Note this algorithm ignores initial setup and final teardown costs. It only considers inter-setup distances. Here the Hamming distances are 2 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 2 = 6. This is the same total distance as the order given in the question.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// With these data types we can have up to 64k items and 64k sets of items,
// But then the table of pairs is about 20Gb!
typedef unsigned short ITEM, INDEX;
// A sku set in the problem.
struct set {
INDEX n_elts;
ITEM *elts;
// A pair of sku sets and associated info.
struct pair {
INDEX i, j; // Indices of sets.
ITEM dist; // Hamming distance between sets.
INDEX rank, parent; // Disjoint set union/find fields.
// For a given set, the adjacent ones along the path under construction.
struct adjacent {
unsigned char n; // 0, 1, or 2.
INDEX elts[2]; // Indices of n adjacent sets.
// Some tracing functions for fun.
void print_pair(struct pair *pairs, int i)
struct pair *p = pairs + i;
printf("%d:(%d,%d#%d)[%d->%d]\n", i, p->i, p->j, p->dist, p->rank, p->parent);
void print_adjacent(struct adjacent *adjs, int i)
struct adjacent *a = adjs + i;
switch (a->n) {
case 0: printf("%d:o", i); break;
case 1: printf("%d:o->%d\n", i, a->elts[0]); break;
default: printf("%d:%d<-o->%d\n", i, a->elts[0], a->elts[1]); break;
// Compute the Hamming distance between two sets. Assumes elements are sorted.
// Works a bit like merging.
ITEM hamming_distance(struct set *a, struct set *b)
int ia = 0, ib = 0;
ITEM d = 0;
while (ia < a->n_elts && ib < b->n_elts) {
if (a->elts[ia] < b->elts[ib]) {
else if (a->elts[ia] > b->elts[ib]) {
else {
return d + (a->n_elts - ia) + (b->n_elts - ib);
// Classic disjoint set find operation.
INDEX find(struct pair *pairs, INDEX x)
if (pairs[x].parent != x)
pairs[x].parent = find(pairs, pairs[x].parent);
return pairs[x].parent;
// Classic disjoint set union. Assumes x and y are canonical.
void do_union(struct pair *pairs, INDEX x, INDEX y)
if (x == y) return;
if (pairs[x].rank < pairs[y].rank)
pairs[x].parent = y;
else if (pairs[x].rank > pairs[y].rank)
pairs[y].parent = x;
else {
pairs[y].parent = x;
// Sort predicate to sort pairs by Hamming distance.
int by_dist(const void *va, const void *vb)
const struct pair *a = va, *b = vb;
return a->dist < b->dist ? -1 : a->dist > b->dist ? +1 : 0;
// Return a plan with greedily found least Hamming distance sum.
// Just an array of indices into the given table of sets.
// TODO: Deal with calloc/malloc failure!
INDEX *make_plan(struct set *sets, INDEX n_sets)
// Allocate enough space for all the pairs taking care for overflow.
// This grows as the square of n_sets!
size_t n_pairs = (n_sets & 1) ? n_sets / 2 * n_sets : n_sets / 2 * (n_sets - 1);
struct pair *pairs = calloc(n_pairs, sizeof(struct pair));
// Initialize the pairs.
int ip = 0;
for (int j = 1; j < n_sets; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) {
struct pair *p = pairs + ip++;
p->i = i;
p->j = j;
p->dist = hamming_distance(sets + i, sets + j);
// Sort by Hamming distance.
qsort(pairs, n_pairs, sizeof pairs[0], by_dist);
// Initialize the disjoint sets.
for (int i = 0; i < n_pairs; i++) {
struct pair *p = pairs + i;
p->rank = 0;
p->parent = i;
// Greedily add pairs to the Hamiltonian path so long as they don't cause a non-path!
ip = 0;
struct adjacent *adjs = calloc(n_sets, sizeof(struct adjacent));
for (int i = 0; i < n_pairs; i++) {
struct pair *p = pairs + i;
struct adjacent *ai = adjs + p->i, *aj = adjs + p->j;
// Continue if we'd get a vertex with degree 3 by adding this edge.
if (ai->n == 2 || aj->n == 2) continue;
// Find (possibly) disjoint sets of pair's elements.
INDEX i_set = find(pairs, p->i);
INDEX j_set = find(pairs, p->j);
// Continue if we'd form a cycle by adding this edge.
if (i_set == j_set) continue;
// Otherwise add this edge.
do_union(pairs, i_set, j_set);
ai->elts[ai->n++] = p->j;
aj->elts[aj->n++] = p->i;
// Done after we've added enough pairs to touch all sets in a path.
if (++ip == n_sets - 1) break;
// Find a set with only one adjacency, the path start.
int p = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < n_sets; ++i)
if (adjs[i].n == 1) {
p = i;
// A plan will be an ordering of sets.
INDEX *plan = malloc(n_sets * sizeof(INDEX));
// Walk along the path to get the ordering.
for (int i = 0; i < n_sets; i++) {
plan[i] = p;
struct adjacent *a = adjs + p;
// This logic figures out which adjacency takes us forward.
p = a->elts[ a->n > 1 && a->elts[1] != plan[i-1] ];
// Done with intermediate data structures.
return plan;
// A tiny test case. Much more testing needed!
#define ARRAY_SIZE(A) (sizeof A / sizeof A[0])
#define SET(Elts) { ARRAY_SIZE(Elts), Elts }
// Items must be in ascending order for Hamming distance calculation.
ITEM a1[] = { 'a', 'b' };
ITEM a2[] = { 'a', 'b', 'c' };
ITEM a3[] = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' };
ITEM a4[] = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' };
ITEM a5[] = { 'b', 'c' };
ITEM a6[] = { 'c', 'd' };
// Out of order to see how we do.
struct set sets[] = { SET(a3), SET(a6), SET(a1), SET(a4), SET(a5), SET(a2) };
int main(void)
int n_sets = ARRAY_SIZE(sets);
INDEX *plan = make_plan(sets, n_sets);
for (int i = 0; i < n_sets; i++) {
struct set *s = sets + plan[i];
printf("Step %d: ", i+1);
for (int j = 0; j < s->n_elts; j++) printf("%c ", (char)s->elts[j]);
return 0;
