How to Uninstall Git for Windows SDK? - windows

Git for Windows SDK apparently uses over 5.25GB of disk space and I have no use for developer kit bloat. Now I want to uninstall but I could not find any instructions online or in documentation. On Windows 7 after install there is no uninstall.exe and no uninstall listing in Programs list. Everything seems to be under the directory:
So I would just delete that directory.
I don't see any additions to the Windows path that seem to relate to the Git for Windows SDK.
My basic goal is just to use AVRdude and AVR Toolchain for Windows under windows 7 as described in the instructions here:
where I need Msys2 with pacman to install AVRdude, and I would install tree command, and I want to use a Linux command environment on Windows and Linux to develop AVR Programming resources in a cross platform manner. Any advice from experience would be appreciated since I don't want to pollute my Windows 7.
EDIT - Using windows file explorer, right click on sdk folder, properties, size shown is 5.49GB on disk. I don't see any links installed in the Program menu and I doubt there are other files installed anywhere else. So I am just going to delete this whole folder.

When first installed, the console prompt a clonning action from the github repository. Furthermore, the path choose has a .git folder in it where current status and branches can be seen through command line (with git status).
I havent' seen or ask for the code of the executable, as it might link or copy to other paths, but to me it's very probable it just downloads the github repo and compiles some executables (as files are not exactly the same as in the repo).
The only thing to care is the link created to desktop.


How To Install and Use git-sizer for Windows (Github, VS Code)

I have a really large project I want to upload. I am the author of below question.
Git Push remote: fatal: pack exceeds maximum allowed size
So following this person's guidance, I want to install git-sizer on my repository and use it.
Here are the steps I took so far:
Installed golang on Windows using the installer
Followed instructions on github page and put in windows cmd:
go get
This downloaded a bin folder and pkg folder to my directory. In the bin folder I see git-sizer.exe
Now the instructions on Github say "Either add $GOPATH/bin to your PATH, or copy the executable file (git-sizer or git-sizer.exe) to a directory that is already in your PATH."
I apologize, but what does this mean??? I want to use git-sizer on Visual Studio Code. I tried google searching and also searching on YouTube how to use this. I have git-bash installed on Visual Studio Code.
I'm utterly confused and feel helpless. My English is fine, but I don't understand these instructions. Maybe it's because I don't know Go or because I'm weak in this area.
Could someone please tell me what to do in order to use this tool on Windows + VS Code with git bash installed? In a simple manner that I can follow?
You should not need to use Go in order to benefit from git-sizer
As stated in "Getting Started"
Go to the releases page and download the ZIP file corresponding to your platform. (for example:
Unzip the file.
Move the executable file (git-sizer or git-sizer.exe) into your PATH.
That way, no need to build from source. You can start using it right away.

The Lxss folder in windows for Bash on Ubuntu on Windows is missing

Problem and Hypothesis
It's a pretty simple problem, I just can't find the Lxss folder in LocalAppData which is suppose to store files from the Bash on Ubuntu on Windows.
I only see one of two possibilities for why this is. Either Windows moved the Lxss folder in an update for Bash on Ubuntu on Windows, or it is an error specific to my system that has caused Windows not to create the Lxss folder. I don't think this is the possibility though because it is a fresh install of windows.
Steps I have tried:
Unhiding files and folders in windows
Shutting down Bash on Ubuntu on Windows and refreshing my LocalAppData
Restarting Windows and checking my LocalAppData
Screenshots of LocalAppData:
I can add more information if needed.
It was actually moved in the latest release to :
See this blog post from WLS git repo
You have to uncheck "Hide protected operating system files (recommended)" in the folder options window.
The selected solution is old and valid for Ubuntu only.
For Opensuse leap-15.1 users this is different:
The numbers will differ from version to version and may change in the future.
The trick is to look for something related to Linux in C:\Users\"yourusername">\AppData\Local\Packages\"xxxxx"\LocalState\root\fs
"yourusername" is your Windows 10 user login
"xxxxx" is a custom name related to the Linux distribution installed
In the latest version of Windows Fall Creator Update, I found it in C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\lxss\

Android Studio Path to Git executable

I'm developing on windows but have installed Bash for Windows (basically a Unix terminal for those who don't know about Windows 10 anniversary update). I installed git through this terminal (sudo apt-get install git) as opposed to downloading it as a Windows application from GitHub.
I'm now trying to integrate Git into Android Studio, and it's asking for a path to the Git executable. Because I didn't download it as a Windows application, there is no .exe, and instead I've tried to give the path C:\Users\Faizan\AppData\Local\lxss\rootfs\usr\bin\git which is where the terminal tells me where Git is when I type type git. I didn't really expect this to work because it's not an .exe but I'm stuck on ideas from here.
How can I make this work without having to download Git for Windows? How do people who develop on Unix systems deal with this path as they don't have an executable file either?
You still have to download Git For Windows.
Try the portable edition: PortableGit-2.10.0-64-bit.7z.exe
It comes with a bash, but even without opening a bash, you sttill have (in a regular Windows CMD session) 200+ Linux commands in <yourGit2.10>\usr\bin.
And of course, it has a git.exe, which is what your Android Studio needs.

Where is the source code for gcc-g++ stored on windows when installing through Cygwin?

I installed gcc-g++ through Cygwin on Windows 10. If you've ever used Cygwin on Windows, just before installing, it provides a huge list of different applications that can be used with it. Most of them, in addition to checking their install box, you can also check the source code box. I assumed this meant that it stores the source code of the application so that we can review it in order to understand how it's working.
I checked the box for gcc-g++, and I checked their source code box. However, when looking through the Cygwin installation folder, I can't seem to find where the source code is for the gcc-g++ application.
I was hoping that someone out there knew what folder their source code is stored in when installing through Cygwin to a Windows machine.
Thank you.
all cygwin source packages should be installing under /usr/src.

How do you upgrade your git installation using the windows command prompt?

I recently installed railsinstaller on my computer, but have noticed that the installation for git that came with the application is old. I wanted to install it through the git installer, but it never showed me where I would like for the location of git to be at. My other solution is to upgrade it through the command prompt without using the git installer. How do I do this? Which commands would I have to use in the command prompt terminal?
Installing software from the command prompt isn't an easy task on Windows. First, you will need to find out what technology was used to create the installation package. Then you need to download a (UI based) tool which can modify the installation package to stop asking questions and just do what you want. It's certainly possible ... if you can spend a couple of hours or days to find out how.
Now the reason why the git installer isn't asking is probably because it detects an existing install and wants to upgrade it - since the "new" place must be the old place, no question is asked. To "fix" this, you can try to deinstall Git (Control Panel -> Installed Software -> Remove). When you run the installer again, it should give you more options.
If you just want to update the command line tools, you can also try to unpack the installer or install on a second computer. That should give you the git.exe plus all the DLLs and scripts which you can then copy manually. But Git on Windows also install a MINGW environment with a shell and to update that, you probably have to run the installer so it can make the necessary changes to the registry.
