Passing a path parameter to Google's Endpoint for Cloud Function - aws-lambda

I am following Google's tutorial on setting up Google Cloud endpoint (not AWS API Gateway) in front of my Cloud Function. I am triggering my Cloud Function to trigger an AWS lambda function, AND I am trying to pass a path parameter from my Endpoint as defined by OpenAPI spec.
Path parameters are variable parts of a URL path. They are typically used to point to a specific resource within a collection, such as a user identified by ID. A URL can have several path parameters, each denoted with curly braces { }.
paths: /users/{id}:
- in: path
name: id # Note the name is the same as in the path
required: true
type: integer
GET /users/{id}
My openapi.yaml
swagger: '2.0'
title: Cloud Endpoints + GCF
description: Sample API on Cloud Endpoints with a Google Cloud Functions backend
version: 1.0.0
host: HOST
- name: "HOST"
allowCors: "true
- https
- application/json
operationId: function1
- in: path
name: pathParameters
required: true
type: string
description: A successful response
type: string
The error I get when I use Endpoint URL is a TypeError from my AWS lambda function
StatusCode:200, FunctionError: "Unhandled", ExecutedVersion: "$LATEST". Payload: "errorType":"TypeError", errorMessage:"Cannot read property 'startsWith' of undefined..."
It is saying that on line
var path = event.pathParameters;
if (path.startsWith('conversations/'){...};
my path var is undefined.
I initially thought my Google Function was not correctly passing pathParameters but when I tested my Google function using triggering event {"pathParameters":"conversations"}, my Lambda returns the payload successfully.
My Google Cloud Function:
let AWS = require('aws-sdk');
accessKeyId: 'key',
secretAccessKey: 'secret',
region: 'region'
let lambda = new AWS.Lambda();
exports.helloWorld = async(req,res) => {
let params = {
InvocationType: "RequestRespone",
Payload: JSON.stringify(req.body)
res.status(200).send(await lambda.invoke(params, function(err,data){
if(err){throw err}
return data.Payload
Seeing this Google Group post, I tried adding to my openapi.yaml file path_translation: APPEND_PATH_TO_ADDRESS, yet still I'm having no luck.
path_translation: APPEND_PATH_TO_ADDRESS
#Arunmainthan Kamalanathan mentioned in the comments that testing in AWS and Google Cloud directly with trigger event {"pathParameters":"conversations"} is not equivalent to passing req.body from my Google function to AWS lambda. I think this is where my error is occurring -- I'm not correctly passing my path parameter in the payload.
There is this Stackoverflow post concerning passing route parameters to Cloud Functions using req.path. When I console.log(req.path) I get / and console.log(req.params) I get {'0': '' }, so for some reason my path parameter is not getting passed correctly from Cloud Endpoint URL to my Google function.

I was running into the same issue when specifying multiple paths/routes within my openapi.yaml. It all depends on where you place the x-google-backend (top-level versus operation-level). This has implications on the behaviour of the path_translation. You could also overwrite path_translation yourself, as the documentation clearly describes:
Optional. Sets the path translation strategy used by ESP when making
target backend requests.
Note: When x-google-backend is used at the top level of the OpenAPI
specification, path_translation defaults to APPEND_PATH_TO_ADDRESS,
and when x-google-backend is used at the operation level of the
OpenAPI specification, path_translation defaults to CONSTANT_ADDRESS.
For more details on path translation, please see the Understanding
path translation section.
This means that if you want the path to be appended as a path parameter instead of a query parameter in your backend, you should adhere to the following scenario's:
Scenario 1: Do you have one cloud function in the x-google-backend.address that handles all of your paths in the openapi specification? Put x-google-backend at the top-level.
Scenario 2: Do you have multiple cloud functions corresponding to different paths? Put x-google-backend at the operation-level and set x-google-backend.path_translation to APPEND_PATH_TO_ADDRESS.

When your invocation type is RequestRespone, you can access the payload directly from the event parameter of lambda.
Look at the `Payload' parameter of the Google function:
let params = {
InvocationType: "RequestRespone",
Payload: JSON.stringify({ name: 'Arun'})
res.status(200).send(await lambda.invoke(params)...)
Also the Lambda part:
exports.handler = function(event, context) {
context.succeed('Hello ' +;
I hope this helps.


How do I create a HttpOrigin for Cloudfront to use a Lambda function url?

Trying to setup a Cloudfront behaviour to use a Lambda function url with code like this:
this.distribution = new Distribution(this, id + "Distro", {
comment: id + "Distro",
defaultBehavior: {
origin: new S3Origin(s3Site),
viewerProtocolPolicy: ViewerProtocolPolicy.REDIRECT_TO_HTTPS,
additionalBehaviors: {
[`api-prd-v2/*`]: {
compress: true,
originRequestPolicy: originRequestPolicy,
origin: new HttpOrigin(functionUrl.url, {
protocolPolicy: OriginProtocolPolicy.HTTPS_ONLY,
originSslProtocols: [OriginSslPolicy.TLS_V1_2],
allowedMethods: AllowedMethods.ALLOW_ALL,
viewerProtocolPolicy: ViewerProtocolPolicy.HTTPS_ONLY,
cachePolicy: apiCachePolicy,
The functionUrl object is created in a different stack and passed in to the cloudformation stack, the definition looks like:
this.functionUrl = new FunctionUrl(this, 'LambdaApiUrl', {
function: this.lambdaFunction,
authType: FunctionUrlAuthType.NONE,
cors: {
allowedOrigins: ["*"],
allowedMethods: [HttpMethod.GET, HttpMethod.POST],
allowCredentials: true,
maxAge: Duration.minutes(1)
The above code fails because "The parameter origin name cannot contain a colon".
Presumably, this is because functionUrl.url evaluates to something like (note the https://) whereas the HttpOrigin parameter should just be the domain name like
I can't just write code to hack the url up though (i.e. functionUrl.url.replace("https://", "")) because when my code executes, the value or the url property is a token like ${Token[TOKEN.350]}.
The function url is working properly: if I hard-code the HttpOrigin to the function url's value (i.e. like - it works fine.
How do I use CDK code to setup the reference from Cloudfront to the function url?
I'm using aws-cdk version 2.21.1.
There is an open issue to add support:
Use CloudFormation Intrinsic Functions to parse the url string:, cdk.Fn.split('/', functionUrl.url));
// ->

500 error when caching AWS Lambda Authenticator response

I'm using serverless stack, now attempting to add a Lambda Custom Authenticator to validate authorization tokens with Auth0 and add custom data to my request context when the authentication passes.
Everything works mostly fine at this point, except for when I cache the Authenticator response for the same token.
I'm using a 5-second cache for development. The first request with a valid token goes through as it should. The next requests in the 5-second window fail with a mysterious 500 error without ever reaching my code.
Authorizer configuration
// MyStack.ts
const authorizer = new sst.Function(this, "AuthorizerFunction", {
handler: "src/services/Auth/handler.handler",
const api = new sst.Api(this, "MarketplaceApi", {
defaultAuthorizationType: sst.ApiAuthorizationType.CUSTOM,
defaultAuthorizer: new HttpLambdaAuthorizer("Authorizer", authorizer, {
authorizerName: "LambdaAuthorizer",
resultsCacheTtl: Duration.seconds(5), // <-- this is the cache config
routes: {
"ANY /{proxy+}": "APIGateway.handler",
Authorizer handler
const handler = async (event: APIGatewayAuthorizerEvent): Promise<APIGatewayAuthorizerResult> => {
// Authenticates with Auth0 and serializes context data I wanna
// forward to the underlying service
const authentication = await authenticate(event);
const context = packAuthorizerContext(authentication.value);
const result: APIGatewayAuthorizerResult = {
principalId: authentication.value?.id || "unknown",
policyDocument: buildPolicy(authentication.isSuccess ? "Allow" : "Deny", event.methodArn),
context, // context has the following shape:
// {
// info: {
// id: string,
// marketplaceId: string,
// roles: string,
// permissions: string
// }
// }
return result;
CloudWatch logs
☝️ Every uncached request succeeds, with status code 200, an integration ID and everything, as it's supposed to. Every other request during the 5-second cache fails with 500 error code and no integration ID, meaning it doesn't reach my code.
Any tips?
I just found this in an api-gateway.d.ts #types file (attention to the comments, please):
// Poorly documented, but API Gateway will just fail internally if
// the context type does not match this.
// Note that although non-string types will be accepted, they will be
// coerced to strings on the other side.
export interface APIGatewayAuthorizerResultContext {
[name: string]: string | number | boolean | null | undefined;
And I did have this problem before I could get the Authorizer to work in the first place. I had my roles and permissions properties as string arrays, and I had to transform them to plain strings. Then it worked.
Lo and behold, I just ran a test right now, removing the context information I was returning for successfully validated tokens and now the cache is working 😔 every request succeeds, but I do need my context information...
Maybe there's a max length for the context object? Please let me know of any restrictions on the context object. As the #types file states, that thing is poorly documented. This is the docs I know about.
The issue is that none of the context object values may contain "special" characters.
Your context object must be something like:
"context": {
"someString": "value",
"someNumber": 1,
"someBool": true
You cannot set a JSON object or array as a valid value of any key in the context map. The only valid value types are string, number and boolean.
In my case, though, I needed to send a string array.
I tried to get around the type restriction by JSON-serializing the array, which produced "[\"valueA\",\"valueB\"]" and, for some reason, AWS didn't like it.
What solved my problem was using myArray.join(",") instead of JSON.stringify(myArray)

SAM Template - define HttpApi with Lambda Authorizer and Simple Response

Description of the problem
I have created a Lambda function with API Gateway in SAM, then deployed it and it was working as expected. In API Gateway I used HttpApi not REST API.
Then, I wanted to add a Lambda authorizer with Simple Response. So, I followed the SAM and API Gateway docs and I came up with the code below.
When I call the route items-list it now returns 401 Unauthorized, which is expected.
However, when I add the header myappauth with the value "test-token-abc", I get a 500 Internal Server Error.
I checked this page but it seems all of the steps listed there are OK
I enabled logging for the API Gateway, following these instructions:
But all I get is something like this (redacted my IP and request ID):
[MY-IP] - - [07/Jul/2021:08:24:06 +0000] "GET GET /items-list/{userNumber} HTTP/1.1" 500 35 [REQUEST-ID]
(Perhaps I can configure the logger in such a way that it prints a more meaningful error message? EDIT: I've tried adding $context.authorizer.error to the logs, but it doesn't print any specific error message, just prints a dash: -)
I also checked the logs for the Lambda functions, there is nothing there (all logs where from the time before I added the authorizer).
So, what am I doing wrong?
What I tried:
This is my Lambda Authorizer function which I have deployed using sam deploy, when I test it in isolation using an event with the myappauth header, it works:
exports.authorizer = async (event) => {
let response = {
"isAuthorized": false,
if (event.headers.myappauth === "test-token-abc") {
response = {
"isAuthorized": true,
return response;
and this is the SAM template.yml which I deployed using sam deploy:
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: >-
- AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Runtime: nodejs14.x
MemorySize: 128
Timeout: 100
MYAPP_TOKEN: "test-token-abc"
Type: AWS::Serverless::HttpApi
FailOnWarnings: true
AuthorizerPayloadFormatVersion: "2.0"
EnableSimpleResponses: true
FunctionArn: !GetAtt authorizerFunction.Arn
FunctionInvokeRole: !GetAtt authorizerFunctionRole.Arn
- myappauth
DefaultAuthorizer: MyAppLambdaAuthorizer
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: src/handlers/v1-handlers.itemsList
Description: A Lambda function that returns a list of items.
- AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole
Type: HttpApi
Path: /items-list/{userNumber}
Method: get
ApiId: MyAppAPi
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: src/handlers/v1-handlers.authorizer
Description: A Lambda function that authorizes requests.
- AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole
User #petey suggested that I tried returning an IAM policy in my authorizer function, so I changed EnableSimpleResponses to false in the template.yml, then I changed my function as below, but got the same result:
exports.authorizer = async (event) => {
let response = {
"principalId": "my-user",
"policyDocument": {
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [{
"Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
"Effect": "Deny",
"Resource": event.routeArn
if (event.headers.myappauth == "test-token-abc") {
response = {
"principalId": "my-user",
"policyDocument": {
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [{
"Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": event.routeArn
return response;
I am going to answer my own question because I have resolved the issue, and I hope this will help people who are going to use the new "HTTP API" format in API Gateway, since there is not a lot of tutorials out there yet; most examples you will find online are for the older API Gateway standard, which Amazon calls "REST API". (If you want to know the difference between the two, see here).
The main problem lies in the example that is presented in the official documentation. They have:
FunctionArn: !GetAtt MyAuthFunction.Arn
FunctionInvokeRole: !GetAtt MyAuthFunctionRole.Arn
The problem with this, is that this template will create a new Role called MyAuthFunctionRole but that role will not have all the necessary policies attached to it!
The crucial part that I missed in the official docs is this paragraph:
You must grant API Gateway permission to invoke the Lambda function by using either the function's resource policy or an IAM role. For this example, we update the resource policy for the function so that it grants API Gateway permission to invoke our Lambda function.
The following command grants API Gateway permission to invoke your Lambda function. If API Gateway doesn't have permission to invoke your function, clients receive a 500 Internal Server Error.
The best way to solve this, is to actually include the Role definition in the SAM template.yml, under Resources:
Type: AWS::IAM::Role
# [... other properties...]
Version: "2012-10-17"
- Effect: Allow
- 'sts:AssumeRole'
# here you will put the InvokeFunction policy, for example:
- PolicyName: MyPolicy
Version: "2012-10-17"
- Effect: Allow
Action: 'lambda:InvokeFunction'
Resource: !GetAtt MyAuthFunction.Arn
You can see here a description about the various Properties for a role:
Another way to solve this, is to separately create a new policy in AWS Console, which has InvokeFunction permission, and then after deployment, attach that policy to the MyAuthFunctionRole that SAM created. Now the Authorizer will be working as expected.
Another strategy would be to create a new role beforehand, that has a policy with InvokeFunction permission, then copy and paste the arn of that role in the SAM template.yml:
FunctionArn: !GetAtt MyAuthFunction.Arn
FunctionInvokeRole: arn:aws:iam::[...]
Your lambda authorizer is not returning what is expected to be an actual lambda authorizer (an IAM policy). This could explain that internal error 500.
To fix, replace is with something like this that returns an IAM policy (or rejects):
// A simple token-based authorizer example to demonstrate how to use an authorization token
// to allow or deny a request. In this example, the caller named 'user' is allowed to invoke
// a request if the client-supplied token value is 'allow'. The caller is not allowed to invoke
// the request if the token value is 'deny'. If the token value is 'unauthorized' or an empty
// string, the authorizer function returns an HTTP 401 status code. For any other token value,
// the authorizer returns an HTTP 500 status code.
// Note that token values are case-sensitive.
exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) {
var token = event.authorizationToken;
// modify switch statement here to your needs
switch (token) {
case 'allow':
callback(null, generatePolicy('user', 'Allow', event.methodArn));
case 'deny':
callback(null, generatePolicy('user', 'Deny', event.methodArn));
case 'unauthorized':
callback("Unauthorized"); // Return a 401 Unauthorized response
callback("Error: Invalid token"); // Return a 500 Invalid token response
// Help function to generate an IAM policy
var generatePolicy = function(principalId, effect, resource) {
var authResponse = {};
authResponse.principalId = principalId;
if (effect && resource) {
var policyDocument = {};
policyDocument.Version = '2012-10-17';
policyDocument.Statement = [];
var statementOne = {};
statementOne.Action = 'execute-api:Invoke';
statementOne.Effect = effect;
statementOne.Resource = resource;
policyDocument.Statement[0] = statementOne;
authResponse.policyDocument = policyDocument;
// Optional output with custom properties of the String, Number or Boolean type.
authResponse.context = {
"stringKey": "stringval",
"numberKey": 123,
"booleanKey": true
return authResponse;
Lots more information here :
Just to complete the answer. You have to add an AssumeRolePolicyDocument under Properties.
The role will then state
Type: AWS::IAM::Role
Version: "2012-10-17"
- Effect: Allow
- 'sts:AssumeRole'
# see answer above

How to create and execute a function using the Apps Script API

I created a script following "Ruby Quickstart" but I can't run it with the API.
I know that I should publish it as API executable. To do that I need to switch the script project to use a "standard GCP project" and I couldn't find how to do it from the API.
If I switch it manually it works. When I execute the code below I get this error:
> 403, PERMISSION_DENIED: The caller does not have permission
This is the code:
def create_and_execute
# Initialize the API
service =
service.client_options.application_name = APPLICATION_NAME
service.authorization = authorize
# Make the API request.
request =
title: "My Script3"
resp = service.create_project request
script_id = resp.script_id
content =
files: [
name: "hello",
type: "SERVER_JS",
source: "function helloWorld() {\n console.log('Hello, world!');\n}"
name: "appsscript",
type: "JSON",
source: "{\"timeZone\":\"America/Los_Angeles\",\"exceptionLogging\":\"CLOUD\",\"executionApi\":{\"access\":\"ANYONE\"}}"
script_id: script_id
service.update_project_content(script_id, content)
service.create_project_version(script_id, script_id))
service.create_project_deployment(script_id, script_id,version_number: 1))
service.run_script(script_id, 'helloWorld', dev_mode: true))
I am sorry to inform you that this operation is not possible. You need to use a standard browser interface (read as not an API) to switch a GCP project as described here. On this docs you can find more information about how to use Apps Script on your app, and here you can learn how to activate any API (included Apps Scripts API).

In a serverless.yml file, how does one customize the default http response template?

Looking at the documentation here, there doesn't seem to be much detail at all about setting up these templates.
I'm currently looking to remove the default application/json content-type, which is generated during creation of the handler's integration response (pictured below), and replace it with text/html. Is there defined syntax for how to do this hidden somewhere? Or is this level of customization not possible within the current scope of the framework?
Here is my endpoint as defined in serverless.yml
- http:
method: any
path: /
integration: lambda
region: ${env:AwsRegion}
Content-Type: "'text/html'"
template: $input.path('body')
- http:
method: any
path: /{proxy+}
Which produces the following configuration on AWS Api Gateway:
I did try modifying the specification like this, as a guess, but it threw a syntax error:
text\html: $input.path('body')
Make It Work
It looks like this isn't really supported by the framework, but it can be hacked together by (ab)using statusCodes in your serverless template.
Moving the response template to under a status code, and providing a pattern for that status code, accomplishes what I think you are after. The syntax:
- http:
method: any
path: /
integration: lambda
region: us-east-1
Content-Type: "'text/html'"
pattern: ""
text/html: $input.path('body')
Note: Both the pattern and the template must be present.
Is It Really That Bad?
That's up to you, ultimately. I'm calling it a hack because:
It would be much nicer to be able to supply this at the response.template level, rather than at response.statusCodes.200.template.
Specifying one or more statusCodes removes the set of default lambda error regexes that you get when you don't specify any.
It feels like working around the fact that response.template will only accept a string, whereas it could (should?) accept a string or an object (like it does under statusCodes).
Fix It?
The offending code, from /lib/plugins/aws/package/compile/events/apiGateway/lib/method/integration.js:
if (http.response.template) {
_.merge(integrationResponse.ResponseTemplates, {
'application/json': http.response.template,
if (config.template) {
const template =
typeof config.template === 'string'
? { 'application/json': config.template }
: config.template;
_.merge(integrationResponse.ResponseTemplates, template);
I think for this to work under response.template, the code in the first if() would need to behave more like the code in the second if().
